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younger generation believers...with experiences

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posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:43 PM
The Artistic question:
I've come to believe people who are artistic or use their "right brain" more are generally more spiritual or seekers. This Might not be the case; however, with the lack of focus on art in education (Ive been told), people lack the practice and development needed to be in tune with the right side of their brain. Therefore, people are less developed spiritually. Its hard to explain what Iam trying to say. One day i might write a thread on this with some sources.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Kidachi]

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Kidachi]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Blue10110

i've got the same thing. happens not so often may'be once a year to me.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by ThemacX]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:00 PM
male may 12 1982 taurus.
engaged to my fiance nov 14,1982 she is a non verbal believer.which is hot by the way.hehehe

i delt with sleep paralysis for 3 years straight durring middle school days,
i had to lay on my right side and stare at the corner of my room with eyes open. if i closed them i would get dizzy and nausious. if i rolled over to any other side or even my back this too would happen. i felt like i was being placed under this condition when the sun went down. so i developed a fear of the sun going down..i never though strange dispositions would ever happen to me but this did.

as for the dreamer who has been waking up feeling like they are falling, i think its important to remember that the human body "rocks" we have abilities as well. one of which is astryal projection the ability to use your etheric body and fly to anywhere you want, in the blink of an eye. you could be tapping into your psychic abilities naturally.

just a word to the wise.. there are so many topic out there to cover. keep in mind the next generation that comes to pass. do we want them to be afraid to approach us about ET's or other exotic topics? NO! we have to be as loving to them as well. INDIGO children or star children are on the rise right now. many of them saying thay are from mars and other locations in the universe. they have to be taken seriously!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:13 PM

I'm 22, female, born late sept. (is that vague enough to get past "no birthdays" while still being useful to the stat collector?).

I've had many various paranormal experiences but Aliens and UFOs seem to be recurring. My grandparents once told my mom they saw a UFO, but they were very quiet, private people and never talked about it after that. My mom has abduction experiences from when she was a child and specifically remembers what she calls the mole people, these blue/black skinned Aliens. They look physically similar to greys, but shorter, stockier and different skin tone. She also remembers seeing my grandfather once when she was abducted watching her get a long shot to the stomach.

The next day she had a horrible stomach ache at the nursery school and the nun/teacher asked her if she was okay and she told her that she went to the hospital and got a needle put into her tummy (she was very little here) and the nun saw the red mark, called my grandma to come and asked her why she sent her daughter to school if she'd had that done. My grandma was confused and said my mom was lying, they hadn't been anywhere.

I also know two males who've remembered mysterious operations from when they were little which their parents denied. Both were operated on thier penises, one has continuous pain while peeing and a very faint scar running along his penis. Both are uncircumsized.

I don't remember being abducted myself, but I have on several occasions felt something in my room. Once, possibly unconnected to aliens, I woke up to a reptoid in my room but he was invisible except to my sixth sense. Not sure how else to explain that. I could sense him, I knew how his body was facing and a vague idea of how he looked, but I couldn't physically see him. I guess because I can see energy? I've always thought of it that way. I've seen ghosts before, physically, even.

With the greys and the little blue/black skinned beings, I've got vague memories but mostly I have vivid dreams where I see them and I feel them... they don't usually talk to me but I have had directions given to me by one of the shorties. In my dream (which was recurring) I was "collected" along with my mom and a family friend and we were walking in my neighbourhood towards a larger gathering. My emotions were being manipulated artificially by this being. I felt an unnatural sense of joy (almost of the point of tearfulness) and gratitude. I kept telling it how thankful I was for such a beautiful little being to come to us. I could see that here and there people were breaking the mind control and trying to run away, with one or two aliens chasing after them. They wore these silly little suits that for lack of a better description reminded me of power ranger suits. They also had helmets but didn't always wear them. I passed another small group of aliens guarding a small group of people and as I passed I stopped to look into the eyes of one of the beings. What I saw chilled me to the core.

I have these tiny bumps under my arm skin but I'm very disinclined to go cutting them up to investigate. Once I tried but couldn't find a knife sharp enough (my good knife has gone missing) and I tried with a duller knife but then I got overwhelmingly tired and the urge to go sleep.

I've seen several UFO's but I notice that with the exception of a couple, I don't remember when or where or the details. It's strange. My mom reminded me of telling her about seeing one while I lived on the coast, but I don't remember it AT ALL! My mom also saw a giant UFO while living on the coast and described it as a large rectangular thing, almost like a sidelaying apartment building. She saw it with other people who were able to corroborate her story.

I remember seeing a silent, fast bright white orb streaming by overhead while I was out walking with a friend at 2 am when I was younger. I always kept an eye to the sky around then...

Thanks for the post OP!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:30 PM
I must say this thread is moving along nicely and I enjoy reading of everyones thoughts and feelings.

I thought I was the only one that used the term shorties but I see I am not glad to know this.

Them pesky little buggers

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:31 PM
Wow This is just the post i was looking for... I just posted my experience in another forum... the UFO captued on video in Pasco. I live in Wesley Chapel FL where this giant triangular UFO was caught on tape. Anyway I can relate to many of the experiences that you all have mentioned on here, especially having some psycic ability. I was born 6/28/82, that makes me 25. The experience that I had 10 or 11 years ago I will never forget. I was in Seventh, Eighth or Ninth grade, one morning I woke up for school and noticed I had about 10 red dots under my skin on my wrist. Everyone at school had never seen anything like it, and when i showed my mom she thought I had drawn it on myself at school, but after looking closer she could see it was under my skin. That day I started having memories of being on a table, and being worked on by weird beings...the next few days it came more clear that I was abducted. The marking on my wrist disappeared the next day.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by poisonmekare

Do you live in the u.s.?The beings you describe are commonly described as the "blues"they are rare and not usualy reported(greys are most common)I believe they are a sub species of the greys,possibly robotic..I will have to do some more research on this,it may just have been the aura surrounding them(you say you can sense energy).Thanks for your post.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 05:41 PM
replay to poisonmekare

the long needle in the belly is synonymous with the pregnancy testing that aliens conduct.

[edit on 03/06/2008 by LordThumbs]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I actually live in Southern Ontario, in Canada. Not that far from the states anyway. Blues... interesting. I'll have to google that to see if I can find anyone else's experiences! They do seem to be fairly rare but I do hear here and there people talking about the shorter ones.

I'm not sure if they're robotic or not... They do have a very cold, emotionless feel to them though. When I looked into the one being's eyes I what I saw was something like, this capability to do anything without conscience and to almost enjoy it. Like a sociopath...

My mom is easily deluded though, she still thinks they and their taller grey counterparts are friendly. Guess that's why they're so open with her. I'm very terrified and suspicious of their intentions and I have no waking memories of them other than vague impressions and glimpses. Just those vivid dreams. Its easier to control a sleeping person I guess.

I am very sensitive to my surroundings. I've seen ghosts, had premonitions and seen all kinds of things. When I was a child my ability to see energy (or whatever it may be, I just term it that way) was very strong. Now it's more faint and I have to work to see it more unless it's something very strong. I see things moving around, auras, things like that. I can feel if a place is haunted (though wherever I move ends up that way it seems). When I moved to the coast I lived in a building, the first time I stepped in the door, I knew something had happened here. Later I found out a woman was murdered in a nearby unit.

As a child I had mild energy healing abilities, though one day it didn't work and it caused a bad back spasm so I stopped.

I'm loathe to bring it up, but when I was younger I NEVER watched the news. but on the morning of 9/11 I decided to be late to school and sat and watched my news/weather station. I just had a feeling I should. Literally minutes after I turned it on, the screen flashed to NY and I saw the second plane crash into the building live on TV. It was so surreal.

I guess I am pretty in tune with my surroundings in a way I can't really explain. I just bring it back to the energy for lack of a better explanation.

As a PP said, I also am one of those people who others often open up to. I can't tell you how many people have told me their deepest darkest secrets without any prompting.

To another PP, that was the first time I've called them shorties, hehe, but it does seem to fit them doesn't it?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:05 PM
this type of thing actually happened to me about a month ago. I was discussing a movie with a someone at work .. and like a day later.. it was on TV. i thought that was wierd .. being that it was an old movie .. 12+ years old.. can't remember the name thou..

See my other post on ATS under.. "Are you looking for Something, but don't know what it is"

Can't remember the exact title .. but that should be close.. it's very simular to this thread...

Originally posted by h3akalee
reply to post by 12hourpie

It's not really so strange if you think about it

Ever think of your favourite movie and it was on t.v the next day ?

It's kind of like that

Take care.


posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by LordThumbs

I have heard that before, though she was so young, around 3-5 years old, not sure... Perhaps they were collecting eggs?

Their interbreeding program scares me. I wouldn't want to find out that I have a half alien child out there! I am pretty fertile though, wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes I do feel like I'm pregnant though after I feel flutters in my stomach it goes away. (Maybe it's just gas? Gas is less scary :/)The descriptions of these lifeless hybrid babies chill me.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by poisonmekare

The greys ARE NOT FRIENDLY by all acounts-DO NOT TRUST THEM!!!!Its is rumored that a few are benelovent-but that is a few within many.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Oh I know! Trust me I know. They scare the bejeezus out of me. I wouldn't trust them farther than I could throw them.

It's my mom who still thinks they're friendly, but she is easily lulled into a false sense of security.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

By greys, you mean the Zeta Reticulum?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:19 PM
I have written this a few times and I will write this again.

There are may different types of Grey's. It is mean and unfair to classify them all as bad.

I do not think you would appreciate it if the Grey's dealt with the greedy/evil goverments of Earth then they went back and told there society that all humans are greedy and evil.

There are very peaceful, caring Grey's also you have to remember this.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by observe50
I have written this a few times and I will write this again.

There are may different types of Grey's. It is mean and unfair to classify them all as bad.

I do not think you would appreciate it if the Grey's dealt with the greedy/evil goverments of Earth then they went back and told there society that all humans are greedy and evil.

There are very peaceful, caring Grey's also you have to remember this.

She is right, a lot are childlike in nature and have fun personalities, so lighten up. For once the veil is lifted on humanity there might be a bunch of social disturbances within.

Also for you hardcore skeptics you are usually the ones that are blocking out your own memories from beyond.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by menguard]

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by observe50

It seems lately, the more I dig, the more it appears that gravity propulsion for space travel is very possible and within our reach, with the technology we have today. The Nazi's have been studying it since the 1930's and Einstein's Unified Field Theory has even proposed the use of electromagnetics and gravity. So why haven't the scientists at NASA JPL outfitted New Horizons and Cassini Huygen's probes with anything remotely close to that type of propulsion drive?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by observe50

as far as the universal political matters are concerned i stand by alex collier statements about whats going on.

currently we have about 166 different alien races visiting us. the grays that are actually peacful and very advnaced healers would be the andromedans, the grays are actually working under whats been called the aliance of the orion group... i know this is far out people. however, the draconans which are a race of reptilian are very war oriented and have taken control of the orion group who in return have sent the grays our way in order to "harvest" DNA.

id also like to interject and state that for those of you who are keen to the idea that the grays started our society back in early homo erectus days actually did not. this group also has eyes on us as well.

there agenda is just too much to understand because there are so many different species here. it also has been said by alex collier that the andromedans know they are smarter however they do not place themselves above us or any other for that matter. we are equals. even though we cannot speak telepathically it really doesnt matter much. the fact that our bodies are so animated and full of life is one reason why we get the attention that we do from these "shorties" or for any of you who like the movie WILLOW me and my crew call em PECKS ((grays))

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:39 PM
my thread entitles WHATS YOUR UNDERSTANDING LEVEL 1-10 the idea behind this thread is to see what you rank yourself as, as well as what common themes youve run into in your experiences with EBE's or documented stories of EBE's.

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Kidachi
The Artistic question:
I've come to believe people who are artistic or use their "right brain" more are generally more spiritual or seekers. This Might not be the case; however, with the lack of focus on art in education (Ive been told), people lack the practice and development needed to be in tune with the right side of their brain. Therefore, people are less developed spiritually. Its hard to explain what Iam trying to say. One day i might write a thread on this with some sources.

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Kidachi]

[edit on 24-3-2008 by Kidachi]

I know precisely what you mean. This is the result of years of research to keep that masses from realizing their true potential. Suppression of ideas is a common practice in society and it is usually out of fear. This causes problems, but what they don't know is that with or without their inteference, they can't stop nature from taking it's course.

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