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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:10 AM
Sorry Op if this is off topic but I find what the above 2 are saying interesting and was wondering if you had the same thing happen.

I also have had that ringing in my ears its always going on so I just drown it out. Further research shows that tinnitus (the ringing in the ears) can be associated with low seratonin levels. If you research that a bit more it explains why most of us are a little paranoid as to why people are looking at us differently (where we think they are questioning us or whatever)

Maybe it is a gift... or maybe we are just anti social and accept it as a gift... regardless I know the people such as ourselves... we should use such talents to better ourselves and the world. Now I am sceptic as to this is probably a neurological disorder (neuro-transmitter deffieciency sp..?) But I do know that the caring for others that I have is something of the past that we once need again. Our love for the world and others makes this a maybe thought out neurological problem a gift... if its even the problem... I have no doubt that its related tho- Perhaps our bodies are somehow different and science explains it as some paranoia and possibly anxiety(anti socialness) or maybe our defficiency is the problem... like I said before now im sceptic but im not ashamed.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:36 AM
please dont apologize for going off topic, this thread has given me so much more than i ever expected, its awesome...... yes the ringing in the ears, mine sometimes stops me dead in my tracks as i have to double check its actually my ears as its so loud, i also have strange episodes where the side of my head near the temple, seems to go numb and tingle, and feels like something is moving... obviously i think this could just be muscle spasm or something, but its a very odd feeling and no-one ive asked has it..... ive also had times where everything seems to be closing in? (noise) i could be shopping and all of a sudden it seems like everyone is next to me talking quite loudly, its like hearing every conversation at once..... although this doesnt happen often its very surreal when it does...... in fact the more i read everyones posts and thoughts, i realize our lives are actually quite surreal
i think this is much more than coincidence, its quite shocking there are so many of us, at similar age etc....

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by themvp5
Wow This is just the post i was looking for... I just posted my experience in another forum... the UFO captued on video in Pasco. I live in Wesley Chapel FL where this giant triangular UFO was caught on tape. Anyway I can relate to many of the experiences that you all have mentioned on here, especially having some psycic ability. I was born 6/28/82, that makes me 25. The experience that I had 10 or 11 years ago I will never forget. I was in Seventh, Eighth or Ninth grade, one morning I woke up for school and noticed I had about 10 red dots under my skin on my wrist. Everyone at school had never seen anything like it, and when i showed my mom she thought I had drawn it on myself at school, but after looking closer she could see it was under my skin. That day I started having memories of being on a table, and being worked on by weird beings...the next few days it came more clear that I was abducted. The marking on my wrist disappeared the next day.

The more i read this thread, the more I realize how different I am from everyone else... but have so much in common with you guys. The reason i quoted my first post is because I want to know what you guys think about the markings I had... or have you yourself had these markings?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:31 AM
"...When I was younger, I have a memory from when I was living in Sydney where I believed that I was not human but an alien prince that was somehow placed with my parents (I am adopted) - I have no idea where that idea came from."

thats what i mean when i said feel like i'm placed.. not to hurt my parents but i always had the feeling they where not my parent and that i'm from somewhere else. something replaced "me" .. what hapened to the real baby i don't know they took it.

my reacurring dream go's like this.. I fall trough a tunnel.. end up in a all white place there is only some kind of kiosk at that kiosk there are 3 very tall beings atleast 3 meters long and thin... they hand me some kind of food..then they take me to a place with an enormous roll, kinda like a machine that flattens asfalt... but it has nudges where you can putt in things without flattening them..they hand me all kind of items to putt in the right place, wierd stuff like furniture and paintings... then i realize it's my life i'm putting in there ...then the machine speeds up and i can't keep up..then it stops and i'm relaxed the end i'm not sure what happens suddenly i fall again and wake up.. only to notice that my vision is still off, everything seems tall in my room but i'm wide awake. that last a minute. afterward i hate going back too sleep but never returned there again... i have that dream mostly round april may.

last december i think (i'm sure but have no proof) a saw a UFO at night, it was round 04.00 at night when i woke up, thinking there is something going on.. i walked to my window and saw at my neighbours house a disk shaped craft with a blue ish light underneath, i looked at it for a few seconds, suddenly it shoots off over to me and hangs right infront of my window... hours later round 7-ish i wake up with sleep parelysis... I never feld so scared, but even wierder i didn't think i was scared my toughts where rational... I remember calming myself down, my mind was clear but my body feld like it was trying to run away from horrible danger.

like i said allready if seen many ufo's mostly orbs and lights, at various locations, at night and during the day.. alone or with many withnesses.. so i do believe in them.. thing is i'm still a sceptic, most of the time i think/feel it's "us" in those things, now if this means they are humans or i'm more one of 'them' i don't know they for sure don't scare me.

I'm amazed to see all those experiences and thinking to myself thats me!, so in general i've had most of the stuff posted happen to me too. no need to repeat the same kind of stuff right?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by ThemacX

Great post ThemacX!

Seems like you've had some crazy stuff happen to you too. What you said about being "placed" is quite accurate. According to what Sleeper wrote in his thread, (I know I keep referring back to it but it's very informative) most of us CHOOSE to come back here and our soul is placed in the body of the baby that we choose for a particular family. Sleeper goes into more detail about it so if that's what you think happened to you, which is probably true, then you should read what he wrote about it. It might help put your mind at ease about these things you know. About your UFO encounter and waking up 7 hours later, like I wrote in my previous post, you were probably taken up into the ship. AGAIN, I'm only stating what Sleeper has put in his thread and it is what I believe since it just makes sense to me in this life. You should check it out, it could help you.


posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by poisonmekare

A lot of attractive women become narcissistic with that kind of attention. It's a good thing you've been able to keep a reasonable perspective toward it all.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:25 AM
This thread has finally prompted me to sign up to ATS...
(ive been lurking for ages).

I'm 19 and ever since I was about 12 I've had this strange feeling all the time.. as though I'm on the verge of discovering something, or that something big is to come, like a MAJOR event... I have good close friends, but I'm not really a socialite, I feel uncomfortable in large groups, I've never had much luck with relationships.
I was always top of the class at school and felt as though my peers were holding me back.. now I've pretty much gone off the rails, I drink, I smoke, I swear. I'm also a self-rehabilitating pothead. But at the same time I consider myself one of the clearest thinkers I know. I sometimes find that I get pre-cog dreams, but don't realise until the event is happening for real (I know because I can sometimes predict the immediate future, say the next 2 minutes, with astounding accuracy). Oh, and I've believed in aliens and UFOs for as long as I can remember.

One thing that pops into my head at some point every day though, is something that happened to me a little over 5 years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night, my clock said 2am. It took a minute for me to realise that there was wayy more light in my room than normal. Theres an orange streetlight just outside my house, but this was more a bright white.. expecting it to be a stopped car, I crawled to the top of my bed and looked outside, to see 2 bright white shapes, one triangular, the other more of an egg, up in the sky, glowing brightly. I guessed they were very very big and quite high up... next thing, I was lying in bed staring at my clock that said 4.30am. I know it sounds clichéd, but I'm certain something was amiss. And in the years since, I've had strange recollections... I have an image in my mind of a creature, similar to a grey but with a sort of dirty brown skin and lots of sharp teeth. I also have a vague memory of 'floating' up through the sky towards the shapes.

And since that happened, nothing has ever quite felt 'right'.
I also get scared at night sometimes, I get the feeling of not being alone, and I'm sure I've seen silhoutted figures in my room. The scariest was of a hooded, caped firgure. Grim reaper style :S

I'm just glad I'm not the only "weirdo" out there

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:38 AM
WAKE UP ATS! its 9:35 here in california

so what dreams did we have last night. anything worth mentioning?

i do want to give myself kudos though. because of how indepth ive been going into the ufo phenominon i have scared myself into sleeping with one eye open. but i can happily say that i can sleep through the night without the fear of being visited in my room.

kudos to you cosmicstorm you foxy lady ... for bringing us together. your the best.

let the search begin and have a good day.. enjoy it as it unfolds. happy tuesday.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Purduegrad05

cheers, just a small correction on your responce i was gone from 04 till 07hour so 3 hours in total i guess ;p will read sleepers post and respond later.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 01:32 PM
Its great to see the thread moving along nicely, dont anyone worry about going off topic, i love hearing all these different stories, and the more i read, the more i see we all have so much going on that is similar...... im so glad i posted this topic, ive wanted to meet people like yourselves for a long long time

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:10 PM
Its weird, a lot of think or feel that we MUST be so much different from everyone, but what if in reality, we really arent. Humans share many of the same thoughts that we believe only we personally think.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I admire the lot of you openly telling your stories.

ive asked my dad and he cant exactly remember but around 5th/6th grade I attended a camp in northern New Mexico (oddly enough nickelodean did a show on it called bugjuice) it was/is called brush ranch camp. I was in the youngest part of the camp. One mid morning like 4 am maybe 5 am it was still dark out I woke up on the top bunk suddenly and found that I was bleeding profusely from the bottom of my chin. end of story.

fast forward many years later and I find myself fully engulfed in the topics that are discussed here on ATS. Now I didnt find ATS until much later I was busy collecting any sort of information I could everything from pleaidians to the I Ching to Arthur C Clarkes mysterious world videos that I made my dad rent for me when I was a just a little kid.

basically Ive just for some odd reason been obsessed with these type of topics ever since I can remember.

now back to the camp story. First I dont have any idea what happened and the only story the camp staff and we could come up with is that I was sleep walking (which i have no past history of) and I fell off the top bunk and busted my chin on the corner of this metal chest of draws and then climbed back into bed and went to sleep. I dont buy that for one minute I have always been a light sleeper and that story just doenst make any sense because I needed about 15 stiches to close up the wound on my chin, so basically I believe I WOULD HAVE WOKEN UP.

whats funny though is that it wasnt until about a year ago I was thinking through my past to see if I had odd events that could be maybe some sort of abduction experience, and BOOM I remembered what happened that night in the New Mexico Mountains. like I said above I dont have any conscious memory of what happened that night but ever since I have been completely dedicated to the study of UFO's/occult basically all the ATS topics.

I have thought about trying out some regressive hypnotic jibba jabba to see if anything would come up (but thats a whole other thread topic)

and much like the OP im 26 (just turned) and for the last 14 years I too and its hard to put into words but for a lack of anything better, "felt like I was here for something other than wife/house/vacation/death". now what that exactly means I am not sure just like I said above its more of a feeling than a direct message.

who knows could just all be wishful thinking, but I do not ever remember making any wishes to be full of this kinda thinking.

great thread OP.

(and to whoever cut me that night in New Mexico you owe me for ruining my grandpas ww2 sleeping bag

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I wonder if anything is relate about us... our backgrounds like maybe we all have something in common. Or perhaps we are put into these bodies for some reason, like earlier mentioned.

I wonder if this is TV related concerning the fact that we all feel like we all have a purpose (possible a savior complex) Or perhaps we have gotten injured in the head or maybe something else such as getting shocked.

I do not mean to be so objective but I feel the best way to approach a situation is from both sides. So the fact that we are all similar mentally means that something similar may be going on physically with our bodies such as nervous sytem impluses... or perhaps its just that we have developed some un-normal way of thinking that has needless to say benefitted us to survive in this society on the emotional level. It is deffinately a good trait to feel as if you can help someone or others out.

The part where I am torn is Science and Spirit...
It is wise not to rule out your spiritual mind ... however the logical mind does over and wants anwsers but perhaps we should all just wait for what it is to come. Im just wondering if we have been altered or something for some good... or bad purpose... or maybe the time of enlightenment is here and people are becoming what humans have been designed to become.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by ThemacX

Thanks for the correction. I think 3 hours is still a long time to be missing out on what happened, I know I would be curious. Glad to hear that you'll read up on Sleeper's thread, let us know what you think about it. I think the thing you'll find most surprising is that he mentions that we've ALL been abducted or had ET encounters in our lives and that only certain people can recall what actually happened. For me, lately I've been having more space/UFO related dreams but not really like the intense encounters that some of the posters on this thread have had. Still, I'm quite sure I've been taken too, just waiting on ET to let me remember. Since you have already seen UFO's personally, I'm sure you'll be remembering what happens on your little joy rides soon enough.


posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Kinesis

Hehe well I'm on the average side of looks anyway. But the staring doesn't feel like they're interested in me sexually, it's people of all kinds, women, men, old, young... Animals too, especially cats. They just stare blankly or sometimes disapprovingly/warily. When I was a child I used to "talk" to my cats and kittens and I knew they understood what I was communicating.

I wonder if anyone else here has it happen where sometimes you're drawn to someone. It's happened a bunch of times, where I notice someone and feel that they are going to be significant players in my life. It's happened with my best friend, my exes and my current S/O and also with a girl who turned out to be a link to a group of teenagers unlike any you've ever met, so intelligent and awake to the realities of the universe, knowledgable about channeling and OOBE... I'm not saying most teenagers are dumb and ignorant, but these people were very special indeed.

I tend to feel people out and can even sometimes do it from a picture. Some people are just emanating certain energies that tell you whether they are good or bad or somewhere in between. I thought this was normal but a lot of people aren't able to do it well at all.

I realise that I take this sensing/feeling ability for granted... Do any of you ever feel that way too?

My mom told me about one time they took her, when I was just a newborn. they came for her and told her it was time to go, she was concerned about leaving me since I was so young, and they said that they were leaving the other alien and she would watch me while she was gone. So she went with them and that night they showed her the earth being destroyed and had this kind of lesson/lengthy discussion. It's been a while since she told me this so I don't fully remember what was said. I was startled to see that this type of experience has happened to other abductees (being shown the earth being destroyed).

I tell you I'm creeped out and wonder what happened to me while that alien nursemaid watched me!
I have memories from a very young age too. I was always a very quiet child, I rarely spoke, I'd just sit quietly and observe. I didn't even speak more than a handful of words until I was three, and not because I didn't know what words meant, I just didn't want to speak. I remember the operation when I was three to correct a hernia I had been born with but which had gone unnoticed. I was also born with a tongue tie. This seems pretty insignificant except that talking my my s/o's mother I found out that my s/o's little brother had both a tied tongue and was born with a hernia, he also didn't speak until much later, he's like me in many ways that creep me out. He's now a teenager and you've never seen anyone so obsessed with aliens in your whole life. It might be nothing but coincidence, but it is strange to see things from your life played out in others!

When I was a child I used to think I was a changeling. Even now I look at my family and I don't feel a part of them, even though I can see their facial features imprinted on me. I'm just different somehow.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by poisonmekare

Thinking more about this alien babysitter... I was a breastfed baby, do you think she may have nursed me? Changed my diaper? Do they even lactate? Did I drink alien milk? I know little about the females. They tend to take people for a significant amount of time... newborns need a lot of care.

Scary line of thought anyway! Maybe I'm thinking silly thoughts, what do you think?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Interesting stories indeed.

So when exactly is the Government going to declare the truths? Cant they just tap into above top secret track these people that seem in the know and enlighten them and let a epedimic of enlightenment take over? I dont know but I know as was said in another forum... People of the Earth are just not ready for what is and was and what can be. Some people are ignorant and will just spew out crap (non literal type of vomiting) I just hope that in my lifetime these things are made clear. I can sese we are being lied to and i know of very many good reasons to why we could be lied to but Im ready to know Why I'm being lied to... and im prepared to lie to those who are not ready for the truth... its a sad fact but sometimes others have to take initiative... if they dont then they are a lost cause.

Perhaps later on comicstorm this can be removed from aliens and etc to something else... too bad there are not Spirit Forums... I believe aliens are the same as humans and animals... just other life forms created earlier so that they have learned the knoweldge of all things. Or perhaps we are bred like sumerian texts on other links have said to appease the other races of aliens (for us to be slaves) I do not know but I like the fact of knowing that I can help people once more with just basic stuff... A lot of people i know just want to screw others over and that is in no means cool. Whats the truth?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Interesting stories indeed.

So when exactly is the Government going to declare the truths? Cant they just tap into above top secret track these people that seem in the know and enlighten them and let a epedimic of enlightenment take over? I dont know but I know as was said in another forum... People of the Earth are just not ready for what is and was and what can be. Some people are ignorant and will just spew out crap (non literal type of vomiting) I just hope that in my lifetime these things are made clear. I can sese we are being lied to and i know of very many good reasons to why we could be lied to but Im ready to know Why I'm being lied to... and im prepared to lie to those who are not ready for the truth... its a sad fact but sometimes others have to take initiative... if they dont then they are a lost cause.

Perhaps later on comicstorm this can be removed from aliens and etc to something else... too bad there are not Spirit Forums... I believe aliens are the same as humans and animals... just other life forms created earlier so that they have learned the knoweldge of all things. Or perhaps we are bred like sumerian texts on other links have said to appease the other races of aliens (for us to be slaves) I do not know but I like the fact of knowing that I can help people once more with just basic stuff... A lot of people i know just want to screw others over and that is in no means cool. Whats the truth?

EDIT Sorry I did it again... this computer is lame.

[edit on 25-3-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 03:40 PM
This is very comforting to feel I am not alone on this one. When I was maybe 6 years old I had similar experiences. Until recently I thought they were just reoccurring dreams but lately I don’t feel this way. When I was much younger I had dreams for awhile that Alien type beings were taking me away. Mostly all I remember was wanting my parents to be okay and spared. This was before I had seen anything with Aliens so I’m sure my subconscious wasn’t tainted.

Anyhow, now I’m 22. I have always felt connected to the Planet and always been extremely fascinated with Space. I have always been extremely intelligent. A few years ago I took an IQ test and scored in the top 2% of the population. This sounds lame but I almost never drop anything. If it slips from my hand my reaction is quick enough to grab it in mid-air. As far as relationships go, I am very disconnected with everyone, including my family and friends. You said you felt you feel like you are meant for something big but you don’t know what… Well me too, but I am well aware of some of the things that need to be accomplished in my life. I have come up with a new way to harness wind energy that is far more efficient that current methods. I am in the process of selling this to either the government or manufactures. I have also come up with new ways to have self-sustaining electric vehicles. This includes land, sea, and air vehicles, all with different methods but all methods I have come up with. I have written a dozen screenplays. I have plans to create a super-suit for both military purposes and space exploration after I get my windmill sold. I am going to use all the money I make to start an aerospace company because Space exploration is almost all I think about and I must experience it by my own means. I want to get out of our Galaxy. Pretty far fetched but I know I can do it.

So I suppose that is it. And I am way glad I’m not alone.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
I do hope no-one feels im wasting time with this post, but if there are others similar to me then they must be feeling the same as i do...... i had personal experiences as a child aged 7/8, with regards to abduction.... im now 25 and for the past few years things have been getting pretty intense, im not saying im having abduction experiences, but rather vivid dreams, strange events etc.... i feel very connected to all things of this nature, i always have..... which makes me feel very different to my peers whose main concern is getting drunk on weekends or boyfriend troubles?? i just cant relate to any of that.... i feel much more wise and self assured than what i see of other people my age.... ive always felt since i was little that i was here to do something 'big' although im still waiting to find out what that is...... what i am basically asking is, all you on ats, who have had experiences or a life long interest in this subject..... do you feel different to others? in almost all aspects of life?....... do other people stare at you for no reason?.. do you tend not to be in relationships?.. do you have psychic tendancies? do you feel a connection to earth and the universe?........ i hope i am not sounding too crazy
despite all this im a student and a mother, and live a pretty normal life!

Im a 21 years old guy from Holland, practically your neighbour
, and i've had these strange and out of the ordinary experiences myself too.

When i was a child, it all started with my first conscious look at the sky.
I remember being a little boy (still am
) at the age of six or seven playing hide and seek.

When i looked up at the sky, i suddenly felt very lonely, but the weirdest thing was, i became homesick.
Very weird, cause i was home, just playing outside.

Soon after that, 3 or 4 months, came the feeling i dont belong here. It is so weird, because i didnt have any knowledge of planets, stars or whatever is out there.

When i was 13 years old, i stumbled on a dutch website about lucid dreaming.
I kept practicing and practicing until after 3 months, during summer vacation, i had my first, and last lucid dream.

Why im telling this is because it leads to something very important in my short life, astral projection/traveling.

When trying to have a lucid dream i always wake up before it happens and just get in to the state of being fully awake but my body being a sleep, totally paralyzed.
Im 21 now and its scaring the # outta me every time it happens, the last 8 years.

The weirdest thing is, i can hear people talk when im paralyzed. English language, spiritual topics. Mostly i hear just 3 or 4 sentences, which i dont understand.

its all very weird. I want to add the fact that i never did "woke up" to whats happening. I never did, i always knew that reality was not the real reality.
Its just very strange, im having trouble explaining it, its like i was born with the knowledge that governments werent the real governments, truths were not the real truths and the fact that we are not alone and far inferior to others in this universe, unlike the masses wanna believe.

I never have been abducted, i think. What i do recall is all of these strange dreams. I almost forget all my dreams, but all my dreams having to do with aliens i remember.

It all began with being on some sort of mothership, being in a classroom getting knowledge about the universe and species. I still dont understand that one.
Later on, i dreamt of standing in front of the window, looking at the sky, because next to the moon was another planet, maybe 6 times bigger than the moon. I tolled my family and they came to have a look to. I remember this in particular because i found it odd that they all didnt care that there was a giant planet next to the moon. They acted like it was as normal as breathing.
Suddenly the sky was filled with ufo's fighting eachother. then my dream ended.

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