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Chakra Meditation

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posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:15 PM
Just found it amazing how powerful the lryics were to Queen's Innuendo. So much relates to what I am going through. The song came into my head last night while in meditation. I in no way had this song on my mind so I find that amazing too

While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
'Till the mountains crumble into the plain

Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin yeah
Just passing our time

While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons, and on and on

Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Oh oh we'll keep on tryin'
'Till the end of time
'Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo be free be free
Surrender your ego be free be free to yourself

Oooh ooh
If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point if there's a reason to live or die

If there's an answer to the questions we feel bad to ask

Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah (yeah yeah)
And whatever will be will be
We'll keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
'Till the end of time
'Till the end of time
'Till the end of time

[edit on 19-6-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by psycho81

Fantastic song, brilliant lyrics. Thanks psycho for posting that, really good. I like the part "We'll keep on trying".

And I will I'll just keep on trying I guess.

Thanks again MG

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:39 AM
first off i was 17 when i started doing this, ok i will start from the beginning it was say about 4 months ago i had recently had a birthday and i started getting into things like palmistry astrology chakras meditation and i noticed that i had interesting palm lines deep destiny and life lines and a lot of small verticle lines those of you who arent familiar with verticle lines it has to do with past lives and the psychic powers you had/have well anyways i noticed and was very intrigued by this and i started doing research into all of this and meditating i used some marijuana to help with meditation but it seemed from the start i was naturally good at meditating i was just feeling good and was amazed at how rejuvenated i had been and i had the best sleep ever this kept up for a couple months then i was with a couple friends oneday and they asked if i wanted to take mushrooms i said sure, just experimenting like teenagers do i ate an eigth my first time and was having a pretty good time for the first couple of hours just a normal fry but i started thinking about the meaning of life, my friends had thought that this fry was different then there other fry sessions for some reason i felt connected with people but couldn't explain it. but i kept on going for the meaning of life and im pretty sure i found it out but cant exactly explain why i seemed to have a deep religious experience far deeper than what i can explain but it seems to have forced me on a path of enlightnment and now i dont know what to do and im notdone i think and i need help lots and lots of help im not sure how far im in, and recently while in a deep sleep i was woken up by something that was clear and the only reason i could see it was because of a light behind it and i heard it grunt and it was like paralyzing me i could barely move and it was like attacking me i could feel the pressure weighing down on my body like it was trying to hold me down. please i need help im not going crazy.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by royalkingmeaux

Slightly off-topic...

hey i'm no expert but the last part you said about that thing attacking you and holding you down sounds familiar to other situations i've heard of. Basically, there are perhaps (invisible) demons that go to some people and try to divert them away from God, this is after they have had a certain "awakening" or spiritual enlightenment or "religious experience" as you described.
I personally think of them as demons, but i really don't know anything about them. I envisage them as demons trying to "scare" you away from God or your newly found spiritual enlightenment. Why i believe this is from exorcism stories that i've heard of in which invisible demons visit victims and hold them down and throw them around with ethereal force...

Not trying to scare you or anything, but i think something may be trying to scare you away from the Light... This may not be what's happening to you - just trying to share some information and help.

That's what i think anyway.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 03:52 AM
i would agree with you i got a bad feeling from this thing but it couldnt throw me around i was to strong spiritually for it to move i think thats also why i could probably move and wasnt held down by it thank you for this comment after that attack i protected my self with the pure love energy but i still kinda worry

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by royalkingmeaux

You know, i think that's the one thing they actually fear - when you are spiritually strong and in-tune they really tend to back off - that's anything Dark in nature, IMO. I read somewhere that if you're aware of the laws of the universe and recognise that they cannot touch you and you actually tell them this then they have no physical influence upon you.

I like your stories.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by royalkingmeaux

Are you still taking any of these "drugs" as I keep saying I dont think anything while taking drugs in meditation can be discussed rationally as we just dont know whats real and what isnt.

The other sounds a little like sleep paralysis, something holding you down unable to move. Ive had SP for years but I never experienced the entity holding me down but I know a lot of people have. Theres a good thread on it, if I find it I'll post it up for you.

No your not going mad, all this is not madness its just what we experience and that is that, we just have to accept it lol' Sleep paralysis or demonic assalt, dont be put off by the title the OP just assumed it may be a demon thats all. In all these things if you remove your fear of the experience it tends to help immensly.

[edit on 22-6-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 01:11 PM
no i have not taken any more mushrooms and if i smoke a little herb it gets me way to lifted and im deep inside my mind and not really aware of whats going on around me i can see whats in front of me but i cant hear if people are talking to me like im on a way higher level plus it makes everyone really uncomfortable around me as if im so high spiritually that it affects people around me so i only smoke it when im by myself because i dont like making people uncomfortable.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:22 PM
I like to call them Entities myself, I sure think the GE attacks happen when you first start to find spiritual growth. It was a little different for me though as I was shown meditation through some belief system that tried to manipulate me.

Yup I took the long route
hopefully I am on a better path now without the need of somebody telling me what I should and shouldn't believe in. Finding the path to awarness is your own experience and your own personal journey.

We all reach the final destination but the paths to that destination are very unique to each and every one of us.

Anyway welcome to the thread royalkingmeaux

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:29 PM
when in sleep paralysis, the view you see is not the physical realm, it is the astral realm.. its more habitual why we shape the atral to be like physical I believe.. I mean this is just my belief, but bare with me here, just listen..

when I had an astral projection a couple months ago... i was in my room, paralysed... i saw my room.. and i saw my "ghost" floating out, and more out I got, the more these 2 demons were visible.. i was a bit hesitant, so i kinda drifted back and they began to fade... now, this room looked exactly like my room, while i was paralysed... i woke up, fell back asleep.. and i was paralysed again with the high energy in my head and everything... i saw my room again, but this time i got out of my "body"... and I walked around, and realised everything was the same but the bathroom was full of random objects liek hairspray and shampoo and housecoats and stuff... i used a bit of telekinesis, experimented a bit, whatever, then "woke up".

The world i saw, although 99% accurate, was not the physical density, it was the astral. I was reading an astral book, and this guy tried getting out of his body and blowing out a candle in his room, well when he woke up he learned the candle was still lit.

I try to think of the physical body as 1 layer of seeminly infinite.

Whats that phrase I heard lately... "theres no reason to fear death, because you die every night you go to sleep"... and in essense.. you do put aside the physical energetic vessel, and utilize the astral/etheric etc ones. Its a reality of the physical that things of this density get drained of energy and need to regenerate.. i have no doubt this can be over-comed..

but what i mean is... any demon you saw.. could have been a demon, sure.. manifestation of fear into an entity.. similar to "poltergeist activity".. but I believe if you had sleep paralysis, then indeed the vision of the plane you were in (your room?) is much more flexible, and only assumed the form of your room through familiarity and such.. I have this theory that there are planes that mimic ours in varying degrees. I could see myself spending time in an astral version of my house if its where I liked to be.

I think your demonic assault, could have been a "pre-out of body" fear holding you back.. I found in order to over-come this, i had to come to the realisation of certain laws of nature, i had to attain a certain level of understand until fear wasn't the natural reflexive thought.

Many people tell me of their sleep paraylsis and tell me they are terrified, if i had sleep paralysis more, i'd be trying to astral project, for sure.

Good luck, your fine, as long as you feel you are. Thoughts manifest, the good and the bad. The physical world you see is a place of dreams, although seemingly less obvious, and likewise, your dreams are different realities through which we live.

And welcome.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 02:32 PM
i have no doubt their are demons, and what i mean is not necessarily a manifestation of your fear... but possible a greater manifestation of someone elses, which gives it a conciousness.. for that matter I do not think they have souls, nothing about them seems to make sense except they are just confusion/ingorance/ and fear all blended into a form of energy. I was talking to a freind about this, how she said he had to battle one, and since then, she sees minor ones flee the scene when she enters these random buildings. I'd have to ask her about that again. I trust her, she's very intuitive.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by psycho81

check out symptom 29!! Yes Im very sure some of us do get GE attacks as you call it, for absolute sure. It seems a natural thing to happen, by opening the chakras up after years of being closed, you open a window and let everything blow in so to speak, after a time you learn what you dont want to let in anymore.

posted on Jun, 22 2008 @ 11:24 PM
how do you know that it hasnt entered you and is waiting for the right moment to strike because when i think about an evil demon or whatever my toes or something on my body twitches which seems to be a weird coincidence

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by royalkingmeaux

Demons are cute and cuddly, they get pissed when you say that to them though, but they're just misunderstood souls with a bit of an ego problem. Positivity of any kind weakens any kind of "demon"s influence. They prey on fear, so if you're afraid of them....guess what? you look like lunch buddy! Stand up to your fear and you will banish your demons.

[edit on 23-6-2008 by Shakesbeer]

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by psycho81
I like to call them Entities myself, I sure think the GE attacks happen when you first start to find spiritual growth. It was a little different for me though as I was shown meditation through some belief system that tried to manipulate me.

Yup I took the long route
hopefully I am on a better path now without the need of somebody telling me what I should and shouldn't believe in. Finding the path to awarness is your own experience and your own personal journey.

Yes I saw lots of wierd stuff during my initial start to meditation and I think your right we do start to see things in other realms, however I think you need to re think your "introduction!" to meditation. Did they manipulate you? Was this experience bad? Would you change it? Are you on a better path now or just the same path?
What Im trying to say is this experience shaped you into who you are today, without it you'd still be searching for aliens and be no further on in your spiritual growth. We meet people for a reason, you think they manipulated you but did they? Did they not show you how to start thinking about meditation, spirituality and enligtenment. Yes they did and this has had a massive part in becoming the person you are today.
So I think you need to embrase your past, think fondly of it but realize it was just one part in a long journey. You may make many more choices you later think were wrong, but no choice is wrong if it gets us a few steps ahead in our inner growth.

We both learned a lot from out initial meditation teachings psycho, a lot more than you realize. Take these things you've learned and just use it to remind yourself how you'd act differently in the same situation next time.

I no longer am bothered by "demon or entity" attacks as Ive lost all fear towards them. Like shakesbeer says, say how nice and cuddly they look
. I reject nothing in meditation although some images do make me jump! Dark entities on the astral plane are something I have not overcome but I dont seem to go there much recently anyway. Caveman is right, I used to hate sleep paralysis but now I see it as a way of jumping into the astral plane, however SP seems to be rare for me now too.

Typical all those years of fearing it, now I understand it it doesnt happen!

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 10:00 AM
Hello. I am new & had to respond.

There is sooo much LOVE here.

I am an empath. I see auras & interesting enough

when I focus on the chakras I actually see the colors spinning

outside of me. What does this mean? Yes, I do have psychic

abilities but don't have much time to develop them lately.

Happy to be here and would love to hear from you. Cindy

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by knowlogic

Hello. I am new & had to respond.

There is sooo much LOVE here.

I am an empath. I see auras & interesting enough

when I focus on the chakras I actually see the colors spinning

outside of me. What does this mean? Yes, I do have psychic

abilities but don't have much time to develop them lately.

Happy to be here and would love to hear from you. Cindy

Hi you are lucky you can see the colours outside your body. I do not know what this means but its sounds a special gift.
When I first started doing meditation I saw a white, violet , blue and green pulsing orb very bright in my mind. They were so beautiful but I only saw them once. Was this my chakras opening I dont know. Yet you seem to see these colours often.

Getting time to develop the chakras is hard, its so difficult to find quite time.
Glad you feel the love of the thread, it is my favourite thread on ATS. I feel the chakra system is so important to us as humans, it connects us to the one force, the one creator, the one light, it is such an ancient system and people seem to have forgot what wonders it can release for us.

Unconditional love is all we need, and I for one seek it every day of my life.

[edit on 23-6-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Shakesbeer

Yup why fear them what is the most they can do, wake me up.

I am sure going to use the "Hey you are so cute and cuddly" if I face a demon/Entity. Infact I may sing to it Tenacious D style

[edit on 23-6-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Well in a way yes and no, I would of found meditation as I still would of met the healer. I do have Drakir to thank for the "Life on the other side of the fence thread" as I would not of met you brilliant people. However I was manipulated due to my own stupid self, so yes I guess it was a lesson.

Thats all in the past though.

posted on Jun, 23 2008 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by knowlogic

Hi there and Welcome always good to have new people to join in the discussion.
You sure got some gift there, do you do much chakra meditation.

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