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Don't Watch This Video...If You're Happy Living a Lie

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posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Interesting stuff too bad theirs nothing you/we can do about it : )

Best Regards,

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Seaman_Richie
Interesting stuff too bad theirs nothing you/we can do about it : )

Rather defeatist there, Richie. S'up with that?

As long as we throw up our hands and say there's nothing we can do as an individual, we are defeated. Me, I take full responsibility for the world being as it is, and focus on what I want to see.

I suspect we'd get better results if we all stood up and did the same.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

That is precisely the attitude we all need to have in order to fix this mess. Not a lot of people are willing to take on that responsibility, thus it creates a lot more burden for those of us who do. Not enough of us are doing that.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Makoto

I suggest you check out this link makoto.'s_allegory_of_the_cave

Im telling you right now that my entire life has had a divine plan using everything:

GOD = The Divine Spark = All Biology is Physiological; All Physiology is Chemical; All Chemistry is Math(s); All Math(s) is Energy; All Energy is Frequency(s); All Frequency is Reality; Our Reality is Biology; Everything is GOD including us.

Fate is trying to course correct itself.

have you seen this?

They will collide the matter in roughly 2 months if all goes smoothly unlike last time. And all for what? To try and prove why mass has mass. There is an unbelievable amount of truth and prophecy going on and will countinue till whatevers going to happen will happen. In 2012 enigma everyones belief will become a reality for themselves. So i suggest forgivness like alien jesus taught and not worship of idols of jesus. That goes for every religion and belief.

This is a very smart man who is outside the cave but finds a way to show us the true light of reality and loosen our bonds. I hope i have done the same and have faith in your love for all.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Seaman_Richie
Interesting stuff too bad theirs nothing you/we can do about it : )

Rather defeatist there, Richie. S'up with that?

As long as we throw up our hands and say there's nothing we can do as an individual, we are defeated. Me, I take full responsibility for the world being as it is, and focus on what I want to see.

I suspect we'd get better results if we all stood up and did the same.

I'd say a realist mate

Best regards,


posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:26 PM
Just because they are having secret meetings does not mean they were behind 9/11 or they are plotting to take over the world. As for security, can you blame them. Just listening to what people think of them here would be reason enough to have that kind of security. Of course I am one of their sheep, but I really don't care. Life is too short. But feel free to stock up on food for the coming apocolypse
and worrying about the NWO. I will go to work tomorrow, make some money, go have a nice 4th of july, and watch lots of football in a couple of months.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
WHY the 600+ empty FEMA prison camps that can house ten times, at least, the number we presently imprison? (Now: 2 million; FEMA camps: 20 million AT LEAST).

This I don't know about--any chance you could direct me to a reliable source? And I do mean a reliable source; PrisonPlanet does not count.

WHY the Codex Alimentarius that classifies nutrients as TOXINS.

They tried to classify herbal supplements as drugs--different terms mean different things in different legal codes, and the Codex is the closest we've ever come to compiling a universal set of guidelines. Errors like this are silly, but expected.

WHY is Monsanto aiming to control all seed on the planet.

For the same reason every corporation would like to have a monopoly on the products it sells. The problem here is, Monsanto isn't a highly visible corporation like Microsoft, so less people know about their business practices.

WHY is Monsanto allowed to force genmod foods on us.

Because our government is corrupt and doesn't give the FDA nearly enough power to stop them.

WHY is Monsanto not required to inform us of genmod foods they offer.

Last time I checked, they are--the information is publicly available, they just count on the average consumer being too dumb or lazy to look it up.

WHY does Monsanto win court cases where their genmod pollen polluted the fields of organic farmers.

See comment second from above. Why chalk up to extraterrestrial shenanigans what can be explained by mundane corruption?

WHY a war on a plant that is shown over and over to be nothing but beneficial for us.

Because it gives the government a convenient bogeyman and a steady source of income when they peddle the confiscated drugs on the black market.

WHY doesn't the media exclaim outrage at the thought of opaque code in voting machines.

Because voter fraud is as old as voting--all parties do it. A hundred years ago, men would grow their beards long so they could shave it as part of a makeshift disguise and vote a second, third, or even fourth time.

WHY do so many things I hear that should be breaking news on TV never get reported at all.

Because the public isn't interested in it, and the news outlets know it. They give the public the "news" they want to hear about, not the news that will depress them and make them turn the TV off.

WHY does the cancer-curing aspect of hemp oil (distillate of the flowers as opposed to the oil of the seed) go unreported and purveyors get shut down.

See previous comment on the War on Commu--I mean Terro--I mean Drugs. Yeah, drugs. That's the ticket. Incidentally, there are two things you should know.
Firstly, pot can be unhealthy. Any breed of cannabis is going to mess you up if you abuse it (and note that there is a difference between use and abuse), and a lot of what you buy from a dealer is cut with all manner of horrible crap.
Secondly, many other countries have more sensible laws. In Japan, for example, hemp oil of either kind is legal, and in fact is recognized as a useful flavoring agent--I believe there's actually a restaurant that specializes in cannabis dishes.

More to come.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 09:59 PM
Guess what? Somebody is always plotting to take over the world. The House of Saud, Amajiwhatever, and Chavez are all part of the same group.

When it comes to power and control envy, the rich and powerful in the Western World, the U.S. and Europe are the ones envious of the tin horn dictators in the third world, or the communists, or the Muslims, because the rich and powerful in those nations all have a great deal more power over the people of their nations than the rich and powerful have in the West.

The whole, the U.S. is sooo evil nonsense is so off base it is ridiculous. We in the West, the developed nations of the world have it made compared to the third world, or the communist world. Those nations evil overlords all commit far worse violations of liberty than the rich and the powerful could ever dream of here in the U.S..

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by tide88

I am sorry, but this is some of the mentality that is responsible for us being in this situation in the first place. You don't care? You will soon. Take some responsibility please. Money means nothing, football means nothing.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:30 PM

WHY don't we shift from petro-oil to hemp oil (oil of the seed) when Henry Ford built a car that ran on hemp oil.

Why do you think? The oil industry has some of the most powerful people in Washington in its pocket. From now on, when I start giving one-word answers, this should be a cue to look back on my previous comments on the subject.

WHY the "Patriot" Act.

Why not? Neocons have been trying to chip away at civil liberties since the 50s--it's just HUAC under a new name, and it's already going the way of the Red Scare.

WHY did our American royalty plan and execute 9/11.

No comment.

WHY are we indebting ourselves at a phenomenal rate to the Federal Reserve (a private corporation).

Would you clarify, please? Last time I checked, the Federal Reserve was part of the government. We're certainly in debt to it, though--just like we are to every other group willing to loan us money. Like the American people, the American government doesn't have the attention span and forethought to manage its finances wisely.

WHY were we lied to to go to war.

Oil. Imperialism. Military-Industrial Complex.

WHY did we allow Operation Paperclip.

MIC. Greed. Commies.

WHY are there "practice runs" for establishing Martial Law (ala 1984).

Because if a real disaster happens, we're likely going to need to do just that. How else do you plan on preventing the looting, rioting, and general mayhem that accompanies any major disruption?

WHY are we being spied on.

Why not? The average citizen stands only to benefit from being monitored. I'm not even all that worried about the more intrusive forms of surveillance that the PATRIOT act authorizes--I don't have any dirty laundry that Uncle Sam could find by listening to my phone calls. The worst crime I've ever committed is downloading some Japanese TV shows that you can't find in the US.

And I could go on and on. Each WHY by itself could likely be addressed in a vacuum, but it is the whole picture that emerges looking at ALL the WHYs together that were answered.
And what about any of these questions, or even all of them at once, suggests that life beyond this world is involved? Here's a logical exercise for you: apply Hanlon's razor to the following statements. Which one sounds simpler and more plausible?

Statement One: One or more highly advanced alien species--which in defiance of all laws of biology and probability look a lot like humans--have somehow defied the laws of physics as well and come to Earth to secretly control all significant world events, down to the last money-grubbing politico.


Statement Two: There are a lot of generally unpleasant people in the world, and they collaborate as much as their sort is capable of to screw us over.

We have been held slaves and there is an extermination in the works. The Papers answered them all.

Frankly, if this is slavery, it's a very pleasant sort. I'm well-fed and well-treated, I'm not prohibited from doing anything that I have any interest in doing, and despite all the people in the world trying to make a buck off of me, I'm still doing just fine. If this changes, I've stated many times that I'd be more than willing to make an effort to effect some changes of my own. Hopefully with a pen or a placard rather than with a rifle.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 10:53 PM
awsome video if you want similar information "zeitgeist" or "old world secrets the omega project codes" the second is a book and it was hard to find but starts at the beginning and goes to the end of us all.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by justamomma

I read that there is something we can do WHAT? Lay out exactly what we can do to change, what the super rich and powerful do. These are the very people that get voted in by the people so exactly what can a few or even alot of informed people do NOTHING! So why say this, we control nothing, if these people with all the money want to bring you or I to our knees they can. All they have to do is take ther money send all that work for them home, the people who work suffer not them. They will always have the money, and someone will always be willing to follow them for the very reason you stated, POWER and MONEY. So again what EXACTLY can be done? Please lay out word for word the precise way this can happen. Because I can promise you they do have a precise plan.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Who is to say that they don't know where Bin Laden is ? he is a multibillionaire and they tell us that he is hiding out in caves somewhere ? if he was " a part of it" ,I am sure he is living a nice life some where ? he took the fall for them as was pre arranged . is this the red or blue pill ?

Bin Laden is dead, but the US goverment does not want you to know. He was killed by Omar Sheik. Benazir Bhutto said so herself in a televised interview with David Frost before she was murdered:

"Omar Sheik, the man that murdered Osama bin Laden..." - Benazir Bhutto to David Frost

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Acharya

So that's what happened to the guy... just a few days ago I was wondering "What ever happened to that one guy with the beard..." Haven't heard bush call him out anywhere and no new videos either.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I was informed of a lot of these so called "conspiracy theories" years ago. Back then it was all tongue in cheek, and was usually referred to in mocking tones. People that spoke up in favor of them were "wackos".

Now as I sit here a few years later, it sure as heck seems to be unfolding right before my eyes. I too am amazed at the depth of the deceptions, starting back with the introduction of the federeal reserve back in 1913. (Even before that really, I think)

Now I try to educate the people I care about, but much to my dismay, I am largely blown off. I did manage to talk my mom into stocking up her pantry and basement shelves good. She had her head totally buried in the sand until I finally managed to get her onboard when she got a computer and finaly got online.

Now she told me she almost wishes she didn't believe it. She said life was much simpler when she was uninformed. I told her to use google and just look into things a bit and see what she came up with. She didn't like a lot of what she has learned, but I think it's necessary to get one more person talking about the REAL news. It sure isn't in the media.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Makoto

Good job of answering each in its own separate vacuum. I have about 500 more questions, all little puzzle pieces.

Again, each taken (and "answered") separately is not any help. It is the conglomeration of the facts. The way things are as a whole, that leaves me with a final overarching answer in The Terra Papers.

Suddenly it all made sense.

Your box may vary.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by justamomma

I read that there is something we can do WHAT? Lay out exactly what we can do to change, what the super rich and powerful do. These are the very people that get voted in by the people so exactly what can a few or even alot of informed people do NOTHING! So why say this, we control nothing, if these people with all the money want to bring you or I to our knees they can. All they have to do is take ther money send all that work for them home, the people who work suffer not them. They will always have the money, and someone will always be willing to follow them for the very reason you stated, POWER and MONEY. So again what EXACTLY can be done? Please lay out word for word the precise way this can happen. Because I can promise you they do have a precise plan.

Step 1: Accept responsibility; believe that it is the way that it is because you, personally, have not taken responsibility and believed it had nothing to do with you, personally.

Step 2: Envision what you would like it to be, believe that your visions will manifest, put your heart behind the envisioning; take time as often as you can to put forth you vision with will and intent.

Quantum mechanics shows that expectations affect the outcome. As long as you expect and focus on things as they are (or worse) you, personally, will add to that energy. You, personally will be responsible.

If, on the other hand, you expect and focus on a triumph of human heart, peace, prosperity, abundance, you, personally, will add to to that energy. You, personally, will be responsible.

Hope that helps.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:13 PM
here is another video you might want to consider watching.

google john pilger - war by other means.

please watch this

[edit on 2-7-2008 by survivor]

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 03:52 PM
The crap we see on TV/media is being created by us, the people who watch TV (we watch=ad money=more of the same programming).

If programming on TV was all about real education and real informative/political news do you think the media companies would not go bankrupt?

If we didn't support all of the crap on TV, and in movies, music, etc. by watching/buying it do you think the content would change to suit?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 04:10 PM

Why didn't he say it was someone with an actual connection to Saddam Hussein? Still, people are stupid enough to believe it. I know people at my school who think 9/11 was done by Iraqis. Maybe it is possible that they let it happen, but if there really is a NWO, the idea that 9/11 was faked works against denying ignorance because it distacts people from the real conspiracy (assuming there is one, I'm still not 100% sure either way.)

Its called doublethink my friend. A classic tactic of brainwashing, that Orwell pointed out all those years ago, and yet still people are ignorant of it. To quote 1984 directly - "The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them . To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies."

Mention similar, though contradictory or unassociated stories together often enough in the media, and over time, the two will mix together in the head of the people that are exposed. They will accept action by association in their minds, even though they are never directly told the things are connected and were intially aware of the lack of connection.

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