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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Aug, 18 2008 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

After giving your post some thought I concluded that the only method to "travel" somewhere in a "new" fashion, that does not employ "simply getting there faster," type technologies; would be the very technologies that you said not be discussed. Therefore, I am a bit, confused. Are you referring to new technologies that provide the same results, but are more efficient/effective in their implementation, or something entirely different?

- Maban

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Maban
reply to post by EnlightenUp

After giving your post some thought I concluded that the only method to "travel" somewhere in a "new" fashion, that does not employ "simply getting there faster," type technologies; would be the very technologies that you said not be discussed. Therefore, I am a bit, confused. Are you referring to new technologies that provide the same results, but are more efficient/effective in their implementation, or something entirely different?

- Maban

Awww, fudge, I did it again...

...almost. Thus, I asked if it was too "speculative". I got exited like a kid and went with "my hearts desire" as you suggested earlier. Noone else chimed-in regarding your request for subject matter and direction so I stepped up to the plate.

It's not a commandment of mine anything not be discussed (as in that I don't recall declaring anything not be). Personally, I feel all subjects should be open for discussion, openly. Practically, however I must ask myself "is it wise to discuss openly?" and respectfully heed any true answers.

Anything at the intersection of "advanced", "wise to discuss openly" and "you are permitted to discuss it" should no doubt hold my interest even if not necessarily at the absolute peak of my curiosity.

I apologise for being confusing. It's not my intention.

posted on Aug, 19 2008 @ 05:36 PM
Hello Maban.

I do believe that a good percentage of what you say rings true. I was a little lost about your thoughts on The Lord Of The Rings though. J.R Tolkien had a good understanding, and displayed knowledge of Dryad. I would not go about saying that this is a good starting block to understanding the bigger picture, just another part. Or have i miss-interpreted your post? Tis possible as i have read much of this thread at night.

Here are a few questions, sorry for asking alot at once, but i think you stated in an early post, you found this easier.

1. How important do you think working through your Chakra's are?

2. What do you understand of rounds and races?

3. Whats are your views on Dulce?

4. What are your thoughts on the Sumerians?

5. Do the Shards work with Shen?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these.

[edit on 19-8-2008 by The 5th]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by The 5th

Originally posted by The 5th
Sorry for asking alot at once, but i think you stated in an early post, you found this easier.

I do indeed prefer this method, so thank you.

1. How important do you think working through your Chakra's are?

Personally I do not place great "faith" in Chakra energies. However, the effects of various meditative states has shown that the release and reabsorption of key biomolecular and neurological chemicals can be quite beneficial to the body and mind. In effect causing the very "relaxed" type of effects that many have felt for centuries. essentially providing the body with a chemical cocktail, which it itself created. It is theoretically speculated that there may be some form of extra-dimentional energy field which is indicative of any entity with sufficient biomass which provides outside influence upon our minds/body's; however this is extremely speculative in nature. If something were to be discovered a new form of science would need be discovered and implemented.

2. What do you understand of rounds and races?

After a little researching I see of what you talk, and its relativity to this discussion. This mentality views all other beliefs as lost form the "true path," an assessment in which I would mostly agree with after some fashion or another. However, from my understanding, it itself is also muddied. It attempts to forcible place everything together in a large and complex structure. Form what I understand an explanation for most everything and anything should be "as simple as possible, but no simpler than need be;" if I may quote a great mind. Simply put, form what I know and understand; certain aspects of this research are certainly headed in the right direction, or even hold truth. Unfortunately much of it is lost in a chorus of babble and self promotion out of self preservation. A ideology trying to prove its worth, than simply existing. If you do believe in these ideologies/beliefs, than I am in no means of dissuading you form them, I would simply err on the side of caution. My concern is such a complex and ungainly assemblage of beliefs and facts, is as to solving a puzzle with a mallet.

3. Whats are your views on Dulce?

It is a legitimate undisclosed military installation, which specializes in various disavowed biological research projects. However, it is not in Dulce, New Mexico; that is simply a rumor.

4. What are your thoughts on the Sumerians?

They are believed to have formed the first true "civilization," at least by our standards. If anything they stand as a testament to human ingenuity, creativity, and fortitude.

5. Do the Shards work with Shen?

Are you referring to Chinese beliefs/spirituality? Or a physical person, I am a little confused, the question seems slightly ambiguous.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by Maban

Thanks for anwsering my questions.

Im intrigued by your thoughts on the Chakra's. I can't really stress how important they are, do you understand what i mean when i say, 'working through the Chakra's?' I don't mean to sound patronizing when i ask that.
Yes i was referring to the Chinese belief. I think there is some good truth in the Rounds and Races, it also depends on what information you read from what source.

Can i ask a few more? I don't regard everything you say as absolute fact, utter truth, but you seem to have a very good understanding of alot of topics.

What have you been taught about Sirius?

What do you understand about Stonehenge?

Whats are your thoughts on Dryad?


posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by The 5th

Originally posted by The 5th
reply to post by Maban
Im intrigued by your thoughts on the Chakra's. I can't really stress how important they are, do you understand what i mean when i say, 'working through the Chakra's?' I don't mean to sound patronizing when i ask that.

Perhaps I have taken it out of context. Please, feel free to explain to what you refer. You are in no way patronizing. I always prefer clarification over maintaining the status quo of decorum any day.

Yes i was referring to the Chinese belief. I think there is some good truth in the Rounds and Races, it also depends on what information you read from what source.

I am not entirely familiar with this information. I will certainly look into it. I would like you to bare in mind we are a very bare bones sort of orginization when it comes to beliefs. We have adopted an extremely simple system of standards by which we live our lives. As for "supreme answers" we deem none as finite nor entirely "truthful." We have decided that the only true answers will be found in a quest for them, rather than simple faith. I hope you do not take my words a patronizing in any way. We simply believe, that you should not have to believe, but be able to experience these answers firsthand, for yourself. Then our mind may be made; may.

I don't regard everything you say as absolute fact, utter truth, but you seem to have a very good understanding of allot of topics.

A wise decision by an person's perspective.

What have you been taught about Sirius?

The Star? It is the second brightest in the night sky, if memory serves me right. And has managed to embed itself in many cultural and spiritual texts through the world. Nothing significant pops out in my mind, except for the fact that is is one of the few which is closest to earth of nearby systems. And if I am not mistaken, it is also a binary star system.

What do you understand about Stonehenge?

It was started roughly 10,000 years ago and was slowly added to by various dominant civilization of that time, until today. Beyond that my knowledge is limited I am afraid.

Whats are your thoughts on Dryad?

Wood Nymphs. I would certainly not discount the belief, but I would dispute their accuracies. If anything they could stand as an important analogy that has been overlooked. The keepers of heaven and earth.

Sorry I could not fully address all of your answers. Bare in mind I my expertise is in advanced/theoretical technologies, but please by all means, keep the m coming.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 08:50 PM
Maban, did you get my U2U? I just want to make sure it wasn't lost given the recent troubles in that feature.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I believe so, and I have returned it in kind. If not so, please notify me as such.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 03:09 AM
Maban, have you seen this short (~11 minute) movie? Somehow it seems germane to your message. Perhaps I'm overinterpreting the symbolism in it and seeing whatever I want.

Elephants Dream Website
Elephants Dream - Flash link instead of huge download

posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

No not to my eyes. It is actually quite different. Our messages are also less... convoluted. The simpler the better.

for example. I speak to preciseness, not complexity like some here. I speak so I am understood precisely by most, not so I confuse all. At time I will speak in the simplest of terms to provide the best communicative medium to all.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:04 AM
Command Force Maban, what's the symbol bottom left on your avatar, by Briarios' right leg. I've seen you use that once before elsewhere.

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

It is an object we hold quite dear, I will U2U this answer given it's background.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 08:53 PM
Hello Maban, when i make the required post count, i will u2u about Chakra's if you want.

Have you had time to look at Skyfloatings thread? Would like to hear your thoughts on that.

What do you make of the hollow Earth theory? There has been talk of an entrance near or in Antarctica?

How long are you planning to post in this thread? It seems it has lost some of its energy now, will you continue it regardless. I've only just discovered this of late, and still am intrigued by some of your claims, views and answers.

Take care

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by The 5th

Originally posted by The 5th
Hello Maban, when i make the required post count, i will u2u about Chakra's if you want.

Feel free to post it in this thread. Such subject matter is of no concern to me in regards to public discourse.

Have you had time to look at Skyfloatings thread? Would like to hear your thoughts on that.

Which thread in particular?

What do you make of the hollow Earth theory? There has been talk of an entrance near or in Antarctica?

I have some good experience with Antarctica. given that I was working down there for six months. There is no evidence nor real reason to begin to even speculate such a facility exists. I think it is a good science fiction baseline for a story, but it is quite infeasible and impractical.

Granted, numerous other facilities do exist in near isolation with great discretion as to their specific locations, however these are built in rock strata, and not pure ice. Moreover these facilities are sub-surface in nature, but personal investigation or relatively high resolution photography renders them easily detectable. Their only reason why they remain secretive, is because of the nature of the research conducted at these places, and their extreme remoteness; no more.

How long are you planning to post in this thread? It seems it has lost some of its energy now, will you continue it regardless. I've only just discovered this of late, and still am intrigued by some of your claims, views and answers.

I plan to be here for quite a while longer. However I honestly cannot say how long I will be here. But I will remain as long as I see the discourse or information provided herein, as useful or beneficial in some form.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:37 AM

Can you tell us anything about your Shard HQ? I think you mentioned it was in Iceland, but is it somehow hidden or is it a place that you might walk right by and not think twice about?

Also, is there anything you can tell us about new technologies in propulsion for aircraft? Is the focus now mostly on pure speed or do you think a lot of the R&D work is focused on increased efficiency?

Finally, what is the Shard opinion on the situation in Iran? Are you concerned about how things are playing out?


posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 10:39 AM
Well after carefully reading the entire thread again, I've come to the personal conclusion this guy is bunk, but it's still a very entertaining thread regardless. Imho, the OP is a guy in college that has a deep interest in conspiracy and espionage, and is a closet geek of sorts (he enjoys anime, fantasy, etc.)

But this thread at least has had an astounding amount of success of not bursting into flames. For that alone I am impressed.

I'll consider this a fantasy thread of sorts now, but will come back to it — it's an entertaining read if nothing else.

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Originally posted by emsed1
Can you tell us anything about your Shard HQ? I think you mentioned it was in Iceland, but is it somehow hidden or is it a place that you might walk right by and not think twice about?

It isn't obvious no. However for obvious security reasons I cannot go into further detail. It is not a large country after all.

Also, is there anything you can tell us about new technologies in propulsion for aircraft? Is the focus now mostly on pure speed or do you think a lot of the R&D work is focused on increased efficiency?

In the privet sector it is truly a combination of both, enhanced speed and efficiency. However there certainly is a "leaning" towards efficiency / next generation tech.

In the military division focus has shifted form hypersonic aircraft, to exoatmospheric aircraft. Project Aurora's retrofits proved that a transatmospheric system was feasible; so they took it one step further.
As I previously mentioned, the concept for air superiority has evolved into space superiority. There are also other numerous projects which I have discussed with several members on the sidelines which accounts for many unaccounted "events."

Finally, what is the Shard opinion on the situation in Iran? Are you concerned about how things are playing out?

We have little concern about Iran directly. Their leader's value for self preservation will deter large scale actions. However, we hold more concern about the USG and their imminent actions/plans. We have known for some time that the Iranians are being supplied with Chinese and Russian materials, that has been public knowledge for some time. This is truly a small square on the chessboard that has been playing out for decades. The real question is whom will make the next move, and where. It is one thing to collect intelligence, it is another to analyze it accurately and create the best educated guess.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 26 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by fleabit

Well you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as many others have stated theirs throughout the course of this thread. However, your "assessment" as to my personality / lifestyle is inaccurate I am sorry to say; though it is intriguing that you have come to such a conclusion.

- Maban

[edit on 26-8-2008 by Maban]

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
Well after carefully reading the entire thread again, I've come to the personal conclusion this guy is bunk, but it's still a very entertaining thread regardless. Imho, the OP is a guy in college that has a deep interest in conspiracy and espionage, and is a closet geek of sorts (he enjoys anime, fantasy, etc.)

But this thread at least has had an astounding amount of success of not bursting into flames. For that alone I am impressed.

I'll consider this a fantasy thread of sorts now, but will come back to it — it's an entertaining read if nothing else.

Just taking it from a rather neutral perspective it is obvious what is going on here is unusual for what is typically labelled a hoax. It is a rather brilliant effort of too high a general grade to simply dismiss on that level in any case. Personally I have decided to disregard any such concerns and instead to simply communicate.

And I have rather extensively with Maban privately and he has never shown the slightest bit of irritation or impatience-- knowing myself rather well, that is a feat in itself. He never requested more of me but to be clear in conveyance of my thoughts and inquiries.

Well...that's my take for what it's worth. This one is far better than posting in the 1E6 th thread ripping on Obama or McCain or talking about the NWO enslaving us all, etc. How does one live at that level of distress-- largely self-inflicted?

posted on Aug, 27 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I have to agree here. Having spoken to him privately several times I was able to verify some of the things he talks about.

On every other hoax thread I have read, the OP is very defensive and refuses to answer when challenged.

I think he has made no secret that he likes anime, but that isn't necessarily a reason to discount him. Every time I have asked him a difficult question privately, he has provided a solid answer to my satisfaction and I am a pretty harsh critic.

The thing that strikes me about this thread is that nobody is trying to sell anything. He's obviously not stroking his ego because he is pretty ambivalent about whether people believe him or not.

I think other hoaxers are pretty obvious in their goals, whether it is to sell a website or stroke their ego.

He hasn't really contradicted himself. There is one thing in particular that caused some doubt for me, but in the context of the rest of the thread it's not a big deal.

If nothing else it is tremendously entertaining and I am cautiously optimistic.

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