reply to post by housegroove23
Np, glad I could help. I try to explain things down to simple terms. Trying to learn about meditation and such at first can be tough cuz its so
poetic and you just get nothing out of it when your a beginner.
Something I meant to say or didnt imply right...
I mean for meditation... yes put the distracting thinking aside BUT...
know this... it can come back... your just removing it temporarily, and based on what you said i'll say this... don't ignore your problematic
thinking... i've tried that, with much energy... and again it comes back down to balance...
think of it all as electricity.... and say... your super lazy (no energy)... so you have no motivation for difficult things (difficulty = resistance
= more energy required then you have).... When you are motivated... you take on bigger challeneges because motivation = ENERGY!.. And say this lazy
person doesnt wanna do nothing, but he'll still do simple things he knows how to do, and he does them why? Because he's been doing it for so long,
he knows it so well that theres little to no resistance, that it requires less energy...
what i'm really trying to say here is... the more you understand problematic thinking, the less effect it has on inbalancing you... you can block
things out, but that doesnt fix them.. through meditation, you can really get to the guts of the problematic thinking and fix it, not ignore it..
but transform it.
I'll tell you what i'm going to meditate on next. 1. My job because of situations and my happyness, but that aside... 2. Emotional
stability... i know i've been disregarding it for too long... I need to figure out my emotions so I can get the best of them.. I figure... it must
also be why i sometimes dont look out for other peoples emotions... i still love them, thats different, but i dont take enough care with simple little
emotions because i don't really understand them myself..
its like how you can you expect to love someone if you can't love yourself? You gotta have something to give it away... if you dont feel love, how
do you radiate love?
If you ignore your problematic thinking, it will dwell in your subconcious mind and bite you in the ass throughout your life until you address it...
it took a wise woman to show me that.. (its even in my birth chart as a signifigant event interestingly enough)... that basically i've been dragging
useless confidence problems with me from like childhood and perhaps before that... for some reason i was just inclined to think i would fail at
things, when really there was nothing to really make me think that..
think of like your mind in layers, and the deeper it goes, the more guts of your thinking is really there.... like we'll say... way beyond the
unconcious is your mind that knows it is connected to everything in the universe or something to that degree, until it goes down becomming
increasingly simpler until we're left with the "concious mind"... which we just think is our mind... it is but a fragment. I think of the
subconcious as kind of like whispering to the concious mind what to think, it holds all these feelings and past experiences we can't even really
remember. Again I think it goes deeper and deeper.
By addressing and understanding the problematic thinking, it has less "damaging" effects on us.
But until you are ready to deal with
something... filtration or deflection is a good temporary fix if you feel its all you can do, so by all means.
But I find, i am still wrestling with things i just simply havent really addressed yet.
But something i'll tell you about how I've changed... before meditation... i used to wake up, and by the time i've been at work for 30 minutes... i
was pissed off... now i'm just always happy, simple as that... am i dillusional? Or did I realise that I was getting mad for no reason and i
understood those reasons and observe them differently?
I'll also say something interesting i heard today from this swami guy, this spiritual guru type.. dead now but he was a wise old man, and he had
audio recordings i listen to...
Ok so heres the simulation;... your swimming in a pond, on the surface, and that is your reality, that is what you observe as your reality... and lets
say you see these lily pads, and perhaps they are problematic thinking... they are discreet entities or seperate things that affect your thinking
negatively... well then you decide to swim under the water.. and you see that the lilypads are all inter-connected, and that really, its like a
vibration, like a radio wave, it really has no begginning or end or seperation.. your one problem area, is all your problem areas, its like the same
wave being sent at you, you're just deflecting one aspect.
You see what hes saying? Theres always gunna be more of these problem areas, but I think you just have to keep working away at them until they stop
affecting you so undesireably... picture yourself as a wave moving one way, and this opposing wave is slowing you down.. well maybe you cant really
get rid of this other wave, but you can make your wave stronger, you can push the other wave. But what I mean to really say is, you know, its just
like riding a wave of energy, you just gotta keep dodging the obstacles, but you have to learn from them so you can avoid future obstacles of the
same kind.
Address your problematic thinking, and you will gain more and more control of your life, it will seem more and more like its a matter of wisdom and
the strength of your will.
I had something else to say but i can't remember, damn.
Another thing i'll throw in, i love this since i heard this from that guy...
observe your thinking... not your thoughts... because thoughts or language / internal dialogue of any kind are static.. language is artificial.. it
is not your thinking... your thinking doesnt have a state either, it is dynamic, and it is not bound to an artificial language...
think about this... you're trying to explain something to someone and your like "ahh i can't think about what i'm trying to say"... is it so
that you are having trouble thinking, or is it that your having trouble constructing the sentences / forming the explanation?
For your internal dialogue is not your thinking.. its just a means to express in a small way, our thinking, when really our thinking is much more.. it
is the intention behind the words.. what you really MEAN when you say them, not how you say them. Its the underlying thinking..
So when you think about how you get angry at people... think... is it hateful words in my mind, am i telling myself in language that i am angry,
or am i focussing on the wordless internal knowing that I have this unstable, unpleasant feeling you could classify as anger... or perhaps... ego?
Desire to put our perspective on others? Or a feeling of a resistance because we desire to help, and it is difficult, it is stressful.. you'll have
to analyze that for yourself. But what i'm trying to get at is.. you gotta get to the source it seems, and really find the nature of the thinking to
understand these problems.
Feel free to ask anything else, i'm here to help.