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How to identify space beings on Earth.

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posted on May, 16 2008 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by therevelation

First of all ether dosn't exist, my chemistry teacher told me when i was in high school ... oh an by the way you are right, i have the right to believe everything i want, but just because a high "priest man" told you to jump in a well, will you do it ? just because he is a holy man. Now ... i believe there is life on other planets and stuff like that, but spirituality !!! damn ... now that is a subject that started from Jehova ( the name of God ) from the year 0 A.D. . Believe what you want and life your life to the full, my opinion is to go drink a bear .... cheers

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 06:30 AM
therevelation, I see that you have not answered my questions. This might be because one of two reasons:

you didn't see my post, and I admit that is very likely in such a busy thread, or

you chose to ignore it, and possibly me, too.

So, if it's ok, I'll ask them again, with a few additions (and I should point out here that I'm not disbelieving of your claims, it's just that I think I have relevent queries).

Why, as a non Christian, would you be motivated to contact Him (Jesus)? And as he is he now speaking of reincarnation, where does this leave all established Christian churches in their denunciation of it?

Why did you not consider contacting Buddha, or Zoroaster, Socrates, Krishna, or even Muhammad? Do you not consider them to be great philosophical leaders too?
Are they ascended Masters? If not, and you have this information from a reputable source, are you willing to say that Muhammad hasn't attained as high an ascendancy as Jesus on a public forum?

Do you know who Sananda is?

Do you still stand by your view that "Skepticism halts our spiritual progress"? Are you advocating that we simply accept everything we read without the interference of logic or an alternative opinion?

Does this quote (my emphasis):

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door shall be opened.

not indicate that we have to search for the way to enlightenment, to seek literally means to actively gain knowledge?

True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubteth often, and changeth his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubteth not; he knoweth all things but his own ignorance

And does this not say that we have to doubt and question to be wise?

And that this:

He said that there was one only good, namely, knowledge; and one only evil, namely, ignorance

speaks volumes with regard to the importance of acquiring comprehension and understanding?

Thank you for your time.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
I'd eat you alive. I'll allow you to abscond with some dignity. I don't prefer to embarass others in public, they always do it to theirselves.
One entity, such as a Human being, ceases to be alive at its death. There are no souls. Stop your rubbish.
Put up or shut up.
If you have the elucid evidence of souls, then show us. Until then you are nothing but a liar and a confused being searching desperately for hands to grab onto your own delusions.
Enjoy cookooville.

Any you know this how? I was a close-minded skeptic, and an atheist (I prefer atheists because of their skepticism). I could be described as a pantheist now if I wanted to attach a label, and an open-minded skeptic. One of my internet friends is Acharya S., whose research material was used in Zeitgeist. That said, your statement about the non-existence of consciousness post physical death is still an unknown, and your belief is no more plausible than that of other zealous beliefs (sounds like 'scientism'). The physicist Alain Aspect's non-locality experiment "The experiment of Aspect, based on Bell’s theorem, has established non-locality in quantum mechanics (non-local interconnectedness). Non-locality happens because all events are interrelated and influence each other; Roger Penrose, a quantum physicist, argues that Algorithmic computations cannot simulate mathematical reasoning. The brain, as a closed system capable of internal and consistent computations, is insufficient to elicit human consciousness. Penrose offers a quantum mechanical hypothesis to explain the relation between consciousness and the brain. And Simon Berkovitch, a professor in Computer Science of the George Washington University, has calculated that the brain has an absolutely inadequate capacity to produce and store all the informational processes of all our memories with associative thoughts. We would need 1024 operations per second, which is absolutely impossible for our neurons.37 Herms Romijn, a Dutch neurobiologist, comes to the same conclusion.30 One should conclude that the brain has not enough computing capacity to store all the memories with associative thoughts from one’s life, has not enough retrieval abilities, and seems not to be able to elicit consciousness. Herms Romijn argues that the continuously changing electromagnetic fields of the neuronal networks, which can be considered as a biological quantum coherence phenomenon, possibly could be the elementary “carriers” of consciousness.
Einstein's protege`, David Bohm, formulated his holographic universe theory at the same time that the neurophysiologist Karl Pribram form the holonomic theory Bohm is not the only researcher who has found evidence that the universe is a hologram. Working independently in the field of brain research, Standford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram has also become persuaded of the holographic nature of reality. Pribram was drawn to the holographic model by the puzzle of how and where memories are stored in the brain. For decades numerous studies have shown that rather than being confined to a specific location, memories are dispersed throughout the brain.
Nobel prize winning physicist Brian Josephson is working on consciousness research. There are some very intelligent and well-educated people who suspect the continuation of post-death consciousness (i.e., the 'soul') based on empirical research. Retired physics/material science professor William Tiller has done research in this field for many years. There is a list, though not all-inclusive, of scientists who have done and/or are doing research in this area at
When you state that there is no such thing as a soul, you are merely stating your belief, not an empirically established fact.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Hi Beamish. Those are some great questions. And better still are the quotes from external sources which I really like. Could you kindly provide the source links for those? (Possibly an oversight?) I would love to study them further.

Honestly, they are great quotes and I am eager to learn more about the lovely sentiment expressed in them. Thanks - A - Million.

regards . . . kk

[edit on 16-5-2008 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by therevelation

You don't own the material?
You can't paraphrase or quote with appropriate citations?
Where are all these planets?

If I chose all the people that I encounter in this life, my "True Self" must be a masochist.

Which means I chose therevelation. So give us the goods already!!

WHERE ARE THE PLANETS? What is your definition of proof?

Just tell me where one planet is. One planet. That's all I'm asking.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by carole9999

I am stating that no "soul" has been proven and never will be. When I die, I am dead.

Sure if all planets populated with intelligent species take their course to eventually understanding the eternally static laws of the universe there will always be a Being on every planet that possibly resembles Beings on other planets that played similar roles in advancement. This does not mean that they are a re-incarnated individual soul, rather they are the incarnation or reception of eternal universal knowledge that is readily available for anyone that wishes to pay attention to nature and the way it always has been and always will be; there IS structure, this strcture is unflailing. This is because we are re-membering the universe because we have not yet learned it, as a result of our evolutiuon and inception as Human Beings on this planet we call Earth, our energy forms took on this life source and this material form because it was the only way that it can be as an amalgam of all universal forces and laws acting together to hold us in place gravitationally, intellectually, bodily and etc. Why doesn't everything just fall apart? I'm not asking because I don't know, I'm asking because maybe you've never considered these things. This life source of beings such as ourselves plays out the role of intelligently comprehending the universe.

When we die, we are dead as vessels. There is energy and this energy contains knowledge. This knowledge is thus transcendent because energy is eternal. This knowledge can be and is passed on. Whether this universal knowledge of physics and science is known or not is what makes us who and what we are and what causes us to evolve.

We are interconnected eternal energy and eternal knowledge divided into an illusion of indivitrio ones.

This is physics, not speculation. This is existence, not delusional subjectivism and mere opinion. This is verbiage and fact, not a fancy name. Rather a somebody that wishes to not be known and a nobody that wishes to be rememberd as such, and only pushing for the truth to be out.

I did not say that there is no consciousness after death, as everything is conscious and that everything Being energy. Simply; we as individuals do not exist. This is the delusion. We are one eternal consciousness; or one eternal interaction and result of infinitely webbed and interdependent, instantaneously synchronized cause and effect.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by carole9999

Limits of language. I don't think LastOutfiniteEtern-something was discounting the very real interactions of observer and potentia-come-manifest. I'm not sure I see your point in referencing the "hologram" or whatever model. I don't see the connection to "the soul" as understood in the Judeo-Christan sense, which is what I believe was being refuted. Besides, what is Death? Physical? Energetic? Cohesive awareness may outlast the organism, but who can say? It's empirically unverifiable. Another user quoted Vallee's assertions about the reality of the absurd. Yes, there are really absurd and arguably frightening things out there that defy mainstream conventional ideas about "reality." But the paradigm is shifting.
I've tried to address this paradigm shift in concrete topical terms in a thread I started about A Spike in Interest in Esoteric/Conspiracy Topics that no one responds to. (yes, this IS whining)

But this is about "proof" from therevelation. WHERE ARE THE PLANETS?

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:57 AM
Hey man,

when you go to a different place as you say, what happens to the ones you love upon this planet are you seperated frmo them forever? that would suck!!

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal
reply to post by carole9999

I am stating that no "soul" has been proven and never will be. When I die, I am dead.

Sure if all planets populated with intelligent species take their course to eventually understanding the eternally static laws of the universe there will always be a Being on every planet that possibly resembles Beings on other planets that played similar roles in advancement. This does not mean that they are a re-incarnated individual soul, rather they are the incarnation or reception of eternal universal knowledge that is readily available for anyone that wishes to pay attention to nature and the way it always has been and always will be; there IS structure, this strcture is unflailing. This is because we are re-membering the universe because we have not yet learned it, as a result of our evolutiuon and inception as Human Beings on this planet we call Earth, our energy forms took on this life source and this material form because it was the only way that it can be as an amalgam of all universal forces and laws acting together to hold us in place gravitationally, intellectually, bodily and etc. Why doesn't everything just fall apart? I'm not asking because I don't know, I'm asking because maybe you've never considered these things. This life source of beings such as ourselves plays out the role of intelligently comprehending the universe.

When we die, we are dead as vessels. There is energy and this energy contains knowledge. This knowledge is thus transcendent because energy is eternal. This knowledge can be and is passed on. Whether this universal knowledge of physics and science is known or not is what makes us who and what we are and what causes us to evolve.

We are interconnected eternal energy and eternal knowledge divided into an illusion of individual ones.

This is physics, not speculation. This is existence, not delusional subjectivism and mere opinion. This is verbiage and fact, not a fancy name. Rather a somebody that wishes to not be known and a nobody that wishes to be rememberd as such, and only pushing for the truth to be out.

I did not say that there is no consciousness after death, as everything is conscious and that everything Being energy. Simply; we as individuals do not exist. This is the delusion. We are one eternal consciousness; or one eternal interaction and result of infinitely webbed and interdependent, instantaneously synchronized cause and effect.

[edit on 16-5-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

I agree....however much 'time' it takes in linear terms, we keep our individual identity until there is no longer a need for experience in that form, and ultimately the individual is no longer necessary or desired. Much of what people fear about death is the loss of the individual consciousness, but I have pointed out this thought: What if you had no consciousness after death? You wouldn't even realize it, nor think about it if 'you' no longer existed, and what difference would it then make? My observation/speculation is that the vessel exists for the purpose of experience only, and this is what is retained--individual physical identity is for the purpose of the experience only. I stress 'speculation' as I simply don't know for sure, but I can't see any other point to it. Since this is somewhat OT I will leave it at that. As for the interdimensional/extraterrestrial proof of genetic or spiritual ID, it is unimportant to me simply because I am experiencing my time here as an Earth human--other than this I have only a mild/vague interest.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by carole9999

I hope it doesn't appear as if we're hijacking the thread. This certainly does play into the O.P.'s claims.

That last line should have read like this.

Simply; we as individuals do not exist. This is the delusion. We are one eternal consciousness; or one eternal interaction and result of infinitely webbed and interdependent, instantaneously synchronized cause and effect divided into an illusion of indivitrio ones.

We are not individual, if anything we are indivitrio. There are 3 dimensions, that of which we are divided among as the illusion of ones.

Individuality is the delusion because it does not deal with physical existence, rather it is subjective percipience, mostly that of optical aptitude and selfish egoism; viewing ones self relative to another self or another thing. You see 2 things and say ok... I'm an indiviDUAL. When those two things are really 3d, thus indivitrios in and of theirselves.

I really think a more accurate summation of what we are as Human Beings as singularities, is interconnected indivitrios. I can only come to this conclusion as the universe mirrors such, being that it is an eternal one of 3 dimensions comprised by and of eternal ones of 3 dimensions.

I'll think about this more and make a thread about it in the future. It is definitely incomplete, yet eerily attractive.


[edit on 16-5-2008 by LastOutfiniteVoiceEternal]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:40 AM
therevelation , what or who are the people who claim they've seen Jesus? What would it make me if i saw him ? ....

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 10:56 AM
If any of you want proof of channeling - I'd suggest reading the books of the Law of One. Between 1962 and 1981 a group decided to try to experiment with contacting "other" entities. The material that eventually became the Law of One as channeled through one of the study participants by the entity known as Ra is extremely interesting, scientific, spiritual and precise.

Normally I don't think I would have given such an idea the time of day (and the way the books are written are difficult to follow and there is an enormous amount of material to read) but I did because the people that published the books aren't out to make $$ - I just downloaded all 5 for free a few years ago. That was what initially interested me.

The cool thing is that ideas in math and physics that only began to be explored in the 90's pop up continuously in the books, as do current political, social and earth centered situations that weren't relevant at the time of publication. If I remember correctly, Mad Cow disease is even mentioned somewhere in there. Fascinating stuff.

To me the OP sounds extremely juvenile in his/her understanding of his/her own spiritual ideas. S/he seems to have just recently found a bit of info on the ideas being expressed without fully assimilating or exploring them. I don't mean to be demeaning - but if the OPs ideas are "The Big Red Dog" , then the Law of One books are "War and Peace".

I would really really really suggest reading the Ra material. I am a HUGE skeptic, but there's something very profound about them that will intrigue anyone that can get past the writing style, which is purely Question / Answer.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by angst18

To me the OP sounds extremely juvenile in his/her understanding of his/her own spiritual ideas. S/he seems to have just recently found a bit of info on the ideas being expressed without fully assimilating or exploring them. I don't mean to be demeaning - but if the OPs ideas are "The Big Red Dog" , then the Law of One books are "War and Peace".

Very eloquently stated, Angst. I think you hit the nail on the head. I can only echo your sentiments, and recommend The Law of One right alongside you. Starred.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Like I said, I'm not a christian, neither is my family.

I always wanted to communicate with great philosophers of all kinds.

Just one night, my impulse, my thought was of Jesus.

Borned in Vezuela, Raised in America... Both christian dominated countries.
A great amount of people that have surrounded my life wore a cross around their necks.
Everywhere you go and drive, you read Jesus this, Jesus that...

Now in my side of the world at least, Jesus is the most influential person I thought we could make contact with.

I'm not downplaying any other prophets or philosophers. I would also love to see what they have to say. However, the communications are from Jesus, so I do not have any knowledge of where they're at or their spiritual progress. I'm sure they're all way up high.

One problem humans have had throughout eternity is that they give god like features to prophets and missionaries that have stepped on Earth. This is a big mistake because this later causes more confusion and division into the minds of human beings. There's only one God. These missionaries are spiritual beings like you & I; that are obviously more spiritually advanced, therefore achieving great things. In one of his messages Jesus talks about how fake scriptures were added to the bible after his death in the search of dominating the masses. You will be pretty astonished about what he has to say about religions.

Like I said, there's much information to read.

I feel that restating the whole book in my own words is a little pointless... It's free for everyone to read.

I can answer any questions, but if you're really interested in the messages, I recommend taking a look at the actual ebook.

What do you have to lose?

Take it as if you were studying the thoughts of a philosopher that once lived. Maybe you'll take something valuable out of it, who knows.

Peace, love & blessings!

[edit on 16-5-2008 by therevelation]

[edit on 16-5-2008 by therevelation]

[edit on 16-5-2008 by therevelation]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by therevelation

Ah, I'm not into personal attcks, but your repeated refusal to address my perfectly simple straightforward query about your proof and the location of these planets may be interpreted as something less than cordial.

Just answer the question (s). They aren't attacks. They aren't unfair. They aren't anything but obvious in light of your claims.. Maybe the mods should ban you for starting nonsense threads in a chronic and decidedly anti-social, irrational manner. You only seem interested in the ambiguous spiritual mumbo-jumbo aspects here and refuse to address anything objective, yet use words like "proof." You are starting to ruffle my feathers. Why don't you answer me direct with one of those u2u things or whatever? If there is some unspoken conflict with actually saying something concrete? Does your 'book' give any locations fo? the planets? Or define "proof" in your terms?

If your ain is to annoy the hell out of everyone who isn't some space-case New Ager then you've done your job at least here. And this is the last time I'll ask. But if I see another one of your threads, I'll be there with my questions.

I'm not gonna fix the typos on this post.., you can read it

[edit on 16-5-2008 by djerwulfe]

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by djerwulfe
reply to post by therevelation

If I chose all the people that I encounter in this life, my "True Self" must be a masochist.

Now, I've been asked this a lot and there's a simple answer to it.

Remember we don't come to earth to live a perfect life. That's not what earth is... That will come later, into thousands of years of spiritual progress and evolution of the being. When we are able to reach those worlds of love, such as Amada. We're here in earth to pay for acquired debts (karma) or simply on a mission to help humanity evolve.

Much love!!!

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by djerwulfe

My friend, the planets are in the Universe, all over you. They're billions.

You're asking to specify the exact location of a needle in haystack.

Which planet are you referring to?

If it's AMADA, you must learn that even if we had the exact physical coordinates to the planet, in reference to the Universe, we will not be able to reach it because the whole planet is at a different vibration, much elevated to ours. Which would make it invisible to the eyes.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by therevelation

Oh invisible to the naked eye but no invisible to the proper telescope! Cool, so where is it so that we can point some high tech equipment over there and see it? We have the means, you really can't escape this one.

(I foresee further dodging of location, and further psuedo-science explanations)

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by VisionQuest
Very eloquently stated, Angst. I think you hit the nail on the head. I can only echo your sentiments, and recommend The Law of One right alongside you. Starred.

Yay! Finally someone else that's read the Ra books. I've mentioned them in multiple posts and no one seems to know what I'm talking about. I'm continuously floored because they're so relevant and interesting I'd think that most of those that post topics like the OPs would be familiar with them. Thanks VQ, you've made my day!

To therevelation: If you don't take me up on my suggestion to at least take a glance at the Law of One, I would suggest the following: really take a look at the material that you're referencing in your post. Give it a lot of time to sink in do some thought exercises arguing some of the 'truths' expressed. Play with it, pray with it, but just reflect quietly, to yourself, and really examine whether the information is true to you. And then let it rest for a while and study another point of view or even similar material from another source in the same way.

There is no reason to 'preach the gospel'. Religion, spirituality - these things are wonderful to discuss, banter around, construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct - but ultimately they're deeply personal and unprovable.

I understand the feeling about finding out new information that speaks to you and gets you really excited, but I think you're kind of at the tip of the ice burg. You're setting yourself up to be ridiculed on this post because you're postulating your excitement as truth, you're saying that your truth has solid proof, and this just isn't so. It cannot be. Spirituality is unprovable precisely because it cannot be proven wrong. It's based on faith.

I'm not suggesting that you stop posting, mind you, just that you give some careful consideration, and possibly do a lot more research, into your beliefs and into the idea of truth(s) before trying to earmark yours as the only one.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 12:32 PM
Thank you. Now was it so hard to come up with more evasive double-talk bs to answer my simple question? I can find a needle in a haystack in about 0.25 seconds with a metal detector. We have lots of those things. And yeah, M-theory may point to looking out eventually becomes looking in, but those points in space are still real and definable. So how bout those locations?
And here's another question for ya. If I sat down and wrote The Shining, but gave the characters different names and mixed up some of the specifics is there a point in shoving it out there and claiming that it's original? Becasue every mushy spiritual ambiguous revelation I've heard (read) from you has already been put out there a millions times over.

Does Jesus/Krishna?whoever have Alzheimers?

Or is it just that you don't read books? Just becasue you never heard it before doesn't make it a revelation.l

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