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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

Thanks for once again showing how your not a "gentlemen" conspiracy theorist, look at how immature your replies are. You have never presented proof or evidence of anything. All you do is copy and paste from anti-mason websites. Thats no proof, its propaganda you want to believe in.

Do some research.

posted on Oct, 22 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Secret Master

Also, your avatar says that you are not a Mason, but you are a member of KoC. Interesting. Is is likely that as a member of KoC to be initiated as a mason also??? What about OTO?

Also if you don't mind me asking, what is your religious denomination?

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by LowLevelMason
reply to post by Achilles 13

As usual, your propaganda and attitude shows that your neither an adult nor a gentlemen conspiracy theorist.

If you had bothered to do any actual research into freemasonry you would understand that there is no such thing as a high level, medium level, or low level freemason. Its ONLY one of the major points of the entire fraternity, that EVERYONE IS EQUAL.
The nickname is a joke.

Wait a second, you worship a diest supreme being obviously there is a pecking order. Theres all sorts of different levels in masonry, how is that equality? Sure there is a certain level of respect that you would treat all of your brothers within the lodge, thats a given maybe prehaps even outside of the lodge. But are you saying that theres no pecking order?

Capitalism work quite the same. You think everyone is treated equally. Obviously if that was the case we wouldn't have to worry about having fair elections.

Why do you think they call a pyramid scheme a pyramid scheme?

Aren't most businesses modeled that way?

Is it any wonder that the wealthiest 1% of the world are inherited through respective bloodlines and passed down and kept within that bloodline? Is that equality. Because there is 1% with most of the wealth in the world, is that not a monopoly?

The beehive also represents this model, freemasonry is modeled that way is it not?

[edit on 23-10-2008 by 12.21.12]

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
Wait a second, you worship a diest supreme being obviously there is a pecking order.
How does that possibly follow? By what rationale is that remotely the conclusion you'd arrive at? Deism is the belief in a hands-off creator; someone who doesn't mettle in the affairs of men. There's no dogma of hierarchy, no fairy tales of angels and archangels. So where do you get the idea of pecking order from Deism?

Theres all sorts of different levels in masonry, how is that equality?
Sure. There's
  1. Entered Apprentice
  2. Fellowcraft
  3. Master MasonThat's it. Anything else is offices, annually elected or appointed, for one year terms.

    Why do you think they call a pyramid scheme a pyramid scheme?
    Why do you believe pyramids have anything to do with Masonry?

    The beehive also represents this model, freemasonry is modeled that way is it not?
    No, it's not.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Read it all back Kid,

Read all the posts in this thread, and if you search around ATS,
you will find Thousands of proofs against the '' CULT '' of Freemasonry.

I know it's hard...but you will have to learn how to deprogrammed
your mind, to built a critical mind, that will lead you back to reality
and out of the Matrix of Freemasonry...!

Good Luck Kid..!

- Achilles 13 -

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Achilles 13
reply to post by LowLevelMason

Read it all back Kid,

Read all the posts in this thread, and if you search around ATS,
you will find Thousands of proofs against the '' CULT '' of Freemasonry.

I know it's hard...but you will have to learn how to deprogrammed
your mind, to built a critical mind, that will lead you back to reality
and out of the Matrix of Freemasonry...!

Good Luck Kid..!

- Achilles 13 -

But Achilles, my brother...

We already have him on the porch. If he finds out now we may not be able to get him through MMM (middle management masons) and HLM.

Don't listen to him LLM. We masons will tell you everything you need to know!


posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by emsed1

I wonder, do Mid-Level-Masons get to no longer feed the goat, or is that reserved for Top-Level-Masons?! I do want to be good so I no longer have to feed it...

Oh, and Achilles: If there are thousands of people "against" freemasonry there are tens of millions for it.

The evidence is 100% against your propaganda.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by LowLevelMason

I fear, my friends, that I have made a terrible mistake.

As a 5th Degree Past(Virtual) Master and Mark Master Mason I assumed I was at least in middle management.

I have discovered, however, that LLM is a 32nd degree. Accordingly, if he is a 32nd and still considered an LLM, then surely I am a BLLM (below low level mason).

Due to our intricate and subtly layered hierarchy it becomes confusing at times who reports to whom. This becomes especially apparent at our AGL (Above Grand Lodge) meetings when you are in line for the bathroom and the PATSAADDGWM (Past Above Top Secret Assistant Area District Deputy Grand Worshipful Master) tries to cut in line.

I mean, technically he is a 3rd degree but he is also a 32nd and a 33rd, but only on opposing Wednesdays when hot lunch is served at the daylight lodge.

If you can detect the stress in my voice I apologize. It's just that masonry is so diffiCULT and complex at times I forget where to genuflect and where to condescend.

Therefore, please redact any references I might have made to myself as a MMM (middle Management Mason) and change it to UTPM (UNDER the porch mason).

Fraternally yours,
Rutherford Beaverfart, 69th Deg. Knight of the Woeful Countenance and Lodge Janitor.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12

Thank you! So as a follow up to that question, do you believe in God as a singularity? A superior being, so to speak?

I do not presume to know what God is, though my mind tells me that God is the sinuglar force of creation.

Now as to weither or not God is a supreme being, i could not say. It is difficult to reason that all that we know in this universe just happend. The fact that we, as human beings, exsist, function and think is nothing short of a miracle.

So i tend to think on God as something with a will to create. Weither it thinks on its own or just creates in some extistential arbitrary manner, i again, could not say.

But consider this. What if that which is God's "conciousness" is really our collective conciousness. If we were created in his image, maybe we were created to hold God's conciousness as a species, so that God could come down here on our level and see things through our many eyes. Remember God was once alone in the entire whole of creation. maybe he made us out of loneliness, and maybe he sees himself reflected a million times over as we all look upon each other.

The hindu speak of the singular force of creation as a sleeping conciousness, which wakes once a karmic year... which is billions of years to us. what if everything we are and everything we know is just God's Subconciousness playing things out for his understanding and not ours.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Alas, brother! I fear we shall all always be low level masons. The elusive Middle Mason management is hidden from us, and the High Level Masons no one even knows exist

One day maybe we'll all be LTHMDE's - Like, The Highest Mason Degree Ever.

For bonus points, we should come up with jewels for all these offices.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 12:34 AM
Dont forget the secret ritual, the excessively coded training manual (With the sinister secret teachings coded within). the special ring....

i would say set up a secret councel just for them. but if it is the abosulute highest super degree ever then there can be only one... they will have to fight it out once ever 3 years at some secret location, where wrinkly old men fight for world domination in the adult diapers while their minions cheer them on while eating raw dead babies...

that will give the CT'ists something to write about

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:45 PM

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:57 PM
Places to go to climb the ranks in Masonry:

International Masonry Institute

Masonry Contractors Association

National Masonry Association

I wish you all the best in your masonic undertakings.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

it's 2am and I am having a bout of insomnia and read this.... LOL

I hope my laughing didn't wake the wife and kids.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Secret Master

For those wanting to know the secrets of the freemasons, the Secret Master is trying to tell you!

The masons have found proof of the existence of god and of the world we cannot see. God left proof in symbols that masons consider sacred. If you follow the symbols you can greatly improve your understanding of God, your spirituality, and the universe we live in.

Masons do you have secrets, but when they tell you there are no secrets that is also true because they can be found from anyone that wants to find them. The secrets are veiled behind symbols and in some cases MANY layers deep! They are secrets only because you have to be determined enough to dig through the layers. The layers are meant to keep out those that are not meant or ready to see. If you’re not ready you won’t get through all the layers.

Masons will not tell you what they know because they may not know themselves and the ones that do know realize that everyone is on their own spiritual path and it is wrong to influence those that are not spiritually ready. The path is not easy because it takes allot of diligence and work, but if you really want to find the truth you can find it! I don’t know everything, but I have studied enough to have a fair understanding. And I can tell you this.

The truth is beautiful!

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by AAONMS

Welcome to ATS brother!

That is the best explanation I have ever read!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Thank you Emsed1.

To those on the path:

The things you learn on your journey will begin fit together like puzzle pieces. And eventually you will realize that the things you learn do form a very grand picture and they all fit together!

If you should learn something that does not seem to fit? Then it can only be for one of two reasons. Either you have not dug deep enough through the layers or the picture is bigger than you thought! I have spent hundreds of hours searching, and I am sure the puzzle is even bigger than I think it is. I dont believe its possible to learn or know everything. You could probably spend a lifetime searching and not even be close to learning it all, but you would be all the better for it!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by AAONMS

I am only a couple of years in and every time I think I have it figured out a new mystery appears.

There are so many questions... but, I can't ask them here!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by emsed1

There are many unexpected twists and turns. Quite frequently the situation you described is exactly what happens! You are researching one thing and you end up learning something new about an unrelated item that you didnt think relates but does and then opens up a whole other area of study. The mysteries come in where you discover something obscure that doesnt seem to relate to anything, but you know its very significant! When this happends you have to keep pressing till you figure out the connection, but in some cases its very hard to find.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by AAONMS

That's exactly where I am.

There is a topic in ritual that I have seen time and again that never really seemed important. When I was studying to help out with a degree this last time I realized that there is a reason that this thing is there. It doesn't really fit into the story but there *must* be a reason that it's there.

It may just be from watching 'National Treasure' too many times but I just keep thinking, "Why is this here? It doesn't make sense in this context. It must really mean something else!"

Of course there are other possibilities:

- It could really mean nothing

- It could be something that is left up to the individual Mason to understand

When it came up again in York Rite I realized there has to be a reason for it, but I just can't figure it out.

Oh well, that's what keeps me coming back. The stale sandwiches and warm soda just weren't doing it.

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