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Hard Numbers: The Economy Is Much Worse Than You Know!

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posted on May, 14 2008 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Good post. Time for a reality check if you're dependant on material world
Yay, I can post incognito

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 01:12 PM
Yeah, this sure is truthful! The numbers can be manipulated and are most of the time. I learned long ago to not pay as much attention to the polls and stats that the government give out, cause if you do then you will have a false sense of security based on lies. It really is unfortunate, it does not have to be that way. But let's face it, governments are just corporations and history shows us that business has a dendency to be corrupt the larger they are.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:10 PM
I have to agree with you, 100% on this one.

AS A PARENT who has already dealt with these righteous &%$#tards, I KNOW for a FACT that they LIE and try to create charges.

You HAVE to look at it from their point of view before you can understand their action. These are not people who are paid to 'protect' children.
I will admit, that when a case comes up where there really IS abuse, they probably feel like they've hit the jackpot.

But no, in all actuality, these people are PAID TO TAKE CHILDREN.

I honestly don't think that the cps worker who never gets the state any custodies will be hired for long. I think of them as like police. It is their job to get the state so many a month, consider it a 'quota'.

Texas CPS must have been thrilled to death when this case came up, and they've got hundreds of helpless people to victimize. RAISES AND BONUSES FOR EVERYONE

EDIT: Typo

[edit on 14-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

who do you agree with?

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

That would be you. LOL

I guess I forgot to hit the REPLY TO.

According to these people, I was a "drug addict" who refused on several occassions to take a drug test, mentally unstable, "antisocial" and in need of a "Psych test" to prove it. They will call several times a day to tell you what a piece of $%&* you are.
Til threatened by family with slander charges, they will keep making stuff up.

I cannot believe it is legal for GOVERNMENT to act in this fashion.

EDIT To add: I sincerely think these people are screwed, without ANYONE wanting to stand up for them. Right now it seems like most of the population is cheering CPS on. Why are people so blind to how this agency works? Because they have a NOBLE, good-cause name? Like the "Patriot Act" ??

[edit on 14-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by LostNemesis

I knew that I just wanted my moment of glory
and actually there are some good lawyers working for free for them so there are people standing you have a lot of people with common sense who does see through this...I think there are more smarter people that we think.

[edit on 14-5-2008 by mybigunit]

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

Hell people cant even practice their own religion or ways of life without the government knocking down the doors and taking children and family Waco and Eldorado Tx

See, this one is where you lose me. If someone's religion and/or way of life includes pedophilia, then there's a major problem with that. That isn't just being said as a moral standpoint, but also as a common sense standpoint. We restrict, with virtually no complaint or argument against it, those under the age of 17/18 from going to an adult movie, purchasing overly violent video games, parental advisory music, firearms, tobacco, and it jumps up to 21 in the case of alcohol. We do this for many reasons, one of the primary ones being that science demonstrates their brains haven't developed enough to make intelligent decisions about things like that. For the life of me I don't see how anyone can use a group of pedophiles being arrested in a government raid as justification for removal of our rights.

Is there pedophilia? Can you prove it? Has there been a trial? Hey if they are raping 10 year olds then they need to go to jail. BUT THEY NEED A TRIAL AND THIS GUILTY BEFORE PROVEN INNOCENT NEEDS TO STOP!!!!! Im not sure how clear I can make that. That is my point give them their day in court punish the ones who are bad and let the others live their lives. Dont round them all up, punish them, then do a media blitz that they are raping 10 year olds when so far there has been NO proof at all. In fact even the media has said the pregnant girls have all been 18 to 22. Constitution my friend it was written for a reason.

You might want to rethink that. Medical examinations have proven that some of the 13 yr old girls have given birth. And some of the girls taken from the compound the were under 17 were pregnant.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by lightseeker

I commend you on serving our country. But if you were even marginally disabled the VA would be paying you disability. I know a few vets who are on VA disability and they get a $2200 a month check from the government. By marginally disabled I mean perfectly normal.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by lightseeker
reply to post by Stumpy1

It must be so nice to sit in your ivory tower casting aspursions and insults on those who either do not agree with your views or are less fortunate than yourself, financially speaking. I don't suppose you have ever known what it's like to struggle to pay your bills or to be forced to decide whether you pay for gas to get to work or buy enough food to last the whole month.
Believe me when I say that I know very well what it's like and it has nothing to do with laziness or lack of incentive.

I am a disabled Viet Nam vet, who until four years ago was doing quite well, thank you, earning an above average income and living in an upscale apartment building. Then I got sick and had to take a leave of absence from my job; they promptly offered me my final paycheck and that was pretty much that. Thank God, I had saved a tidy sum in my 401k and profit sharing account but that only lasted about a year. I was unable to work and had no visable means of support and so for the next eighteen months I was homeless; I got some assistance from my family but since they were not much better of than myself, it was not much.

I did do some networking through the VA and found temporary housing and benefit counseling and was able to apply for and receive a modest disability pension which I subsidize with a part-time job; last year I made less than $10,000.00 and after rent, small quantities of groceries and my internet service, there is not a whole lot left each month. When I travel, to and from work or the store, I take public transportation; there is no discretionary income for things like movies, clothing or socializing.

But, I am content; in fact I thank God that He has seen fit to lead me to the VA and some of the other Social Service and non-profit groups that have so helped me. So, when I hear people like yourself getting all high and mighty about people "living within their means", etc, etc..blah, blah, blah, it just really pisses me off. Who the hell are you anyway? Walk a mile in another man's shoes before you make assumptions and value judgements about them.

What ever happened to just being a human being who is entitled to a little respect and dignity, no matter their economic or social standing. Have you no compassion for anyone other than yourself? What is the matter with you anyway?

I have been poor and living from paycheck to paycheck and behind on my bills before, for quite a few years actually. But then I realised that there is something I can do about it, and that was to only buy things I needed and to seek better employment and start all over at the bottom and work my way up. I have eaten ramen for months on end so I do know what it is like, I was there and I understand when people fall on hard times, but most of those people stay on the bottom because it is easier to do that and feel sorry about ones self instead of doing something to make a difference.

posted on May, 14 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

As it stands right now, they can and should bring charges against any adult who not only committed pedophilia, but also any adult who knew pedophilia was occuring and did nothing as well as any adult who arrainged or performed acts to facillitate the pedophilia as accomplices to the fellonies committed there.

Why the hell even go through all that trouble?? I mean, these people are clearly not dignified or intelligent as we are. They clearly live a different life than we do. So why the hell should we care if they are innocent, good people, or not?

Honestly, it sounds to me you would be cheering on another WACO incident. Let's just surround their property, and shoot machine guns into their homes while taking flamethrowers to the outside of it!

Why go through all the trouble of dealing with these people?
They were OBVIOUSLY not deserving of dignity or "justice for all".

This is America, the land of "justice", the way the government and oblivious followers see fit.

anyone who molests children and thinks it is ok deserves the fate you mentioned above. Lets give justice to child rapists, justice by fire.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 09:10 AM
Just a thought:

If you are not doing well financially, get up out of your chair and go make friends with your neighbors. If you think everything is going to collapse, while you still can, you could host a neighborhood dinner party.

The only way to really "prepare for the worst" and hope for the best is to realize that you will need a community. Don't eat non-nutritious ramen, share bulk grain orders with your new friends and when you run out they will help you.

This is the only way to get through what so many people feel will be the coming cataclysmic collapse.

Carpool----to the grocery store.

Invest in a CSA crop share, it might be the best thing you can do! Support local commerce, you might be bartering before you know it.

Practice love, compassion, and tolerance, you will be rewarded .

As a great man once said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Don't let fear paralyze you, go out and get support from your community and do it now.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 02:31 PM
The value of the American Dollar is steadily decreasing. This effects everything, including the price of oil. And now the Fed wants to print and disperse more money. A $600 rebate out of thin air. This will force the value of the dollar down even further. So once again the price of gas will increase. So in the end what you get is absolutlely nothing. If we receive our rebate checks and at the same time the price of gas goes up triple what have we gained?

Look at it this way. I write you an I.O.U. for $20.00. And to back it up I place $20.00 dollars worth of something of value (gold,silver,gas,furniture) in a safe place that can't be touched so that you are guaranteed to be able to cash in that I.O.U. for $20.00 if I fail to repay.

But then you find out that the stuff backing up the I.O.U. isn't worth $20.00 anymore, but I keep writing I.O.U.s to you until finally you realize that those I.O.U.s are worth barely nothing. So now, if I want to borrow $20.00 from you you're going to make me write you $60.00 worth of I.O.U.s. Your interrest rate hasn't increased, the cost of buying hasn't increased, what has happened is that the value of my I.O.U has decreased because it's just paper that suppose to represent something of value.

So when the U.S. strayed away from the "Gold Standard" in the Nixon years and started printing more money the amount of gold backing it up the U.S. dollar started it's decline from a piece of paper that is suppose to represent something of a real value (the amount stated) to a piece of paper that is slowly truning into a useless piece of paper.

Did you know that the value of the U.S. dollar is now almost equal to the value of the Mexican dollar? And in India U.S. currency is not accepted because it has no value. Whew! What in God's name is the Federal Reserve doing about this? They're printing more money! So hang everybody. The cost of everything (not just gas) is going to get higher and higher.

We have got to get back to the Gold Standard and stop printing money out of thin air.


posted on May, 15 2008 @ 10:13 PM
Something that everyone forgets, is that the U.S. consumer is the consumer of the world. The Chinese do not pay their people enough money to buy the goods they make, and that is true for the rest of the third world, without U.S. consumers, the third world is left with two choices, start paying their people more money so that they can afford to buy the goods and services that they provided, or go broke. The market system depends on supply And Demand, without both, the system does not work. I think most of the U.S. would get along very well without the cheap junk third world nations are basically giving us these days. There are going to be a lot of gas hog SUV's and other huge vehicles sitting in the sun doing nothing but taking up space, but the end of cheap oil makes this inevitable.

I read someplace the other day that oil refineries are currently losing money because demand has dropped as the price of gasoline has increased, to the point where refineries are starting to lose money. I thought that was good news, maybe not for refineries, but for the free world at least. The end of world domination by big oil might finally be coming to an end.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

Something that everyone forgets, is that the U.S. consumer is the consumer of the world. The Chinese do not pay their people enough money to buy the goods they make, and that is true for the rest of the third world, without U.S. consumers, the third world is left with two choices, start paying their people more money so that they can afford to buy the goods and services that they provided, or go broke. The market system depends on supply And Demand, without both, the system does not work. I think most of the U.S. would get along very well without the cheap junk third world nations are basically giving us these days. There are going to be a lot of gas hog SUV's and other huge vehicles sitting in the sun doing nothing but taking up space, but the end of cheap oil makes this inevitable.

I read someplace the other day that oil refineries are currently losing money because demand has dropped as the price of gasoline has increased, to the point where refineries are starting to lose money. I thought that was good news, maybe not for refineries, but for the free world at least. The end of world domination by big oil might finally be coming to an end.

Good point, but these foreign economies are obviously more fragile and less resiliant than ours. Wouldn't their economies be the first to collapse? It wouldn't necessarily be a good thing for us obviously since we depend on a productive global economy. This interdependence will eventually cause alot of problems further down the road regardless of whose economy collapses first I guess.

I did some research recently for a different thread and what I found was exactly what you said. You can see that here:'

Demand is increasing from developing countries like China and India. Their energy consumption is increasing rapidly and currently supply already can't keep up with demand. In January oil hit a record $100 a barrel. At the end of April oil hit $120 a barrel. It is now getting ready to hit $130 a barrel. That is nearly a 30% increase in the price of fuel since January's $100 a barrel.

In the four months between january and April (actually less than that) oil increased by $20 a barrel as I said before. If you project that trend out, the price of oil will double in 24 months / 2 years. I'm not saying that will happen but if it does we are screwed.

The geopolitical situation is getting pretty riduculous right now. That does not help the price of oil. With all of these pressing global issues like Iran and nukes, the global food crisis, The war in Iraq (and with Iran in the near future?), etc.., the geopolitical situation will not be stabilizing in the near-term.

Supply and demand is also a critical factor in oil prices. I found alot of confusing numbers and calculations when i did my research but the short answer is that production is projected to increase in the near-term. The problem is that since we have all the increasing demand from these developing countries, supply will continue to lag behind and oil prices will not get any better.

Congressmen and Senators are starting to address the issue of fuel prices but nothing the politicians have done so far is going to change things for the better permanently. They were originally talking about tapping into the national oil reserve (the oil stockpiled for our country after the oil embargo of the sixties). This oil reserve was meant to be used as a lifeline in case another embargo were to take place. They tried to pass legislation which would allow us to use that oil now. The resulting savings for us at the pump would have been a measly 5 cents a gallon or something like that. It wouldn't have been a permanent solution either.

But in a recent news story I found, this legislation was "shot down". Congress did vote to stop putting oil into the reserve, at least while the high prices continue. See story here:

The oil reserve was already at like 98% capacity so it really doesn't matter, but it will help a little.

Congressmen and Senators are really trying to search for anything they can which will lower fuel prices but their efforts are really in vane. We are so dependant on a healthy oil market that the fuel prices will continue to rise due to supply/demand issues and geopolitics (which they can only attempt to fix in the near-term).

Meanwhile we have a president that has been in office for 8 years and has done nothing about our dependance on oil. No alternative energy movement has really begun in the U.S. that will affect our dependance at all. Also, nothing is being done to ensure our economy is screwed when worse comes to worse. Whether or not the food shortage eventually affects us is unknown obviously. But even if it didn't wouldn't the high oil prices destroy what is left by then?


posted on May, 16 2008 @ 06:56 AM

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 03:47 PM
China is going to dump the dollar after the Olympics - which coorelates nicely with the LEAP article indicating the SHTF in Sept 2008.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 06:57 PM
They might succeed at increasing oil production, but at what cost, and what quality of crude will they be producing. Not only is demand outstripping supply, the cost of producing the supply is increasing at the same time. The oil industry is trying to hide the reality that the high quality easy to get crude is running out, because the oil industry knows that this is the beginning of the end of their global cartel, and the great amount of power that cheap oil has given them.

While in the short term this is a bad thing, I think in the long term this will be a very good thing. The loss of high quality cheap crude means the economy of scale will change for business. Small producers of geo-friendly energy sources will be able to compete, and eventually this should lead to the break up of giant international corporations, and a return to a world with a far more level playing field.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by poet1b

I think the oil shortage is a myth. A profiteering scheme, but a very dangerous one.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Hi Jack

I watched a few minutes of the video, and right off the bat the guy makes claims that are simply not true. Alaska does not have nearly as much oil as the Middle East and the deep well oil supply story is a myth.

Here is an accurate picture of Alaska oil reserves.

U.S. crude production is at its lowest since 1949, and nowhere has that decline been steeper than in Alaska, where oil output is less than half what it was a decade ago. The fields that since the late 1970s have provided more than 20% of America's oil are slowly running dry. It's a phenomenon that is hardly limited to Alaska. The world's five largest oil companies are replacing only 82% of the oil they pump each year, as once-prodigious fields fade and state entities in such countries as Venezuela and Russia consolidate ever more control over their oil and gas.

This statement at the end of the article states the reality of the situation very accurately.

Some experts estimate that a quarter of the planet's undiscovered energy resources are buried at the top of the planet. But that figure is highly speculative - much of the Arctic is unexplored - and even if you find something, how do you transport it through a sea of ice?

The thing about the deep well oil claim is easy to discredit. If oil comes from the Earth, and not long decayed fossils as is the most commonly accepted belief, the crude produced by the Earth clearly is not keeping up with demand, because all of the great oil finds have ran dry. The super deep holes that have been drilled are for scientific research only. It is extremely costly to drill these wells, and it takes decades to drill one hole.

Also, it is well known that GW and big oil have been wanting to expand oil well drilling in Alaska for some time now, only to be thwarted by environmentalists. Everything credible I have read on Alaska oil potential estimates the amounts as being tiny compared to U.S. demand, enough to supply us with only a few months or weeks of oil.

Gas prices have reached a level where people are cutting back on gas purchases, and the oil companies are feeling the pinch. Refineries are starting to lose money. Oil companies want to keep the public believing that we will never run out of oil, but the predictions about what wells would be running dry and when have been very accurate. It is twilight in the Arabian desert for big oil, as was predicted long ago, and as all the indicators currently show.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Um, that last part is mine, and not a quote. I am still getting used to using the tools. I must have done something wrong. Maybe I should start reviewing my posts first.

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