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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by emsed1

The symbol or ritual you are stuck on very likely has importance. Some will have several reasons of importance. As in masonry almost nothing is done without reason! Some will be important in a way that you never thought possible!! Once you start down the path it’s hard to stop when you begin to understand. I have now an unquenchable thirst and the more I drink the more thirsty I become! I think I need to go to AA. : ) lol

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:47 PM
First off, thanks to AA for responding to my response to the question of my thoughts on the nature of God, i'm glad to see someone gets where i am going... and comming from.

I agree with both You and Em, there are many layers, each leading to more questions then answers, each designed to take you further down the rabbit hole.

The masons did this... though they werent the first, so that only the dedicated would find those answers, while the rest of the world just threw it's hands in the air and said "It's to hard... cant you just tell me"

And i for one applaud them for it, the true joy in understanding the nature of the Divine is in the search, the peeling of a layer and discovering that the search has not ended, but has forked into two or three new paths. it keeps you hungry and earning to learn more, it teaches you to never take anytyhing at face value and to always ask why, as well as how.

And no, the masons never do anything without a reason. even if it is a seemingly simple and unimportant one.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Also, your avatar says that you are not a Mason, but you are a member of KoC. Interesting. Is is likely that as a member of KoC to be initiated as a mason also??? What about OTO?

Also if you don't mind me asking, what is your religious denomination?

Forgive the lateness in my response.. i had overlooked your comment in the mass of posts on this thread.

I'm acually not KoC, nor FBI CIA or any of the other 3 letter groups listed... and LED is a form of lightbulb.

I'm also not a power ranger... and sadly, ninja-burger rejected my application.

The entirety of my signature is merely satire, in response to having often been asked if i was a mason by ATS posters.

Lastly, i have no religous denomination. i believe that denominations only further to segregate God's children rather then unite them.

Remember, the kingdom of God is within you and all around you, not in temples of stone and gold.

On the subject of KoC, OTO and masonic overlap. if you were unaware (And i'm not calling you ignorant mind you), the KoC was set up by catholics to serve as a sort of alternative to masonry that was acceptable to vatican senabilities.

In times past, it would be unlikely that a KoC would even think to join the masons, or the OTO... even less so for the OTO, for fear of excommunication by the church. this doesnt happen as much as it use to.

However, there is nothing in masonry that says that a KoC cant join the masons. He would however be expected to honor his oaths to the masons and not reveil his masonic secrets to the KoC.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 10:24 PM
So, ive been a lurker for a number of months on ATS, and after viewing this particular posting, and the following posts, i felt i had to finally register. So that my brethren and fellows may know i am who i claim to be, i am a member of the masons, ransomville NY in fact, 551. If pressed for more information i am not above nor concerned with actually rendering my name as further proof of my claims. The reason i am posting is quite simple. I believe the majority of the "anti-mason" crowd posting here is nothing more than the same person posting a one sided conversation with him/herself. Honestly, i cannot assume that school systems would pass more than one person with grammar and spelling so utterly atrocious as what i have witnessed here. The first step in being heard is to speak legibly and clearly, not in a rambling horridly garbled oft re-quoted rant, then expect people to take anything you have to say as gospel. The second part is a simple vetting process by which others may arrive at the same conclusion you, the poster, have arrived at, by viewing your sources and references. And in turn verifying the aformentioned references to see that they are not unduly biased. Thirdly, offer proof that the veracity of your sources can be beyond reproach. And lastly, communicate all of the above in a factual and forthright manner. Spouting gibberish, assumptions and misspellings at such an alarming rate drags ANY claim you make into question long before anyone arrives at the meat of the claim itself. Not to mention the outright wrongness of so many of the claims ive seen laid on the altar of ATS. Proof is NOT the responsibility of the accused, more it is the duty of the accuser.

Bring proof of anything you claim, that isnt from an obviously biased source, or not from a pretender claiming to be a mason. Then we might talk.

Just my 2 cents, and in this economy, thats worth little.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Often in ATS threads, about freemasonry's conspiracies, we see freemasons
using all sort of technique to manipulate population's opinions on freemasonry.


bashing on Conspiracy theorists is a classic freemason's strategy.....
but i want to talk about another one here.......freemasons trying to make fun
of conspiracy investigations against freemasonry, by posting childish immature jokes
about freemasonry conspiracies, that have nothing to do with the thread's goal...
Denying Ignorance...!


But... why would they do this..........?


'' ironic '' is a Rhetorical device, a literary technique, use by brainwashed,
freemasons and disinformant agents, here in ATS, to derail investigations, by manipulating
population's feeling and attitude, toward conspiracies investigations on
Elite’s, secret ** Blueprint ** and corrupted Knights and monks organisations
and to avoid the truth to be exposed to all and to avoid population's revolutions,
keeping us all, into ignorance...

One of the best example of ironic manipulation technique, used strategically
to avoid population's will, to investigate a conspiracy, is the video of
President George W. Bush at the White House Correspondents Dinner
on March 24, 2004 on Weapon of mass destruction.....


( we can see on AAONMS and emsed1, latest posts, the influence
of freemasonry as a ** CULT ** on their spiritual life. when i first read AAONMS's
post, instead of posting a comment, i thought it would be better to let things
go on a little... to see if they would get deeper on their beliefs.

So i added, a blue star to his post to secure him and others on the subject
, and as more post came i added a blue star on every posts, showing that,
Freemasonry as a religious and spiritual influence on their lifes, exacly
like as a ** Cult **, and it worked, freemasons got comfortable and secure
thinking blue stars were adding to their post by ATS' freemasons to
encourage each other to express their self BUT in fact, they showed once more.......

The Secret, Religious ''hidden side'' of Freemasonry... )

for some like NYmason, it is probably to late, nothing will deprogrammed them
but for others................Open your eyes brothers..........

Freemasonry is a religious ** CULT **

*********** FINAL*************

Cults and Mind Control
Cults and mind control 2
Cults Brainwashing And Psychological Manipulation

- Achilles 13 -

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Secret Master

Thanks for clearing that up. I would think that being a member of the KoC would be a conflict of interest. But it appears as though Freemasons will allow just about any one into their orginization. HA HA HA, what is most amusing is that you seem to know more about this subject than many of the masons posting here. LMFAO

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

For anyone who may be watching, please try to examine Achilles logic. As you may notice, there is none.

We have established:
- Freemasonry is not a religion.
- Freemasonry is not a cult.
- There is no brainwashing.

And its really just how things are. Its not a matter of opinion, just the facts. Achilles is in denial about it, and believes that if he continues to make ludicrous posts having absolutely nothing to do with freemasonry yet saying it is (seriously - George Bush's comedy sketch at a Washington dinner?), that someone will believe him.

He does, however, have a knack for photoshop and stealing Disney's copyrights.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

I would like to show that RELIGION affects a person's religious and spiritual LIFE, just like a CULT!
I would like to show that a person's FAMILY can affect their religious and spiritual LIFE, just like a CULT!
I would like to show that a person's FRIENDS can affect a person's religious and spiritual LIFE, just like a CULT!

I would like to show that the way these people will DEFEND their RELIGION, FRIENDS, OR FAMILY is CLEAR EVIDENCE of BRAINWASHING on the part of these groups.
Anyone who attempts to make a reasoned debate, or laugh at the comments of others against these groups, especially using phrases such as
"You've never met the guy!" or "You don't eat dinner with my family, how do you know what we do?" are obviously brainwashed! These are ingrained responses by their manipulators.

Good to see you again Achilles, I was just beginning to miss you.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Cult-1. a particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.
3. the object of such devotion.
4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
5. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
7. the members of such a religion or sect.
8. any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.

OK glad we got that figured out. Apparently reading ability is not considered in the initiation process.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Very good post 12.21.12.

We will probably soon see posts, from freemasons, telling you.....

'' Does, Freemason's Conspiracies got to be somewhere......
Nope, no conspiracy over there...Maybe under here..... ''

You Freedom ends, where others start brothers....

it's not funny at all..........
for all freemasonry's victims ( followers, Conspiracy theorists like JFK
and others, who've been victims of freemasonry around the world....! )


Stop trying to hide it and Let the Conspiracy Theorists, Deny Ignorance...!


Read it all back from page 1, all the Truth is here on ATS

** Thank you **

- Achilles 13 -

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

I would like anyone thinking about joining the masons to consider the following:

Why would the masons want to have a veil or layers to keep people from seeing the truth? Maybe it’s because there are many people out there that are judgmental and/or cannot handle the truth! It’s not their fault they are just not ready.

There is nothing evil about masonry! Those that think there is just don’t understand masonry and likely wont. Masonry instills a high level of morality. They believe you should be good to others and treat everyone with respect. They believe everyone is their brother whether they are a fellow
Mason or not!

I am sure Achilles would say he believes in an "ALL LOVING GOD" right? But that same God in many religions will damn you to hell if you don’t believe in that specific religion. Doesn’t that seem hypocritical??? I believe an "ALL LOVING GOD" would be ALL LOVING that no matter what you believe in!!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:09 PM
The only secret about the Freemasons Establishment is that they are bees gathering honey for the queen. Like pawns in a chess game most fail to realize this. The very fact that they are lending power to the Worlds most powerful Elites and that they are considered disposable by their superior establishment the Illuminatti., which can only be joined by being born into or marrying into.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

Apparently reading comprehension was not part of your education process. Freemasonry is by definition not a cult.

Would you care to explain EXACTLY how freemasonry is part of your conspiracy fantasy? So far you have not provided anything logical to support your claims.

"Lending power to the worlds elite" is of course nonsense, freemasonry has open books and they are free for your examination - you can trace all the money to charity and to lodge building upkeep. Or in your twisted vision of the world are charities now the Illuminati?

[edit on 12-11-2008 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by AAONMS
I am sure Achilles would say he believes in an "ALL LOVING GOD" right?
Actually, if memory serves me correctly, Achilles has gone on record as saying he's an atheist. Which makes his obsession over attempting to debunk Masonry all the more curious. If he doesn't believe in a God anyway, why should he care one way or the other if someone joins a cult? All religions are cults in his mind, but he likes to make up Masonic/Vatican ties for some reason we have yet to determine.

[edit on 11/12/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
reply to post by 12.21.12

Apparently reading comprehension was not part of your education process. Freemasonry is by definition not a cult.

Would you care to explain EXACTLY how freemasonry is part of your conspiracy fantasy? So far you have not provided anything logical to support your claims.

"Lending power to the worlds elite" is of course nonsense, freemasonry has open books and they are free for your examination - you can trace all the money to charity and to lodge building upkeep. Or in your twisted vision of the world are charities now the Illuminati?

[edit on 12-11-2008 by LowLevelMason]

Actually I have traced it back to it's origins all the way past Jesus Christ and to King Solomon and Hiram Abiff.

A powerful royal bloodline to which Freemasons have no part in.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:25 PM

Then caste the paper into the fire and say:
Cursed and blasphemed be you for euer, let there be noe rest to you any hower, any day, or any nighte, because you haue not obayed the wordes, wch were spokenn of the mighty maker of all thinges, wch names ar these: Ameteñeton, Io, Ahac, Pater, Semiphoras, Alleluia, Aleph, Beth, Gymel, Daleth, he, [Vau,] sayn, Cleth [Cheth], Teth, Jod, Caph, Lamed, Mem, [Nun,] Samech, Ain, Pe, Tsade, Coph, [Resh,] Sin, Tau,
Cursed and blasphemed be you for ever, let there be no rest to you any hour, any day, or any night, because you have not obeyed the words, which were spoken of the mighty maker of all things, which names are these: Ameteñeton, Io, Ahac, Pater, Semiphoras, Alleluia, Aleph, Beth, Gymel, Daleth, he, [Vau,] sayn, Cleth [Cheth], Teth, Jod, Caph, Lamed, Mem, [Nun,] Samech, Ain, Pe, Tsade, Coph, [Resh,] Sin, Tau,
we curse you and depriue you of all yr power, and strenght, by the vertue of these names, sendinge you to be burned euerlastyngly in fyer and brymstone world wthout end.
We curse you and deprive you of all your power, and strength, by the virtue of these names, sending you to be burned everlastingly in fire and brimstone, world without end.

If this is not cult like activity I do not know what is.

Freemasonry= A Brainwashed Religious Cult.

Thread complete.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by 12.21.12]

Mod Note: Please view this post in the original format by using the quote function box. You will see how I used the "ex" tags and not the "quote" tags.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I know you don't have an answer to the question because you are wrong about this, but at least try to act like you do by making something up:

How, exactly, is freemasonry providing funding for your supposed NWO conspiracy when lodges are non-profit and the accounting books are all available for public examination? Give 1 example of this occurring, it should be easy to do since all the records of this are public.

Simply parroting "freemasonry is a cult" won't make it true, no matter how often you state it. Neither will you and your sock puppet Achilles starring your own posts.

If this is not cult like activity I do not know what is.

This is again an example of Achilles and his sock puppets quoting from random stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with freemasonry and then acting like it is. I have no idea what that is, but its something that doesn't exist in freemasonry.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by LowLevelMason]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Your right I don't know exactly as Freemasonry is a secret. Let me ask you though, where does your money go? Can you verify that or is that the secret of the 33rd degree that you are not aware of?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Your right I don't know exactly as Freemasonry is a secret.

Yet again an attempt to be manipulative even though you know you are not telling the truth. Freemasonry is not a secret. The books are open, the lodge locations known, the meeting times posted in public, members love talking about it. Its about as un-secret as you can get.

You of course DO know, since all of the books of the lodge are open, that your conspiracy fantasy is simply not based in reality. But you refuse to look, because you are more interested in spreading propaganda.

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Let me ask you though, where does your money go? Can you verify that or is that the secret of the 33rd degree that you are not aware of?

As the 33rd degree is an honorary degree given in the Scottish Rite and has absolutely no authority or rank, why would that be a secret? I know exactly where my money goes: to pay for grand lodge expenses (mainly the building upkeep and newsletter), to upkeep the local lodge building, and to charity. I can verify it, its in the books and public reports, and unless the charities are part of the conspiracies they sure do send a lot of thank you notes and small gifts for money given to them if its all being stolen and send to the mythical Illuminutty.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Achilles 13

Often in ATS threads, about freemasonry's conspiracies, we see freemasons
using all sort of technique to manipulate population's opinions on freemasonry.


You mean like how you put things in big bold lettering in an attempt to emphasise the point your pushing? cause that is a classic manipulation technique!

Originally posted by Achilles 13
bashing on Conspiracy theorists is a classic freemason's strategy.....
but i want to talk about another one here.......freemasons trying to make fun of conspiracy investigations against freemasonry, by posting childish immature jokes about freemasonry conspiracies, that have nothing to do with the thread's goal...
Denying Ignorance...!

This threads goal was to deny ignorance?? oh man, now i feel foolish, i thought your goal here was to SPREAD ignorance, cause thats all you seem to be doing. Again notice the bold text leading into this point.

Originally posted by Achilles 13
'' ironic '' is a Rhetorical device, a literary technique, use by brainwashed,
freemasons and disinformant agents, here in ATS, to derail investigations, by manipulating
population's feeling and attitude, toward conspiracies investigations on
Elite’s, secret ** Blueprint ** and corrupted Knights and monks organisations
and to avoid the truth to be exposed to all and to avoid population's revolutions,
keeping us all, into ignorance...

The irony in you're use of the term "Ironic", is you're use in doing the same thing you accuse freemasons of doing.

Originally posted by Achilles 13
One of the best example of ironic manipulation technique, used strategically
to avoid population's will, to investigate a conspiracy, is the video of
President George W. Bush at the White House Correspondents Dinner
on March 24, 2004 on Weapon of mass destruction...

Again, more bold letter brainwashing techniques... and why?? To make you... the reader, believe that G.W. Bush has something to do with Freemasonry.... he does not.

Achilles, you are your own heel. you use classic brainwashing techniques to accuse others of the same. Your use of bold text being chief among them.

Your arguments are outdated as best, and have been outright debunked in the past. Thats one of the reasons why you are often mocked here. we get tired of aruging the same points over and over... bring up something new and exciting.

Your grammar, spelling and typing leave much to be desired, and thats why many dont take you seriously. personally i try not to judge on it.. as it is something i had to improve myself, but the point stands. Your posts are often jumbled masses of text that first must be deciphered in order to be read... not unlike the ECCE Orienti (The Masons are laughing right now). it is because of this that others here talk down to you. You come off as a 15 year old who happened across some anti-mason propoganda literature and went way off the deep end with it.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Secret Master]

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