when in sleep paralysis, the view you see is not the physical realm, it is the astral realm.. its more habitual why we shape the atral to be like
physical I believe.. I mean this is just my belief, but bare with me here, just listen..
when I had an astral projection a couple months ago... i was in my room, paralysed... i saw my room.. and i saw my "ghost" floating out, and more
out I got, the more these 2 demons were visible.. i was a bit hesitant, so i kinda drifted back and they began to fade... now, this room looked
exactly like my room, while i was paralysed... i woke up, fell back asleep.. and i was paralysed again with the high energy in my head and
everything... i saw my room again, but this time i got out of my "body"... and I walked around, and realised everything was the same but the
bathroom was full of random objects liek hairspray and shampoo and housecoats and stuff... i used a bit of telekinesis, experimented a bit, whatever,
then "woke up".
The world i saw, although 99% accurate, was not the physical density, it was the astral. I was reading an astral book, and this guy tried getting
out of his body and blowing out a candle in his room, well when he woke up he learned the candle was still lit.
I try to think of the physical body as 1 layer of seeminly infinite.
Whats that phrase I heard lately... "theres no reason to fear death, because you die every night you go to sleep"... and in essense.. you do put
aside the physical energetic vessel, and utilize the astral/etheric etc ones. Its a reality of the physical that things of this density get drained of
energy and need to regenerate.. i have no doubt this can be over-comed..
but what i mean is... any demon you saw.. could have been a demon, sure.. manifestation of fear into an entity.. similar to "poltergeist activity"..
but I believe if you had sleep paralysis, then indeed the vision of the plane you were in (your room?) is much more flexible, and only assumed the
form of your room through familiarity and such.. I have this theory that there are planes that mimic ours in varying degrees. I could see myself
spending time in an astral version of my house if its where I liked to be.
I think your demonic assault, could have been a "pre-out of body" fear holding you back.. I found in order to over-come this, i had to come to the
realisation of certain laws of nature, i had to attain a certain level of understand until fear wasn't the natural reflexive thought.
Many people tell me of their sleep paraylsis and tell me they are terrified, if i had sleep paralysis more, i'd be trying to astral project, for
Good luck, your fine, as long as you feel you are. Thoughts manifest, the good and the bad. The physical world you see is a place of dreams, although
seemingly less obvious, and likewise, your dreams are different realities through which we live.
And welcome.