I started to make meditation more routine when I was basically told to! Or requested to. After my birthday, i got really hardcore into meditation
every day regardless, but also the 2 hour ones, followed by an hour of other related practises.
I will explain to you my progression of meditation... at the time you don't really think 15 minutes would have much of an effect, I will explain.
So lets backtrack about 2 years. I would go to work, see the same old BS, be pissed off, angry at every ignorant person that crossed my path,
restraining myself from lashing out some days... I remember one day I was really damn angry, and i saw a reflection of myself in the glass and saw
the energy I was emitting, or rather, the lack of energy, or unstable, slow energy, my eyes were without any light. It was at that moment that I got
happy.. i made myself find a way to do so, i told myself I would never get angry again after that.
But yeah, so i was just explaining the way I used to think and feel.
I didn't know anything about meditation, i had done it like TWICE in one year, so i bought a book on it, hoping to get a better description of what
it actually was and how you do it. I didn't know about chakras or anything, but i learned stages of concentration and how to visualise and count,
and focus on breathing to still my mind ( I used to have a very chaotic thought process).
I would work for an hour and then take a break, I would eat, have a coffee, and just sit for 15 minute, more to pass the time, but I knew I had to
calm myself if I was gunna be able to work... I think most of the days I just stilled my mind, some days I would observe people, and try to see
their energy, try to understand my surroundings, and it got to the point where I was putting myself in a good mood by thinking of those I love the
most, and then other people I know, and finally any stranger.. until I wasn't angry at people.
I didn't realise it at the time, but my concentration had gotten much better... I did one big meditation shortly after all that, like a 3 hour one,
and it really opened up a new reality to me.
But yeah, I had also realised.. i didn't need to calm myself down in the morning at work anymore, because I was just happy already.
15 minutes a day is PLENTY.. just make sure you try to do something every day for the full benefits. I read something of a study that showed the
effects of 45 minutes of meditation a day, how it would expand the senses and such, i can't remember what they said.
Also if you don't have the energy to meditate, or you just feel off, and un-motivated... 1. it helps lying down, if you can do so without falling
asleep. but 2. I learned this from this video, that guy who used to be a monk. I take a shower, and in the shower I try to "rinse away the
impurities" I focus the water cleaning my energy.. but I mean, I've always liked long showers, very relaxing.. I get out of the shower all relaxed
and suddenly meditation sounds good. This is good when followed immediatly by that chakra sounds file I had linked up here, and some chakra
mantras and visualisations, and if I have the energy, i will meditate on other things.
Just work out a comfortable routine but try and make time for it, really do. I got this email lately that was explaining to me how to manage time and
rather, how to focus more on MAIN goals because I keep focusing on lots of little ones that only they seem to manifest for me.
So.. perhaps you should even meditate on this... Find out what your priorities are.. if you find some really, deffinately are higher then others..
try to make them routine.
Theres lots of little things that keep me busy too that I wish I had time for. I haven't picked up my guitar in like a month. Right now with this
lack of time, I try to juggle meditation with my art, but because of the timing, i've been focussing more on art, (AND SLEEP.. an extra 3 hours
worth).. but yeah.. i've only been able to really squeese quick meditations in while on the subway or right before bed.
You'll find the time, if you look for it.