reply to post by CavemanDD
I wanted to also add, there is a lot of biological signs I used to feel at moments of discomfort... such as maybe blood rushing up and down my chest,
or like my heart was being squeezed, or my stomach..
These sensations happen so often in our life-time that I think most of us ignore them, and just accept them and not question them.
Feel your body right now, how does it feel? does it feel everythings stable?
Next time you feel a sensation of any kind, focus on it, and analyse it.
Remember your bodily organs are made of energy as well...
I like to think of the body, as an artistic/functional represenation of our chakras for the physical plane. We have our many layers, and this body is
our physical one.. it is an expression of that energy in the physical plane.. think about it. Your heart, IS your heart chakra... at least one layer
of it. If all these chakras are linked to the endocrin system, then essentially, being mindful of our physical body can help monitor the non-physical
Do you find when you get nervous its like your heart pounds and skips a beat?
Whats that saying,... "Butterflies in your stomach" - which is attributed to a nervousness, possibly from low solar plexus energy, which would
indicate low energy, lazyness, and lack of confidence?
I'd like to point out how important eating and getting the right "physical energy" is to maintaining motivation for undesireable tasks and events
in your day. Get 7 hours of sleep if you can, and eat when your hungry, if you do this, you will be able to handle anything the world throws at
another energetic physical indication... your body gets tired, this should be simple enough to grasp. Not to mention sickness, which can indicate
blockages in your energy... and technically, germs interfere with the function of the body, so in a manner of speaking... germs negatively affect the
physical expression of your energy centers and points.
If you maintain a postive healing attitude towards your body/energy, you will deflect most simple illness sent your way... A great deal of aging is
related to stress, which is energy imbalance and impurities, causing visible stress to the physical body. They say meditation slows the aging
process, I wonder why this is?.. because of the direct link of your energies, physical and non-physical.
Smoking makes you age... so... the crap in ciggarettes must be negative energy, in the physical expression?
You see where I'm going with this.. you can charge your body with the right energy, also based on what physical expression of energy you take into
your physical body.
An angry throught towards a person, could say be... the negative energetic damaging equivalent to.. 1 ciggarette, or some unhealthy food.
Think about this, if all food is a physical expression of energy, that is, it is a compatible light-form that our body requires, we'll say... its
programming requires a constant feed of these "food light patterns"... then it is concievable... if one were to be skilled enough in manifestation
or be aware of their true being.. they could essentially live off the light entering their aura, or the light that is the oxygen entering their
lungs... by simple re-programming the pattern of that energy to feed the body... or even, change the requirements of the body, or realise that there
are no real requirements.
Your pulse, could be the phyiscal frequency of your being? It must be in some form or another. There are many physical expressions of your energy,
be mindful of them.
And i'm about to leave a lovely post on a crude yet relevant topic. You notice how relieved you feel when you say.. use the bathroom. And the relief
ranges I might add. We just feel so much better to be rid of our bodily wastes... now why is this, why does this affect our mind so? Is it because
the root chakra sends negative energy to the earth? Is this relief, not a relief of feeling balanced from removing this physical expression of
negative energy? And is it interesting that what our body removes is more or less, toxic, thus damaging to our body, just like..... you guessed
it... negative energy being damaging, or unbalancing to our non-physical.
If you wanted to know what negative energy looked like, just look at the pollution in the sky, or a cigarette... those are physical expressions of
I hope you'll look at your body and the world you see around you differently.