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The Way to Start the Revolution

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posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by devildogUSMC

I don't view what is being discussed here as a Revolution. No. I am thinking more drastically myself

Opposing a good idea.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by thefreepatriot

No matter what shape it takes, if you are truly a revolutionist, you will be viewed as a terrorist by anyone living in the Nation that isn't on your side. That's simply the nature of it.

Discouraging action and encouraging fear.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
reply to post by devildogUSMC

Well the author of the Declaration of Independence would be in full support of an American Revolution

When you were supporting the bad idea of an armed revolution.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:29 AM
Sorry man, it seems like you are writing a script. You won't support workers rights and people don't see "Paultards" at workers rallies. Ron Paul supports uncontrolled capitalism and isn't the one to lead a revolution.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:00 AM
I think the idea of taking this country back is a noble one, However if we do not get enough poeple to stand up and fight by whatever means we have then its a lost cause.

To many sheep not enough backbone here. I for one am more than willing to take up arms against ANYONE who is stupid enough to follow a presidental order to take my guns or my freedom.

I guess the american people just dont care if they get bent over and railed till they are all in a camp working as slave labor being bent to there corperate masters will.

I say take the government out, charge them all with treason and do the same for all those who wish to make excessive profit off of items like fuel and food.

What will it take for people to wakup and do what it takes to protect our rights and freedoms?

In the end everyone may let the government win but i will not be alive to see it as i will fight to the death to save what i believe is right.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by cryingindian

Do not get me wrong your Idea would be nice. but then again the Federal government will squash any competing form of government. To question my patriotism was not a nice thing to do... Did you forget where our original patriots came from? thats right from another country... why would I not be a patriot If I see there is no light continuing here? the best thing we can do is colonize somewhere else... If you try to run your pararrel goverment it will not last. And the mere mentioning of this can have future repercussions.. either you are an Agent seeing who falls for the bait and toys with the Idea so you can put them on the "list" or your a person that is a true patriot however your name and all the others in this forum are still being put on a list.... and when the time comes you will receive a nice visit. I suggest in the future you speak locally to people you know about your confederation Idea. Colonizing is still the best and only option JUST like our forefathers did.. Which were by the way TRUE PATRIOTS. And hopefully this forum can turn into something productive.. where to colonize? I saw someone say Antartica.... conditions are bad but a huge greenhouse can create livable conditions? any other possibilities? It would have to be a democracy not a republic, every man and woman will have equal power in government, no one person or group will have more power then the other.. We have to study how the Greek system was.. this was the only true democracy! if we do this no one person or group can ever take control of the goverment because the go verment will be the people... so it will be impossible, the constitution will never be changed. or amended.. not even if every one votes for it.. It will be there for the protection of the people.Also just because you think your going parallel to the federal govement does not mean the federal goverment will think you are doing the same.. You will be labeled a crazy separatist group that does not want to pay taxes, or obey societies laws... there will then be a waco type incident.. we have seen this before. we cannot compete directly with the most powerful political,financial, military force in history.... this is not possible..

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:17 AM
Many of the US Citizens are already armed.

And the reason that freedom was given to us is to allow us to protect our rights against tyrany.

Never in my posts did I say or elude that the people who choose to enter a constitutionally run government, even in the beginnings, would be "Hoarding" and "stockpiling 'homemade' ammunition." I don't know where that came from...Maybe when I said "Pool our resourses." The resources I'm talking about are the intellectual properties from various fields of industry we're in, an investment of some sort of our assets, kind of like going "ALL IN" in Texas Holdem.

A few posts back, someone mentioned a newsletter. That is actually a great idea. I hesitated to offer the idea of putting flyers under windshield wipers at Wal*Mart and the mall, because I thought that would be laughed at. But it would be a start.

Then someone mentioned that, for people to wake up, they'll have to experience a decrease in comfort, in worrying that they won't be able to afford the things they need to enjoy an idealistic existence in America. That scenario is quickly coming into sight.

The main issue here is that something needs to happen soon, or "they" will shut down any remaining outlets for real news, take away our remaining freedoms with the scribble of a pen, and actually use those detainment camps we've all heard about.

DevilDog, did you read it? I personally LOVED the line "Truth is treason in the empire of lies." That one really hit home, and it comes from a guy who has first hand experience of what we're all up against. The last remaining guy in Congress who still tries to work "For the People."

I have to go play monopoly.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by AztecSpiritual
Sorry man, it seems like you are writing a script. You won't support workers rights and people don't see "Paultards" at workers rallies. Ron Paul supports uncontrolled capitalism and isn't the one to lead a revolution.

I am a union carpenter. I'm pretty sure I support worker's rights. I don't want him to lead it either. I want him to be involved and support it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by cryingindian

I liked the "all in" analogy. I did misunderstand that part. Also, I did begin the book. We might disagree on some things, but at least we are discussing them intelligently. We also know that "then" and "than" are two different words, unlike some people here. I'm just going to say it, Freepatriot is not a patriot. He or she has bad ideas and offers no insight into anything. A greenhouse in Antartica
Great idea buddy. Go, please go, and don't bring your computer.

[edit on 9-5-2008 by devildogUSMC]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 10:19 AM
And people began to move. Some with intensely-motivated ideas.
It was like a fad, a craze, a walk-about. They wanted to be part of the
change. Some had skills to offer, others just hope and a strong back.

They were headed "up-country". At first, just a few hundred, then by the
Plans were in the works to harness their own resources. Water, electricity.
There was talk of government by the people, for the people. There were
crops to plant, schools to build, products to manufacture.
SECESSION had taken place.

I went out into the street and followed the movement, not looking back.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

I can guarantee with the most certanty that where you are going there probaly wont be a toilet... Fema run prison camps won't have any amenities so I suggest you get prepared for your revolution in your cell. I have never condescended on you.. I said I liked your idea but it will not work, yet your say I am not a patriot... when our forefathers came from somewhere else... Let me get it though your thick skull you cannot go up against or "parallel" to the federal government. ..Its not where you are that matters its what you make it. The U.S is not longer the United states it is a Federal country. And this cannot be changed , because if you try you will end up either in the Grave, or in a Camp.. I question who are you are and your motives, you attacked me when I have not attacked you.. I even told you I liked your idea but it just would not work.. Why would you attack me? If you were a reasonable thinking Human being,citizen and patriot you would say I don't agree with you I believe that this can be done and you are wrong.. But no you resorted to attacking me and questioning my patriotism when IN FACT our forefathers came from another country and where they not patriotic? So I question your motives in this forum and by you attacking me you actually further solidify my opinion that you are fishing for data on which American citizens will entertain your nonsense.

[edit on 9-5-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

Reply was meant for indian.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

Are you an American Indian ?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:11 AM
WASHINGTON — - A Senate homeland security committee report set for release Thursday details a growing threat from terrorists' use of the Internet as a recruiting and training tool. The report concludes that the U.S. government should consider its own outreach program as a counter to the Web strategies of groups such as al-Qaida.

A draft of the staff-generated report obtained by The Courant says that "radicalization is no longer confined to training camps in Afghanistan or other locations far from our shores; it is also occurring right here in the United States." The homeland security committee, led by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, has investigated "the threat of homegrown terrorism" in several hearings since last year.

This report paints Internet use by terrorists as having an unlimited reach, including into English-speaking communities in the United States. Al-Qaida, it says, runs a "a multi-tiered online media operation in which a number of production units associated with [al-Qaida] or allied violent Islamist organizations produce content consistent with the core terrorist enlistment message."

The "thousands" of terrorist-operated websites have become "an effective distribution system for the core enlistment message and other content," the report contends. There is no longer as much of a need, it suggests, for physical training camps.

The recently minted "independent Democrat," Lieberman, has been an uncompromising advocate of the war against terrorism, putting that issue above all others in his political life. So terrorism has also become a focus of his committee.

His committee's report lists a number of domestic plots foiled by U.S. law enforcement that it says were inspired by Islamist extremism, though not actually affiliated with existing terrorism groups. Those attempts so far haven't been very sophisticated, intelligence officials say.

According to February testimony from Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, "Their efforts, when disrupted, largely have been in the nascent phase, and authorities often were able to take advantage of poor operational tradecraft." But material on the Internet could give future groups "opportunities to build relationships and gain expertise that previously were available only in overseas training camps," he said.

The report details four stages of developing a vulnerable person into a terrorist, as taught by New York Police Department specialists. "Left unchallenged, it is very possible that the core terrorist enlistment message espoused over the Internet will drive more individuals in the United States all the way through the four stages of the radicalization process," it says.

So, how would it be challenged? Right now "there is no cohesive and comprehensive outreach and communications strategy in place to confront this threat," the report says. Several agencies have existing, narrow missions, but the report argues for a more comprehensive approach. "We must isolate and discredit the violent Islamist ideology as a cause worth supporting."

According to the report, new laws should be considered "to prevent the spread of the ideology." And those looking for solutions need to act "quickly and aggressively."

The report concludes: "The safety of the American people depends on it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:13 AM
I can guarantee you that cryingindian can now be labeled by the U.S goverment a "radical"

[edit on 9-5-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by thefreepatriot

You may be right about that, he may. You need to understand, however, that just because our founding fathers left somewhere and came here doesn't mean that if you do that then you are a patriot. You need to love and believe in our country and our people to be a patriot. You need to take an active part in changing things and lives for the better. What do you consider yourself a patriot of? A patriot doesn't abandon what he loves and stands for. A patriot doesn't have to love or support his or her government, but he or she does have to both love and support their land and people. I am a patriot of the United States. I love this land, I love these people, and I wouldn't leave no matter what. So I will state the fact again. You are not a patriot. By the way, the article you posted? What are you trying to achive by posting that? That was a rhetorical question; you don't have to answer it.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

You have to be realistic.. any "parallel goverment" will be squashed... I am a patriot however I also have common sense ... Not when the NWO commands some of the most powerful armies and police ever.. I am sorry that I am labeled to be unpatriotic because I call it how it is... The reality is we need to create something new somewhere else.. It has more of a chance of being successful then trying to COFEDERATE. alongside this Federal country.. What makes a country is not so much its land , but its goverment, if the goverment is corrupt then the country is corrupt.. as a great example. Most U.S citizens want America to end the Iraq occupation.. Has this happened? no the exact opposite they are now saying we will be there for many years... do we have the power to change it? NO mind you this country is touted as being a "democracy" I laugh every time I hear this... because if it were then the IRAQ occupation would have ended long ago as this is the will of the people... Even in a non-corrupted republic we should have been out long ago... But no... You know what this country is? its a dictatorship being run by a few very powerful people... And there is nothing you or I or any "confederation" that can fix this... its a day too late and a dollar short.. We gave it away when our "representatives passed the Patriot Act and its extension... Let me make this clear this is no longer our founding fathers UNITED STATES OF AMERICA its is now a FEDERATION OF AMERICA. If you want to believe the non-sense that we can create a "COFEDERATION" peacefully coexisting with this form of a Dictatorship then you are sadly mistaken. I like how the author said "we would need a militia"
for what? if this COFEDERATION would be peaceful? Please be careful people do not engage a forum without considering whether or not the forum is designed to identify any potential hostiles to this dictatorship.. Please for your own good think before you speak.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

USMC I will ignore your comment about you labeling me "unpatriotic" only because if you were a soldier you promised that you will protect this constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. And if you see that I have "given up" you are merely telling me what you see from your perspective Most of my Family are Marines. Thank you for still honoring your oath I truly respect you for that.As for the author of this forum I question who he is and his agenda.. Be careful.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
reply to post by devildogUSMC

You have to be realistic.. any "parallel goverment" will be squashed... I am a patriot however I also have common sense ... Not when the NWO commands some of the most powerful armies and police ever.. I am sorry that I am labeled to be unpatriotic because I call it how it is... The reality is we need to create something new somewhere else.. It has more of a chance of being successful then trying to COFEDERATE. alongside this Federal country.. What makes a country is not so much its land , but its goverment, if the goverment is corrupt then the country is corrupt.. as a great example. Most U.S citizens want America to end the Iraq occupation.. Has this happened? no the exact opposite they are now saying we will be there for many years... do we have the power to change it? NO mind you this country is touted as being a "democracy" I laugh every time I hear this... because if it were then the IRAQ occupation would have ended long ago as this is the will of the people... Even in a non-corrupted republic we should have been out long ago... But no... You know what this country is? its a dictatorship being run by a few very powerful people... And there is nothing you or I or any "confederation" that can fix this... its a day too late and a dollar short.. We gave it away when our "representatives passed the Patriot Act and its extension... Let me make this clear this is no longer our founding fathers UNITED STATES OF AMERICA its is now a FEDERATION OF AMERICA. If you want to believe the non-sense that we can create a "COFEDERATION" peacefully coexisting with this form of a Dictatorship then you are sadly mistaken. I like how the author said "we would need a militia"
for what? if this COFEDERATION would be peaceful? Please be careful people do not engage a forum without considering whether or not the forum is designed to identify any potential hostiles to this dictatorship.. Please for your own good think before you speak.

Do you even know who you are arguing with? Have you read any of my posts? The American people are not corrupt because their goverment is, they are decieved. They are uninformed, misinformed, uninterested, and uninvolved. My plan is to change that and only that. If the people are informed, interested, involed, and united, things will change. You should read everyones posts before you post.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

A country is based on its government.. This government is not based on the peoples will therefore this country is not a republic\democracy and will not change based on the peoples will.... even if you change everyones mind.. it will not change this government! and mind you this is an impossible task to begin with people are so drugged up, lazy, self indulged, uneducated, disillusioned.. that why would never ever face the truth and do something about it? this is a cold hard fact.. FACE IT.. Unless the MSM and or television disappears tomorrow .. this is impossible. wakeup this is a dictatorship.. this is not our founding fathers country!!

[edit on 9-5-2008 by thefreepatriot]

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