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Don't Watch This Video...If You're Happy Living a Lie

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold
I want to believe in aliens, but I don’t. There is no proof that they exist. Only fragments and circumstance that when viewed in a certain light from a certain angle give me hope that someday the truth will be revealed.

The truth HAS been revealed. Read the Terra Papers (see my previous post).

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:12 PM
A pleasant little video. I especially liked the vaguely menacing background music and quotes from well-known lunatics. Anybody bother to do any research as to who the OP's sources are? I admit, I zoned out a bit when I recognized Michael Coffman--I've dealt with him and his neocon ilk before, and I assure you they're full of crap.
As for our old pals the Bilderbergers, how exactly do you know what they're up to? There are plenty of reasons to keep a meeting secret--things sometimes need to be said that would trigger wars if they ever left the room. Before leaping to the most radical conclusion, wouldn't it be prudent to consider who else might be trying to manipulate you?
Oh, I forgot, you can't be manipulated--you're too smart for that, aren't you? You're not a sheep like everyone else. You're a wolf--wild and dangerous, far too free-spirited for the Man to tame. You and your special rebel friends are the only ones who can see the truth. You must feel so significant.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

That is how lies start....Someone tells YOU what you saw. Every "accidental" moment in my life has been met with slow motion, meaning i can recall every detail of a particular event. Think about the last time you had an injury, or involved in a car accident, or any significant event? Did it seem like time slowed, or didn't exist? If that is not the case consider yourself lucky, lucky you don't "hear" the sound of someone's head smashing your windshield.....(a car accident i was involved in)


The evidence is there, PERIOD! We can all agree that there was negligence on the gov'ment's part on many levels. I don't care to argue exactly "how" it all happened, I am just curious about the dog that did not bark.

And yes, the game is rigged, rigged from the start. What can you/me/us do about it? Who can make war with the machine? Not I, not 1000's of us. Manifest Destiny. Live in the NOW, change YOU. Do things for YOU, and the rest will follow.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Makoto
Oh, I forgot, you can't be manipulated--you're too smart for that, aren't you? You're not a sheep like everyone else. You're a wolf--wild and dangerous, far too free-spirited for the Man to tame. You and your special rebel friends are the only ones who can see the truth. You must feel so significant.

Caninoid, as in royal blood of the ASA-RRR, actually.

Here you are again, spreading vitriol about, but I know you, lizard-heart.

And yes. Each and every one of us is significant, thank you very much.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 10:38 PM

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by justamomma

it's interesting to me that people don't beleive *fractions in our govt* were likely to have a hand in orchestrating 9/11 because their are too many people that would need to be involved and silenced (from media) . Look at the franklin cover up, with the child prostitution and other sorts that involved hundreds and was covered up and kept off the air, probably in the name of "national security".

same with all the insider trading prior to 9/11 anyone in the financial circles who understood what happened (especially those in high postions among the many company's involved with 9/11 insider trading were slapped with a gag order (facing imprisonment) should they speak out. Again easily hundreds of people silenced concering evidence their was fore- knowledge of a coming attack.

Many feel the intelligence agency's were part of this (you know the folks that brought us MK ultra) and usually they would employ someone's assistance in a compartmentalized way so they would not understand the whole picture (should their conscience waiver) The PNAC was saying they needed a new pearl harbor event to move their project for a new american centutry along quicker and bang they got one. what a shocker that cheney had war games planned that morning which confused air traffic controllers. Wake up. Crikey

Also old beliefs are not usually swept away at once, it is more like chopping down a tree, more and more exposure to reasonable plausible options that test one's mental roadblocks to believing over time change minds.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Makoto

Yes Makoto, your a herder of sheep, not wanting them to open their minds to what is truly around them. Not everyone out here has a closed mind. What is life with a closed mind? It`s an empty barren field, a waste land where nothing grows or can live. A closed mind never grows or creats anything good. It only creats problems in the end.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by EcstasyOfGold

i have seen who has benefited from it the most, and to me, that is what needs to be dealt with to the greater extent...... for the time being.

Who are you refering to?

And honestly I dont think the 'who has benifited the most' argument holds a lot of water here. If an outbreak of mad cow disease causes the price of chicken to go up, that does not make the chicken industry culpable for said outbreak.

But logic aside I would still say that OBL and terrorists in general gained the most from 9/11, now he/they are considered a legitimate threat in the world instead of the cowardly scum that they really are. That is the threat that is being delt with. Maybe not in the most effective way, but it is what it is.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:26 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:26 AM

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

The truth HAS been revealed. Read the Terra Papers (see my previous post).

...Tolkien did a better job of intergrating language into his works.

That is pretty weak evidence to the 'truth'.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by cpdaman
reply to post by justamomma

it's interesting to me that people don't beleive *fractions in our govt* were likely to have a hand in orchestrating 9/11 because their are too many people that would need to be involved and silenced (from media) .

I think some people want very badly to be a part of something bigger then themselves. So badly that that they are willing to overlook the obvious in order to persue something they wish to be true so they can say 'I told you so! I believed this and nobody else did'. The problem is that none of this 9/11 stuff is true. The truth is painful and sad. Islamic Extremist Terrorist attacked the United States and killed several thousand people.

I see link after link after link on this website that leads to information from non-credible sources that is presented to me that I am supposed to accept as the truth? Well I don't work that way. I have seen too many pictures of UFOs and bigfoot in my time disproved, and nothing incredible has ever been proven. I examine evidence for myself, and I have seen nothing that proves anything other then the official story.

Personally I think we should be finding ways to right other wrongs that are being done in our country, property tax comes to mind.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 05:51 AM
Thanks a ton for starting off my day with this cold dose of reality DD. Really appreciate it! heh, jk.

Yea, keep putting this out there, send it to your friends and family (well anyone who you don't mind if they might think your nuts). Because the sad thing is, if I sent this to all of my friends and famility. 98% of them would call me a terrorist, or a communist or something else that doesn't make any sense.

For everyone of us that has woken up, there are sheesh probably 10,000 still asleep.

People who wouldn't even know even the most basic of information pertaining to 9/11 and the war on terror. Try to have a discussion with one of them. Tell them about building 7, they'll look at you like you have 2 heads, and say "what? Building 7? whats that? you mean like Area 51?"

Its scary.

They just wanna know who's buying the next case of Bush, because they cant afford Bud anymore, and sit and smoke no frills cigarettes cause they cant afford Marlboro anymore. But they still have a couple hundred to blow(no pun intended) on coke every weekend. hmmmm.

We need some people inside these high powered, secretive groups to wake up, and start haveing a moral, and spiritual awakening, and stop killing eachother.

People can whine all they want about the music and the editing of the film, but it serves it's purpose. Sometimes you have to beat them at thier own game.

[edit on 1-7-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

Hey dude nice vid..

To to person I quoted..

I don't know man.. I half ass agree with this statement.

I think people will be aware of things. But like us on ATS who know things they will probably do nothing about it. They will feel alienated, shut out, and whatever.. They will not act on what they think..

There is a difference between 40 yrs ago and today.. Then they took action. Today we are pussies and don't do anything... We wait for things to happen, we wait and wait and wait. We don't want to lead, we want to follow.

For this i say the big boys will get their wish in the end because we waited for a hero to long.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by josephine
one question i have,

Russo made mad as hell and rockefeller wanted to meet him after
watching it.
Russo tells us Rockefeller told him about 9/11 before hand.
Why would Rockefeller do this, he knows Russo is against his kind and made a movie against the establishment trying to wake up society.

Also, rockefeller told Russo other things, he must have known Russo would tell the public, just like Russo has done. Maybe theres something else going on?

I dont think the bilderbergs go around hinting info about their plans just for fun, especially to people who have access to the public.

And I dont know, but theres something about the way Russo talks about it with a smile on his face.
Am I missing something?

yes that son of rockefeller is so friendless and lonely and inbred that hed do anything for a ego boost.

Theres a video after the first posts on youtube its really good.

now replace the rows with God and No GOD and the columns with Sin and Saint.

You can do it with everything! sweet

Gotta love math(s)

GOD = The Divine Spark = All Biology is Physiology; All Physiology is Chemistry; All Chemistry is Math(s); All Math(s) is Energy; All Energy is Frequency(s); All Frequency is Reality; All Reality is Biology; Everything is GOD including us. Believe!

[edit on 1-7-2008 by daemonicsoul]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold

Originally posted by cpdaman
reply to post by justamomma

it's interesting to me that people don't beleive *fractions in our govt* were likely to have a hand in orchestrating 9/11 because their are too many people that would need to be involved and silenced (from media) .

I think some people want very badly to be a part of something bigger then themselves. So badly that that they are willing to overlook the obvious in order to persue something they wish to be true so they can say 'I told you so!

i don't doubt this is true. however, this is not me. this is why i feel no need to prove whether it was or wasn't *fill in the blank*. i believe that we all have the right to draw our own conclusions regarding what we know thus far.

i do see the events of that day have been exploited using ppls fears and desires to feel safe as a catalyst to get us into the messes we find ourselves today.

one question though, asked in all sincerity..... do you know what is being done in regards to osama bin ladin, because that is information i am finding hard to track down. everything seems to lead me to dead ends.

surely, if that is enemy #1 along w/ his "followers" than we should be more concerned w/ their arses rather than "restoring" (ha!) iraq to our ideals of what their culture and daily lives should be like. just curious, since by your belief, iraq has been dealt w/ and we should be back to the "hunt" so to speak, right?

edited to add: i am not against america. i love the country i love in, but i do not love what we are becoming. as an american, yes i have a duty not to be blinded by sentiments and promises of something that can never completely exist in this lifetime. it takes control of my life out of my hand and places it into the hands of ppl that have continued to blatantly lie to me, personally, as a citizen.

[edit on 1-7-2008 by justamomma]

[edit on 1-7-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by EcstasyOfGold

Originally posted by justamomma
reply to post by EcstasyOfGold

i have seen who has benefited from it the most, and to me, that is what needs to be dealt with to the greater extent...... for the time being.

Who are you refering to?

And honestly I dont think the 'who has benifited the most' argument holds a lot of water here. If an outbreak of mad cow disease causes the price of chicken to go up, that does not make the chicken industry culpable for said outbreak.

But logic aside I would still say that OBL and terrorists in general gained the most from 9/11, now he/they are considered a legitimate threat in the world instead of the cowardly scum that they really are. That is the threat that is being delt with. Maybe not in the most effective way, but it is what it is.

1. You use a very key word in your arguments that attributes to your comments falling flat on their proverbial face. You say the words "I Think" a lot.

2. Your 'logic' as applied to your example of Mad Cows disease is flaky at best. Why would an outbreak of Mad Cows disease cause people to buy more chicken? First of all unless it was a worldwide outbreak then you can always source your beef from other countries. Secondly, products like Lamb, Pork and meat supplements are also still available to the public.

If your intention was to discredit the previous comment with 'Logic" then I am sorry Sir but you have done an extremely poor job.

3. Osama Bin-Laden (or OBL as you choose to call him) could very well be a patsy, or 'fallman' for the US govt, having been paid a nice large sum of money.

If you wish to provide your perspective on a subject, please make sure it includes some verifiable evidence or at least something that would impact us readers so greatly that we would take a step back and rethink our objectives.

EDIT for spelling and grammatical errors.
[edit on 1-7-2008 by Better Dead than Smeg]

[edit on 1-7-2008 by Better Dead than Smeg]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by LostNemesis

Wait a minute, I though George Bush was a retard with no brains? So he master minded 9-11. How, the liberal media always alludes to him being so stupid, is he really brilliant, is he hiding his wit behind a mask of retardation?

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:58 AM
what song is that smooth ooooohhhh ooooohhh singing from? its beautiful

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I cant believer anything with Alex Jones in it. The guys an ass and a loud mouth. I will believer Gorge Norey and most any one else what presents the info in a intelligent manner but not alex.

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