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Shards of the Illuminati

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posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 08:04 PM
[edit on 16-9-2008 by KilgoreTrout]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 06:44 AM
Maban, while we wait months for ATS Freemason Emsed1 to answer your lengthy responses, may I ask of what significance to you is the colour Yellow?

(In other words bump)

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Cadbury
Maban, while we wait months for ATS Freemason Emsed1 to answer your lengthy responses, may I ask of what significance to you is the colour Yellow?

(In other words bump)

Sorry about that.. we had a lengthy cabal/orgy/business meeting and I fell asleep during the reading of the amendments.

An associate of mine (not masonic) has recently begun emphasizing preparedness, more so than normal.

I have to say, though, this $700 billion 'bailout' crock is scaring even me. Does anyone else find it ironic that we find ourselves in this preposterous economic situation due to the 'we-finance-everybody' mortgage craze where anyone could buy a half million dollar house, and yet the bailout plan includes increasing our national credit limit to $11.3 TRILLION dollars?

I called Bank of America and told them I was increasing my borrowing limit and they laughed at me. Of course I think it was the janitor because all the financial folks have been laid off.

Anyway, my friend has stocked up on only three critical supplies to survive the upcoming world crisis. He calls them the three 'B's - Beans, Bullets and Barbecue Sauce. He claims that aside from clean water and a place to hole up those three things will get you through the apocalypse.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

It depends in which context you speak. If it is a specific one, then it is quite significant.

- Maban

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by emsed1

We have what we call the Perpetuation Pyramid, The Three base points are comprised of: Food, Shelter, Water, sustainability, and the tip Protection. One has to consider these points as well as their seems. The lines where these points meet represent different interactions.

Protection: Ensuring you and your family have the means to protect yourselves. The protection of your food, water, and shelter. The Protection point is at the top because it is the most important thing. Protection also means sustainability of the three points below it. Resupplied water, food, and maintained of your shelter.

Shelter: Shelter is obviously important because it is the one thing that you cannot survive without. You will die of exposure long before starvation or dehydration. A shelter must provide protection against the elements, adverse weather/temperature. It must also be secure from any predators, two legs specifically. you also need a safe and secure place to store your food and water within this shelter.

Water: Water is the second most critical resource, you can live without food for a week and even more if need be, but you cannot live more than five days without water. The water must be clean of just not particulate, but bacteria and viruses. Even water filtration pumps will not kill off viruses. For that you need to add several drops of chlorine, 5% in solution, to approximately one liter of water. A jug of Clorox will suffice for six months to a year depending on the purity of your water source.

Food: food can be the most readily available supply, you can also go without it for a great deal of time. Depending on your region, there may be more food in your forests than any crowed supermarket which would be nearly sold out. Food is something which can be easily scavenged for, the Native Americans id it once, it can be done again. Although you must either cook your food or get your pallet accustomed to non UV dosed food. You can get sick easily off of ill prepared or slightly different foods. Also bare in mind that food and water may need be rationed so take care of that line segment in advance by thinking out your average usage, and usage when under either traveling or high activity periods.

So just remember this pyramid and all of its relations.

There is some information which we have been recently supplied with which I have been granted allowance to disseminate to you all. There has been a report detailing the transfer of 2.3 Trillion Dollars from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. to the United States Government. This loan is also being conducted at 7% interest compounded annually. Between Chinese Investments, and the consolidation of "bad credit" our economy will rise in the next months possibly years, but will inevitably take a sharp and steep drop when our temporary fixes burst and the dam finally gives way.

I am not saying the world will collapse, it would in fact be the exact opposite those in power want. But there may be periods of chaos and nearly lawlessness when the society and government may not be able to provide everyday goods. Work with your communities to establish communal plans for sustainable protection, water, and food supplies. From wells to farmers markets the little things long forgotten of the early 1920's will be paramount in the years to come.

- Maban

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Maban
Water: Water is the second most critical resource, you can live without food for a week and even more if need be, but you cannot live more than five days without water. The water must be clean of just not particulate, but bacteria and viruses. Even water filtration pumps will not kill off viruses. For that you need to add several drops of chlorine, 5% in solution, to approximately one liter of water. A jug of Clorox will suffice for six months to a year depending on the purity of your water source.

As a more long term or fixed solution, a copper water storage device or piping can be as effective, especially with water borne bacteria, combined with a simple filtration system (Gravel/Charcoal/sand).

I am not saying the world will collapse, it would in fact be the exact opposite those in power want. But there may be periods of chaos and nearly lawlessness when the society and government may not be able to provide everyday goods. Work with your communities to establish communal plans for sustainable protection, water, and food supplies. From wells to farmers markets the little things long forgotten of the early 1920's will be paramount in the years to come.

The additional benefit being, that by moving towards a greater degree of sustainability, self-sufficiency and limiting our reliance on industrial processess and manufacture, we have a real chance of driving through the change that is required. We most certainly though need to be looking to provide sustainable sources of food, and those that can should be looking to ensure that they can provide for the wider group.

Industrialised and intensive farming practices are responsible for most of the damage caused to this planet in one form or another. Additionally too much land is in private hands and is not being used in either a productive or constructive way. At the very least, land owners (and garden owners) should be doing all they can to encourage biodiversity. It is all very well having a 'doomsday' seed bank in deepest Norway (as well as Kew, UK), but those seeds will be of little long term use if we do not have the pollonators required to propagate and harvest more seed.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Maban

Fantastic post!

Thank you.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 01:17 PM
Maban -

Are you allowed to elaborate at all on the nature and structure of NIA?

Do the Illuminon have any control or influence on the G7?

Is there one particular group that we should be concerned about exerting it's power and influence over the world populations?


posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Originally posted by emsed1
Are you allowed to elaborate at all on the nature and structure of NIA?

To an extent yes. There are however details I cannot release because it would negate any tactical advantage we had over them by knowing certain aspects of their orginization.

For a long period of time we had surmised that they only operated in nomadic cell structures. That was until my recent "Business Trip." We successfully took a small building which seemingly operated as permanent "node" to the main HQ. We are slowly narrowing in on its location and the legitimate structure of the NIA. Most of the NIA covert agents do not even know who they really work for. they are employed by individuals within the legitimate USG. As an example there may be an FBI, DIA, CIA, or NSA agent whom may be also working for the NIA, passing on information and assisting in the occasional side mission. Their only contact may be their supervisor or handler, who assists in relaying information and/or orders to conduct certain "side" operations. Because of its this very nature they are able to bypass normal security and federal security, at the same time bypassing their own Agencies command structure and accountability, effectively leaving it an operation with no paper trail or evidence.

These are almost impossible to trace ot track, so we do not even bother. What we target is the physical command and control structure of the NIA. This typically involves Businessmen, Mercenaries, and other NIA proponents/leaders/contractees whom have some knowledge about the NIA's actual structure. But even then these people have little knowledge beyond shreds of compartmentalized information.

Our primary locations/people of interest are nomadic units which possess legitimate NIA agents/commandos which execute mission critical operations and protective countermeasures for the few leadership personnel within this nomadic unit. These Agents, Commandos, and/or Leaders possess information which is a heartbeat away form the main leadership structure. recently recovered information lead us to a static command and control node where we successfully found files and documentation leading back to the NIA proper, however the few leaders whom where there had been alerted to our presence, and fled.

We have recently uncovered that a varying number of nomadic units operate around one regional Node, which then reports back to the NIA headquarters. Consider their agents to be like that of any "legitimate" agency but with hidden objectives and a well disguised form.

Do the Illuminon have any control or influence on the G7?

The Icelandic Shard does have influence over the G7, but no means of actual "control." We can influence key individuals whom in turn influence key representatives.

Is there one particular group that we should be concerned about exerting it's power and influence over the world populations?

Yes, the world banking cartels. They can make or break a company or country by simply spreading rumors or moving large sums of money rapidly, stimulating an even larger response. They cannot be held accountable for much beyond white collar slaps on the wrist, and are overseen by no one. It is of my Shards opinion that specific individuals capitalized on the current economic shortcomings of the sub-standard mortgage issues; to in turn cause an economic melt down which would allow for further consolidation of broken banks and all their assets. Effectively making a huge land grab as saviors while anti-trust laws are temporarily lifted by a government in serious trouble.

While the recent US economic downfall spelled doom for many people and companies, it screamed opportunity and prosperity for others; mostly the old powerful ones.

- Maban

[edit on 22-9-2008 by Maban]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:16 PM
Along the same vein.. I was researching Executive Orders, particularly the ones granting power to DNI, and I came across this one from 9-11-08:

I am not sure how this got by me but now that I read it -- It sounds scary as hell. It almost sounds like they knew something would be going down.

Everyone keeps talking about an 'October Surprise'. Any idea what this will be? Economy? Terrorism? Iran?


posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Everyone keeps talking about an 'October Surprise'. Any idea what this will be? Economy? Terrorism? Iran?

How about, all the above?

Unfortunately our intel is all over the place. With how unstable everything currently is... The question remaining is not "what" will go wrong, but "when," "where," and "how." Unfortunately there seems to be so much interference and confusion going on right now within the intelligence community, even we are trying hard to figure out what is really going on, forget the USG figuring it out. We have several safety measures in place just in case this is all a ruse, a diversion. However, as I have mentioned before; even we cannot predict a Black Swan. only time will truly tell.

- Maban

I will provide what information I can as I receive it, and receive authorization.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Maban
It depends in which context you speak. If it is a specific one, then it is quite significant.

- Maban

The specific context in which it is most significant to you.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Cadbury

It is most poignant to me in the regards of the Enlightened Ones. The color yellow is often attributed to the color of a main sequence star, the very force which gives life to every species and [illuminates] our world. Without the light we would be much different beings. Yellow is often reverberated throughout history as a [sacred] or [spiritual] color of [understanding] and/or discovery. Yellow is a bright color which also signifies peace and happiness, there are a multitude of reasons, however it is always seen as a warm and welcome color, by us and the Enlightened Ones.

- Maban

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:36 AM
Is an economic breakdown feared by those in power not only for the usual reason attributed (money, power, control, etc.) but mainly in order to avoid a lapse in control of peoples' minds which could prove more devastating to their agenda in the long term?

In other words, if people awaken to what is important during downtime of the machine, their battle really is a lost cause, is it not? This would include a lull in exposure to media, toxins, etc. and a period where people would have to develop a self-sufficiency they haven't known on a large scale since pioneering. Even a short stint of individuals finding a way out of dependency on the system could spell disaster for domineering power structures that plague us. It may be a mixed blessing.

I know this set of questions has a self-answering propery but there is also a twist to it. Hopefully I will soon discover exactly why I needed to post this.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Is an economic breakdown feared by those in power not only for the usual reason attributed (money, power, control, etc.) but mainly in order to avoid a lapse in control of peoples' minds which could prove more devastating to their agenda in the long term?

I am sure Maban will offer his informed opinion, but in the meantime....

It is the control that is the illusion, we have complete control already it is just so few of us are willing and in some cases able to exercise it. We choose dependency and they provide the means, or at least attempt to, make our existence as meaningfully meaningless as possible. We choose to believe in the binds that tie us.

Should the pooh hit the fan, and a societal breakdown occur on any significant scale, there will be those, who realising that there lives rest in their own hands adapt to the situation, there will those too far removed from 'reality' who will await a saviour, any saviour and there will be those who feed on the weak. Survival will depend entirely upon the individuals response it will not rest I believe on how 'enlightened' someone is. Though education would help.

I agree with you that this is not a situation that the 'Powers that Be', want, they after all need us far more than we need them. We only 'want' what they have, and only because they have told us that we want it. Need is another matter entirely. If we however push for greater self-sufficiency, sustainable food sources, biodiversity, renewable energy then they will adapt to meet that need. They would have to, and they would want to, there is money to be made. Some already are investing in a sustainable future and they will make millions.

Before mass media, before television or even the printed word, TPTB have maintained control of many by promising protection and a better life after death. These are the same bonds we have now. Removal of the toxins or the 'news feeds' won't cause a mass awakening, it could cause more death and violence than we have probably ever seen though. Better to work with the systems in place, and in my opinion using our spending powers ethically and with concern for the future is our best long term offence and defence.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

I agree that a sustained, full-scale breakdown into an apparently chaotic, hopeless, desperate situation is not what is needed or else our fellow humans will want a savior. Unplugging everyone just enough, long enough to awaken them to the illusion could have a beneficial outcome that cannot be easily reversed. Balance is key.

That said, I eagerly await Maban's reply as well.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 10:06 AM
I take it this $700 billion bailout is sourced by the $2.3 T loan from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Was Treasury Secretary Paulson's request for carte blanche authority in the matter an attempt to reduce the likelyhood that the loan becomes common knowledge?

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

First time poster. Is my logic coorect?
So when the US gov bails out the banks and lending institutions they essentially acquire the rights to their assets. When the Saudis bail out the US gov they do the same right? So basically the USA is being sold piece by piece. Nothing more than a flea market or yard sale.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Is an economic breakdown feared by those in power not only for the usual reason attributed (money, power, control, etc.) but mainly in order to avoid a lapse in control of peoples' minds which could prove more devastating to their agenda in the long term?

I would not say "feared," but "avoided." The economic system is merely one tool for regulation and control of the worlds environment and peoples. There are many more surreptitious ways to assert power or control than just one system, it would certainly prove more "difficult" to sway, convince, or control people in such a way but it still exists none the less.

If such an economic collapse were to occur, there would assuredly be a form of heightened "self-awareness," however there would also be a power vacuum which could be filled with tightener legal statutes, or a police state scenario. Control could be maintained, and if anything strengthened in such an event, although the initiation of such a "controlled collapse" would be tricky to do so in a way that would prove beneficial only to specific groups/regions so economic power was sacrifice for military power. In addition to added inflation, scarcity of money and supplies; none would risk their own individual resources nor livelihood to combat a large overwhelming domestic military force.

If would say anything, that whenst it comes down to it. Fear is a far more powerful motivator for an agenda, then greed. That is because it is indeed a primeval instinct intrinsic to each and every individual. Once divided by scarcity and survival instincts, people are much less able to create cohesion and in turn any form of resistance or revolt. Communication mediums for free flowing ideas such as here, would as a consequence of an "economic" collapse be discarded immediately, isolating each and every individual from each other beyond local populaces.

In other words, if people awaken to what is important during downtime of the machine, their battle really is a lost cause, is it not? This would include a lull in exposure to media, toxins, etc. and a period where people would have to develop a self-sufficiency they haven't known on a large scale since pioneering. Even a short stint of individuals finding a way out of dependency on the system could spell disaster for domineering power structures that plague us. It may be a mixed blessing.

Mixed blessing for a few, for a short time perhaps. But, in the absence of control an inevitable power vacuum is created. And if history has taught us anything; power vacuums, especially during bad times, almost inevitably leads to far worse leaders and/or solutions which are proposed to "save us all."

- Maban

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
It is the control that is the illusion, we have complete control already it is just so few of us are willing and in some cases able to exercise it. We choose dependency and they provide the means, or at least attempt to, make our existence as meaningfully meaningless as possible. We choose to believe in the binds that tie us.

You are very right in the perception of control. Control is only as prevalent as to how much dependency we place in others. The more dependency on others or a few, the more power they gain in return. We do possess all the freedom in the world, however if we choose to exercise that freedom it is not nearly as easy nor comfortable because of the inerrant need to be solely dependent on the self. Few are willing to become overnight hermits (although I know this is not what you are suggesting specifically).

There are certainly those who mange to find much meaningfully meaningless in life, but not all dependencies create this. A wonderful example is our original 13 colonies. The colonists depended on each other to prevent England from retaking the colonies. Dependence is neither a good nor a bad thing, it is merely a state of affairs. Either end of the spectrum inevitably leads to a less than desirable world. The same could be said about power, and control. A balance is needed to create a functioning world for all, where everything is balanced.

We choose to believe in the binds that tie us.

Is this to be viewed as a bad thing? As far as I am concerned, this is one of the few things which motivates us to shake ourselves free of bonds from previous eras. The binds that unite us are perhaps one of our few fleeting visages of humanity's future unification.

Should the pooh hit the fan, and a societal breakdown occur on any significant scale, there will be those, who realizing that there lives rest in their own hands adapt to the situation, there will those too far removed from 'reality' who will await a savior, any savior and there will be those who feed on the weak. Survival will depend entirely upon the individuals response it will not rest I believe on how 'enlightened' someone is. Though education would help.

Firstly Enlightenment is far more than mere knowledge; as I am sure I do not need to state, but will do so for the "uninitiated" listening. You are indeed correct as to how people will most likely respond to such a catastrophe. But I however would recognize these pitfalls as flaws in human nature. Illuminism is all about overcoming such flaws and making one's self better than before, working to eliminate these negative aspects of human nature, and by definition changing human nature. Human nature is not fixed, but merely an averaged totality of the Human persona and mentality. These are not indelible and can indeed be changed. If one exerts their ability and willingness to change than by influence their nature is changed. If such a change occurs on a large enough scale the average changes with it. So I would disagree and say that an Enlightened individual actually is a very important factor indeed, because it negates the very problems you listed.

I agree with you that this is not a situation that the 'Powers that Be', want, they after all need us far more than we need them. We only 'want' what they have, and only because they have told us that we want it. Need is another matter entirely. If we however push for greater self-sufficiency, sustainable food sources, biodiversity, renewable energy then they will adapt to meet that need. They would have to, and they would want to, there is money to be made. Some already are investing in a sustainable future and they will make millions.

Bare in mind that those in power possess all the money they need, all they desire now is power and control. That can only be done through influence, coercion, and manipulation; at least for the degree of power that they wish to possess. Indeed money will be made by these avenues of business and industry, but not by the elite, not by the titans of industry. It is nothing more than merely a steady cash flow to them, to mitigate the rate of expenditures in incur during their tasks at hand.

Before mass media, before television or even the printed word, TPTB have maintained control of many by promising protection and a better life after death. These are the same bonds we have now. Removal of the toxins or the 'news feeds' won't cause a mass awakening, it could cause more death and violence than we have probably ever seen though. Better to work with the systems in place, and in my opinion using our spending powers ethically and with concern for the future is our best long term offense and defense.

Well said.

- Maban

[edit on 24-9-2008 by Maban]

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