reply to post by alienstar
If you are unwilling to accept the concrete evidence then you will have none.
There are countless eyewitness reports but if you were not there then you may choose to not believe.
There have been so many sightings in Mexico even video of some sort of being trying to grab a kid playing in an alley caught on video and backed up by
radioactive detecting equipment for proof of an unearthly event..
There are hundreds of well trained airline and military pilots who have witnessed objects to large to ever be considered of this planet no matter how
advanced you believe any government may be.
Every single country has been visited and the proof continues everyday.
The concrete evidence is all around but there is an absolutely awesome program of cover up that was obviously started by the US government and may
well be for what is thought to be for the better of the citizens.
But the proof is all around if you know where to look.
You need to have an open mind an active imagination and the ability to sort logically on your own without any outside help to begin to be able to put
it all together.
When you realize we know nothing and that there is millions more times of knowledge that we have yet to grasp then that of which we already
"understand" you can understand how everything that most believe is utter nonsense actually fits into this huge jigsaw puzzle of life.
Do not be afraid, we can only become more aware and become better as a whole for our ability to stop believing and acting in what is now an outdated
way of living.
A lot of people, people with extraordinary IQs, are understanding that we need major changes to better society. Everyone needs to stop with the notion
that we know it all and that they have it all figured out when the world is in such turmoil from natural disasters to incompetent governments and
corporate greed.
There is no one person for whom this world was designed, but it is that everyone must move forward together if we are to ever achieve global success
as a human union.
It is not unreasonable to believe that there may be advanced societies well beyond our own capable imaginations that are operating among us to help
better us all the while secret societies understand the world is doomed to failure if people don`t come together to progress forward and thus a lot of
the so called conspiracies are in fact actualities designed by human minds of the elite to insure their future and that of their families.
There is undoubtedly many many races of beings we have yet to comprehend and quite possibly some with foul intentions as well.
If you start to believe because you logically understand that it is very possible and probable then you can even tie many segments of history through
the entire thesis and understand that if they are here now then they are so unimaginably advanced that they have been coming here for millenia and may
in fact be the original seed planters.
As a child, for some reason to which I sincerely have no clue, I have always believed in ufo`s, long before the internet and long before of great
places like ATS, and I had theories.
It is now that I like to see how many millions also share similar beliefs and have their own theories as well.
Whats more is that I believe I witnessed an extra-terrestrial craft back in 1996 and I will never forget it.
This universe is too enormous to settle that this particular grain of sand on a sun sized beach is the only one that has semi-intelligent life.