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Look around you. It’s happening!! (Beginning of UFO disclosure is now!)

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

Dewnonster do you see the purpose that is serves now? creating a one world government under the guise of an external threat? The new world order will be forged under the alien threat.. and we are merely being acclimated to the phenomenon before "full disclosure" so that they can achieve the 1 world goverment

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by csulli456

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:20 PM
Any answer to a conspiracy theory just draws people into a deeper conspiracy.
"Why tell the truth?! Why not lie?"
I agree, and would have also made that comment- That it would be a great way to unite the world.
Be it for honest intentions, or maybe to bend us to their will.

But I'd like to look on the bright side of things for a change- Well, the less conspiracy ridden side, at the very least.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by The Coward

Lets think real hard---Vatican is not just in the picture but is out in front which we all realize is unusual for an institution with centuries of resisting and even punishing advancement in ideas or technology. But now Vatican is fully on board with ufo's , the most fantasy-filled concept (superficially) there is, or was. Why does Vatican have this interest in, and enthusiasm to be a leader in ufo-ology, UNLESS VISITATION IS ALREADY FACT.

Vatican's position on the UFO issue is clearly to get out in front. But they have broken their pattern - now Vatican seems to bow to an established fact, no denial, no punitive stigma of a special sin, instead a very positive looking forward. So different from two thousand years of keeping the lid on.

But nevertheless, note the Vatican's tone is somthing like "hey, it's OK, everything is really going to be OK, they''re not really that bad, they're pretty much like us......

But, between the lines, the Vatican message is telling lot's about THEM (and they are here, and we've studied we know what is up).

First, Vatican says they haven't needed a Jesus/savior ...because.."they are without original sin. Meaning - they don't have a religion, or one we can find or relate to.

And they think and reason differently than us...they have a different psyche probably not predatory/aqgressive (since Vatican assures us they are "brothers"). But there is more to it. They don't have the socially negative human traits that are lumped under "original sin". BUT, also (and simply) might have NO GUILT or hesitation whatever decisions or actions they make???!!! Which means we should mind our Ps and Qs when around them. We might regard them as non-threatening but we will find their ethics either difficult to relate to or just not present as a story-line that we find familiar.

"They are our brothers" probably means they physically look SOMEWHAT HUMANOID (read bilateral, somewhat bi-pedal?? or at least they have something functioning as legs, arms, even maybe eyes ...all maybe's).

This whole situation is becoming more solid every week or so. Disclosure is coming and Vatican is doing a good deed by giving a handbook on adjusting to what to some of us will be a marvelous new birth but to others could be devastating.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by havanaja]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by havanaja]

[edit on 21-5-2008 by havanaja]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

Well, I like to look on the bright side also... but we are dealing with psychos that have allot of power.. and will do anything or almost anything to reach there goals... So you really have to put yourself in there position and make yourself be hungry for power and hungry to have a one world government... And when you have all this control and all this greed for power, what are you capable of doing? the answer...almost anything.. I hope I am wrong
Again this does not mean aliens do not exist.... its a false truth that will be used.. They are merely building and conditioning us based on truth and when the time comes they will create there lies built on truth and everyone will fall for it.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

Well, we see eye to eye on certain things.
And you're right, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Aside from that, greedy men do not like to part ways with power or wealth. Which is unfortunate, because we need a great deal of change in the way our world is treated and run today- And that change just won't.
Greed and self preservation baby; traits that have carried us so high, and may just yet be our undoing.

Regardless of the outcome, be it mean and nasty aliens, or peaceful ones- Whether they exist or not, if it's all just a lie to unite the world under one world order, I still doubt I'll live to see it.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:34 PM
Starred and flagged for your hard work bringing us those links.

It's very interesting, that so much is happening now. But I've heard it once too many times before... 'The disclosure is here'...

I only hope, that this time, things will finally be brought to light and the truth brought forward.

I know 'they' are out there, I would really appreciate the governments acknowledgment's as well.


posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Bob Down Under
I think this thread will turn out to be quite interesting as soon as the narrow minded skeptics hear about it.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by Bob Down Under]

I soooo agree with you
ROFLMAO this thread points out just how narrow minded people can be, first we have the shout no concrete proof so therefore it cant BE
Oh dear because not long after there is support for those kinds of statements, quickly followed by God and his son Jesus gonna fix it all, so can we have the DNA sample for Jesus then? and how do you know God is a man? always puzzled me that one, "God is a man God is a man" i suppose it would fit in and being a man i cherish saying this, God must be a man because the world is so F****** Up.

Are all the people one this thread even on the same page?

This thread is about Disclosure, but again we have all the terrified Skeptics and Debunkers trying to save our souls for believing in Alien Intelligence, Please give us a break, Millions of people have reported the sightings of UFO's Millions, and someone or some few always start ripping into the lifes and ridiculing people who have at first hand seen such things, with their own eyes, but all of us are deluded we saw nothing.

But then how many people have seen God in the past 60 years? are they Deluded? where is the proof of God? Oh of course there is none, does that stop Billions attending churches of all faiths every Holy day?

You can not have your cake and eat it, i may not be Christian doesn't mean i dont believe in a creator, in fact i worship my creator every single day in my own way, with dozens of others, just because i wont turn my other cheek does not make it any less meaningful to me.

I agree with the OP disclosure is happening, can someone find the news article from the past week where NASA are offering classes to teach people how to talk to ET please, I have to go shopping with the Drumming bunny or i would.

Brightest of Blessing to you all.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by havanaja

totally agree with you on this one. They are guiltless but this doesnt mean they are benevolent by any means... I belive we are being used for many purposes, almost like cattle. And just like the farmer is not evil, just guiltless so are they.... now the NWO wants to use them as an excuse to create a NWO
and will create an event in order to justify there means.. Don't forget that catholic church is part of this system, this could be the reason they are changing there tune on this subject... using truth to build there case and then top it off with a lie.. in order to have an NWO.. pure genius. similar to global warming take some truth and then blow it up to serve there purpose, use weather modification to create the needed special affects and bam we have a global tax system that will be the base foundation for the NWO.. its pure genius..

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

They want this done asap... so who knows we could be seeing this sooner then we think? perhaps that's why the whole 2012 end of the world gig has been played on history channel?

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by azzllin
Nice post. Hope you mean it.

I agree, why can people have complete faith in God with no proof but refuse to believe in ET's w/o proof. Go figure!

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by azzllin
Nice post. Hope you mean it.

I agree, why can people have complete faith in God with no proof but refuse to believe in ET's w/o proof. Go figure!

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:45 PM
This fact is undeniable. But to what agenda does it serve?

People arguing over the fact that UFO/Aliens are real or not - will most likely be surprised when they do eventually start showing up. In what shape or form and how and when, who knows.

But what interests me mostly is - are they REALLY aliens? are they really from a distant world?

We often talk or make reference to the New World Order. This idea that the world will eventually become one, under some one bodied governance.

As the clock ticks closer to this time, I find it somewhat convenient that the road is being prepared for our "alien brothers?"

As I stated earlier - but to what agenda does this "discloser" serve?

Its going to be pretty damn hard (belief wise) making points about religious topics from then on in. Think about it.
If alien visitors started showing up tomorrow, would YOU still believe in God?

Lets say you would still believe. Then over time as the bonds of man and our "alien brothers" begin to intertwine - we begin to listen to their knowledge, their technology, their spirituality ....
What if they say there is no God? What then?

As I stated earlier - but to what agenda does this "discloser" serve?

When the powers that be released THEIR discloser on the New World Order. Plainly stating it in national speeches on TV, I knew the next discloser was not far off.

It is linked. The New World Order will be spurred along nicely by discloser of alien existence. They go hand in hand.

We have a world crying out right now. It'll get a whole lot worse too. It has too. In order to bring order, you first have to have disorder. And who will bring us order? Who will come and save us? Who would world leaders listen too and trust? each other? Not likely. But visitors? Visitors who bring peace to mankind?

And wont the masses lap it up ....

Exciting times indeed.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Why am I stuttering??

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

Good point.
I normally just play off that whole, 2012 garbage though.
Seems we used to have Dooms Days once a week few years back- So I won't hold my breath on this one either!

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:49 PM
I personally accept without a doubt that aliens exist in the universe.

I am also fairly certain that no human will ever see one, unless humanity somehow survives for longer than I predict.

No, I'm not saying they're invisible. However, there are two reasons I doubt we will make contact:

1) The physical universe is too vast for us to be of any use. A society capable of interstellar travel (maybe a few in our galaxy) will not need the resources of our little planet, nor ever even stumble across it. If they get our radio messages thousands of years from now (based on galactic distances) then maybe they'll head out then... this assumes they use electromagnetism as we do (radar and sight). Probably, since it is a really fast method of determining where objects are. So even if they have faster-than-light travel (unlikely) they'll get here in a few thousand years.

2) If they are not biological entities, it is unlikely that we will even note their intelligence. If one thinks about the technological singularity approaching (creation of AI that can alter itself better than a human could), then we see that biological life on Earth may give way to mechanical life. We could extend this thought; chemicals (or even lower existences: atoms, sub-atomic particles, quarks, strings, etc.) eventually became creative enough to form the most basic bacteria, at which point biology took over and made itself better instinctively. We eventually became creative and have made machines. If we make one that can improve itself instinctively, someday it could produce a form of life (in the ether, or even in the form of a database or something I can't fathom) above it. Thus, many possibly self-aware forms of existence may exist that we cannot fathom and that cannot fathom us.

Point: If they are biological, we won't meet them for probably the rest of human history, if not, then we'll never understand they even exist.

I guess they could have started life on Earth, but I feel like we wouldn't have been left in the dark for so long.

PS: I also think they are benevolent at least to each other, and have no motive to destroy us.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Dewm0nster

I totally agree its garbage.. but why would the history channel be spewing it? because I believe because they acclimating us to believe that something will happen in 2012... but something they themselves will create...

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Y'all should check out John Milors site. He has a very cool theory about aliens and the anti-Christ. It will certainly get you thinking and questioning things.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by pondrthis

They could be biological.
Anything is possible after all.
The universe is a vast and amazing place- However, what if this species is bent on its own survival?
Humans could be assessed as a threat.
Maybe we aren't now- And maybe we won't be for billions of year, but at some point, we could pose some sort of threat or competition to these life forms.
At least, they may think so.
And as such a threat- They would seek to eliminate us, as soon as possible for them.

Just because creatures can conquer space travel, or beyond that, does not mean they would be rational, benevolant beings.
They could have thought patterns strictly dictated by logic- And logically, we would eventually pose a threat, I'm sure.
For a creature who longs to be infinite in a finite universe, dominance is key.

I guess I'm just trying to get across here that alien intelligence could truly be alien.

[edit on 21-5-2008 by Dewm0nster]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:02 PM
It's too bad that we have to be represented by such ego. And as for proof of life beyond us. I think you'd have to be pretty ignorant to think that you personaly can make the assumption that there isn't life our there. Considering that you might, at certain time, use up to 10 percent of your brain capacity. Now I"m not being negative or trying to argue. I'm just stating that we can only know so much with an IQ that is clearly fogged with illusion. Until you open your mind and thought to higher purpose. I"m sure the physical evidence is in abundance. But if you're not black ops or behind the scenes in some way, the odds of you touching something like that is impossible. Unless disclosure happens.

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