posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 01:28 PM
Thank you for the very interesting thread, OP! Reading through the responses, I'm reminded of some unusual experiences of my own. Firstly, I have a
clear memory of a “white man” (literally that – a white figure with no discernible facial features - telling me that I had to lie a particular
way in the bed: on my side with my right arm above my head. I had to have been five or six at the time, and I've never understood if it was a dream
or not.
Secondly, from early childhood to my early to mid-twenties (I'm 37 now, btw) I had very vivid and frightening dreams of being outdoors, and above me
the sky was filled with shining crystalline ships. I don't know why I refer to them as ships, but in the context of the dream I knew they were
vessels of some kind.
The third point comes in response to one of H3akalee's posts. He mentioned helicopters, and during the same period that I was having the dreams of
being outdoors, I was occasionally woken up by a very scary, bright light shining through the window, followed by the loud sound of a helicopter (as
if it were right above the roof). Now this very well could have been, and probably was, a helicopter, but all the same, why would a chopper be flying
that low over the suburbs shining its spotlight into windows?
Thanks again for the thread, and I hope these recollections of min can add something to the discussion.