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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I can certainly identify with this mentality. Although I am not sure it is necessary, since devious individuals and mother nature herself seems to provide sufficient "pressure" to safeguard against stagnation; I can understand its necessity. Although we would not engage in such actions, we do approve of them. We approve of them so long as they are not destructive. Situations which make people uncomfortable or upset are certainly allowable. Situations which threaten peoples lives and well being are not.

I did not express this viewpoint simply because we are impartial to it, neutral. But, thank you for addressing it.

In retrospect, I would agree that a slow productive thread, is far better than a fast and digressive one.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:32 PM

Quite some time ago I started reading this thread and posts that preceded it and I finally registered on ATS to join the discussion. I'm pleasantly surprised about the quality of many of the posts in this thread...whether they be about the unseen hand or Lockheed R&D projects.

I would like to suggest that it would be rewarding to spawn a new thread to entertain discussion on physics and technology topics touched on in this thread.

For the topic at hand, I am glad to have come across such painstakingly researched and peer-reviewed information.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:47 PM
I agree with you.

This thread has been an amazing source of information that seems to be independently verifiable.

Thanks again MAban!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by JC_Denton
reply to post by emsed1

Ahh, JC-Denton. Deus Ex. I think that is an inspired idea you have.
Let us discuss what form this thread should take and I would be more than happy to create it! Although sadly these do not get nearly as much attention as they deserve.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Maban

Do the Remnants have any sort of centralized structure or are they mostly just cells that operate independently?

Do the Shards and Remnants ever engage in armed conflict or is it just mostly a psychological battle?

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Thank you for your thread. I have just joined this form and read your thread with much interest. Although you have had only 400 some odd posts, there have been 23,144 visits to you thread. I would not consider that a “failure” The amount of knowledge evidenced in those 400 posts may have been intimidating to many visitors, I certainly found it so and I am not easily intimidated.

My question is what are your thoughts on the following US government actions.
1. House Concurrent Resolution 25
2.The President's Council on Sustainable Development
3. The President's Community Empowerment Board
4. The Six Regional Commissions otherwise known as S tat e Associations of R e g i o n a l Councils of Government & R e g i o n a l Development Organizations

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Iv got a question for you and i hope you can answer it to the best of your knowledge.
what makes illuminati members, illuminated?
Like you said beetween our conscious knowledge and our spiritual self.
I know you dont have the exact answer but lead me to something. Id like to believe that im not on this planet to live my life, said and done.

Does it have to do with meditation? Other dimensions? Chakra energies? The Third Eye?
Maybe it has to do with the Philly expirament or mantauk project? Telekineses? Levitation? Mind Reading? Teleportation? Time Travel? im so curious!!!!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by LostChildrenOfBabylon
Iv got a question for you and i hope you can answer it to the best of your knowledge.
what makes illuminati members, illuminated?
Like you said beetween our conscious knowledge and our spiritual self.
I know you dont have the exact answer but lead me to something. Id like to believe that im not on this planet to live my life, said and done.

Does it have to do with meditation? Other dimensions? Chakra energies? The Third Eye?
Maybe it has to do with the Philly expirament or mantauk project? Telekineses? Levitation? Mind Reading? Teleportation? Time Travel? im so curious!!!!

It sounds like you came to the right place!

It seems like there are a lot of different approaches to 'enlightenment' and some are more effective than others. It seems like a lot of folks agree that meditation is the best way.

It seems like you can tell people that are 'enlightened' because they always seem to be calm and aware of their surroundings, don't let the daily drudgery of life get to them, etc.

There are brief passing moments in life where I feel like I have it 'figured out' and everything just makes sense, and it feels really great! I can see how living like that 24/7 would be amazing, but I just can't hold on to it.

As soon as the bills start piling up, the kids are sick, nasty people at work are trying to bring you down, etc... it's just 'gone'.

I am willing to bet there is another 'higher' level of enlightenment beyond anything I have ever experienced and it sure would be nice to get there.

Anyway, hopefully Maban can give us some insight.

Great question!

posted on Aug, 14 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by LostChildrenOfBabylon
Iv got a question for you and i hope you can answer it to the best of your knowledge.
what makes illuminati members, illuminated?

Since I wasn't sure if I should go down that line of questioning and now that LostChildrenOfBabylon has, I have to give that one a "same question".

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Originally posted by emsed1
Do the Remnants have any sort of centralized structure or are they mostly just cells that operate independently?

Some have structure, others operate as cells. It varies form group to group. The only standard, is there is no standard.

Do the Shards and Remnants ever engage in armed conflict or is it just mostly a psychological battle?

Armed, yes. Hand to hand yes. I have the scars to prove it. I am one of the few physical protectors the Shards utilize.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I will get back to you on these when I have more time to elaborate. I prefer to not give half formulated responses. I hope this does not cause any inconvenience.

- Maban

[edit on 15-8-2008 by Maban]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by LostChildrenOfBabylon

what makes Illuminati members, illuminated?
Like you said between our conscious knowledge and our spiritual self.
I know you don't have the exact answer but lead me to something. Id like to believe that im not on this planet to live my life, said and done.

Does it have to do with meditation? Other dimensions? Chakra energies? The Third Eye?
Maybe it has to do with the Philly experiment or mantauk project? Telekineses? Levitation? Mind Reading? Teleportation? Time Travel? im so curious!!!!

One should always attempt to seek truth, not just answers.

Initially being Illuminated was a mind set, a mentality of exploration, openness, and curiosity. In more recent times, due to recent discoveries; It is referred to more loosely as being charged with a duty, and has nothing to due with previous misconceptions. We Illuminons do not truly consider ourselves "Illuminati," but do consider ourselves Illuminated. As I stated previously my title was ill conceived.

Unfortunately due to the meddling of the Remnants the image of true Illuminism has fallen into mystique, shadow, and now rumor. There is nothing spiritual about it in all honestly. It is an understanding, spiritual in a sense. However, more so a understanding of ones surroundings. Our own studies have shown that this is what is responsible for precognition, but I am getting ahead of myself.

Illuminism is an understanding of ones surroundings, and the ability to see a bigger picture. Not necessarily what is, but what will be. To be able to visualize what the future can be, and help create it. To see the potential in everything, and not is dogmatic flaws like so many religious beliefs epitomize upon.

I think even if you were to ask one hundred Illuminons what Illuminism is they would all inevitably give you different answers. It is really quite simple, it means different things to different people. And each have found it in one shape or another. Illuminism is nothing more than realizing ones own potential, and the potential in those around them. People have often ranted and raved about us withholding secrets from the public, like what Illuminism is. Had they taken the time to Understand all that which was around them, rather than ask meaningless questions; they would have discovered the secret to Illuminism long ago. The secret to Illuminism is: there is no secret. It is what each of us make it to be. But its core fundamental ideal to to become more than you are, and to help others see that same potential, and that is it.

As an example I will mention was in regards to our research into Precognition. We have found that individuals with heightened senses of self awareness can better subconsciously predict what is going to happen. From a scientific standpoint the more variables that are concrete numbers within an equation; the more accurate the answer is inevitably. The same is true with precognition. Those who are able to process more information from their surroundings are able to better predict what is going to happen. Whether it is within a time span of a few seconds, or a few weeks we have seen that it is nothing more than the wonders of the worlds most powerful computer subconsciously analyzing input data from its surroundings, and guessing at what will happen. This represents a prime example of how seeing the potential in things give you far greater answers in life. Both figuratively, and literally. This is also where the entire concept of meditation originated from. The greater you are able to comprehend your surroundings, the more you inevitably understand.

Hopefully this has not been all too confusing, and provides some form of answer to you.

As for ensuring your life has meaning:
Let none tell you that your life has any meaning at all. Let no church, no deity, no priest, nor man tell you you your life has any significance at all. Simply because it does not. It does not have any meaning unless you make it have meaning. Your life is yours and yours alone, what becomes of your life is by your will and none else. You may be inspired or motivated by others, but what you do, you do alone. You make your own destiny, your own choices, and your own path. Do so, so if you find there is no heaven nor nirvana at life's end that you are content knowing you did something important with the time you had. And maybe, just maybe, helped someone else realize this too.

If there is anything every belief system holds dear it is this:

We all possess freedom of will.

- Maban

[edit on 15-8-2008 by Maban]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Maban
reply to post by LostChildrenOfBabylon

what makes Illuminati members, illuminated?


Hopefully this has not been all too confusing, and provides some form of answer to you.


- Maban

Actually, now I'm confused. The whole thread just became confusing. Either the truth isn't consistent with my preconceptions and/or what I've gleaned so far by reading this thread and studies elsewhere or I have grown too sensitive to my surroundings both "real world" and "virtual".

No matter, Schrodinger's cat is back in the box. I'm highly tolerant of ambiguity. Now I smile...

'Way to create a question!

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 09:34 AM
This is extremely interesting. To be honest, im left in a bit of confusion and dissapointment.

This form of being illuminated is only for the shards i take it? I have a lot of trouble believing people like "george bush" went through this total understanding of his surroundings.

Iv got a couple of questions id like to ask you if you dont mind.
Are you religious? if so, what do you believe? life after death? and why?

Do you believe in reptilians? If you truly are in the icelantic shards of the illuminati im sure youd know if reptilians inhabit our earth or not?

Do you believe in aliens? Have they visited our earth?

Sorry for some of the farfetched questions, that will be all for now

and thank you

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by LostChildrenOfBabylon

This is extremely interesting. To be honest, im left in a bit of confusion and disappointment.

My apologies. I think many have built up the mystique over Illuminism, and has clouded peoples views about what it "truly" is. Many have seen it to be this extremely elaborate and complex system of traditions, beliefs, rituals, for dark and devious secret societies. This is just not the case across the board. This is indeed what occurs with centuries of wild speculation slowly call themselves "fact." Even then those few who understood Illuminism, or at least thought so; have strayed far from its original teachings. Twisting and manipulating it to their will and/or agendas.

I won't go so far to say that "I am right." Or have any claim to the "truth" of what Illuminism is, no man has that right, none. But simply it is what any individual makes it out to be. All I will say is that Illuminism proper has deviated extremely far from what it "originally" meant. "Originally" in context to Egypt, not Bavaria. Because of our discovery of these more "accurate" teachings we have indeed "dropped" the Name Illuminati and are known as Illuminons. I think what you are overlooking is the need to dispose of every previous stereotypical misconception about what the Illuminati is, and who they are.

This form of being illuminated is only for the shards i take it? I have a lot of trouble believing people like "George Bush" went through this total understanding of his surroundings.

I am unsure what the segway truly was. However, if you are referring to the power crazed madmen who vie to control the world, they are not necessarily of the Illuminati Remnants; at least not by our standards. Again, I would ask you, to ask yourself which Illuminati you speak of? There is indeed more than one, and those whom also do not fit the bill of Remnants, but think they equally hold claim to the name. This is the reason I initially used the name "Illuminati" in my title. Because we are of Illuminism, not necessary of their ranks known as Illuminati; at lest no more. In retrospect I should have entitled this thread "Shards of the Illuminons." However, even that is not accurate given that we are Shards of the original Bavarian Illuminati (or so we have been told for the sake of you debunkers out there.) To continue, George Bush is certainly no Illuminon, not to mention is certainly not affiliated with any Remnant; therefore I have a difficult time understanding this reference. I could only begin to understand the context if we were assuming he were Illuminati, which even by a Remnant standards seems... humorous. No offense.

As for your next questions. I had though I had expressed them previously; however for the sake of conversation I will reiterate them:

Are you religious? if so, what do you believe? life after death? and why?

I am not religious at all. Although I am indeed Spiritual. As for my specific beliefs I will not bore you with past discourse. In short, I am "most" akin to Buddhist beliefs, as are my fellow Illuminons. This is because of its purist lifestyle, kindness, and lack of ability to distort. Even though there are those whom do attempt to do so.

Why? I am beginning to feel like this is more of an inquisition than a simple question. Nonetheless, I feel it to be the most caring, and sane lifestyle. It removes distractions from ones life. Attempting to please some omnipotent deity, or devoting time to what I may consider non constructive acts of worship are among my reasons. I believe no matter the religion or spiritual beliefs, if one places as much effort into doing good as much as others pray, no omnipotent deity can scold you for doing so. And any that would rather have me prostrate rather than help another, is no deity by my standards. Just a man with godlike powers whom does not even deserve my recognition of his being. In essence, I do not speak to any individual faith. However, I cannot agree with killing over beliefs, nor giving homage to an entity whenst that time could be used more constructively (I am not looking to start a debate. Just stating my beliefs, as requested, in their context. beliefs). Buddhism's primary philosophy is simply to help others. Meditation is not a prerequisite by any means, it is merely a tool for the self, the mind; no more. Buddhism in my mind is the purest spiritual beliefs I am able to best identify with, and often lead to the person doing the right thing, rather than utilizing religious beliefs as a justification for something. But these are my opinions, and are not shared by all Illuminons nor the Shards. Even then I do not agree with all of Buddhism. As for life after death, I ignore it. I do not look to it as an end to suffering, or any sort of event to even look forward to. In my mind it is something to avoid, and even fight off. Not out of fear, not out of anger, but disgust. That is because the end of my life marks an end to my ability to help others, a loss of my purpose. So I will fight it off to the bitter end, if only to make that one last difference in someone else's life. Then again I feel this way because our lives should define us. We should live so that we can die content knowing that we may face oblivion, but knowing you did something important with the one life you were given. I feel life after death gives people an "out" to do what is easy, rather than what is right. Doing the bare minimum, rather than what is needed.

As for your latter questions. I will address them in a U2U. As I have previously requested for such subjects.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 03:43 PM
Hello, Maban. Sorry for the bizarre post but I expressed my question in the form of an expression of my confusion-- which got answered in the previous post.
Mostly I'm not sure what to ask because of your being on thin ice which gives me pause out of respect and concern.

I am also interested what you have to say regarding the subjects you were only able to talk about in the U2U's especially extraterrestrial intelligence. You have answered others privately and now just offered another some of your knowledge on the subject so I respectfully ask to be included in the sharing if you would be so kind.

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Feel free to ask any question your heart's desire. If I am unable to answer it for whatever reason, I will duly state so. No concerns.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

I apologize for the delay, but I was not fully up to speed on these items. Therefore I asked a fellow Illuminon who frequents these matters in his duties.

1. House Concurrent Resolution 25

I am assuming you are referring got HR 25 of 1/4/2007? This is a good idea, which we have tried to deny being passed. It would eliminate Income tax and the IRS. However, the catch is that every trade transaction needs to be logged and tracked. Meaning there are no more simple off the record deals. Bare in mind, "The most reliable records, are tax records."

2.The President's Council on Sustainable Development

An all around good idea, the question is if it will successfully work in practice and not be abused.

3. The President's Community Empowerment Board

This name set off warning bells when I first read this list, and was my primary reason I wished to hold back until I could verify my memory was correct. This is essentially a 'feeler" for what we think to be an "official" arm of the NIA. We have been watching it closely for some time now, especially since new members where "added."

4. The Six Regional Commissions otherwise known as State Associations of Regional Councils of Government & Regional Development Organizations [AKA NARC, National Association of Regional Councils]

This is basically an extension of COG. Although an extension we are not all too happy with. It is an over centralization/consolidation of power. We are concerned that this could be used to control a people, rather than protect them. This is among one of the issue we are watching, although not this specific orginization, but others like it.

Very insightful and valuable questions. Please keep them coming. I like questions that force me to ask other Illuminons; I usually learn something new myself.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 06:28 PM
There was talk of the need to start a technology discussion thread. I am open for suggestions as to what type of context / forum you all would wish to see. I am more than happy and willing to start one once I can get some idea on what direction you would all like to see it go, so input please.

- Maban

posted on Aug, 16 2008 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Maban
There was talk of the need to start a technology discussion thread. I am open for suggestions as to what type of context / forum you all would wish to see. I am more than happy and willing to start one once I can get some idea on what direction you would all like to see it go, so input please.

- Maban

My initial vote is to kick off anything related to antigravity, FTL travel and time travel. Perhaps all that may be said has been said on the matter at this point or it's too "speculative" for such a thread. I'm a bit sated on the subject of vessels that obtain control and propulsion essentially from Newtonian physics though any of these that might employ more exotic tech in some way I'd like to hear about.

To rephrase, I'd like to hear about technologies that can get us to NEW (to us), more distant places in a practical way rather than only more rapidly to the same places we can already reach.

If you don't semantically scrutinize the former paragraph too much the intent should be clear.

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