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Chakra Meditation

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posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 07:56 PM
Caveman...I will have a look at it tomorrow...looks very cool, but I'm too danm tired to figure it out just now! And I thought I was the only one on the planet who worried about what goes on in my house when I'm not here....

Write more please, when you have time, and listen to my signature...


posted on Jun, 26 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by caitlinfae

I will, if not tonight then tommorow. I am a very tired man lately. The universe is testing my strength, and its tough test.. at least thats what tarot's telling me.
... But yeah... new job is brutal, its hard to juggle my art and meditation.. it will change though.. i miss my free time.

Yeah guys, don't expect very much input from me anymore except on the odd days or the weekends. But i'm still around.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae


Just played your podcast and made a comment. You have a lovely soothing voice, do you do this as your job? If not you should do! I played it this morning so probably didnt get the full benefit of it but its a lovely peice of work, thankyou.

Im struggling with time management and tiredness at the moment (bit like caveman actually) Im usually very good with things like this but recently its all gone to pot, any ideas?? I want to do so much with my meditation and reading and researching around it but I never seem to be able to get time to do it properly.
Its like I get in from work and think ..right ive got a couple of hours later lets use that time..but other things crop in and before I know it its 10pm and Im tired! Help..

Oh I have found that since meditating Im not as rushed and stressed as I used to be, Im much more layed back...maybe this is why my time management has gone to pot..I dont care about time

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by CavemanDD
reply to post by caitlinfae

I will, if not tonight then tommorow. I am a very tired man lately. The universe is testing my strength, and its tough test.. at least thats what tarot's telling me.
... But yeah... new job is brutal, its hard to juggle my art and meditation.. it will change though.. i miss my free time.


Hi nice to hear from you, yes Im with you on this free time thing. I LOVE free time and I dont get enough of it, Id love to be retired and just dedicate my time to meditation and discovering ...but its not to be is it.
Keep positive and you'll be fine, I know you will your a very strong spiritual person and you'll never loose touch with your inner self.

Oh the music link you put up, youve posted that before and as before I cant open it with media player, you say back track to do this but exactly how do you back track?? Shame because it looks really good.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:19 AM
Time management and tiredness...I know that too! It seems universal...*sigh*

Anyway, I would recommend that you start with just a little meditation window in your day, just 10 minutes, morning and evening, and do it *every* day. Pretty soon, you will find that your life gently restructures itself to accomodate this easily, and it won't be a chore. Why not do your evening meditation as soon as you get hell with the housework!...and then the rest of your day will be easier. I do actually have a fabulous meditation for time management, and stretching time, which works wonders, but I haven't recorded it yet. I did reply on the other meditation thread about my website, so I won't repeat it here, but U2U me and we can talk more if you want.



posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by caitlinfae

Yes your right, I must start having more structure to this, pick two times and try to stick to them. On the odd occasion Ive found time in the morning I have found these meditation times to be the best! RIGHT thats it Im off to become organized....
Thanks MG

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 02:11 PM
I started to make meditation more routine when I was basically told to! Or requested to. After my birthday, i got really hardcore into meditation every day regardless, but also the 2 hour ones, followed by an hour of other related practises.

I will explain to you my progression of meditation... at the time you don't really think 15 minutes would have much of an effect, I will explain.

So lets backtrack about 2 years. I would go to work, see the same old BS, be pissed off, angry at every ignorant person that crossed my path, restraining myself from lashing out some days... I remember one day I was really damn angry, and i saw a reflection of myself in the glass and saw the energy I was emitting, or rather, the lack of energy, or unstable, slow energy, my eyes were without any light. It was at that moment that I got happy.. i made myself find a way to do so, i told myself I would never get angry again after that.

But yeah, so i was just explaining the way I used to think and feel.

I didn't know anything about meditation, i had done it like TWICE in one year, so i bought a book on it, hoping to get a better description of what it actually was and how you do it. I didn't know about chakras or anything, but i learned stages of concentration and how to visualise and count, and focus on breathing to still my mind ( I used to have a very chaotic thought process).

I would work for an hour and then take a break, I would eat, have a coffee, and just sit for 15 minute, more to pass the time, but I knew I had to calm myself if I was gunna be able to work... I think most of the days I just stilled my mind, some days I would observe people, and try to see their energy, try to understand my surroundings, and it got to the point where I was putting myself in a good mood by thinking of those I love the most, and then other people I know, and finally any stranger.. until I wasn't angry at people.

I didn't realise it at the time, but my concentration had gotten much better... I did one big meditation shortly after all that, like a 3 hour one, and it really opened up a new reality to me.

But yeah, I had also realised.. i didn't need to calm myself down in the morning at work anymore, because I was just happy already.

15 minutes a day is PLENTY.. just make sure you try to do something every day for the full benefits. I read something of a study that showed the effects of 45 minutes of meditation a day, how it would expand the senses and such, i can't remember what they said.

Also if you don't have the energy to meditate, or you just feel off, and un-motivated... 1. it helps lying down, if you can do so without falling asleep. but 2. I learned this from this video, that guy who used to be a monk. I take a shower, and in the shower I try to "rinse away the impurities" I focus the water cleaning my energy.. but I mean, I've always liked long showers, very relaxing.. I get out of the shower all relaxed and suddenly meditation sounds good. This is good when followed immediatly by that chakra sounds file I had linked up here, and some chakra mantras and visualisations, and if I have the energy, i will meditate on other things.

Just work out a comfortable routine but try and make time for it, really do. I got this email lately that was explaining to me how to manage time and rather, how to focus more on MAIN goals because I keep focusing on lots of little ones that only they seem to manifest for me.

So.. perhaps you should even meditate on this... Find out what your priorities are.. if you find some really, deffinately are higher then others.. try to make them routine.

Theres lots of little things that keep me busy too that I wish I had time for. I haven't picked up my guitar in like a month. Right now with this lack of time, I try to juggle meditation with my art, but because of the timing, i've been focussing more on art, (AND SLEEP.. an extra 3 hours worth).. but yeah.. i've only been able to really squeese quick meditations in while on the subway or right before bed.

You'll find the time, if you look for it.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 03:28 PM
Great Advice there people, some of it a great help to me. I am in the same situation as Mr Green; going through the whole Time management and tiredness thing. I have also been drawing in a lot of negative energy, with crap happening at work it kind of made the week something I want to forget about.

Anyway the week has gone now and it's nothing but a memory somewhere in my mind, time to stop living in the past and live in the now.
I think sometime even though I know it’s wrong, I can sort of keep the past problems alive by associating my identity with them.

So a good shower for me then a good 15 mins meditation, time to kick myself in my lazy ass


Great to have you in the thread you have some pretty good advice there. So tell us a little more about yourself, how did you discover meditation and so on?

[edit on 27-6-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 04:25 PM
More good stuff from Caveman...thank you darlin...I'm still reading and digesting. This is such a cool thread, and useful too.

Psycho81...thank you for the welcome and I'm tickled that you want to know more. Here's a very brief history of how I got here.

About 10 years ago, I got into crystals and therapies big time, and ran my own shop for 6 years. I started a series of workshops last year with an aquaintance, and they rapidly caused more problems than they were worth, leaving me running them with no back up. I also had a car crash last year, that got people thinking there was something dark involved...there SOO isn't, but they were drama queens!! Lol! Everything got more intense after the crash though, and my development speeded up. The New Age scene can be the proverbial pit of vipers, and it got kinda toxic, so I concentrated on my own meditation work, and the small group of regulars that would work with me twice a week, and I found that my connection to the faery realms and my spirit guides, which had been developing for the best part of a decade, suddenly sat on it's tail and took off in a major way. I was being shown meditations like they were films in my head and all I had to do was write them being given a script, and they always worked. I made the investment last summer to go to a really good studio and reocrd as many as I could. Sadly, I no longer have my shop but am working on a website instead, which will be better for me in many ways, as I can work where I live, and have more time with the spirit world. More meditation downloads from Spirit are backing up...I can feel them!...and I know I'm going to be producing many more soon. It seems to be the gift that Spirit has given me, and I'm going to use it as much as I can. I didn't plan it like just happened.
What it's taught me so far...welcome the unexpected, and don't argue if there seems to be a bigger plan playing out in your life. And don't push the river.

Ok. maybe that wasn't so short!!
I hope it's helpful/interesting/curious.

Would love to hear from anyone else who would like to share their journey...

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 04:49 PM
I just discovered this thread and its so long, but will probably start reading it. But, why has a meditation thread been skunked? It doesn't make sense.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
I just discovered this thread and its so long, but will probably start reading it. But, why has a meditation thread been skunked? It doesn't make sense.

No it wasnt skunked, psycho started it in here I think, its the best forum so he chose well! Now the new forums have been started it may be better placed in there but I think its Ok in here, I have no problem with skunk works. I love it its definatly my favoutite forum.

Please just ask any questions you want, no need to read back like you say it is very long
I find when people ask things that have been covered it acts as a refresher anyway and often brings new answers that were not discussed before.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by mystiq


Hi there and welcome to the thread, The reason this thread is in skunkworks is due to the wide aspects we cover in this thread. Such as: Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, also a few of us found our path by seeing Alien and UFO (Or both in my case)

In 1997 I saw both Alien and UFO in Ilkley Moor England, or should I say what I believe to be Alien and UFO. I was very skeptical about other life forms from out of space until that very event, me and a friend were killing some time while out of work and claiming benefits. We decided one day to take a trip out to ilkley moors; it was more of a motivation thing than a Alien/UFO hunt. We knew the area was knows for sightings but that was not the reason we went up there.

Well we went pretty far up the moors and saw some pretty near rock formations, after getting most way up the moors we decided to start heading back down. We got almost near the bottom and it was already getting dark. There is like a white lodge of some kind not far from the bottom that sells refreshments. We nipped in there with the little money we had and bought some crisps and pop, as soon as we walked in there everyone looked at us as if to say “You should not be here” we could just tell we were not wanted.

Well we got our refreshment and started eating/drinking once we got back outside. It was almost dark at this point there was very little light showing us the way back down the moors. We got around 200ft from the lodge place and out of nowhere a strobe light started spinning just behind some trees straight in front of us about 500ft away. Our first thought was people with flashlights or something e.g. hunters, search parts, walkers. I mean we thought of everything that it could be, that’s until we looked closer, what we saw stopped us in our tracks.

These things were like white long being on all fours running around this light; we could just make out these being through the trees. They were all running around this strobe light attached to some sort of craft, I have never seen anything move at that speed. You could hear nothing but the branches and twigs on the ground snapping and whipping.

The beings were at a guess 5-6ft with wide black eyes, even though they were 500ft away we could still make out these black eyes. Well once we realized what was in front of us we ran like hell, we didn’t stop to think about what it could or couldn’t be any more we just ran.

Since that day in 1997 I have always had this sort of voice feeling, almost as if something out there is trying to tell me something. Throughout the years I learned these voice feeling contained information and messages about thing that were 100% not from me. The information does not come to me all in one go, it’s not like it makes sense straight away. In some cases it has taken me years to work out what this voice feeling is telling me.

On the journey of finding out what these voice feeling were all about I discovered a thread on ATS “Life on the other side of the fence” This was a topic started by a friend called Drakiir, the thread was about people who had come into contact with aliens. It was that thread that made me realize that these voice feelings I get “I am not alone”

After meeting some brilliant people in that thread I discovered Heart Chakra Radiance (A form of meditation) Since practicing meditations the voice feeling are no longer as controlling, previous to meditation these voice feeling really took over me. I then met a spiritual healer who shed some light on chakra meditation and even gave me some chakra cleansing.
So as you can see many of us have different paths as to how we got here so I feel skunkworks was the right place for it.

Sorry the post was long but thought it would sort of be a double reply so I could share my story too.


[edit on 27-6-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 05:58 PM
I would just like to say

Come back ATS member Kappo we miss you dude, I have full faith that you are looking over this thread and only hope you join in the conversation.

We aint forgot about you dude

posted on Jun, 29 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by psycho81
I would just like to say

Come back ATS member Kappo we miss you dude, I have full faith that you are looking over this thread and only hope you join in the conversation.

We aint forgot about you dude

Funny I was thinking today where is kappo! Im sure hes listening to Britney having a great time. Hi kappo if your read this.

Hey shakesbeer
guess what... well the last two times Ive meditated Ive played my buddist chill out CD and it was great so sometimes music is good and some times silence is good

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 02:07 AM
has anyone seen penn and teller bullsht. they have an episode debunked new age medicine including charkra. quite funny actually.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by bknapple32

Got a youtube link or anything? It's funny how reductionist materialists still maintain their self righteousness even though more and more science disproves their Newtonian mode of thinking. But those two are pretty funny...

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Shakesbeer

im looking. they definitely like to question things. they also side with the lone nut theory on jfk and they think there was no conspiracy on 9/11 so i obviously disagree with them on many things. this is one im on their side.

posted on Jun, 30 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by bknapple32

I'm interested to see how they rationalize this one away. In the very least, even a skeptic should know that there is an association with the chakras and the endocrine system. Those who meditate and display a level of focus on consciousness can manipulate the regulation of this how can someone "debunk" that one?

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Hi sorry I have not been on for a few days, Got a virus and had to reformat.
Still have plenty to sort on my PC as well as another 101 things in my life.

Should be back in action today or tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 2 2008 @ 12:53 PM
Just a point that needs noting .Dont stop meditating because its the right
thing to do.
Just be aware once the chakras have been opened and the endocrine
system is in full flow their will always be a flipside.
Its probably been mentioned earlier in the thread that if your not strong
enough or aware an open internal invitation has been posted.
I agree in the coming times you must strive for a spiritual connection with
yourself and others.Just be carefull!
Below is a link that perhaps tells of what else can happen.
Mind control is a definite possibility .

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