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Don't Watch This Video...If You're Happy Living a Lie

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posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold

Originally posted by cpdaman
reply to post by justamomma

it's interesting to me that people don't beleive *fractions in our govt* were likely to have a hand in orchestrating 9/11 because their are too many people that would need to be involved and silenced (from media) .

I think some people want very badly to be a part of something bigger then themselves. So badly that that they are willing to overlook the obvious in order to persue something they wish to be true so they can say 'I told you so! I believed this and nobody else did'. The problem is that none of this 9/11 stuff is true. The truth is painful and sad. Islamic Extremist Terrorist attacked the United States and killed several thousand people.

I see link after link after link on this website that leads to information from non-credible sources that is presented to me that I am supposed to accept as the truth? Well I don't work that way. I have seen too many pictures of UFOs and bigfoot in my time disproved, and nothing incredible has ever been proven. I examine evidence for myself, and I have seen nothing that proves anything other then the official story.

Personally I think we should be finding ways to right other wrongs that are being done in our country, property tax comes to mind.

You know what, Im a very mild mannered person with time for most people, but I really dont have time for people who are clearly trying to blind people from the truth in a blatantly obvious way.

You say youve done your research and that you always come to the conclusion that the official story is true, anyone here will tell you that you thats b/s, in fact its almost laughable and if you want proof I will provide it.

And you saying that people want to believe these things to feel important etc, is showing severe disrespect for the majority of us.

I myself have gradually found this stuff out, I havint pursued it to make my existence more significant, I am simply a very open minded person who began to see things really werent right.

Dude seriously, I genuinly respect that you dont want to believe this kind of thing but dont generalise people like this toward your own end, whatever that mey be.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by stinkhorn

the video has been taken off.

If George W Bush was an idiot? What does it make us who believed his load of garbage initially when the planes struck. Not just America but the world believed him at that time. And after he finishes up on power how much money do you think he will retire on?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by justamomma

as far as i am concerned bin laden is dead :

and they even tried to censor it :

Bin Laden is the fictional boogeyman.

Offcourse this isnt proof or anything...but why would she make that up ?

R.I.P. Benazir Bhottu

damn i fail, forgive me this is my first post ^^

ill just link them

[edit on 1/7/2008 by Enuma Elish]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'm sure you are--why else would a reptilian agent (as such I obviously must be) go to all this trouble to try and lie to you?
Seriously, though, this is a personal first--I've been called a sheeple before, but I've never actually been accused of being the bogeyman himself. Wow, now I feel all warm and fuzzy--I gotta go tell my exalted brood-mother!

reply to post by FiatLux

Well, well, you guessed right. But don't be fooled by the wool over my eyes--us sheepdogs can smell bull# a mile away, and frankly? You reek.

[edit on 1-7-2008 by Makoto]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold

Originally posted by Amaterasu

The truth HAS been revealed. Read the Terra Papers (see my previous post).

...Tolkien did a better job of intergrating language into his works.

That is pretty weak evidence to the 'truth'.

Tolkien was not presenting a work that explained why things are what they are; nor was Morning Sky a writer, per se.

The evidence is not in the integration of language but in how much the Papers explain, how history supports them, and what clarity one who reads with an open mind achieves at the end.

But your box may differ.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 01:58 PM
And just as an aside, your precious Terra Papers make Hubbard look sane. The papers list no sources beyond this lone alien, whose very existence the writer never even tries to prove. In typical fashion, you did no research of your own and blindly accepted the claims of this ... Mr. Morning Sky... because they mesh conveniently with what you want to believe. With what your diseased mind needs to believe in order to function within your elaborate framework of delusions.
But what do I know? I'm just an agent of the space lizards.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold
I think some people want very badly to be a part of something bigger then themselves. So badly that that they are willing to overlook the obvious in order to persue something they wish to be true so they can say 'I told you so! I believed this and nobody else did'. The problem is that none of this 9/11 stuff is true. The truth is painful and sad. Islamic Extremist Terrorist attacked the United States and killed several thousand people.

Sure. You keep telling yourself that. Badmouth the links and the people who have done research and concluded that all kinds of flags pointing to Cheney, et al, as the culprits of 9/11. Osama was a CIA operative.

You keep spieling, lizard-heart.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by stinkhorn
reply to post by LostNemesis

Wait a minute, I though George Bush was a retard with no brains? So he master minded 9-11. How, the liberal media always alludes to him being so stupid, is he really brilliant, is he hiding his wit behind a mask of retardation?

He is a witless figurehead, mostly, and it was Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rove, and many behind the scenes that instigated 9/11. Geez.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:06 PM
they want you to know-you can't stop them
even if america found the real rulers of their country-they'll just use a scapegoat like all the other times...
New World Order will be established and the third world war will be ignited between America and their fascists allies and the rest of the world


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:07 PM
for the record, just to seperate myself from those that i have no clue what they are talking about, i have not, nor probably will not be looking into Terra Papers.

i am all for ppl believing what they want to.

i am just more focused on things that are in the here and now and not so much into the mystical and calling ppl lizards and such.

to each his own

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'll bet you say that to all the ladies. Kindly direct me to proof that bin Laden was a CIA operative? Or have my buddies in the NWO gotten to it all?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Makoto
And just as an aside, your precious Terra Papers make Hubbard look sane. The papers list no sources beyond this lone alien, whose very existence the writer never even tries to prove. In typical fashion, you did no research of your own and blindly accepted the claims of this ... Mr. Morning Sky... because they mesh conveniently with what you want to believe. With what your diseased mind needs to believe in order to function within your elaborate framework of delusions.
But what do I know? I'm just an agent of the space lizards.

I have read ancient texts (courtesy of undo) and they mesh with the Papers. It has nothing to do with "what [I] want to believe." I read them as an "alien agnostic," nearly quit reading about page 25, kept going and by page 45 it was coming home. And by the end, I was shaking because it explained ALL my WHYs. Everything.

After an integration period, I found that I could not NOT believe them.

The whole point of the Papers is that THERE IS NO OTHER SOURCE to cross-reference because it has been hidden from us.

And refrain from the ad homs, please. My mind is less diseased than I suspect yours to be.

As politely as I may state this... Nope, there just is no polite way to say, "Bite me." Guess I'll not say it, then.

[edit on 7/1/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Makoto
reply to post by Amaterasu

I'll bet you say that to all the ladies. Kindly direct me to proof that bin Laden was a CIA operative? Or have my buddies in the NWO gotten to it all?

Being a lady, I say little to others. As to Bin Laden... I had heard that. Perhaps I spoke too soon. But I would not be surprised to find he was one.

Mea culpa.

EDIT to add:

Possible reasons to believe Bin Laden was a CIA operative...?

[edit on 7/1/2008 by Amaterasu]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by justamomma
for the record, just to seperate myself from those that i have no clue what they are talking about, i have not, nor probably will not be looking into Terra Papers.

i am all for ppl believing what they want to.

i am just more focused on things that are in the here and now and not so much into the mystical and calling ppl lizards and such.

to each his own

They are here and they are now. They count on people believing otherwise...

[shrug] Lead the horse to water...

And I never called anyone a lizard - I said they were lizard-hearted. Metaphor, if you will.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

it is now only the conspiracy theorists and people who believe them and educated anorchists who halt the innevitable dictatorship of the world

people,do not lie in ignorance,question and continue to argue.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
The beauty of this all is that we are in the age of revealing.

All thing that are hidden will be revealed.

This genereation that is growing and living among us is a special one. They were born with truth imbeded in them and the ability to seek and share truth.

Dont ever underestimate the universal force and law of balance. As the world and its people become more corrupt and living for their egos, the universe produces a cure and balance in the form of human upgrades and evolution, so in short, the solution to the worlds problems and its peoples are being born and awakened all around us every second more and more as the days progress.

My sons at age 2 knew more than most of us about the law of love and life.

Wow, I never looked at it that way. That is very interesting, and it makes sense.

Hopefully this "awakening" that many people are discussing really does help us.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by josephine

reply to post by josephine

one question i have,

Russo made mad as hell and rockefeller wanted to meet him after
watching it.
Russo tells us Rockefeller told him about 9/11 before hand.
Why would Rockefeller do this, he knows Russo is against his kind and made a movie against the establishment trying to wake up society.

........... (cut from original text)

Am I missing something?

My response:

What is evident from my research and the research of others is that if someone is getting too close to the truth of what's going on and starting to 'talk' then they are either 'brought on side' with incentives to serve the agenda, or if this fails or cannot be done easily for whatever reason, they are discredited/slated etc in order to demonise them and make the public dismiss the opinions.

If this fails then usually they are bumped off in very supsicious 'accidents'.

I believe Russo was a case in point and he says in the whole interview which can be seen

that he had the feeling he was being approached to 'join' the Illumanti in their games with people's lives.

This backfired when Russo was not up for it.

This is my understanding of things in this regard.

I urge you to watch the whole interview - it's quite 'Illuminating'....

I also urge everyone with an open mind to read David Icke's latest book - it's the most comprehensive 'join the dots' piece of evidence gathering I'ever come across imo.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Great video clip. Why is it that the taxpayers of the world are so powerless (or stupid) when it comes to getting what i believe the majority of us want "a peaceful world".Apart from what the governments tell us what they use taxes to pay for ie public schools,transport,etc. we also pay our governments out of taxes and to be honest i have always believed that once i have paid for something it is mine.So what has our governments done for us make a wide variety of bombs , guns , warplanes , warships etc. All the things i don't want so this must mean that majority rules and the rest of the taxpayers want these things and i am in the minority.(or the governments just spend taxes on what they like and
**** the taxpayer) This even as i am writing it paints a very bad picture for the future "world domination" its almost like the return of Hitler but this time round he may very well win control unless every person on the planet against this joins together peacefully some might have to try alot harder than others as history is hard to leave go of but the only way to a peacefull future is to leave the past where it is you can't change it.United we can stand but divided we will fall time will tell who really has what it takes to stand up for the human race for all the right reasons and lead us all into a future of what up until now the history books have never written and may not ever write. TIME WILL TELL.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 05:19 PM
What are these "Whys?" Perhaps there are other answers you haven't considered. Are you referring to the interconnected nature of Earth's languages?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Makoto
What are these "Whys?" Perhaps there are other answers you haven't considered. Are you referring to the interconnected nature of Earth's languages?

WHY the 600+ empty FEMA prison camps that can house ten times, at least, the number we presently imprison? (Now: 2 million; FEMA camps: 20 million AT LEAST).

WHY the Codex Alimentarius that classifies nutrients as TOXINS.

WHY is Monsanto aiming to control all seed on the planet.

WHY is Monsanto allowed to force genmod foods on us.

WHY is Monsanto not required to inform us of genmod foods they offer.

WHY does Monsanto win court cases where their genmod pollen polluted the fields of organic farmers.

WHY a war on a plant that is shown over and over to be nothing but beneficial for us.

WHY doesn't the media exclaim outrage at the thought of opaque code in voting machines.

WHY do so many things I hear that should be breaking news on TV never get reported at all.

WHY does the cancer-curing aspect of hemp oil (distillate of the flowers as opposed to the oil of the seed) go unreported and purveyors get shut down.

WHY don't we shift from petro-oil to hemp oil (oil of the seed) when Henry Ford built a car that ran on hemp oil.

WHY the "Patriot" Act.

WHY did our American royalty plan and execute 9/11.

WHY are we indebting ourselves at a phenomenal rate to the Federal Reserve (a private corporation).

WHY were we lied to to go to war.

WHY did we allow Operation Paperclip.

WHY are there "practice runs" for establishing Martial Law (ala 1984).

WHY are we being spied on.

And I could go on and on. Each WHY by itself could likely be addressed in a vacuum, but it is the whole picture that emerges looking at ALL the WHYs together that were answered.

We have been held slaves and there is an extermination in the works. The Papers answered them all.

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