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God is fake!

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posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:43 PM
Also you need to read posts better because I didn't say Joseph jacked off on Mary, I said that Mary gave birth to Jesus not knowing the touch of a man and for the sake of your argument of artificial incemination you could say that Joseph Jacked off on Mary. I don't believe that one second... I was just adding sarcastic comedy to the mix. And how is it that if the Bible is true, God is fake and if the bible is fake, God is fake? You really are ill-educated on the facts. You are a sorry athiest. My brother is athiest and he has way better arguments than you.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:57 PM
I pulled the quotes directly from your post. Secondly. The proofs prove that God is fake using the Bible. So if the bible is true then it is a book that proves God to be fake. If the bible is fake then there can be no God because the bible is FAKE.

Here is the proof about the Bible. Since you are to stubborn to go look at the facts I will post it.

Imagine that we are good friends. One day we are talking:

Me: Wow, you will not believe this new book I've been reading!

You: What's it about?

Me: It is a manual for living a better life. It is also a guide to creating a better society for ourselves and our children. It has changed my life!

You: That sounds like an important book. Who wrote it?

Me: The author is supposed to be the smartest person in the universe.

You: That's amazing -- if the author is the smartest person in the universe, the book must be absolutely brilliant. I can't wait to see it. Do you have a copy with you?

Me: Absolutely! I carry it with me everywhere I go! Here, have a look for yourself...

You open the book to a random page, and you find this:

Any of the people of Israel, or of the aliens who reside in Israel, who give any of their offspring to Molech shall be put to death; the people of the land shall stone them to death. I myself will set my face against them, and will cut them off from the people, because they have given of their offspring to Molech, defiling my sanctuary and profaning my holy name. And if the people of the land should ever close their eyes to them, when they give of their offspring to Molech, and do not put them to death, I myself will set my face against them and against their family, and will cut them off from among their people, them and all who follow them in prostituting themselves to Molech.

If any turn to mediums and wizards, prostituting themselves to them, I will set my face against them, and will cut them off from the people. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy; for I am the Lord your God. Keep my statutes, and observe them; I am the Lord; I sanctify you. All who curse father or mother shall be put to death; having cursed father or mother, their blood is upon them.

If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall be put to death. The man who lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness; both of them shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. If a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall be put to death; they have committed perversion; their blood is upon them. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them. [Leviticus, chapter 20]

You are not quite sure what to say. You look at me for a moment.

You: I thought you said that this is written by the most intelligent person in the universe. If we are going to follow what this author says, we have to kill half the people in America. We are supposed to kill everyone who has cursed his father or mother, everyone who has committed adultery, and every homosexual.

Me: Well, that's in the old testament, you see. The book is really two books, and the "old" part of the book doesn't really apply.

You: Are you saying that the smartest person in the universe once wanted us to kill every adulterer and homosexual, but then changed his mind? That somehow makes it better? If the "old part" no longer applies, then why did you hand it to me when I asked to see the book?

Me: Well, parts of it do apply.

You: Didn't you just tell me that it doesn't apply?

You open the book to another random page and you find this:

When you buy a male Hebrew slave, he shall serve for six years, but in the seventh he shall go out a free person, without debt. If he comes in single, he shall go out single; if he comes in married, then his wife shall go out with him. If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s and he shall go out alone. But if the slave declares, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out a free person’, then his master shall bring him before God. He shall be brought to the door or the doorpost; and his master shall pierce his ear with an awl; and he shall serve him for life.

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed; he shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt unfairly with her. If he designates her for his son, he shall deal with her as with a daughter. If he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish the food, clothing, or marital rights of the first wife. And if he does not do these three things for her, she shall go out without debt, without payment of money.

Whoever strikes a person mortally shall be put to death. If it was not premeditated, but came about by an act of God, then I will appoint for you a place to which the killer may flee. But if someone wilfully attacks and kills another by treachery, you shall take the killer from my altar for execution.

Whoever strikes father or mother shall be put to death.

Whoever kidnaps a person, whether that person has been sold or is still held in possession, shall be put to death. Whoever curses father or mother shall be put to death.

When individuals quarrel and one strikes the other with a stone or fist so that the injured party, though not dead, is confined to bed, but recovers and walks around outside with the help of a staff, then the assailant shall be free of liability, except to pay for the loss of time, and to arrange for full recovery.

When a slave-owner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives for a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property. [Exodus, chapter 21]

Again, you are dumfounded. Here the author of the book is advocating slavery, the branding of slaves, and the wholesale beating of slaves. You are not quite sure what to say. You look at me for a moment.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:58 PM
Here is the rest of the proof.

Again, you are dumfounded. Here the author of the book is advocating slavery, the branding of slaves, and the wholesale beating of slaves. You are not quite sure what to say. You look at me for a moment.

You: You have to be kidding me. Here the "smartest person in the universe" is telling us that slavery is OK and that we are free to beat our slaves.

You open the book to another random page and you find this:

I desire, then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument; also that the women should dress themselves modestly and decently in suitable clothing, not with their hair braided, or with gold, pearls, or expensive clothes, but with good works, as is proper for women who profess reverence for God. Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and holiness, with modesty. [1 Timothy, chapter 2]

You are nearly speechless. But you manage to find your voice.

You: Is this some kind of joke? "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man." That is totally sexist! In America, there are millions of female teachers and we have women throughout our corporate and govenment hierarchies. No intelligent person believes that women should be silenced.

As you page through the book further you find that it is totally sexist from beginning to end.

You keep opening the book to random pages, and nearly everything you find is utter nonsense. Either it is meaningless, completely irrelevant, disgusting or downright wrong.

If you are a scientist it is even worse, and it starts with the very first line:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...

That's not true. In the beginning a natural event created the universe as we know it, and the earth did not form until billions of years later. The creation story in Genesis is completely wrong. Simply read Genesis and you can see it. For example, the Bible says that light and darkness are created after the water but before the sun. Everyone knows that the sun came first, then the planet and its rotation (which is what causes light and darkness to occur on a daily basis) and then the water, and this all happened over million of years. There are many other problems with the Bible:

* Man did not come from a handful of dust through some mythological being. Man evolved from other species like every other living thing has for hundreds of millions of years.
* The Bible talks about a world-wide flood that covered earth in 5.5 miles of water and killed everything, yet we know it never happened. That is clear from the archeolgical record.
* There was no tower of Babel where God confounded the languages of mankind.

The list goes on and on. The Bible is nonsense in a thousand different scientific ways.

Ask yourself this simple question: Why, when you read the Bible, are you not left in awe? Why doesn't a book written by an omniscient being leave you with a sense of wonder and amazement? If you are reading a book written by the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving creator of the universe, wouldn't you expect to be stunned by the brilliance, the clarity and the wisdom of the author? Would you not expect each new page to intoxicate you with its incredible prose and its spectacular insight? Wouldn't you expect the author to tell us things that scientists have not been able to discover yet?

Yet, when we open the Bible and actually read it, we find it is nothing like that at all. Instead of leaving us in awe, it leaves us dumbfounded by all of the nonsense and backwardness that it contains. If you read what the Bible actually says, you find that the Bible is ridiculous. The examples shown above barely scratch the surface of the Bible's numerous problems. If we are honest with ourselves, it is obvious that an "all-knowing" God had absolutely nothing to do with this book.

The reason why the Bible contains so much nonsense is because God is imaginary. The Bible is a book written thousands of years ago by primitive men. A book that advocates senseless murder, slavery and the oppression of women has no place in our society today.

Maybe this will knock some sense into you.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 04:12 PM
Thank you for proving my point. If there is only one God then why is Jesus considered your so called God if he is the son. He can't be the son if he is God. You are twisting up your words. You need to look at the facts. Apparently you wont because you are to hard headed and everything you say has to be right. Just about ever thing you have said has been wrong. You are to arrogant to lose.

The videos prove my point. If God can not be proven to be real then he isn't real. The Big Bang theory may be the wrong answer but it is the ONLY CREDIBLE SOURCE WE HAVE. I don't know about you but I will believe the facts and not some made up opinions that you call an argument. You have nothing to prove that God is real.

The man who wrote the website may be an atheist but he is thinking intelligently which apparently you can't do. He is a rational thinker.

Also a fictional movie is a fictional movie. Not real. The events are made up.

Science has come closer and closer every day to proving the Big Bang Theory. They may have not proven it yet but once again it is the only credible source.

I never said the Big Bang was real. Correct me if I'm wrong. I said it was the only credible source. Get that through your tiny brain (which you obviously must have).

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by whitesatan

Geez dude, you call yourself a man and yet you are only 18? Well age doesn't have a whole lot to do with manhood, actions do mostly and your actions prove you to be mentally a heck of a lot younger than what you are. I read the crap on your sad little website, you need to actually read the Bible if you aim to disprove the existance of God with it because you claim it contradicts it's self. This arguement will go nowhere cause you are too stubborn to see the truth when it is laid right in front of you, plus that website misquotes the Bible too and it's inference is waaay off. The person who created that website has no idea what inference is or the use of it. I bet without Googling it you don't either. You sir are a troll, all you do is use abusive language and personal attacks, you started that long ago before people gave personal attacks agianst you.
You seem familiar though, I think you have a second membership on this forum because you write like a member I know of, use the same language and stuff. You're also a liar too. Here we gooo!

You could say what you want about the Virgin Mary and how it was impossible for her to give birth as a virgin but it was documented that she knew not the touch of a man when she gave birth to Jesus and who knows, for the sake of your argument you could say that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line you sorry son-of-a-bitch!

The above is exactly what locoman8 said, I truthfully pulled the quote directly from his post. I put in bold the words "you could say" you you can see he is not quoting you or say that you said this, but he is saying that this is a possibility of wht you (whitesatan) could say, not what you (whitesatan) did say.

Also when did I say this "you said that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line."
I don't believe I said this you arrogant son of a monkeys ass.

This proves you are a liar because you did not pull that directly from his quote, you added "you said", you adding this was a conscious effort on your half to twist the truth (lie) about what locoman8 said.

Also you need to read posts better because I didn't say Joseph jacked off on Mary, I said that Mary gave birth to Jesus not knowing the touch of a man and for the sake of your argument of artificial incemination you could say that Joseph Jacked off on Mary.

Here he defends himself and inferes that you are the liar that you truely are.

I pulled the quotes directly from your post.

In this post you infer that he is the liar, but you are the one who is the liar obviously.
I am 23 years old, I have am a highschool drop out, I however have an IQ of 165, I scored that because of the high score that I got in the logic portion of the test. Even if I had an IQ of 118 like my dad though, I could still see that you are a liar and that you constantly contradict yourself, you say things like "the God contradicts Himself in the Bible which proves He's fake!", yet I prove to you that what you claim is a contradiction is not one and you say things like "That proves nothing because the bible is false.", the website you posted was supposed to use the Bible to prove God is fake because of contradictions as well as other things, but when I prove the opposite, you contradict your own "evidence". You're full of crap dude. I really have a hard time believeing you are even 18, much less gaduated hisghscool and are now in college. You have no idea what inference is and no sense of tact.
Get a life, your wasting yours and everyone elses with this garbage dude.

"God, do something in whitesatan's life to open his eyes to the Truth of who You are Lord.
In Yeshua's name, Amen"

There ya go buddy I prayed for ya, I'm leaving this topic now.

Be blessed,


posted on May, 14 2008 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by whitesatan

2thessaloians2:3 let no one in any way deceive you .
the Creator is no fake------but the god of this world i(2corinthians4:4) is --that wants to deceive all of us to follow it to the lake of fire (revelation20:10-15)so we can be destroyed and give up the gift of eternal life which is the reason why G-D made us in His image in the first place-----so we can become changed to literal sons of G-D(1john3:2)

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 10:34 PM
First off I act a lot older than I am. Ask any of my many friends.
secondly I am not a troll. I have facts that are laid out for all of you to see. I have proof. Again I have yet to see any proof that God is real.
thirdly I have read the Bible. These quotes you talk about, you are analyzing them wrong. You say the website is crap. Well wake up and smell the roses. It isn't. These proofs prove that God contradicts himself.
Fourthly how can I be to stubborn when you won't analyze the quotes. You think the quotes are analyzed wrong because the church tells you to analyze them wrong.
The site does not misquote the Bible. You say this because your mind is so twisted by what the church makes you believe. If the church told you that sex before marriage was o.k. then you would do it. You do what the church tells you. The church has brainwashed you. You will deny this because you are brainwashed. The church has told you that you are not brainwashed.
I have only one account. If you don't believe me then you are really retarded.
How can I be a liar when all I have done is show proof after proof after proof of how God can not be real. Once again you have yet to show me proof that God is real.

You could say what you want about the Virgin Mary and how it was impossible for her to give birth as a virgin but it was documented that she knew not the touch of a man when she gave birth to Jesus and who knows, for the sake of your argument you could say that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line you sorry son-of-a-bitch! "

It is infered that he said I said it. You need to actually read the the thread. Not skim. Also read the proofs not skim. I know you actually have not because you make false consumptions about the website.

"Also when did I say this "you said that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line."
I don't believe I said this you arrogant son of a monkeys ass. "

I pulled the quote directly from his thread. He has edited since then.

Again, how can I be a liar when I have proven my side of the argument but you have yet to prove anything on your side of the argument. You do not know me. You never will because you are an arrogant ass who has blinds on. You can only see what the church wants you to see. Take the blinds off, quit saying the website is crap because you know it isn't. You need to admit defeat. If you want to be the bigger man. Then you would have allready.

I am truely 18. You on the other hand. You probably have an IQ of about 68. (I'm being generous) I have yet to contradict myself. You know it. You are twisting words around and making it look as I am. You still have proven nothing.

Inference - Something that you pick up from a bunch of info. You pick up things that weren't necesarilly said.

I have a life. You probably don't because you are to busy praying to a false person who if is real, decieves you. You are to busy doing what the church tells you.

I on the other hand work everyday and make a real living. I didn't drop out of High School because it was to hard. Couldn't get that one assignment in. Had to drop out.

During my junior and senior year in High School I woke up at 7 am and didn't go to bed until about 1 or 2 am because I decided to make something of myself instead of doing what the church told me to. I got home from work at about 11 pm and did homework until 1 am. If I didn't work that day I studied and did homework until 1 am. I woke up at 5 am for work on the weekends and didn't get home until about 3 pm. I put a lot of time into my future. You not so much. You are still waiting for your so called God to tell you what to do.

How can an imaginary person help me. I don't see how an imaginary person can help me.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by whitesatan
Am I really jumping to conclusions. NO. I am looking at the facts and making a conclusion from the truth. You on the other hand are believeing what you are told.

who told me?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by whitesatan

You obviously have no sense of comprehension!

You could say what you want about the Virgin Mary and how it was impossible for her to give birth as a virgin but it was documented that she knew not the touch of a man when she gave birth to Jesus and who knows, for the sake of your argument you COULD say that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line you sorry son-of-a-bitch! ""

It is infered that he said I said it. You need to actually read the the thread. Not skim. Also read the proofs not skim. I know you actually have not because you make false consumptions about the website.
Now look carefully at the quote. I didn't tell you that you said that, I simply stated that if you wanted to make the argument, you could say that. It's not rocket science.

"Also when did I say this "you said that Joseph jacked off on Mary and the semen seeped into her fault line."
I don't believe I said this you arrogant son of a monkeys ass. "

I pulled the quote directly from his thread. He has edited since then.""

You did indeed say that. All it takes is looking at the quote. He pulled it directly from the thread and posted it as a quote. Also, I did not edit my posts, otherwise it would say "edited on 5/14/08 or some crap like that.

I also wanted to comment on your little storybook commentary with the guy randomly reading passages in the bible. How random is it that you go to the laws of Moses in Leviticus? Those were laws laid out directly for the Hebrews that were chosen as God's people at the time. It included animal sacrifices, punishable crimes and a number of other outrageous things you wouldn't understand. The lesson in those passages is that God was teaching the Hebrews how they should worship and live and to show how serious he was, he was willing to make an example out of people who disobeyed them. It was only this group of people He was talking about and mentioning this to. Jesus, the son of God, hung on the cross for our sins which fulfilled the need for animal sacrifices as well as the other ordinances that Moses outlined in Leviticus. The only laws that were still kept after the death of Christ was the 10 commandments. Your grasp on the opening pages of the bible are incorrect. You need to really read it and notice what is said. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. This speaks of the absolute beginning of existence. A huge part of history is left out between the first and second verses... and the earth was without form... this is because of the cosmic battle that Satan and God had with each other. Satan destroyed the earth and all life on it, explaining the extinction of dinosaurs, then God renewed the earth with new life on it along with the creation of man. You can choose to or not to believe that because this area is open to interpretation but God's 7 day creation and rest happened after a great battle in the heavens that ultimately caused Lucifer's captivity on earth.

Now to explain this one... Jesus is not God but he is of God. He is God's son. He is also known as the "Word of God." Jesus is the Messiah that saves the human race from destroying themselves... hence the name Saviour.

I can tell that you haven't read the bible thouroughly because of your lack for better arguments. Your site proves nothing except the fact that you and the creator of the site or anyone else willing to follow that as fact have no grasp on what the bible truely teaches and what it's message of Good News it truely is.

Big bang has not been proven seeing that it is still a theory and weather it's credible to you or not, it is still just an idea that scienctists have thrown around to try and disprove God's existence. What baffles me is the fact that you claim that because God's existence hasn't been proven, He's not real. Big bang has not been proven but you put your faith into the possibility of it being real. It's a contradiction of your beliefs.

God hasn't been proven real=God does not exist
Big bang hasn't been proven real=You think it may be real because of credibility???

Your argument just smacked you in the face my friend! I'm sure you'll twist your own words around to make it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about, but just as the last person that posted besides us proved that you had falsified my post, and just as you told a lie that I edited my post, which I didn't, you have contradicted yourself more times than I have time to count. You have the intellect of an 8 year old... and to use your quote "that's being generous."

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 02:10 PM
The church tells you what to believe.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 03:07 PM
It is infered that you said I said that. I didn't. It may not be rocket science but you still have no clue so it is rocket science for you. I also didn't make the argument. If I wanted to I would have but I didn't.

Show me exactly where I said this. It will be quite tough seeing that I didn't.

If I don't understand then I must be retarded. Oh... wait I'm not retarded the facts are laid out for everyone to see. Here is another brilliant website that once again proves my point.

The church says God made the world in 6 days and rested on the seventh. The Earth came into existence about 6.4 billion years ago. It took about 1 billion years before any algae was found. Or 2 190 000 000 000 days. 7 and 2 190 000 000 000 is an amazingly huge difference. Yet God is still real. Huh.. brilliant how 7 and 2 190 000 000 000 day are the same.

Dinosaurs died because the world froze over. The Earth was never blown up. You are pretty stuupid if You say the world was blown up because I just looked outside and the world was there.

O.k. we agree that God is not Jesus then why do I hear people say that they are the same person.

I have read the Bible. Lack of arguments are on your side of the argument. You have nothing to argue. You never had anything to argue. You will keep making things up about God and Satan dueling it out and making up untrue facts about the earth blowing up.

The message of the Bible may have been to prove God's existence but it doesn't. There is no way to prove God is real using the Bible. If there was you would have proven God is real but you haven't.

The Big Bang doesn't disprove God's existence because there is no existence of God. You are to ignorant to believe this. It hasn't been proven but once again it is the only credible source. A couple of scientists didn't throw it around. Many have spent their whole lifes coming closer and closer to proving it everyday.

Once again science works. Saying God is real doesn't work. Science proves facts. It shows you how things work. Therefore I'm going to believe Science and not someone who believes what the church tells you to believe.

"Your argument just smacked you in the face my friend! I'm sure you'll twist your own words around to make it seem like I don't know what I'm talking about, but just as the last person that posted besides us proved that you had falsified my post, and just as you told a lie that I edited my post, which I didn't, you have contradicted yourself more times than I have time to count. You have the intellect of an 8 year old... and to use your quote "that's being generous.""

My argument just killed you. You are now on the floor crying because you have been lied to. You have been lied to by the church. I have twisted none of my words around. I have actually shown more PROOF. (Being right is kind of fun, You should try it sometime. Oh wait you can't because the church won't allow it)(Proof allways wins a battle, and I have shown proof. You may say that my proof isn't proof and it is idiotic but it actually, truthfully isn't idiotic. You would know this if you took your blinders off).

"I don't know what I'm talking about"

A quote I just pulled from what you have just said.

Let us count how many times I have contradicted myself. Lets see. One, two oh wait that was the Bible I was reading, My bad.

I have the intellect of an 8 year old huh...

If so then why did a man with the intellect of an 8 year old just school you. Man you are going to need a lot of ice and aloe for that burn. Wow I can feel that burn because it is so hot.

Not a man with an intellect of an 8 yr. old anymore huh.

You need to accept the truth and be a man about the situation because you refuse to believe what is true.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by whitesatan
The church tells you what to believe.

i havent been to church in years.

care to try again?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by whitesatan

Yeah, buddy, you have no clue about what inference is, otherwise you would have said you were sorry, but your not able to do that, sorry isn't in your vocabulary. The Bible doesn't contradict it's self you obviously do.
I don't go to church, there is no church that believes what I believe, so you are agian a liar, you said that I write whatever the church tells me to write, I don't I write what I want. I study the Bible as well as other ancient documents, I understand what many ancient words mean and the inference they use. You don't you have no education in this type of thing, all you have is a pitiful little website that proves nothing other than the fact that the creator of that site has no education in ancient history or interpretation of ancient text. You are a fake, you truely are, I showed you that you lied and then you threw up another lie, I like how you said that you act older that you are, just ask some of your friends, yes, I will ask some of your friends, you are so arguementive that I find it hard to believe you even have any friends.
You sir are truely a misserable person.
With all that said I will now say this.
I will be the bigger man and step away from your beaten and broken arguement, I've kicked this dead horse enough now.

God Bless,


posted on May, 15 2008 @ 09:50 PM
You must not believe in God if you go to church then. If you did then you would respect him enough to show some reverence or whatever to not be lazy and give up an hour or so of your life every week to visit with your so called God.
I believe that when it came time to vote on cell stem research that made you watch a video on voting against it. Your ten commandments is another great example. Some of them are actual laws but the church tells you to follow them. There is another book and I forget what it is called but It basically tells you how you should live your life as a christian and what you should do in certain situations.

I have a challenge for everyone. If you truely believe in God, I mean actually still believe in God, go into the seminary. If you don't it will be a sign to me that you are having your doubts about the realness of God.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I have no clue what inference is. I guess I don't since it means i'm supposed to say sorry.

Well I will save you the trouble of looking it up.

1. the act or process of inferring.
2. something that is inferred: to make rash inferences.
3. Logic.
a. the process of deriving the strict logical consequences of assumed premises.
b. the process of arriving at some conclusion that, though it is not logically derivable from the assumed premises, possesses some degree of probability relative to the premises.
c. a proposition reached by a process of inference.

You my friend have no vocabulary. Man that is said. I would have expected more out of you.

"I don't go to church, there is no church that believes what I believe, so you are agian a liar, you said that I write whatever the church tells me to write, I don't I write what I want. I study the Bible as well as other ancient documents, I understand what many ancient words mean and the inference they use."

If you don't go to church then You have no respect for your so called God. It is pretty sad that you can't give up an hour or so of your life to be there with your so called God. No church believes what you believe. Then you must be agnostic or atheist. Because their is a Church for every other belief. How am I a liar when you say you are catholic yet there is no Church that believes what you believe. Then you have no idea what the church teaches and therefore no clue what they think the Bible is about. If you are having your doubts now would be the time to say so. It would save you a lot of embarrasment.

"You don't you have no education in this type of thing, all you have is a pitiful little website that proves nothing other than the fact that the creator of that site has no education in ancient history or interpretation of ancient text. You are a fake, you truely are, I showed you that you lied and then you threw up another lie, I like how you said that you act older that you are, just ask some of your friends, yes, I will ask some of your friends, you are so arguementive that I find it hard to believe you even have any friends."

I don't have no education huh..

Check your grammar when telling someone thaey have no education. That shows you are dumber than the person you are talking about. All I have is a pitiful little website huh...
50 proofs is not pitiful. It is what we intelligent people call 50 more reasons as to why God is imaginary. I also have shown two videos. Guess they are completely true if they are not pitiful. I also have shown you another website which may make a lot more sense to you if you would look at it but hell why would you. You are to stubborn to admit the truth. Here is the website in case you forgot. (

You showed me that I lied yet you can't prove that I lied because I didn't. So how does that work again you say I led but you can't back it up. You throw some random information about your so called God and you can't prove it is true.

Yes I am argumentitive. I always am when I am right when proving my point. You are argumentitive and stubborn as well. Only You are stubborn as well. You just can't lose. Not to someone who is right or closer to being right than you ever will on this issue.

"I will be the bigger man and step away from your beaten and broken arguement, I've kicked this dead horse enough now. "

Thank you for finally admitting defeat. It shows a lot out of you. It feels good doesn't it. Finally knowing the truth.

If you say that I'm wrong about you saying you are defeated well here is a challenge for you. If you truely still believe in God and I mean no doubts. Join the seminary. If you don't then it will be a sign that you don't believe in God.


(ROTFLMAO, had you goin for a minute. Should have seen the look on your face. We all know God is imaginary.)

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Yeesh. Maybe whitesatan will calm down a bit if someone starts debunking the site. 50 arguments takes a long time. I'll start out with the first 5:

Proof #1:
Simple, God tells us not to test him (Deuteronomy 6:16, quoted by Jesus in Matthew 4:7). This argument is similar to the one Satan (not to be confused with whitesatan of course ) used when tempting Jesus. If God were to do this, he would be encouraging us to sin by disobeying him, which would make him evil. Good thing he's not.

The same goes for proof #2.

Proof #3 is simply untrue. None of the Christian concepts in the Bible are taken from any mythology. Look some up, you can't find anything.

Proof #4 is wrong because there is no connection. In the example given, the antibacterial properties of penicillin are natural, while a miracle is supernatural. Also, many scientists believe in God, as the site implies is impossible. How inexplicable.

#5 coming in a few minutes...

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
Are you a Satanist? Luciferian?

dude, look up your facts, lucifer isn't evil, lucifer means Light-Bringer, as in THE SUN, are you saying the sun is evil? if so, thats harsh dont you think?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 11:18 PM
Alright, proof #5:
For the first quote (Leviticus 20), this is an example of a concept called justice. While it is losing popularity in modern culture, it was very important in many historical cultures.
For the second quote (Exodus 21), I'll just repeat what I said a while ago in a different thread.:
There is a difference between the modern perception of slavery and the biblical term. 'Slavery' tends to conjure images of Africans being whipped and forced to work by white Southerners. In biblical times, a person would become a slave usually because they had debt for which they had to 'sell themselves.' A better term than slave would be servant.
Oh, by the way, the Old Testament also says to free your slaves every 49 years despite the fact that they didn't have any real right to be freed. Forgiveness, how cruel!
The third quote (1 Timothy 2) refers only to gatherings of Christians, aka what some people do on Sunday mornings, not general academic teaching like the person labelled 'you' in the site's dialogue implies. The bible also implies that this is only a limited command to the Ephesian church at the time (see 1 Timothy 1:3) when taken in context of other verses like Galatians 3:28. There's also the women mentioned in Romans 16:1 and Philippians 4:3.
And then there's the best part:
The site quotes Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Then the site says that a natural event created the universe. This is by definition impossible. Science has proven that the universe is finite, not eternal (which agrees with the site). Since it is finite, it had to be created. There is nothing physical that can violate the law of conservation of matter/energy, thus it had to be created by some other means than something physical, so it had to be made by something supernatural. And there's God in the picture.
I'm not good at explaining this, but you should check out Bigwhammy's thread "Science, meet your maker" in the Creationism forum.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by whitesatan

God could only be fake if the universe we lived in was fake. We would not exist without a god. What you think God is, is fake. You need to look at yourself and try to figure out why you believe in a fake god.
I am not trying to attack you, personally. You only have a misconception of God because you have been taught a flawed theology. Most people do not understand God, so it should not be a big surprise to find yourself not believing in it.
Like I said, your very existence is proof that God is real. You did not create yourself and the world you live in. At some point, you have to recognize that everything around you is part of God. Every atom cries out that God is here and everything has a self knowledge of their dependence on God for their continued existence.
I hope only the best for you and I recognize your youth and inexperience. I hope the world lasts long enough for you to come to a better understanding of why you are here. We all need that. God is too big to be ignored and He will give you the understanding that you need to be a better person. Sorry that evil has to be so dominant in the world, that it makes no sense to think God can be real. We are tested every day and those of us who strive to make things better will live to see a day without evil.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by whitesatan
You must not believe in God if you go to church then. If you did then you would respect him enough to show some reverence or whatever to not be lazy and give up an hour or so of your life every week to visit with your so called God.

laziness or lack of respect is not why i dont go to church, want to try again?

I believe that when it came time to vote on cell stem research that made you watch a video on voting against it.

i never voted for or against it. i also have never watched any videos on it

Your ten commandments is another great example. Some of them are actual laws but the church tells you to follow them. There is another book and I forget what it is called but It basically tells you how you should live your life as a christian and what you should do in certain situations.

sounds horrible

I have a challenge for everyone. If you truely believe in God, I mean actually still believe in God, go into the seminary. If you don't it will be a sign to me that you are having your doubts about the realness of God.

what does going to a seminary have to do with believing in god?

again im still waiting... who tells me to believe?

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