posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:52 PM
What I was going to try was locate a map of the Cal./Nev. states and look on the map for the locations that the USGS list for the quakes in those two
states. Unfortunately the maps I find only have the bigger areas not all the little areas where I can connect anything.
Maybe if we can connect the areas listed we can see which way this thing is going or make some kind of connection. I am at the point I am trying
anything I can think of to try and connect anything.
Like today for instance so far I see 42 quakes listed for Cal./NV and they seem to be happening at 15 different locations.
11 of these are nornal day areas if you check previous days list and 4 are first timers I think. The 4 new locations are Carlin, NV. San Jacinto,
Yorba Linda, Coachella Cal.
Most are happening everyday in
Borrego Springs
The Geysers
Alamo (3.1) today
Mammoth Lakes
Obsidian Butte
Anderson Springs
As I look back on days the 9 Cal. listings are constant and the Verdi-Mogul and Reno are constant.
What I would like to know are these 9 locations close to one another like in the Lassen Volcanic area or the Mammoth Lake area of Cal.
What are the faults in said locations and could new fissures be opening?
On the all quake Cal./NV listings we can plot anything over a 3 in the last week to see if we can come up with something that connects.
Hey, I'm trying.
edit to add: I looked at your first map and lets take it to Long Valley Cauldera.
I wanted a map with all areas (like the 9 I listed) on it so I can see how close they are to one another.
[edit on 9-6-2008 by observe50]