posted on Mar, 9 2009 @ 05:37 PM
HELP ! :-)
I need some help regarding change the change i made with the avatar :-)
What i did :
Upload a pic at the media portal
Put in the URL in the "avatar" box in "Your ATS Account Settings"
then i messed it up by going to the store and did put in a mini profile image and added mini profile background color
result=what i did, i can see at the profile but not where my posts are at the boards...How i see the avatar, it's a repeat of the image, instead of
one image, with the color filling the rest.
And at the profile section the points shows BTS and PTS. At the boards the ATS but not the PTS ?
What i want, is to return to the point where i use the image i link to in "Your ATS Account Settings" and only the color from the store. Not the
mini profile...
Any suggestions ?
Think i fixed it : did upload a red "image" and used this as mini profile. Then added the avatar image.
So i do not need any help now
[edit on 9-3-2009 by flymetothemoon]