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The Way to Start the Revolution

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posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by cryingindian

I think DevilDog and I have reached an understanding. I hope we have anyway.

[edit on 9-5-2008 by cryingindian]

Yes we have reached an understanding. I'm glad, but I do sort of miss arguing with someone who is intelligent and knows who I am.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

You know as well as I know that as soon as the public hears of a group of people in the United states with weapons, even if kept only for defense, that oppose the government, it will not be long before they are gone and forgot about, whatever their cause.

And why would they be gone and forgot about? What would actually cause that?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:36 PM

And why would they be gone and forgot about? What would actually cause that?

A goverment who would have no problem killing them or imprisoning them as long as they still control all of the media and know that whatever happens, the stories will be spun, twisted, censored, and misreported to make sure that they look like the good guys and the "real good guys" look like the bad guys. That is who.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

Thanks, DevilDog!

Let's git er done!

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC

And why would they be gone and forgot about? What would actually cause that?

A goverment who would have no problem killing them or imprisoning them as long as they still control all of the media and know that whatever happens, the stories will be spun, twisted, censored, and misreported to make sure that they look like the good guys and the "real good guys" look like the bad guys. That is who.

Exactly. For that to truly be the case, means the Government is corrupt as hell. That's why I am saying what I am saying.

Hence the reason for a Revolution. Not a small militia. But all of the good People in America, coming together, and overthrowing this evil empire. And re-establishing the old' American principles of freedom from tyranny and oppression.

[edit on 093131p://9u54 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

Let me know when you get in from your Friday night out...

..."Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Benjamin Franklin

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by devildogUSMC

And why would they be gone and forgot about? What would actually cause that?

A goverment who would have no problem killing them or imprisoning them as long as they still control all of the media and know that whatever happens, the stories will be spun, twisted, censored, and misreported to make sure that they look like the good guys and the "real good guys" look like the bad guys. That is who.

Exactly. For that to truly be the case, means the Government is corrupt as hell. That's why I am saying what I am saying.

Hence the reason for a Revolution. Not a small militia. But all of the good People in America, coming together, and overthrowing this evil empire. And re-establishing the old' American principles of freedom from tyranny and oppression.

[edit on 093131p://9u54 by Lucid Lunacy]

I know they are corrupt as hell and that is what would happen, hence the reason for no revolution like that. And the majority of the "good people of America" still think their government is the "good goverment of America", so they would have no part in that. You are getting way ahead of yourself. And that, my friend who doesn't even know that what I post and what other people post are different opinions and ideas of different people or just does not read them, will set you behind. I know it sounds brave and patriotic to discuss a "revolution", armed, passionate, and to the death, but that won't work ever again. We need to find better and smarter ways, to adapt to our unique situation, and not do anything stupid like picking up weapons and giving them a reason to shut us down.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:50 AM
So lets say your "ConFederation" succeeds in overthrowing the current regime in the U.S...

Whats stopping the multinational corporations eg. Monsanto who are not only at the bottom of all this but right at the top aswell, from simply shifting camp to another country, most likely one using the Euro, and continuing their efforts of global domination under a new guise?

Further corrupting other world governing bodies to the point of absolute control untill one day sneaking back to into America under a different banner and planting the seeds of corruption again?

Or using their new hosts to wage all out war on you and your ConFeds?

You need to remember that what you see on T.V being portrayed as democractically passed legislations are actually the workings of the massive corporations who are calling the shots from the safety of their boardroom armchairs and 5star hotels...

The real solution lays not in your Whitehouse, Capitol Hill or Pentagon...
but lays in all beds across the world, though unfortunatly most of us are still asleep. Whatever is done will need to be done on a global scale if it is to have any hope of serious impact

the pen is indeed mightier than the sword...
...provided you have something decent to write on!

[edit on 10-5-2008 by Zeus187]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Yep, you are really going to have a massive movement to your position. Perhaps one one hundredth of one percent of the population of the US MIGHT agree with you, and about 1 in 10 of those folks would actually try to do something.

As to those that voted for Ron Paul (as one of the responders mentions), well they were once again a very tiny minority of those that actually came out to vote in meaningless primaries. In an actuial election, he could not pull 10% of the vote.

I would remind you of what happened to Barry Goldwater, who was a LOT more mainstream than Ron Paul is.

I hate to tell you all, but from the very beginning of the United States, there has been a tiny minority that believed that anything the government did was unconstitutional. They were wrong back then, and they are wrong today. They are mostly a crazed monority, with the concept that the U.S. was formed so that everyone could "do their own thing". Sorry, but that was never the concept of this country.

It was formed as a REPRESENTATIVE form of government, where we elect people to run our government. If you don't like the way things are going, try to get your candidate elected. If you can't, them just maybe the vast majority of folks think your ideas are stupid.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 01:42 PM
My friend, you are rignt in that we need a revolution, but we need a socialist-revolution as a medicine and antidote to the capitalist system. It is the capitalist system itself the cause of all our maladies. We cannot form a political party right now, instead we need to work step by step. First step would be to teach americans political science, i mean basic politics and what is capitalism, socialism, and imperialism and what is the best system for the majority (Socialism), and how capitalism, puts the wealth of a nation in the upper classes. and how democratic is the socialist system.


Originally posted by cryingindian
I have come to the conclusion that the only way to beat the establishment of corporate controlled government is to go beyond the notion of a new political party.

We need to form a "parallel" government. With Ron Paul as the new ConFederate government's leader, anyone who wants to join us can prosper with money backed by something of value, and under the freedom granted by the original Bill of Rights.

We can forfiet any "Old Government" entitlements, like welfare and Social Security as it is, and set our own policies, under the guide of the U.S. Constitution, we can stop paying taxes to the US EMPIRE, and pool our resources to build the proper model of what America should be. Our children will inherit a strong economy, and being taught in schools whose ciriculum is set by parents in the region they live will be ready to enter the free market place with knowledge and proper upbringing.

The parallel government will need a strong and disciplined militia, and even given our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, that might prove to be difficult. If we need to, we can make our own arms and ammunition. And train to use them. We'll need to, since the current government is doing all it can to destroy America and freedom, and we'll need to protect what we could enjoy as revolutionaries; we'll have what we need as the OLD dollar collapses, and those who call us Paultards will have no choice but to resort to crimes against the ConFederate followers to obtain necessities in order to live.

I think that we could get enough volunteers at this point to fill the ranks with peace loving, like-minded individuals who want what's best for their family. And that means the opposite of what the "Old Government" wants us to believe is for the "commmon good."

There was a good number of people who voted for Dr. Ron Paul in their respective states' primaries, and I'd like to see how many of those people would back this new ConFederate (or Parallel Government) revolution to keep what America, as it was originally intended, alive and well and prosperous.

We could do a lot of good in the world. Good that should, but isn't, being done with all the tax dollars we all pay.

What do you think?

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by nanovapor

I completely agree that people need to be taught political theory... ALL of the different political ideologies, not just the 'Red' and 'Blue'.

Most people in America (and ATS) attach a very negative stigma Socialism. They do the same for Communism. And Anarchism. Most people associate the mishaps of Soviet Union and Communist China, as the end all representations and fruitions of those political systems (which is unfortunate!). So I think you're about to be shot down with that Socialism talk lol...

Here are my thoughts...

Capitalism (not necessarily commercialism) is the necessary evil, the best vehicle, for uniting the World. But it reaches a point, where its growth is at its apex, when the system becomes stagnant. It is at that point, where it inevitably collapses and needs to be replaced with a new 'utopianish' system, something reminiscent of anarchism. Perhaps a melding of socialism and communistic ideas as well.

But it hasn't reached stagnation yet. Clearly.

The "father" of Capitalism also spoke of this eventual stagnation, it's collapse, and its need to be replaced with another political system.

I think we definitely need to deviate from commercialism... and explore other avenues of capitalism in the meantime...

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 04:28 PM
This is not the way to approach this, we cannot have systems is place for systems always will be broken and cheated. The way to solve this problem is to stop spending the money and say NO! Do not go to your jobs, do not spend money on meaningless #, the only thing we really should spend our money on is food. Everything is now here, what I mean by this is that there are houses and structures we can use for shelter, and if there are no jobs we can use buildings for shelters. We all have to realize that there is no difference between one person to the next be it race, political status, economical status or religion. WE ARE JUST ALL MANKIND. Ever wonder why we only use 10% of our brains? I do not know the answer to that but it is certianly because of the powers in place and our ingnorance. If we achieve perfect spirituality we can become telekenetic and communicate telepathically. Now to people who think that an economy can make the world go around, your wrong. Systems are meaningless they jsut tell people what to do and when to do it, but if everyone complies and realizes that we all need eachother we can make this world perfect, have no more borders, dont give a # if mexicans are comming into your country embrace that for they are just human like you. For this to all work everyone in the world needs to see this and take action which is an impossible task so what I'm trying to say is that were #ED! If you haven't already seen the movie zeitgeist I suggest you do and they are putting out a movie in October on how to solve this problem, but it extends far too deep for anyone to do anything about it, so what I am trying to say is that in October 2008 the new world order is going to take over because zeitgeist is most likely operated by the powers as we've all seen the like to fuel both sides of the war, and this is the war on humanity.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 09:59 PM
First point, stop trying to find Utopia or Utopian solutions to solve all of the problems. There is no such thing. Human beings are incapable of such schemes. We are far too imperfect. They will always fail.
Second, stop trying to succumb the nations opinions under some homogeneous theory of goodness or right way of doing things. We are by nature far too unpredictable and varied in our temperaments, outlooks, beliefs; and tendency to lead or follow.; etc. This is a good thing. This is reality.
Third, all is not lost already. The fact that ATS and the internet still exists is a very good thing. It is a great example of a healthy way to sort out conflicting ideas, strategies and goals. It is an example of the way things used to be before the mind control of tv and media. Its not utopia. It is messy and confusing. Thats OK.
Fourth, discontinue with any notions of revolution. Even if successful, this would only replace one set of rulers with another.
More than a few earlier posts have suggested a more likely way of approaching the situation. Think about the sands that make up a beach (cliche, I know, but true). The sands gather one at a time. Every one of us has contributed to the current situation thru our participation in it. Each one of us can contribute to the change by the actions, small and large we take from here on in.
Individually, and in our groups all over the world, we need to make small changes, every day in the way we do things, taking our own way, but also guided by the ideas of others that make sense to us.
Small actions like talking with your neighbours, coworkers and family about the issues. Thinking twice about the products we buy, and from whom. Thinking about how not to vote for the status quo candidate.
Probably every decision we make throughout the day can be looked at from the point of "does this action help the PTB/NWO agenda or does it foster something better?" There is no way we can do everything differently all at once outside of heading for the bush, but slowly, bit by bit, and sometimes in bigger jumps we can get there if that is what we really want.
IMO revolution is neither required nor wise. Lets just keep mixing it up and see what we can come up with, and never be satisfied with the status quo.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by wayno
First point, stop trying to find Utopia or Utopian solutions to solve all of the problems. There is no such thing. Human beings are incapable of such schemes. We are far too imperfect. They will always fail.

Ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecy?

How about the saying "where there is a will there is a way"?

Or "never say never"?

Anyways. Your opinion is appreciated. But that's what it is. Opinion. A very gloomy and discouraging one at that.

The first step to achieving success with Utopian ideas, is people not having attitudes like yours

Hell the first step to progressing any aspect of human potential is dropping that kind of attitude.

[edit on 103131p://10u07 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Jump on board
Ever wonder why we only use 10% of our brains?

That's actually not true. We use 100% of our brain. We just don't use all of our brain all at once. But every part of the brain is used at some point. It's obvious if you view the brain activity under the various brain imaging techniques that a vast portion is being used.

Think of it like this. If you removed 90% of your brain, you should be thinking straight and functioning fine, if it was true. But that's not true of course, It's a myth

**Sorry for the off-topic. Just throwing in some DI

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 10:35 PM
[edit on 103131p://10u15 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Zeus187

I am not the one with the "confederacy" idea. I would appreciate if you would read the posts before replying.

posted on May, 10 2008 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by wayno
First point, stop trying to find Utopia or Utopian solutions to solve all of the problems. There is no such thing. Human beings are incapable of such schemes. We are far too imperfect. They will always fail.

Ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecy?

How about the saying "where there is a will there is a way"?

Or "never say never"?

Anyways. Your opinion is appreciated. But that's what it is. Opinion. A very gloomy and discouraging one at that.

The first step to achieving success with Utopian ideas, is people not having attitudes like yours

Hell the first step to progressing any aspect of human potential is dropping that kind of attitude.

[edit on 103131p://10u07 by Lucid Lunacy]

Wow!!! I am in shock. I completely agree with you on everything you said in an entire post.

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Anyways. Your opinion is appreciated. But that's what it is. Opinion. A very gloomy and discouraging one at that.

The first step to achieving success with Utopian ideas, is people not having attitudes like yours

Hell the first step to progressing any aspect of human potential is dropping that kind of attitude.

dream on .....
my "opinion" is not dreary - it is realistic
you can not wish away the human nature
some of us are altruistic --- and some of us are NOT
that is just the way it is - you can not change people by your admonitions
The message of my post, if you read it all, was that we CAN change things for the better - just not by grand schemes - but by our individual efforts. One bit at a time. One decision at a time. so???
have a nice day!!

posted on May, 11 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by wayno

my "opinion" is not dreary - it is realistic

I didn't say it wasn't realistic. That mentality is a part of our reality, and it's a real problem.

Determining something is impossible without trying is dreary. Fortunately not all share that attitude, and they take risks. You should be thankful for this. Many changes to our society, many inventions you enjoy, and what freedoms you have, were made possible by people who didn't believe in impossibility, and dared to rise above limitation. Discovery is made by adventuring into the unknown.. If everyone had your world-view our world would make very little progress, if any at all. That's gloomy.

you can not wish away the human nature
some of us are altruistic --- and some of us are NOT

So you acknowledge some are. That's good. And accurate.

that is just the way it is - you can not change people by your admonitions

People change their minds from less

The message of my post, if you read it all..

I read it all

was that we CAN change things for the better - just not by grand schemes - but by our individual efforts. One bit at a time. One decision at a time.

And when you bring People together that are making individual efforts, towards a common cause, you then have something grand.

dream on .....

Oh I will! I love dreaming so much I spend damn near one third my life doing it! Don't you? Or did you put up a roadblock on that progress too?
You know, many many important historical people got their ideas and inspirations straight out of dream visions

have a nice day!!

Thanks! You too

[edit on 023131p://11u26 by Lucid Lunacy]

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