posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 03:54 PM
Why are you censoring all marijuana related threads?
"ATS fears drugs more than the government" -> closed -> got so many flags that it appeared in top 5 -> renamed in "A Bob Marley-esque concern about
"California introduces legalisation to legalize marijuana" -> closed -> got into top 5 -> DELETED.
" Support California legislation to tax marijuana" -> got into top 5 -> closed -> probably gets deleted.
WHY DO YOU CONSTANTLY AVOID THOSE CONCERNS?!? You close those threads and tell us to write about it here, and you obviously avoid those
The last one was closed with regards to the T&C "Recruiting not allowed". So, you tell me, why is it ok to open threads and urge members to write
their representatives their anger about the bailout etc., but if sbdy. asks the same in regards to a marijuana legislation, you close that thread?
Can we open a thread to discuss those issues? Is the motive for the ATS drug policy personally motivated (ie family drug problems), so they censor
Those are questions that seriously have to be answered, the ostrich hand-in-the-sand tactic won't work any longer because millions of
Californians have the need to discuss this legislation. Thread after thread will pop up, why don't you let one constructive thread with
discussion about the pro/cons concerning the legislation open for all members to discuss instead of having every 2 days a closed/deleted thread in the
top5 new threads?!?
It's not about drug support, in its essence it's discussion about a legislation, pro and contra. We have threads "Fax on Washington", lots of
disgusting pro-weapons thread, members posing with their guns as avatar, but this discussion is censored because of the site is supposed to be
family oriented?!?
I'm sorry, but I don't buy this and strongly smell a personal agenda of the site owners here!