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Putin Calls U.S. 'Frightening Monster,' Urges French Solidarity

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posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:20 AM
wutone, what are you talking about? your an idiot. I never said a single glowing comment about the soviet union, i merely stated that the united states has a far worse record. I pointed out that bush is now responsible for the deaths of 1.2 million iraqi's, (thats after the 500000 iraqi children we starved out, to the joy of madeline albright) and 2 million afghans....and how many deaths is putin responsible for now? hmmm... i believe my main point is someone who is supporting child killers with their tax dollars has no right to point fingers at others.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by jamie83

A missile defense goes both ways. It could be used to counter a counterstrike from russia nuclear forces if NATO decided to pre-emptive strike Russia as they have stated in their documents that they have nuclear superiority over Russia and that they could ``win`` a nuclear war against russia by nuking 95% of russia nuclear sites and then stop the remaining forces with the missile shield.

Just remember that the old folks who hate the russians are still in power today and that they want to destroy them... so if they believe they could get away with it, they would do it. Nuke Russia then rule the entire world, who would stop them? China? HAHAHAHA.

[edit on 1-6-2008 by Vitchilo]

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:25 AM
Im sure if russia was installing a missile defense system in mexico we would just stand by with our thumbs up our butts, right?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
wutone, what are you talking about? your an idiot. I never said a single glowing comment about the soviet union,

Originally posted by pexx421
I dont recall stories of the USSR going through any countries methodically raping and murdering as a standard of practice. i dont recall stories of the KGB teaching any other countries the tactics of Murder and rape and terrorism in order to instil terror in the populations to make them kowtow to dictatorship.

Oh? pardon my misunderstanding.....

Originally posted by pexx421
i believe my main point is someone who is supporting child killers with their tax dollars has no right to point fingers at others.

So its ok for Putin, a leader who supports the killing of dissenting journalists, to point fingers at others?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
Im sure if russia was installing a missile defense system in mexico we would just stand by with our thumbs up our butts, right?

Well if the U.S. had an intention to launch missile attacks at Mexico then I guess the U.S. would probably whine about it.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:57 AM
The financial Clique that runs America behind the curtain realizes their economic model formulated in the '70s doesn't work, that it was a mistake from the very beginning.

What to do? Go to war, start a war, find someone who can unite the country for a few years and trick the American people further, before the whole house of cards comes tumbling down--Obama.

Putin is right, the United States has turned into a Nazi-like monster. It is roaming the world, now, looking to reposition itself by military means. Sooner or later it will get a "real" war against a rival that is unmatched. This rival could be the EU, Russia or China along with many other countries who realize the core of the economic breakdown in the world is the economic model as practiced in the USA.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 01:58 AM
in none of your above quotes do i see anything stating the USSR was "good" or fighting for "freedom" I merely see me pointing out things that we did that the USSR didnt. Then you went off as if i was saying the USSR was great and such, when my point was that our crimes far outweigh theirs, which i see you have yet to address. I think its perfectly reasonable that Putin wouldnt want a demonstatively aggressive corporate dictatorships weapons anywhere near his country. My point was to the person stating that russia had "led the way to international aggression, started the arms race..." etc etc, and my point is "no, that would be US". and make no mistake, we would not allow any other country's defense near us regardless of wether we wanted to attack mexico or not. I remember all the whining we did last year when Brazil i think it was, started getting their military training from china rather than us.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by pexx421

Originally posted by pexx421
My point was to the person stating that russia had "led the way to international aggression, started the arms race..." etc etc

So you mean that the Russians were peaceful and that they didn't really blockade Berlin or lead the way to international aggression by giving the green light for the North Koreans to invade South Korea?

Don't blind yourself to what the cold war is about. The USSR and the US mostly fought through proxies and affected the whole world because they both were directly afraid of each other. If you think that the Soviets did not pull the same crap that the U.S. did, you are seriously deluded.

Back to the topic

Putin still lives in the Cold War world of hyping paranoia. It is obvious that a missile shield can't stop a Russian missile attack. There are sovereign countries that want to be a part of the missile shield and NATO and Putin is just getting sore about it because these countries decided not to be Russian buffer states.

Basically, Putin is embarrassed that Russia's sphere of influence just isn't as effective as it once was.

Now Putin wants to point fingers. Too bad for Putin that a whole bunch of fingers can be pointed at him and too bad that certain countries just happen to not trust the Russians based on past experience.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:35 AM

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 02:50 AM
ah, i see, you fail to understand that saying someone is not as bad as another country is not the same as saying they are peaceful. I dont know how to explain it any more, but the fact remains, the US is responsible for Many more deaths, wars, and atrocities than russia. The US is responsible for wars all over the world that had nothing to do with russia. So again, for you simple folk out there, saying USSR is not as bad as US is NOT the same as Saying USSR is a great and wonderful counrty of flowers, clouds, and shiny happy people. Do you understand? Not once did i hold the ussr up as a paragon of virtue. Is that simple enough for you? did you get it through your head? Do i need to define paragon for you? My point again...we do we cant criticize them.
Besides, Putin is massively more popular than bush, Putin has higher approval around the world than the US does right now, and is seen as less of a threat to peace than the US (who is listed with isreal as 1st and 2nd greatest threats to world peace) AND Russia is forming a Bloc with china to hopefully counter american power....with much support and approval from other countries as well. Meanwhile us americans need to take canadian flags with us everywhere we go because the whole world is coming to despise us. Im sure they just hate us because of our "freedom" and "democracy"

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:02 AM
and to creewolf, im sure your cree ancestors that we massacred would be thrilled at your assimilation into our society. Its great that we've shared with our our "long as things are good with me and mine, i dont care what my country does to others with my tax dollars" mentallity which is what makes the american model of robbery rape and murder succesfull. The only reason some people arent critical of america is because they havent read enough history.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:03 AM
oh, i forgot to add that it looks like youve taken to consumerism like a fish to water. You must be proud!

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
I dont know how to explain it any more, but the fact remains, the US is responsible for Many more deaths, wars, and atrocities than russia.


It really is a great site on the millions of people who died during the 20th century due to megalomaniacs like the kind that ran the USSR.

Read here

The numbers aren't pretty for the Soviets. Its crazy how these numbers actually exceed the millions of native Americans that died directly and indirectly due to the U.S.

And wow this guy has some serious references

and some serious credentials

So as this relates to the present time.....

Why would a a bunch of countries like the Ukraine and Georgia want to be part of NATO and why would eastern European countries like Czechoslovakia want to be part of the missile shield if Putin is so"popular"?

Maybe its because these countries had some actual experience with the Russians and maybe they happen to not trust them for obviously good historical reasons.

Maybe Putin should start apologizing about the history of his country and apologize about his cold war KGB-like tactics like killing journalists before he starts pointing fingers at other countries.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by pexx421

My Cree ancestors were massacred? OMG! I should become one of these self-loathing Americans then I suppose?

The world changes. I know that. As a liberal you should be a proponent for change! If you want to go around hating America, go right ahead. You lack a sense of appreciation. You've obviously learned your history watered-down. And why do you defend Putin so adamantly? If he's such a hero I suggest you move to Russia where you can enjoy all the freedoms that George W. Bush has taken away from you.

Putin has a lot on his plate. He's had to rebuild a country and its "allies" because his country lost the Cold War. Hell, his people have to look to him as a hero because they don't have a choice. He is more of a criminal, literally, than George W. Bush ever was. Ever wonder what happens to HIS political enemies? They tend to "dissappear" like friends of the Clintons!

Where did you pull your numbers from? We starved children in Iraq? How did we do this? Embargos? Perhaps their DICTATOR didn't quite play nice? Yet, you blame America. America is of course the biggest on the block so its quite easy to blame when you are really the one whining instead of acting.

As for my people. They suffered far less than other American Indian tribes during the time period I imagine you had in mind. Right now? They are doing just fine. Probably THE most populous first nationers in Canada (second only to the Inuit). Oh. They now have houses, LCD-TVs, automobiles, and healthcare. Gone are the days of living in Buffalo-skinned tents without air-conditioning. AND, those who want to are allowed to keep their cultural traditions alive.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:44 AM
ok, so in trying to understand your chart, it has the "democide" listed in millions. And under china it has 76,702 under the millions column, so am i to understand that the peoples republic of china is responsible for the death of 76 BILLION people?? hmmm...something sounds a little flawed with that number. maybe im not reading this right. At any rate, i notice that the united states isnt listed on this chart... that must be, and i get this from reading the website you got it from, because "free" people do not commit genocide, or attack other people. But then, what is the murder of 1.2 million Iraqi's if not "genocide"....and 2 million afghani's?? What is the attacking of vietnam, if not one "free" people attacking another. Sorry, i think that websites a little flawed. And then on the second chart, it seems the soviets are responsible for 61k deaths in a 40 year period. whats that supposed to show? Im sorry, you need to elaborate your points here, we killed 500000 arawak indians in the bahamas before we even settled much into america.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 03:53 AM
i dont hate america, i just acknowledge the evils my government perpetrates which makes me...a true patriot!!! i dont try to put my head in the sand and i dont try to pretend we're perfect. Make no mistake, i criticize the wrong in other countries as well, and i can point out the errors and crimes of communist russia, and the zionists and the chinese, however i dont try to act like our country is any more kindly than theirs. And enjoy your plenty while you have it cree, for unless your in the wealthy elite, rest assured it wont last long. Our economy is already self destructing, and im pretty sure there will be hunger and rioting aplenty within the next 5-10 years.
And again, its nice to know that because your family happens to be doing well, you can discount the situation for all the natives i see here in the hospitals i work in in arizona. As i said "as long as my family and me are fine, to hell with what my country does to anyone else", way to go! enjoy your car and sit in your A/C and be distracted by your LCD television as the truth passes you by and your tax dollars go to slaughter women and children in other countries so that fat white men can get even richer here at home.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:14 AM
and interestingly, to your statement above about us living in fear of the USSR's great war machine...that was almost entirely spawned by US agitprop. USSR could never compete with us, either economically or militarily. They were years behind us, and never had any foolish intention of invading either us or western europe. That was all spun by mccarthyism and the media, just as during reagans era they would have had us believe we were being overrun by nicaraguan revolutionaries, and just as they have people believing now that of the arabs. I cant believe it everytime i hear some fool say "if we dont fight them there today we'll be fighting them here tomorrow" as if iraq could have ever attacked the united states. People are such fools for the news and media propaganda....sigh, well what can you do? At any rate, history watered down is what you get in school. The history i learn is from research and reading done on my own time, and it resembles nothing close to the "heroic patriotic" past of the USA we would like to believe. We were hardly the innocent bystanders during WWII until we got bombed, thats BS, and we were hardly bombing hiroshima and nagasaki to save american lives, thats crap too. Vietnam was NOT fought to save the vietnamese, and we handed cambodia to Pol Pot. We were involved in russias civil war, we were involved in china's civil war, we rescued the cubans from spain, and then tried to take over it ourselves, and we massacred the phillipinos. And now we are responsible for 500000 children in afghanistan under the age of 5 dieing from malnutrition, and why are we even in afghanistan? theres NO news coverage of it at all, and its almost IMPOSSIBLE to find any numbers for civilian mortalities there. Oh yeah, and now we torture to as standard practice. If a war for our freedom is ever truly waged, it will be waged here, against our own government. Im sure when the middle class is decimated and all there are are the 5% of the country that is ultra wealthy, and the 95% of the country that is in poverty, the rich will be sitting around saying "What is everyone complaining about? i have a nice car, i have AC and an LCD tv, our country is fine, and theres plenty freedom here".

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by pexx421

*sigh* you are going pretty far trying to push your "point"

If you can't read a chart maybe you can just crack open a history book and read things like the Ukrainian genocide, the great purge, the great terror, collectivization, soviet population transfers, or the Tambov rebellion for a few examples.

While you are at it you can bring up American equivalents.

Of course, I guess I can understand that you don't want to read about history either because it seems to go against your beliefs. Maybe history is wrong and you are just right?

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 04:48 AM
No, i'll be honest i havent gotten to the Russian history section of my studies yet...ive hit america, got most of europe, done a bit of malingering in japan and chinas ancient history (im half jap, need to learn my heritage!
) and got pretty absorbed in Mongolia (that was really neat stuff!!). But that chart is pretty rediculous. Is it trying to say that china is responsible for 76,702 deaths, or 76,702 million deaths? its not very clear on this. I know they are not saying that indonesia is only responsible for 729 deaths, but im sure it doesnt mean they had 729 million deaths either. so, as far as i gather, america is responsible for 500000 dead arawaks, im not sure how many other tribes, 500000 philipinos,200000 mexicans, 2 million vietnamse, 1.2 million iraqis, 2 million afghani, about 200000 japanese in hiroshima and nagasaki (im not sure how many in the whole war), 750000 cambodians, and close to another 1million perhaps in laos. Our embargos have been responsible for the deaths of 500000 dead iraqi children prior to our second war, and you cant excuse that by saying its the dictators fault because embargo's have proven through history to only hurt the poor and never have changed governments policy. We were involved in the greek civil war, and caused columbia to seperate from panama, we trained killers in congo to take over and control their population, and we trained the samozas to rape and murder in order to control their populations by fear. We have sent terrorists into cuba and assassins, we have meddled in french and italian elections, we instigated the USSR's war with afghanistan and created al Queda, we instigated irans war with iraq, i mean the list is massive, and thats just the results of our military ventures and doesnt even include our corporate ventures and the effects they have had on populations, the banana republics, the blood diamonds, the sweat shops, dicatators, the shah, juntas, and much much more. The point being, these were not isolated events. This is a description of our policy and our attitude. It continues today, and we support it with our tax dollars. In most other countries the press is usually against the government, but here the press protects the government and pushes government agenda, so most americans have no true knowledge of their history, or indeed of any history at all. The average american cant even tell you when the civil war was, or what it was truly about, they cant tell you what the spanish american war was, or how we acquired hawaii and the philipines (through murder and conquest). They have no idea what lead up to vietnam, and think we were just sittin around mindin our own business when japan came and bombed pearl. And they think people thought the earth was flat during columbus' time, and that he was a great and noble adventurer.

posted on Jun, 1 2008 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by pexx421

Ok, the USA is the bad guy. You win. Turn the lights out; all immigrants, pack up and go back to your respective countries. Its much better there. Mixing peoples is obviously a bad thing. Pexx, you go first. Everyone else will be right behind you!

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