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Look around you. It’s happening!! (Beginning of UFO disclosure is now!)

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
No it isn't. This is very very simple. There are 2 billion reasons why Aliens do not exist. If they did, there would already be concrete proof of it. Too many people have video cameras now for there not to be solid, concrete proof.

There are no aliens, there are no spaceships, and if you can prove me wrong I'll retract my statement and apologize.

You cannot.

Foolish statements.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by antar
I realize that I am simply your cyber forum member but listen to what I say...

I Have seen E.T. Live, in person up close and personal...

There now, believe it or not.

We are not talking dream state, we are not talking meditation or fantasy.

It is no longer a point of what if, it is.

I can tell the difference between our back engineered technology (awesome) and theirs.

Nothing I repeat nothing will change after full disclosure for me.

It will be nice to see people that have not experienced yet continued to keep an open mind and yet not fall prey to the B.S. out there by some find validation.

Could you elaborate more please?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by Lone Star Patriot

Sure he can elaborate, he makes it up as he goes- I'm sure the answer to your question will be both fantastic, and highly untrue.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by _Del_
I suspect we share an uncommon view about the nature of the phenomena. It's always nice to know that I'm not the only one thinking this way. See? Even skeptics are subject to our flights of fancy...

Well, I dunno if I can call myself a skeptic...I guess thats ok. I just don't know of any skeptics who've has encounters most of their lives.

I'm just very critical because it's impacted me.

And for the record, I don't see our thinking as a flight of's against the grain of what UFOlogy has built up, and contrary to assumptions of extraterrestrials. (Although, they may be extraterrestrial...but the ETH so far is not panning out.)

I don't see any easy answer (the one most people want), as the subject is itself highly complex. In certain cases it manifests as physical reality, and other times, it doesn't. Almost as if the enigma has an option to be either. Maybe our perception of it has something to do with that.

It doesn't matter how you cut it, no one is going to find any answers as long as they confine their search to UFOlogy.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by jritzmann]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by jritzmann

I'm skeptical in that I think more than half of the claims out there are bogus. I have no doubt that certain phenomena do occur (though I could not prove it; hence my flight of fancy comment directed only at myself); and I agree UFOlogy seems to be an incomplete answer at best or a misleading one at worst.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by _Del_]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Good point you got there...flagged

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Dewm0nster
reply to post by Lone Star Patriot

Sure he can elaborate, he makes it up as he goes- I'm sure the answer to your question will be both fantastic, and highly untrue.
Shhh don't be a spoiler. Let me see what the little fella has to say.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by freedomforall

Why in the world would a spaceship make all the religions one? What in the world does religion have to do with spaceships?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by _Del_
I'm skeptical in that I think more than half of the claims out there are bogus.

Oh. Ok then, we're largely on the same page.

Some are misidentification's as well, with no real malice or "goose chasing" intended. Unfortunately, the bogus claims you mention are bolstered by UFO celebs with no real intent other then seeing what kind of money they can collect. Nothing wrong with getting paid for your time, provided you do solid work and peer reviewed.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by ZiggyMojo

I can respond to that. There seems to be some crazy misconception that E.T.s is an unGodly topic. That for some reason you can't be a Christian and believe that there is life outside this planet. The Bible does not say anywhere that we are the only life. It discusses life on this planet. The Vatican was trying to clear up some misinformation with that announcement. It is totally possible that God made life elsewhere as well. I don't understand why they would be any more technologicly advanced than us, but believable. For the record, The Vatican is not the soul voice for the Christian world. Catholicism teaches so many things contrary to scripture and not in the Bible that to call it Christian is a bit of a stretch. With that in mind, their announcement is really not a big deal.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:00 PM
let me take this conversation a different direction for a moment. the government doesnt just use television as a means of propaganda/conditioning/psyOP, they also use the big screen now look at what some of the latest movies to come out have been about. war of the worlds, independence day, and most recently cloverfield. im just going to pick on cloverfield for right now. it was done in a way to make you feel like your there and while they never say that the antagonist is from space it still relays the message. one day something may happen that the government will not or can not explain to you. i think were not right at the doors of disclosure i believe the government believes an invasion can happen at any time and wants to get that across. once again only for speculation

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:06 PM
I believe that movies are movies and tv is tv. You people want there to be aliens so bad that you believe there is a coverup behind everything. Independence day and cloverfield and war of the worlds are all just sci-fi movies. There have been alot of movies lately about witches, warlocks, and mystical creatures. Let's see.... Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dragon Wars. Does that mean that the Government is secretly conditioning us for the takeover of middle earth?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by justanothergangster

Actually, at the end of Cloverfield, where it shows a flashback where the couple was spending time at the fair/carnival. When the camera is facing the bay/ocean, you see something on the top right of the screen plummit from the sky into the water.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
Oh. Ok then, we're largely on the same page.

I think so. I don't see conditioning as the conscious work of a group or government, but as the actions of authors, artists, etc individually following their own "muse," which I use in the classical sense.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:20 PM
but there also arent thousands of hours of videos of dragons roaming our skies, nor pictures, or air traffic control recordings of them picking up dragons on radar. no commercial aircraft pilots seeing dragons. but on the other hand this does apply to UFO's they've been reported on radar, visually by pilots astronauts and military personel. recorded on camera, video, in police reports. many governments have launched inquiries into the matter spending millions of dollars. paintings from the renaissance,hieroglyphics. i didnt say the government was trying to cover up anything they may klnow as much about it as we do and just preparing us for the unknown. my teacher in 11th grade used to work for the NSA and my teacher in jail was ex-cia i can assure you they use TV and all forms of media (posters advertisements radio((not so much anymore))) to influence our opinions and prepare us for many different things. but then again these people used to be NSA and CIA so how can i trust them right espescially if there is some sort of cover up.i believe we'll never know until its too late for knowing to matter.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Lone Star Patriot

I see you are new to the community, my experiences are hidden all over the forum for anyone to read. I am no expert in the field, make no claims to having any hard evidence, will most probably never write a book, and have never sought to make money, just lil ol me, finally feeling like it is acceptable to begin opening up to people in an honest and forthright fashion when the spirit moves me. Feel free to U2u me if there are any specific questions.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by ufo reality

Very foolish indeed.. absence of evidence is never evidence of absence, the people who beleive that there is no Alien life out there are akin to the people that once taught the earth was flat, or that the earth is the center of the universe.. Do you see how we laugh at those people when you hear this? well I can guarantee you that in the future(possibly near future) they too will be laughed at for believing that there is no such thing as aliens.. mark my words

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by _Del_

Yeah. The collective consciousness tapping the wellspring. The only problem is someone else is there. And somehow, someway - most likely through us - they can get here.

Although I do have some clarifications of an indoctrination program using media, but I don't know if thats been abandoned now or not. Truthfully, if the enigma is not from an extraterrestrial source, but something much closer and farther away (if you get my drift) then it's disinformation anyway.

The idea of these beings and "craft" being all around all the time, perhaps occupying the same space as us, well, thats not going to set well with many people.

Unfortunately we're limited by our human perceptions, and I personally hold the opinion we're missing a lot and filling it in with extraterrestrials, when in fact it's much more complex and strange then we probably can imagine.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by antar

I also would like to see some proof of your experiences. For all we here know you could have just been on a bad acid trip or just making everything up.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by ZiggyMojo

I would venture to guess that it has never really been such a strong issue until recent years. People are really beginning to question everything nowadays and perhaps the Vatican finally decided to throw in it's two cents. I am Christian, but I totally believe that there could be other life out there. Not life above God or in place of God, just other life he created.

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