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Don't Watch This Video...If You're Happy Living a Lie

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posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Excellent video.. makes you wonder ... are we just too busy to have enough time to intelligently think this all through? Why do we simply watch these videos and not do anything? .. except watch more videos?.... as if we don't have "all" of the truth yet.. it really makes me want change.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:04 PM
They dont call it a "rat race" for nothing.

Try and figure out who the rats are in this scenario

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:08 PM
Wow , you had me until the 9/11 conspiracy babble, videos like this are what stop us from finding the real cause of things

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
Dont ever underestimate the universal force and law of balance. As the world and its people become more corrupt and living for their egos, the universe produces a cure and balance in the form of human upgrades and evolution, so in short, the solution to the worlds problems and its peoples are being born and awakened all around us every second more and more as the days progress.

That is a refreshingly insightful, intuitive, and astute perspective.

One that few come to realize, much less understand.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:39 PM
I really enjoyed the video. You did a great job in positng this one because it puts the picture of the whole thing in perspective.

The posts you put up seem to be very informative and I am looking forward to more.

Thank You..

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by PuRe EnErGy
Excellent video.. makes you wonder ... are we just too busy to have enough time to intelligently think this all through? Why do we simply watch these videos and not do anything? .. except watch more videos?.... as if we don't have "all" of the truth yet.. it really makes me want change.

people WILL make time for what they find is most important. should someone say they don't have enough time for this, then their own agendas or the mindless numbing entertainment of today's society is of greater importance to them.

and why do we watch these videos and do nothing about it? bc you (generalized) are feeding into the lies that there IS nothing you can do about it. look around........ are you part of any government programs that protect your lifestyle such as food stamps, medicaid, social security, etc? why not get off and refuse to take their help? gas prices hitting ya a little hard? quit making unnecessary trips to the entertainment places and instead, go on a walk outdoors w/ the family... enjoy REAL entertainment called nature.

the above things i call "cleaning out the house" of anything that puts you in the position of depending on them. find those things and rid your life of them. the only reason you 'can't' is that you won't bc they are too convenient and we have been so used to being catered to that we can't imagine life w/out that.

there are also more active roles to play, but i doubt most have even started cleaning out their own houses. until one gets their "house cleaned out", they have no business taking a more active role.

if the government has any say so when it comes to a particular 'safety net' of yours, than you can rest assured you are still relying on it and really have no business speaking out against the ones supporting you, i.e. mommy and daddy government.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:13 PM
I believe the government was 100% aware of 9/11 and did nothing to stop it. Not just Bush but Clinton screwed up as well with Bin Laden.

I don't however believe the govt. planted bombs in the towers.

Notice most reports about other explosions going off at the WTC were people who are freaking out. They have every right to be since they are watching their fellow citizens die. This could of course could lead to things being a little eh...meaning if a piece of plane falls from the hole in one tower all the way to the ground, some people might think it's an explosion. You know what happens next? They tell others, and then They tell others, and then a chain reaction begins and reaches the media that day and then others believe it and then other media outlets copy that news network and so on and so on. It's a chain reaction.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:28 PM
This may be news to a very few people on this site but for people that are inclined to seek the truth it is a reminder that things aren't what they seem. You can't find the truth unless it is a passion to you. I have been aware that things have been heading this way since the 1960s. I guess that I was always around people that were able to read between the lines. The brain washing I experienced in Marine Corps training and things I observed in Vietnam, reinforced my desire to put the pieces together. It astounds me that it is the norm that people feel good being lied to and denying reality.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:34 PM
Hi all,
Those look like clips from the ZEITGEIST movie

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ken10]

Apologies i can't get the link to work, But its on youtube in 13 parts.

[edit on 30-6-2008 by ken10]

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:38 PM

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:58 PM
I'm not sure why the Bildebergs require so much secrecy during their annual meetings and I do question their motives but I fail to see the connection with 9/11. I'm not blind to what's going on in the world but I fail to see a connection.

Show me a way you can keep SO many Americans quiet about an atrocity that was supposedly committed by others but really committed by us? Please! This is show man ship 101 for people that want you to buy their videos/ attend their meetings!

This country was ATTACKED, by OTHERS, on 9/11.... Why are we trying to deny the obvious?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Grendel39
I'm not sure why the Bildebergs require so much secrecy during their annual meetings and I do question their motives but I fail to see the connection with 9/11. I'm not blind to what's going on in the world but I fail to see a connection.

Show me a way you can keep SO many Americans quiet about an atrocity that was supposedly committed by others but really committed by us? Please! This is show man ship 101 for people that want you to buy their videos/ attend their meetings!

This country was ATTACKED, by OTHERS, on 9/11.... Why are we trying to deny the obvious?

Basically exactly how I feel, if they would leave 9/11 alone I would find it easier to believe them. I mean, if 9/11 was faked, why did GWB have to reach so much to get people to follow him? Why did me and my family, people who are basically always sceptics of government conspiracires, immediately say "What the? Does he really think we are that dumb?" Why didn't he say it was someone with an actual connection to Saddam Hussein? Still, people are stupid enough to believe it. I know people at my school who think 9/11 was done by Iraqis. Maybe it is possible that they let it happen, but if there really is a NWO, the idea that 9/11 was faked works against denying ignorance because it distacts people from the real conspiracy (assuming there is one, I'm still not 100% sure either way.)

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Grendel39
I'm not sure why the Bildebergs require so much secrecy during their annual meetings and I do question their motives but I fail to see the connection with 9/11. I'm not blind to what's going on in the world but I fail to see a connection.

Show me a way you can keep SO many Americans quiet about an atrocity that was supposedly committed by others but really committed by us? Please! This is show man ship 101 for people that want you to buy their videos/ attend their meetings!

This country was ATTACKED, by OTHERS, on 9/11.... Why are we trying to deny the obvious?

i can't say for sure that ppl don't exploit this type of material for their own agendas.

but there was one question posed to me not long after 9/11 that didn't have quite the significance it does now when looking back over the years since that day.

who benefited the most from these attacks? i won't answer. to me it IS obvious and the question in my head isn't whether it was done by those w/in our government or bin laden or WHOEVER!

the fact now, to me anyway, the happenings of that day have been used in exploiting our fear etc for the agenda of those whose names arent bin laden. whatever happened to him anyway?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by justamomma

Good question justamomma. What ever happened to Bin Laden? Well, one thing is for sure, they haven`t caught him yet. And I doubt they ever will. If the thinking is that the Federal Government knew about 911, and had an active part in it, and want to keep the people scared, why would they catch the one that is helping keep people scared? Oh, they may catch him one day, but not anytime soon. When the government figures that the scare has gone on long enough, then you will see that day happen.

As far as people not doing anything, only watching video after video about his. I`ve taken a step myself, and have written letters to my local paper about alot of these things. I just listened to a podcast about the how the people out here are not being informed by the media about what Congress is doing about the oil prices ar this very time. I sent an e-mail off to these guys and told them what I thought about the media coverup on anything that has to do with the oil companies. As I stated to them, the people out here are not stupid, and yes, they do know what`s going on in this country. I told them that yes, people do talk to one another yet, just because the media has their hands tied and can`t talk about it, does not mean that we can`t talk about it, and we do. I told him to check out the forums that are going right now about gas prices, there are dozens of them. I told him they would be surprised at what the people truly know.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

fullMovie here

optimized for handheld devices

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Thanks for the vid DD.
While none of it's information is new to me, it is a stark reminder to all who love freedom and liberty that we need to take action! I would rather die for my beliefs than to roll over and let the "elite" take my individuality and/or personal freedoms away!

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Who is to say that they don't know where Bin Laden is ? he is a multibillionaire and they tell us that he is hiding out in caves somewhere ? if he was " a part of it" ,I am sure he is living a nice life some where ? he took the fall for them as was pre arranged . is this the red or blue pill ?

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:27 PM
Until the truth is verified and known to the public, it is these videos that keep people from forgetting and letting some thing or another distract them from searching. Searching for answers to why, and how it happened.

Every one is looking for a different reason, together though, those reasons paint the bigger picture, because no one sees the same angle.
We need to keep looking, even if it turns out like the JFK assassination, which only those involved who were not killed only know the truth.

At least the cause is enough to maintain that drive which is obviously apparent to all. Whether you argue against or for the grand conspiracy, no one can argue that it happened.

Only how, who and why...

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by shuck

the real dilemma is how you focus. not what can i do. this will make sense if you think about it. we need to use our heads for once. open your mind.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 06:57 PM
During most of my cognizant life (somewhere about high-school age), I'd been starting to feel a bit of a prick in the back of my skull that was telling me "something's not right." Even during the (admittedly inferior) classes of American History, what little information the teachers were teaching about the US Constitution is what started that feeling. It nagged me for years, especially when my grandfather (who immigrated from Germany before Hitler gained his full power) was saying things about the USA like, "the government's too big." My father (who was a WW2 Vet & probably at least heard about Prescott Bush) said about Daddy Bush during his campaign that he's the worst choice for President. You know...A lot of little things like that, here & there that just kept making that prick in the back of my skull get bigger.

Personally though, my eyes first opened up back in 1987 after I'd joined the Navy & spent some time at my first duty station...But I didn't really have the resources to actually look into the causes-n-sources that would make some kind of sense to what woke me up. I finally swallowed the red pill back in 2002, when a friend directed me to ATS...And the rest is history (as I've been posting it here since then).

Since that time back in 2002, I've also gone through the stage where I was starting to think something like Cypher (from the Matrix movie) in that I've wondered why I didn't take the blue pill. For a short time, I was even hoping that the blue pill may have even worked at canceling the effect of the red pill.

What got me started thinking like that was when I tried to talk about these kinds of things to my brother-in-law. He replied that he recognized how intelligent I am, but also said that I didn't have a very good grip on reality...Go figure...

That's when I realized that my brother-in-law had not only swallowed the blue pill, he never even realized that there was a choice!

I may have been a little slow catching on & a late bloomer, but I realize that I wouldn't go back even if I could make the choice. Climb out of the rabbit hole? No way! At least here, I can still make the effort to live up to my own ethics, rather than trying to conform to those who have none!

Originally posted by IvanZana
The beauty of this all is that we are in the age of revealing...
...This genereation that is growing and living among us is a special one. They were born with truth imbeded in them and the ability to seek and share truth.

That's the Information Age kicking in! I firmly believe that the internet getting into public hands before TPTB could effectively censor it is the root of this new Age & it's grown too swiftly for TPTB to fathom how much damage has already been put on their agenda. The generation growing up now is the leading crest of the wave for a better future...If they can survive the oncoming tsunami. I figure that the primary job of my generation is to educate the younger generation so that they can best figure out how to survive long enough to "ride the wave" while those corrupted Old World Order people get "all washed up."

Originally posted by LostNemesis
The next phase is coming together perfectly...
...They have put it all together perfectly.

But there is one major flaw in their plan is that its success relies entirely on secrecy & stealth...And the coming of the Information Age has been peeling away their layers of deceit. Once the veil of deception has fallen, they already know that they'll fall right behind it. They must depend on deception because they are well aware that they're vastly outnumbered and, once the deception fails, will wind up as the "pivot men in a big circle-jerk."

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