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The Rainbow Serpents

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posted on May, 25 2008 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Im a Marty

Do you know anything about the rebells having conducted horrendous animal/human cross-breeding experiments in the distant past?

Yes, one is the pig, cross human and wild boar genetics.

Some of this goes back to lemurian and atlantis colonisation, sum 60 to 90 thousand years ago...wars between the two, adamic and eve races..

Start the story from beginning? Lets say that the bible is actually closely tied to ancient beliefs of a 'saviour' scenario, father heaven, mother earth, father taking on many roles....serpent being one (I believe, can't recall)

EDIT: I don't know ancient language, just starting to learn basic words, I'm not indigenous genetically, however been told otherwise spiritually (as to why I found my way home)

[edit on 25/5/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:07 AM
Originally posted by interestedalways

In Thai (Buddhist) mythology, the rainbow is a staircase linking the earth to the heavens down which the nagas can descend. Here the colors do not stand for distinct elements, but represent aspects or qualities of the unity that is their source. Hence the rainbow links Samsara -- the world of illusion and suffering, to Nirvana -- formless Emptiness

Here's what's closest to the teachings of the arcana of the Secret Doctrine in that it represents exoterically, through metaphor, the descent of Spirit into matter, or the gradual incorporation of Universal Mind, the Logos, into the lower states of Manvantaric existence.

"In the beginning, before Mother became Father-Mother, the fiery Dragon moved in the infinitudes alone" (Book of Sarparajni.) The Aitareya Brahmana calls the Earth Sarparajni, "the Serpent Queen," and "the Mother of all that moves." Before our globe became egg-shaped (and the Universe also) "a long trail of Cosmic dust (or fire mist) moved and writhed like a serpent in Space." The "Spirit of God moving on Chaos" was symbolized by every nation in the shape of a fiery serpent breathing fire and light upon the primordial waters, until it had incubated cosmic matter and made it assume the annular shape of a serpent with its tail in its mouth -- which symbolises not only Eternity and Infinitude, but also the globular shape of all the bodies formed within the Universe
from that fiery mist. The Universe, as well as the Earth and Man, cast off periodically, serpent-like, their old skins, to assume new ones after a time of rest. SD .

This is in essence the devolution of spirit and hence the the fracturing or dissolution of pure light into it's componentary elements, The Trinity, or the 'Three-tongued flame that never dies';

Atma(Spirit) > Buddhi(Soul) > Manas(Mind)

..and these three then in combination (2^3 + 1 = 7) give the seven-headed Hindu Serpent Ananta, on which Vishnu rests, being the Serpent of Eternity in Pralaya, and by extension the Seven Principles, 7 Planetary Spirits (Dhyani-chohans) and the 7 Vowels (OEAOHOO).

The Gnostic Serpent with the seven vowels over it's head being the emblem of the Seven Hierarchies of the Septenary or Planetary Creators.

..and these finally devolve into the 7 Chakras and 7 colors of the rainbow on our level of being.

So yes the rainbow serpent is an apt metaphor for the bridging of the lower aspects, the phenomena of creation, to the noumenon of the Divine Thought.

What has all this got do with Aliens and UFOs?

There exists an archaic MSS called "The Book of Dzyan" written in Senzar, the ancient pictographic symbolic language, housed in the lamasaries of Tibet, whose cryptic stanzas of Cosmogenisis have been translated and synthesized by Blavatsky into "The Secret Doctrine" .

Some of these stanzas have been correctly interpreted(Blavatsky et al) and others somewhat profanely and erroneously, ie HP Lovecraft, and ..uhm yes by The US Air Forces Academy, who gave it the stamp of approval, to justify the existence of 'Alien' beings in Earth's pre-historical past...

In principle these beings exist, or have their lower (manasic) vehicles on the Etheric or Astral plane, basically where our Ego or Soul has its seat (where "Our Father in Heaven" or the divine Monad resides and where we go after each life), and this is composed of Astral light (pure Thought) essentially.

When they want to engage our reality they do it any number of ways, with the manifestation or concretization of this subtle etheric energy into plasmic light or forms, and then even further into an organic "metallic" vehicle and an organic body ...or they often simply project thought and manifest in any form they choose ...which is nice

This in short is what they are about ..the spiritual guidance of mankind and the evolution of it us on higher levels

[edit on 26-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

[edit on 26-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

[edit on 26-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:17 AM
Also wanted to add a couple of UFO documentaries as reference:

"Ships of Light - The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience"
"Capturing the Light - The Dorothy Izatt Phenomenon"

..more than enough there if you need convincing

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by OEAOHOO

This in short is what they are about ..the spiritual guidance of mankind and the evolution of it us on higher levels

Not that I get to choose or anything, but I have this problem with Blavatsky. I seem to have a memory or sense that she was channeling the idea of "the Great White Brotherhood" and that among this faction or "Root" if you will, there was the split between The White and Black Lodges, also known as Brotherhood of the Snake, which were known to use both paths, each distinguished by association.

Somewhere I have understood this (possibly in fallacy) to be part of Hitler's idea as to create the perfect body so that these "great" Teacher's could aquire bodies to incarnate in our system. This spin off the story gave me bad vibes.

This genre' of thought also ties in with the Lucis Trust folks who have the chapel at the UN, is this not true?

Just fishing around here with some ideas as to why I was seeking alternate truths with this thread!

Thank you for the time and well stated information in your post.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by interestedalways

I have a problem with Blavatsky too...not because she was deliberately making things up but because channeling always involves some filtering/distortion of information. Its hard to find a clear and pure channel.

Nevertheless its important that we factor in every angle in our neverending exploration.

Her source is supposedly a tibetan book that was channelled.

The problem with her story are the incongruencies within.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:38 AM
As for "rainbow serpents," I wodner if there is any co-relation between those rain bow colored clouds seen in the sky just hours before the earth quake in Sichuan, China last week. Though I was in China (still am) when they appeared, I did not see them. Many locals put a lot of stock in their connection to the earth quake,

Just something to think about.

David Siedlar

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Moshe David Siedlar

Just something to think about.

Yes, just something to add to the wild free-association run rampant in this thread

Welcome to ATS by the way

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by interestedalways though it might sound to some like I'm some card carrying Theosophist, of the Black Lodge even..and by implication even a Nazi! ..however the reality of it is I'm so very very far from that simple terms I'm a seeker of truth just like you

I too have always had problems with Blavatsky's sham channeling circuses and mediumistic pretensions ..however the blight that was put on her and her movement through the false and convenient appropriation of her ideas by the Nazis, and resultingly stripping it of any and all soul, is not her fault.

But I have over the years read through and studied various doctrines from all different schools, just as she did..her library was vast..she was fluent in several languages, and have sounded out falsities and Truths alike, just as she did, and have come to some incontrovertible pearls of wisdom's one

I will reserve judgment and offer opinion only when I have read and studied someone's work ..and never from secondhand sources or distorted and corrupted interpretations.

So I suggest to all that you have to get past the BS that is in politics and the sensationalism of conspiracy theory ...and past the exoteric blinds which surround most doctrines to the underlying kernels of truth ..the secret wisdom is there

"Be ye as wise a serpents"

The Book of Dzyan(Sanskrit for Mystic Meditation), also known as 'Lam-Rin', is not a "channeled"'s one of the most sacred texts underpinning esoteric Buddhism and is protected by the Kiu-te of the Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas.

"Find your own light"


[edit on 26-5-2008 by OEAOHOO]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by OEAOHOO

I will reserve judgment and offer opinion only when I have read and studied someone's work ..and never from secondhand sources or distorted and corrupted interpretations.

So I suggest to all that you have to get past the BS that is in politics and the sensationalism of conspiracy theory ...and past the exoteric blinds which surround most doctrines to the underlying kernels of truth ..the secret wisdom is there

"Be ye as wise a serpents"

The Book of Dzyan(Sanskrit for Mystic Meditation), also known as 'Lam-Rin', is not a "channeled"'s one of the most sacred texts underpinning esoteric Buddhism and is protected by the Kiu-te of the Tibetan Gelugpa Lamas.

"Find your own light"

Very well said. I will indeed give it a look. I did at one time possess a copy of "The Secret Doctrine" but I believe I was too young to understand it in any depth.

I must also say that in my studies I am often found at the gates of Shamballa and Agartha with the same split of the Brotherhood, generally when I follow the trail of Atlantis, which has always spoken to my heart.

I appreciate your post and explanation...........

By the way, how would you pronounce the vowel arrangement in your screen name?

And to Skyfloating:

Thanks for letting us "freeflow" along in this thread as the lack of tight structure can allow for the serpentine movement of logic and thoughts.

[edit on 26-5-2008 by interestedalways]

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways

Very well said. I will indeed give it a look. I did at one time possess a copy of "The Secret Doctrine" but I believe I was too young to understand it in any depth.

I must also say that in my studies I am often found at the gates of Shamballa and Agartha with the same split of the Brotherhood, generally when I follow the trail of Atlantis, which has always spoken to my heart.

I appreciate your post and explanation...........

By the way, how would you pronounce the vowel arrangement in your screen name?

Ta for that..and yes I was once too young for it too..but have re-read it with much clarity and the benefit of hindsight since then..

The profane derivative of my Avatar is A_E_I_O_U ..and no not the way it's sung by Freeze ...but rather the Gnostic version

In Sanskrit it can be pronounced as One, Three or Seven vowels with an additional E on the end.

The true esoteric pronunciation is kept secret and you have to be initiated into the higher
circles of Buddhism to be privy to it.

Say it any way you want ..I'm sure in the permutation and combination of it amongst us all we will eventually get it right..

I too thank Skyfloating for letting us continue to mix the brew in ATS's beakers

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:52 PM

The Lha which turns the Fourth is Servant to the Lha (s) of the Seven, they who revolve, driving their Chariots around their Lord, the One Eye of our World. His Breath gave Life to the Seven. It gave Life to the First.

Look out Horus, you are no longer the true one eye!!!

Seriously, how old is this work?

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Im a Marty
They are descendants yes, but the dragons could be considered the 'trouble maker' or the rebellious ones who want control for themselves rather than obeying mother and father serpents if you get what I mean. Its more or less a heirarchy, the serpents are neutral, and dragons want a control factor.

So, I am a serpent (little dragon), borne in the year of the dragon.

You have just summed up my life to this point in time, fighting with myself for control of my organic essence, while trying to be neutral.

This little discussion has opened up a new door to look behind. Thanks.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by OEAOHOO

Blavatsky was knowledgable about many things. As you rightly point out, she spoke several languages and had access to archives of documents.

However...we´ve all learned that not one single master, researcher, scholar, teacher is 100% right about everything.

Thats why best practice is to find the congruencies between different teachings.

I guess you´d agree to that.

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I really don't want the Blavatsky or Alice Bailey stream to be the end result of this thread, no offense to anyone. I know it isn't about what I want or don't want, I just have explored much of that system and find it to be corrupted on many levels.

Skyfloating, what if any preconcieved attachments or beliefs do you hope to bring forth with this thread?

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by interestedalways
Skyfloating, what if any preconcieved attachments or beliefs do you hope to bring forth with this thread?

None. Im just happy to talk to open-minded and interesting people

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by OEAOHOO

I have to say, looking at the book you linked and rereading your posts is that I am facing a personal wall in myself that is fear based. Ever get that feeling?

It is as if the answers are so obvious yet it still seems as though there is a free will issue lurking in the shadows not making itself clear.

Oh, and Skyfloating since you used the word Conguencies two times I had to look it up and it plays right into what OEAOHOO mentions with the numbers, well sort of, I won't quote the entire dictionary meaning.

Gauss came up with the congruence notation to indicate the relationship between all integers that leave the same remainder when divided by a particular integer. This particular integer is called the modulus, and the arithmetic we do with this type of relationships is called the Modular Arithmetic. For example, the integers 2, 9, 16, all leave the same remainder when divided by 7. The special relationship between the numbers 2, 9, 16 with respect to the number 7 is indicated by saying these numbers are congruent to each other modulo 7, and writing,

I will spend some more time looking at these ideas without the preconcieved predjudice, but it sure feels like a physical mental block, like going to the dentist or something, yet compelling like something that must be done.

Hope that made a bit of sense.


posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:04 PM
Ill try and see if those numbers were significant within any Indigenous belief system. To be honest I have never heard any mention of any Aboriginal number systems or words.

Are those numbers significant to birthdays cause they are very very familiar?

Interested Always,

Are the nuts of this tree pinecone enough for you, mind it is a dinosaur pinecone.

One of the most remarkable sources of food for the Aborigines in eastern Australia were the mountain bunya pines. Once every three years these huge trees bore enormous quantities of cones, the largest of which contain seeds about one and one-half inches long. Every third year, many tribes would travel to the Bunya Bunya festival – it was one of the few times when people were permitted to cross other tribes' boundaries. The harvest was so plentiful that thousands of people could live for several weeks off the seeds. The nuts are described as having a delicious taste, something like chestnuts when roasted.9 The kernels were also pounded into a meal and baked in the ashes as a cake. The Aborigines stored bunya nuts by placing them in large cane baskets and burying them in a particular kind of mud. When exhumed – after many months of lying in the ground – the nuts had a very offensive smell but nevertheless were a popular food

They come out every three years. Clans would travel for months to get to the bunya grounds. It was the biggest thing to the people of South East Queensland.

Another 3

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by KTK

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven???

So does the Pineal take us somewhere or allow us to see what is here?

So I am fine with the inner experience of enlightenment, but afraid the "masters" or "brotherhood" will possess me if I am not careful.

Okay I said it now shed some LIGHT!

Edit to add: SHED some Light...............Now that is a bit Serpentine, isn't it?

[edit on 26-5-2008 by interestedalways]


posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:37 PM
You are just coming across things to soon to digest quickly enough, few more dots and you will be right. When truth is so conflicting its hard to have an anchor. The other thing is its so much more simpler in its purest form and easier to anchor, back to basics without the fluff. Screw everyone elses truths find your own and know your marbles before "they" change colour on you.

The spiritual stuff here is gold

I did mention Gympie before, pyramids, artifacts, its all here and not far from the Bunya mountains......

The mystery deepens

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by interestedalways

I'd be extremely, ermmm, suspicious of any extra-dimensional showing an interest in my well being. I'm extremely suspicious of many human beings I don't know who are ,for no apparent reason, extremely friendly and interested in my well being as well.

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