posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 04:33 AM
This is one of the good questions in searching the truth. Answer is somewhere there, but never heard mentioned that question in public, what I have
think many times too.
Not only one plane, but three find their targets with landmarks, ordinary maps... But truth is out there. I have many times think that official story,
and what has to been the situation in cockpit with alleged terrorists.
Think your self: You are soon going to die. You have only little bit knowledge from handling Boeing aircraft, no flight hours before you take control.
You have screaming citizens in back of the plane, and a paper cutter in your hand as weapon against them.
Then you fly. And you have to find new course. How do you know where you even are, and your flying altitude is somewhere, where you just cannot see
any land. And they keep that high altitude for a long time... Somehow you just know, when your "co-pilot" is just thinking his coming dying...
There is no movie, where that pressure of yours can be acted, its super natural situation with so cold blood and high knowledge, with super self
control, that goes in with official story. I just have to say that Osama Bin Laden make historical choices when he hired the pilots... Just where he
gets those cold blooded genious guys, who can do things they never done before with such perfect outcome?