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Weird pictures on my fridge

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posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

Melissa wasn't. I am sometimes but not here. I'm just angry because I like Ax's Victim and Ashley is a troll and a plagiarist and is basically making fun of what happened to Melissa.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 06:59 PM
This is disturbing in extremis.

Firstly OP please seek mental health advice asap for your own sake.

And second, stop posting crap which wastes time on a forum where the pursuit is for truth.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:08 PM
couple more interesting pictures found while digging through this persons image archives.....

I'm sure there are many more, but there's too many lame pictures to look through.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Nola213

That isn't any one person's archive. Those are drawings that someone else did of Ax. Melissa didn't draw those but I'm not sure who did.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:30 PM
I remain highly skeptical of this story, however I can say that after having read the 4chan archived thread linked to earlier here, I can confirm that the images in the archive aren't the files of any one user. They are simply pictures posted by different users in the archived 4chan thread pertaining to the story.

Whether there are in fact earlier iterations of this story, or whether a Melissa ever existed or told this story originally is unknown to me. (I would actually be interested in any links to this story in its supposed original form if they exist.)

As I said I remain skeptical (but, as I believe a true skeptic should remain, open-minded.)

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

That 4chan archive is the original format. I was talking to her while it was happening. That archive and the other threads that weren't saved, plus my IMs with her are the entire cache of information about Melissa and what happened to her. But she did exist and she was incredibly sweet, the nicest person I've met on 4chan by far.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by jackbomb

To clarify:

Your contention is that the thread linked to earlier in this thread at 4chan was the original iteration of this story, that its anonymous OP was named Melissa, that the author of this thread (here at ATS) is a hoax by someone plagiarizing that thread, and that Melissa is now missing.

Is that correct?

If so:

Have you tried contacting her since losing touch? Did anyone else know her and have they too lost contact? While you were in contact with her, did she say she had (or was planning to) making efforts to look for evidence of someone having been in her home? Did she seem psychologically stable to you? Was she rational seeming? Did she ever think of anyone who knew of her supposed childhood nightmares of Ax?

Out of curiosity, since someone mentioned the Latin RX for recipe pertaining to prescriptions, I looked up Ax. Apparently as a suffix, in Latin, it can mean "acious," and is cognate with "able," as in: tenacious, capable, etc. Essentially it appears to mean tending to, like, or of, but only when added as a suffix.

Does that mean anything to you in the context of anything she told you?

[edit on 4/27/2008 by AceWombat04]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:58 PM
Just to throw in my two cents....

Our family is part of the abduction phenomena. I have found that five of us male abductees have had the same Frankenstein dream, and one female abductee had a slightly different version of the Frankenstein dream. After talking amongst ourselves, we believe these were character tests. Without exception, we would have the Frankenstein dream every night until you would finally realize you were going to die and you just as well attack instead of run. Then the dream would end, never to return. I had the dream 3 or 4 nights straight and it ended when I finally turned toward it, and pounced.

We have found several other character test dreams we've had in common as well and use these to help identify other abductees.

But anyway, if others are having the Ax dream, it may be something similar.


posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:08 PM
I'm a little lost. Can someone please explain to me what the hell this is all about? Is this some kind of elaborate internet role playing game or what? This story and it's participants are confusing to say the least.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

"Your contention is that the thread linked to earlier in this thread at 4chan was the original iteration of this story, that its anonymous OP was named Melissa, that the author of this thread (here at ATS) is a hoax by someone plagiarizing that thread, and that Melissa is now missing."

That's exactly what I mean. You can see why it angers me that Ashley is pretending to be Melissa.

As for contacting her, I've sent her a few messages that haven't been read and her IM hasn't been on. Right before she left she did seem a little off, no unstable but very afraid. She'd been having nightmares about Ax again, like she did when she was a little girl, and she thought she had seen Lynn standing in her bedroom doorway one morning when she woke up. Ashley was wrong about the 6th floor thing, but Melissa was pretty sure no one could get into her house and there was no signs of anyone sneaking in. The drawings weren't crayon but colored pencils and a search of her house (a condo a believe) didn't turn up any that matched. No one ever had her check the paper like they asked here that I know of. I don't know if anyone else has heard from her, but like I said, her IM hasn't been on at all.

Actually, I should probably just tell you all the end of the story up until she disappeared. After the second picture of Ax and Rory showed up, she started talking about not being able to trust anyone Ax seemed friendly with. Shortly after, she found out Rory had been insulting her behind her back and decided that must of been what Lynn was trying to tell her. But then Ax didn't go away and she kept having nightmares. Then there were several more drawings which she never posted, some of which were of Ax and someone she didn't know. After that she just got more frightened every day and lost more sleep and then disappeared. That's obviously the very short version. I've never been good at telling stories but I've been very worried. Anything else you want to know?

This wasn't a hoax but I wish it was. I'm not sure what it was, but I would love to see her again.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Please explain how three members from 4chan all ended up here on the same day.

Member 1 - Ashley

Member 2 - Spooky Girl (who can't seem to figure out if she is from 4Chan or ATS)

Spooky Girl from ATS here. This is definitely some sort of hoax. I chose to believe somewhat with the original post.
However, spamming 2 boards + an LJ all at seperate times with this is proof enough that this is fake.

Member 3 - You.

[edit on 27-4-2008 by Enrikez]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by jackbomb

I can only describe this hoax as an:

Epic Fail!!!

Have a good day.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by jackbomb

I'm a very open minded person, or I try my best to be. I'm also a skeptical person, which contrary to popular belief, doesn't mean that I disbelieve everything I see or hear. In fact, it means the opposite; it means I have to remain open minded until I see proof one way or another of something's truth or falsity. Therefore I have no compelling reason to doubt you per say, however I hope you will understand if I also don't absolutely, automatically believe you. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, however, as I have had my own bizarre experiences in life that allow me to sympathize in the event that this is a genuine scenario. If it is, I'm very sorry that you've lost touch with someone you seem to have clearly cared for as a result of it all. I do believe there is such a thing as compassionate skepticism (not to be confused with "compassionate conservatism" as coined by our current president during his election campaign years ago

My next question would be: what brought you to ATS at this time? Why today, when this thread plagiarizing Melissa's story happened to be here?

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

This part is easy. Everything with Melissa happened a while back and got archived. At some point very shortly after Melissa disappeared, the Livejournal entry was posted. Last night, it was found by an anonymous and whoever found it started a 4chan thread about it here;

The next part is simply speculation but I'm pretty sure I'm right.

Ashley saw the thread and remembered the Ax OP and decided to pretend to be her over here. She couldn't pretend to be her on 4chan because Ax's Victim is a username and she can't use it. So, she picked you guys to try to fool.

Then, some anonymous (maybe Ashley, I dunno) posted a link to this thread and because I'm an /x/phile, I noticed it, came here, and got pissed off because I actually know what happened and KNOW she's lying.

I have no idea who Spookygirl or whoever is. Maybe it's Ashley again, or someone who just happens to frequent both boards. Does that explain everything? Of course, the parts that don't involve me I can't be sure of. I don't even know that the journal entry is legit, it showed up after Melissa went missing.

Edit for accidental incorrect link posting

[edit on 27-4-2008 by jackbomb]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Also, if you wouldn't mind explaining what came of the 'fever visions' of Ax when Melissa had the flu.

It seemed like she was consistently bringing that up, hoping someone would ask her to elaborate, which never happened. I can only imagine she was trying to help the story along with this tidbit for a big payoff at the end.

I talk to him once a week or so, but there's no reason for him to be near Ax, they're from two different points in my life. Or at least mostly so. I have hallucinated Ax on one occasion when I had the flu. That was in high school but Rory wasn' t there.

OP back... sorry... I was talking to Rory. He hasn't had any nightmares on his end but he's worried a little too. He remembers how much I was panicking when I had that fever dream a while back.

Q6. Have you ever had Ax dreams since your childhood?
Just that one time with a severe fever.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:29 PM

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.


[edit on 27-4-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

It actually did come up in a later thread but wasn't a huge deal. She didn't really think much of it except that it was the only other time she'd seen him since she was little until he showed up in that drawing. People were asking her a lot of strange questions trying to confuse her. She's was very upset by it. I'll see if I can find out where she talked about it in detail in the later thread.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Links to all threads related to this would be beneficial in constructing a chronology of how this story has unfolded.

I'm not sure why I find this particular story so fascinating. There's just something about it. That, and, as gullible as some will label me for feeling this way, I don't like the thought of missing friends.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:45 PM
this sounds so fake and acted out to me its not even funny
no disrespect

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:53 PM
I still think this is some sort of viral advertising, and if it isn't I'm stealing all the artists work and writing my new horror novel that will be made in Japan first and then bastardized in American cinema. What can I say, it would make a good fright film.

Moving on... If what jack says is true, then this Melissa obviously wasn't well and probably got herself lost after being tormented by her schizophrenia.

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