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Weird pictures on my fridge

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posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by schism85
reply to post by jackbomb

So if she relayed to you that she was afraid, and she has stated that she thought she was in danger, and you have not spoken to her and suspect she has dissapeared, why would you not call her??

She couldn't sleep because of it, so she would wake up in the middle of the night, turn on her computer, and chat with YOU about what was going on.

The thing is, she didn't think she was in danger. Did you read the beginning of the 4chan thread? She just thought it was strange. They said he was dangerous. I don't think she even believed them, she just couldn't sleep because when she did he'd be there and she'd wake up all afraid. Her belief in him as a danger wasn't ever her main concern. She was afraid because she couldn't sleep without him being there and she couldn't sleep not knowing where the drawings were from. She did get more afraid near the end, from lack of sleep, and talked to me to calm herself down. I spoke to her the night before she never came back and she did seem very tired, and confused, and scared, but not only because she'd gotten a new drawing and there was someone new in it. She sent it to me and no one else. She was worried that someone else would betray her, not that Ax would get her in her sleep. Ax getting her in her sleep was the sort of thing she'd joke about like how people in apparently haunted buildings joke about ghosts jumping out at them. Yeah, the fear was there but it wasn't the part i worried about. I just wanted her to get some real Axless sleep. Plus, she may have another reason for not talking to me. I said something a bit foolish to her that last time after I got that drawing. I told her I owned a hat like that. She may just think I'm the betrayer. Also I am NOT Ashley. I don't know who she is, but I would never make fun of Melissa like that. She's my friend, even if we've never met in person.

This is the last picture. I'm the only one who has it until now.

Edit to add picture.

[edit on 28-4-2008 by jackbomb]

[edit on 28-4-2008 by jackbomb]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by sarasota

i used to do alot of Ouija board and other stuff in my late teens with friends of night things got bad and my dog went berserk barking \ growling at nothing and though it was a summers night the room was so cold you could see you breath..other things happened in the following days day \ night that scarred the # out of me including something sitting on my bed while i was still awake and watching the bed sink down where they where sitting even though i could not see them...that was when i started seeing this man out of the corner of my left eye and he has been there since..not all the time but just appears when ever he wants and stands there....its been 22yrs now and everybody i know i have told them about him...

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:17 PM
i]reply to post by jackbomb

I find it laughable that you don't even entertain the fact that your the op. I've called you out several times on that and you have yet to say anything in your own defense. Give it up already!

You said this girl was in danger, yet you have no real evidence of that. You say you know the op was'nt the original person this happened to, but you have no real evidence of that. You say she dissapeared, yet you have no real evidence of that. Come to think of it you have no evidence that anything took place whatsoever, or that any of these people exsists.

I would say alot more to you, but I do not want to get kicked off this site.

Update: Why did you take down this link:Melissa Face Book

Do you have something to hide??

You posted that link, and said this is her face book. Why would you take it down?

[edit on 28-4-2008 by schism85]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by schism85

I have denied it. Give me a way to prove it and I will.

"Also I am NOT Ashley. I don't know who she is, but I would never make fun of Melissa like that. She's my friend, even if we've never met in person. "

That was in the post you replied to. Proving it would probably be easier were Ashley still here. Check out those pictures though, That's Melissa. Ashley won't be her. She can't be.

Also, didn't someone find Ashley's Stickam? Was that Melissa? No, of course it wasn't. And like I said, there's a much bigger issue. You all already have proof that this happened a month ago and NOT when Ashley said it did. You know why? Because she read the same archived thread that you were all linked to and just stole it! I don't see how it could still even be in question!

[edit on 28-4-2008 by jackbomb]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by schism85

I took her facebook down because I decided it was rude of me to post it. It has her maiden name on it and I don't feel I should put it up without her permission. Also, I know Ashley will see it and as she seems to have a grudge against Melissa, I didn't want her having it. I'd appreciate it if you'd remove it, but can't force you to.

It's one thing for me to post pictures of her that I have, quite another to put personal information up. Plus, I'm not even her friend there, so all it proves is her name.

Edit for clarification

[edit on 28-4-2008 by jackbomb]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:59 PM
In Jackbomb's defense, I personally find the idea that he/she would not want to alarm someone already in such a state (assuming of course that any of this is true) by calling her without prior notice, perfectly plausible. I'm not saying that this is necessarily the case, but if it were, I wouldn't call either if I were in his/her shoes unless sufficient time had passed to justify it. I'd be afraid that they would fear me and view me as some sort of stalker in my own right.

What we really need to do is have someone compare this thread's OP's IP with that of Jackbomb. He/she has offered to prove that they are not one and the same if given the chance, after all.

Until I see proof that any of this is true or that Jackbomb is hoaxing us, I personally refuse to make assumptions either way. I have no compelling reason to utterly believe that I am being lied to thus far.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by schism85
Update: Nice post spooky girl!! This thread has been posted on another forum about a month ago.
This is part of the orginal post dated 3-24-08 :

Anonymous 03/24/08(Mon)03:48 No.553576 I'm not sure if this is /x/ material but when I woke up this morning there were two drawings on my refrigerator. I live alone and I didn't draw them. Is this creepy /x/?

Here is the working link:Exact post dated 3-24-08

OP exactly how many times did you wake up to see these drawing on your fridge?

What's left to say? This thread violates several of the rules of Terms and Conditions of Use

1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

1d.) Cross-Posting: You will not cross-post content from other discussion boards (unless you receive advance permission from The Above Network, LLC).

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