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Hard Numbers: The Economy Is Much Worse Than You Know!

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posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I'd say the inflation rate is actually higher than 9%...but I'd also say the economy is probably better than many people say it is. I can't name a single person I know who isn't employed unless they just aren't looking for a job right now. If I wanted a job, I could get one in the snap of a finger. It may not be top pay, but it would be a job. I could pay the bills easily, I wouldn't be able to live in excess like most Americans do, but I could have some luxuries like cable, internet, probably and Xbox...I wouldn't exactly be hand to mouth unless I was trying to support an entire family as a single parent...then again that would be my own fault and I could draw from welfare were that the case (though I disagree with it) I don't exactly see an economic collapse. The very idea that many of you are posting from your nice warm homes/apartments or cool (if it's hot out) and have internet service (a luxury) proof enough that you're living better than a 1920s family which people compare our current economic state to. I'd say we're in trouble (because of government spending)...but it's not horrible

Oh, and I don't think we'll see the worst of the recession until 2009...or maybe even go into one until 2009.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by yellowcard]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:35 AM
The economy will "collapse" however these things can be drawn out and people can be positioned better than others, should these things occur soon.

In the mean time it looks like people are going to be starved and unable to afford petro for their cars w/o maxing their credit cards and tapping retirement benefits.

an inflation in the cost of living items is occuring while many assets are deflating in value, minus food and energy.

should food and energy speculation be regulated more in financial markets prices will go way down, but you should believe this won't be addressed until housing stops falling and investors will then swith and buy homes converting to rental units up on the cheap.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Stumpy1

...If I was only eating 1x a day the things to go would be the things I can live without, Internet, computer, cell phone, cable ect... no big deal...

Good. You remember that, when you're disabled and can't leave your cold dark box, and all you have is your goddamn ramen noodles you #in' fascist.

[edit on 5/12/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:59 AM
I, like some of you, am also a disabled veteran who has served my country.


[edit on 12-5-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Equinox99
reply to post by iiinvision

Negative or positive minds don't matter. What about a single woman who has to take care of 4 kids? She can't go back to school because she needs a job to keep her house and feed her kids. Unfortunately she is not as lucky as a guy born with rich parents. Mindsets matter, but you must also take into consideration on the funds they have. It takes one good idea to make money or money to make money. You can be the most negative guy and win the lotto. The laws of attraction do not work. It is up to you and your resources to make the money.

its not just about making money, first off..its about mastering it. Seeing how it works and learning. So what if your negative and when the lotto...the average american could spend that in 2.5 seconds and never even think about investing it. Rich does not mean wealthy.
Its not about luck its about a positive mindset. Neither do funds. Ideas are what matter. Creativity is what matters. A team of professionals is what matters. Due Diligence is what matters.
one can easily play armchair quarter back and think they know how it all works, but you don't know what you don't know.

The biggest myth is that you need money to make really don't, but you have been subtly programmed to think you do.

All I know that its possible for anyone with the perseverance, education( not found in school or universities) and determination to amass billions and not spend it all.

trust me

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by iiinvision

its not just about making money, first off..its about mastering it. Seeing how it works and learning. So what if your negative and when the lotto...the average american could spend that in 2.5 seconds and never even think about investing it. Rich does not mean wealthy.
Its not about luck its about a positive mindset. Neither do funds. Ideas are what matter. Creativity is what matters. A team of professionals is what matters. Due Diligence is what matters.
one can easily play armchair quarter back and think they know how it all works, but you don't know what you don't know.

The biggest myth is that you need money to make really don't, but you have been subtly programmed to think you do.

All I know that its possible for anyone with the perseverance, education( not found in school or universities) and determination to amass billions and not spend it all.

trust me

You sound like a Primerica salesperson.

Why is it that I always hear the "work hard, get ideas, be creative, invest right, be determined, save your money" its always from a rich republican radio host or from some guy trying to sell me into an MLM scheme?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by wutone

You sound like a Primerica salesperson.

Why is it that I always hear the "work hard, get ideas, be creative, invest right, be determined, save your money" its always from a rich republican radio host or from some guy trying to sell me into an MLM scheme?

and you sound like another slave dude...thinking someone is going to scam you out of your money. Im not trying to sell you business right now is property and unless you happen to be a prospective tenant in the houston, san diego, sacramento, or seattle areas I have no desire to offer you anything but knowledge I have accumulated in my journey in the mastery of money.
You label stuff to much man..that clouds you from seeing the is simply energy and you aren't aware of how to attract it to you. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such comments.
This is the age of information and your indoctrination in the public school system hasn't allowed you to even come close to understanding how money truly works. The information is out there, but you seem to closed minded about it to ever really understand it.
They say you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink...
well if you mofos dont start drinking there aint gonna be any water any more. Wake up from your slumber and have a great day too!

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by iiinvision

You label stuff to much man..that clouds you from seeing the is simply energy and you aren't aware of how to attract it to you. Otherwise you wouldn't be making such comments.
This is the age of information and your indoctrination in the public school system hasn't allowed you to even come close to understanding how money truly works.

Actually I "attract" money to me through connections. It isn't some Jedi mind trick that allows me to tap into the spiritual energies of the financial ether.

Understanding the the market conditions of different regions, knowing the occupancy levels, knowing the collection allowances, knowing the lease rates, knowing the construction activity, knowing the net absorption might bring you lots of wealth as a middle-man broker but it isn't going to do a thing about the health of the economy.

Then again what would happen if everyone had the knowledge that brokers have access to? If only us indoctrinated public schooled slave dudes could compare a 2004 market study (specifically predictions used to churn deals) with a present study, we would all know where the money has gone.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by wutone]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by proteus33

In 2005, 91 million tax returns were filed. Of the 91 million returns, 28.4 million returns had an Adjusted Gross Income of 30,000 or less.


posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by iiinvision

I would just like to recognize the truth and deeper wisdom of someone that purports hard work, creativity, investing and savings are the tools of MLM hucksters.

Hmmmm…. Could such concepts also be the tools of successful, independent people?

No, Wutone has the deeper wisdom. What did hard work ever do for anyone?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 09:27 AM
My heart goes out to anyone who has to suffer due to the falling economy. Loosing job’s, house’s, health care are all tragedies that no should have to suffer. I do believe that the crisis is a result of the economic system being unjust from the start. The harder you work the more you should receive. Not the more you invest in property or fuel the more you money you make. Perhaps the ideology that we all as human beings needing to be competitive, rather cooperative is also wrong?

What I am trying to say is, as individuals we all have something to offer that can be of value to improve another persons quality of life. Most economic hardships could have been avoided if the system was fair to begin with. I believe originally money was only a means of exchange, to make bartering easier. Since its invention, it has become a staple for survival. This is what we are taught to believe.

It seems like I post this same idea a lot and it is ignored. All we really need to survive is each other. I know personally all I need is some food, and dry place to sleep. Better yet someone I love to sleep with. The rest is an adventure. I don’t need a Mc Mansion, a cell phone that does my laundry, 6 ft hdtv etc.. I think some extent we become spoiled. Rather than using our time and resources for helping each other, we have become greedy little children hording ridiculous toys that we don’t need. Maybe we need to start over again and do it right this time!!

Peace Trustnobody

[edit on 12-5-2008 by trustnobody]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by iiinvision

I'd like to know more about investing in apartment complexes, mind shooting me a U2U?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Its really not that hard. Live below your means, and invest the difference. I too used to think that the system was 'fixed', that the rich were all born rich, that hard work doesn't pay so don't even bother. I don't think that any more. There are two ways to achieve the above mentioned rule: earn more, and spend less. There are only a few things you can do to earn more, and they are generally pretty hard, but there are hundreds of things you can do to spend less.

I grew up poor. So poor that sometimes we didn't eat for 2-3 days at the end of the month until the food stamps came in. So poor that my single mom worked 2 part time jobs because that was all she could get. And yet, here I am. I have a decent job, I'm educated, and though I'm by no means rich, I still put away 40% of my paycheck every month. I'm not deluded enough to think that I got in this comfortable position by my own efforts either. I've had plenty of help along the way, but the key is, you have to get out there and take control to get what you want and need.

Learn to be self-sufficient. Grow a garden to cut down on food costs. Move to a small town, if you can, to be closer to your place of employment. Don't buy new cars, buy used. There are probably a hundred different ways you can tighten your belt. Have you ever been hunting or fishing? Squirrels, rabbits, doves, pheasant are all food and are all abundant in this country. So are trout and bass, deer and bear. And they are all nearly free, minus the cost of a rifle, a fishing pole, and some licenses. Learn to like rice, and you can eat for $1-$2 a meal per person. And you can make it quite tasty. And its good for you. A bit of rice, a fresh caught trout, and some garden grown green beans can cost as little as 25 cents. Buy the trout instead of catching it and buy the beans instead of growing them and its a bit more, but still cheap and healthy. Rice is the key. I just paid $15 for 25 pounds of it. Do you have any idea how many meals are in a 25 pound bag of rice? Probably close to a year or 2 worth.

Cable? I can afford it but never really had it. Too much of a luxury for me. Internet access is a necessity, but that can be had for $10 a month if need be. A telephone last time I had one was under $20 a month for the basic line.

Get a space heater and close off every single room in your house in the winter but the ones you absolutely need. Do as many home repairs yourself as you can, but call the professionals for the complicated stuff. Never ever eat out in a restaurant. Don't smoke, and brew your own beer at home. Bake your own bread. Beer and bread made at home can cost you pennies per serving and its far better than anything you can get in a restaurant. If you don't want to drink beer, I suggest water with a slice of lemon in it. Basically free and healthy as can be. Don't eat anything that comes out of a box at the supermarket if you can avoid it. Your body will thank you but it means you are going to have to step up and learn to cook.

The biggest thing you can do though is to identify what in your life is a need and what is a want. Take care of the needs first, and then prioritize the wants. You don't always get what you want though, so keep that in mind.

I know I'm probably going to get flamed into oblivion in this post for suggesting that people in less fortunate circumstances can still take some responsibility for their lives, but if push comes to shove in this economy like the OP suggested, I hope at least somebody can find my advice useful.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

BlasteR thank you for the well thought-out reply. For clarification, I do not support or like the idea of a mass kill-off for cheaper oil. A lot of my post was sarcasm, because I am resentful to whoever is causing so much suffering among normal hard working families. The working class.
For all it's worth, I do not drive. I really don't feel the affects, personally, of insane gas prices.

NOT directed at you, BlasteR:
To be completely fair, my dad and step mom are struggling for perhaps their first time... For a very reputable professional, competition is fierce in most industries because of how companies are taking losses and having to lose their R&D. They are both unable to find work at this point, and are going to finally take me up on a $10-$14/hr job working at home once their unemployment runs out.. This means losing the $1800/mo housepayment IF they can somehow sell the house. This means cheap apartment life, and trading in both of the car payments for cheaper, used cars. Huge transition people are having to take right now just to survive. I am worried.

Anyone who can work at home at this point in time, I suggest, DO IT. This MIGHT be the ONLY way to beat these gas prices in a large enough number and still provide for one's family. Like someone else has suggested, information will always be in demand.
Provide quality information on the internet and put up advertising. Adsense will accept you, if you can show them an established blog. Commission Junction has maybe millions of products you can offer your visitors, if you can show them a good-looking targeted website.

If you have some skill that is greatly in demand right now, you can put together a highly-informative do-it-yourself ebook. It is easy to find OTHERS to sell it for you if you are providing quality answers to common problems..

I'll end this rant here. I am hardly ever out to offend anyone. So this wasn't my intention this time either. I want to see more people working at home, and NOT buying gas. We have to fight back against these gas companies.

[edit on 12-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:41 PM
Matthew 6:25-34 Do Not Worry

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 12:41 PM
[edit on 12-5-2008 by mrdependable]

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by krill
reply to post by Threadfall

well like you said "of able mind and body" were not all so lucky. also when your income dosent increase but the price of a normal months worth of food goes up 25 to 50 % depending on where you are personaly here as far as i can tell its up about 40 % then yes the economy which includes the price of standerd goods and services is bad.

I know that there are countless variables, and I did not imply that all who are poor are bums or failures. You, apparently, do have some kind of disability and for that I'm sorry. I also did not mean to imply the economy is booming; we're pretty much in a recession. I meant to highlight the fallacy that some people are making with their reasoning: i.e. I'm broke so the economy is bad. I know people, as with your situation, are struggling for real reasons and facing real hardships. But I imagine for every true blue person like you there are twice as many lazy, whiners. And I base that last assumption on nothing.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by Stumpy1

Well you could stop paying for internet service and then maybe eat 2x a day. Or sell your computer and use the money for food.

Or maybe they should just slit their wrists and just be done with it all right now?

So much for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" eh?

Happiness is an inalienable right purely because it can't be controlled by anyone other than the person who's persuing it. There are happy people with problems far, far worse than your own. I used to have a friend who's wife got cancer and was utterly decimated by it. It was in her bones, brain, everywhere, she was in constant pain, yet was still one of the happiest, most upbeat people I've ever met. I have a 2 year old son who's utterly delighted with animals. If he's looking out the window and a bird or squirrel runs across our deck railing he beams from ear to ear for several minutes... he controls his own happiness, finding it in simplicity. I'll admit, I'm not poor by any means, and I have far too many gadgets, trickets, and toys cluttering my life, but I can't really say I get happiness from all of it (relaxation & distraction, yes... but not happiness.) Happiness for me is my family's laughter, catching a quick nap here and there, and sometimes ducking into a quiet Barnes & Noble to just grab a book off the shelf, sit in a chair, and thumb through it. All activities which cost me nothing except time. So don't bastardize the concept of persuit of happiness by trying to say it has anything to do with how much money you have or do not have.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Ragnarok691

The single largest problem is priority in this country. Everyone wants it all now. Instead of working and scraping to get some money put away, everyone gets credit and puts themselves in debt. Just buy everything with cash. We should eliminate money and make people deal in ears. Then people will REALLY appreciate what they have. When you can only buy and sell with ears.

[edit on 11-5-2008 by Ragnarok691]

Friends, neighbors, countrymen, lend me your ear! I agree about priorities, though. The other thing that's hurting us is the attitude of entitlement so many people have. Like they're entitled to get so much for a personal investment of so little, ie wellfare, pushing the tax burden on someone else simply because that someone else is more successfull, etc.

posted on May, 12 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

So don't bastardize the concept of persuit of happiness by trying to say it has anything to do with how much money you have or do not have.

You're a bastard if you think it's okay for a disabled person, who can't leave their house, to be systematically starved to death by circumstances well beyond their control. They should be happy about this?!

But I suppose you think they should shut off their internet access, their last vestige of liberty, and die in silence so that you don't have to be bothered. After all, hearing about disabled people starving to death might ruin your pretty day.

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