posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 10:55 PM
Oh great. They're gearing up for the next generation of fundies. Church attendance must be still going down, I reckon.
I would whole-heartedly agree to my children being taught stuff about Genesis and a religious education class. I have no problem
with that. I think it is fundamental to a good education to know what influences there are in the world, and also their histories. I would expect
Islam, Hinduism, Paganism, Zoroastrianism, Shamantics, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism etc to all have part of lesson time, and all refered to
their cultures, geography and history, and impact upon the world.
Now, when it comes to science, I would really like some of those tax dollars to be spent teaching our children the fundamentals of evolution. There
are so many people I talk to that really have no idea about evolutionary trees or abiogenesis, or even how it all comes together, and how this stuff
was found out. My sister in law was even taught evolution by a creationist! Talk about a conflict of interest!
Of course, those pushing for creationism in schools also vote, so you get people pandying to them that have no idea about science, and very little
about religion either!