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What would prove to you that 9/11 was not a conspiracy?

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posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Quazga
Yep... The Bushadmin hasn't been able to do anything right so far. They can barely organize a trip to the bathroom let alone a successful secretive mission

But they can sure make their compaines and the companies thier friends work for a lot of money.

Just look at how much the oil companies and defense comntractors are making. Oh and do not forget how much money Blackwater is making.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, but I'll add, I think Bush is just the face/mouth of the executive branch, I think Cheney is running the country into the ground. If my co-worker wasn't pulling my leg, he (my coworker) said Cheney isn't a nice man and you best not cross him.

You think its bad now...look who is running for Congress now?

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 03:00 PM
Nothing would ever prove to me that it wasn't a government conspiracy, because it was... It had been in the works before the groundbreaking of the World Trade Center towers...

1969 Hurricane Camille happened as a respone from God because they were planning to do so.

People do not realize that the entirety of the intel and government conspiracy is in every city in the United States... I wonder when people are going to realize the truth.

The Anti-Christ part of the AC/JC religious conspiracy... God's response against evil government nasty arseholes that continue to do what they do because they get God to respond against them, and trick people into thinking God wants to kill innocent people.

Why don't you read a book called "Spycatcher" and see how the truth and bull# that is spilled in that book reveals in it's wording how the so called spies going back and forth between the CIA, MI-5 & MI-6, the Soviet Union, and even into French and other services...

The very fact that they make so much of a big thing about it, yet they couldn't stop it... Tells you that it was concocted... The bull of a double agent status... They literally were on two payrolls.

And a guy who died 21 years ago, James Jesus Angleton... Right there you should know that.

Is it any wonder why the Jesus Christ/Anti-Christ conspiracy was run against me all these years after I was born with the red birthmark on my right arm? No, there isn't any doubt why.

James Schumacher III
October 9, 1980

Angleton is the f*cker they called Kingfisher.

I read some of the theories around here once in awhile, I never see anyone even CLOSE to the truth.

And if you are playing stupid and know that... Then you are part of the demonazi/republikami backwards claim to get out of it.

[edit on 12-3-2008 by JamesSchumacher]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox
Now that you mention it, yes, I remember those days, it seemed like every public appearance Bush made, he had bandages in a number of places. You may have been out in left field, but it gives cause for thought.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Its a coincidence!

Surely people would never do that in America !

That stuff only happens in other countries !

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:18 PM
hmm...what would prove to me that 9/11 wasn't a conspiracy. lets begin with the idea of war games going on that same day that supposedly prevented our defense aircrafts from scrabbling those hijacked planes...hence the one that went down in PA. if someone could explain to me how three structures fell in their own footprints which were apparently caused by airlines in tower 1 & 2 and building 7 by fire. no other reports in history of skyscrapers that were hit by planes were completely collapsed to the ground by fire. dozens of reports stating explosions within the buildings(majority of those statements were said by fire fighters an survivors). molten pools under the ground of ground zero weeks later which was said to be caused by the extreme heat of jet fuel that weakened structured steel, but mind you 75% plus would be engulfed on impact. to me thermit was a major playing in taking down those towers. how the pentagon was damaged with minimal deebre of an airplane if any that was incinerated......i could go on

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posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 09:34 PM

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by jmt18325

HAHAHA! Don't make me laugh at this Popular Mechanics garbage! Please!

1: Pods on the underwings? Label me a Conspiracy Theorist. Go ahead. I have never thought that there were missiles to aid the Towers' infamous descent. Pairing legitimate arguments with crazy, off-the-wall ideas is classic disinformation.

2: Then why did 25 decorated military officials (some of which intercepted planes before) come forward to say that there was indeed a stand-down order because in their experience, the jets could intercept planes and did it all the time? If there were only "14 fighter jets on alert in the contiguous 48 states" at the time (the time which many terror warnings and ominous messages abound), then I don't know how safe I really could be in this country.
*The post mentioned above is on ATS and has information about 25 decorated military officers who came clean about their views on 9/11. I'll post the link to the actual site if anyone would like to see it.

3: You could sell me on parts of the high-speed plane slicing through some utility shafts to an extent. Eventually, the object(s) hit and hit and hit mand lose velocity and speed (obviously), so they can "slice" no longer. And being this as it is, I find it hard to believe that jet fuel and oxygen seeped into elevator shafts that weren't cut open when they were sealed to keep things like fuels and gases out in case there ever was a fire. It's not like the buildings were in terrible shape, as Popular Mechanics suggests. And since structural steel conducts heat AWAY from the source in the first place, I find it hard to imagine that fires would burn with such intensity and cause so much damage. Imagine how little steel there would have to be in order for the Towers to come down in this fashion! Oh, and paper as a major combustible item? If it reached 150 degrees Farenheit outside, paper would catch on fire. At the temperatures allegedly found in the Towers, paper, even in bulk, would be eradicated. Ever thought of it that way? And for God's sake, pancaking again? I have an article (please say if you would like me to post it) which features an engineer explaining how steel structured buildings don't pancake. I guess core columns provide no resistance to those floors falling ever so heavily. That's why they turned to dust!

4: How is a plane that hit hundreds of feet from the ground supposed to make an earth tremor on the sidewalks and streets? Steel, an excellent conductor of heat, is also an excellent conductor of vibrations. The planes impacted, the vibrations began, and they diminished as they worked their way down. The steel in these buildings is not similar to a tuning fork, people. They are thousand-pound columns designed to support a large skyscraper. No joke. And WTC 7...Hmm. This was a building not hit by a plane, yet collpased due to fire damage, even though there hasn't ever been a building globally fail due to fire. I refer non-believers to Madrid. The building was bereft of basically anything. And you know what? That tower had furniture and paper and a multitude of other combustibles inside too. Never fell. GOOGLE it.

5: I just don't know what to make of the Pentagon plane crash. I know people argue that the nose of the plane made the 12-foot hole in the C-ring, I know some argue it was 16 feet wide, some argue that it was the fuselage, and others argue that it was the landing gear. I've heard them all, and by both "Conspiracy Theorists" and "Non-Believers". The question is: If the black box was recovered, then why not have a press release? And why not release ALL video footage of the plane crashing? And why was there no wing damage to the building? The supposed side damaged and the projected path shows a plane body, but no wings. It must mhave bounced off the lawn without a marking on the grass.

I'll continue this...

[edit on 12-3-2008 by OMW24]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by OMW24

That is what pisses me off.

Pods? electromagnetic super duper space beams? Aliens?

Thats what I what I like to call the debunker's crutch

The Truthers say "Law of conservation of momentum" they say poddhhhh...

and space beeeaaam !! you crazy trufer ROFLMAO..

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by jmt18325

6: If the plane bounced off of the Pentagon lawn, then I would have reason to believe that plane debris could travel a ways away from the crash site. Again, the mention of the "bumble-planes theory" is that disinformation technique. I never heard any of the cockpit recordings, but I am familiar with the "Let's Roll" story. Could someone post a link to cockpit recordings?

7: I have no trouble believing that paper and other things which may have (maybe possibly) survived the Flight 93 crash drifted into a lake 1 and a half miles away from the crash site. I do have trouble believing the story prepared by de-Grand Pre and the refusal to comment by North Dakota Air Guardsman Rick (David) Gibney. One of the two is lying, and I'd be ecstatic to find out which it is. Seems suspicious that the lieutenant had his passenger Ed Jacoby Jr. to speak for him though.

So the best section (Flight 93) of the Popular Mechanics "debunking" of this matter was still sketchy! Popular Mechanics sure did "debunk" the whole thing! No arguing with them, seeing as NIST and Popular Mechanics have some ideas in common!

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:40 PM
Re-post didn't go through the first time. Sorry!

[edit on 12-3-2008 by OMW24]

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by SButlerv2

Yeah yeah. And coupling it with true arguments just makes me cringe, becuase people on the fence can't really differentiate between what's completely ridiculous and what's scientifically sound. This is where "Holograms" come from...

"Wasn't nothin' but a big ol' danged hollygram, boy! Don'tchu know that, son???"

I guess when aliens copulate, then it creates natural thermobaric eggs, which were planted in the basement of the WTC complexes, which was good for the Israelis since they were at war with the rival Klingon clan anyways. They then used the supersonic plane through the Pentagon to fly back to their home planet!

Give me a break. Jesus.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by OMW24

Take out the Jews and that may be the next story they try and sell us for the next one.

Why cant anyone explain the John Gross video ? as it throws the N.I.S.T report into doubt.

posted on Mar, 12 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by OMW24

In relation to your point #5...

The air cushion that the plane was riding on, as well as the jet wash at that speed, would have torn up the Pentagon lawn even if no part of the plane physically touched the ground.

I have also heard it argued that the under wing-air cushion which keeps the plane aloft, would have failed at that velocity and that close to the ground. The wind sheer alone would have literally sucked the plane into the ground at that speed, the same way a high speed train sucks things alongside the tracks under its wheels.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by SButlerv2
Its a coincidence!

Surely people would never do that in America !

Sorry to say but it more then a coincidnece.

Also just look at hostory, things like Pearl Harbor and the USS Liberty.

Originally posted by jmt18325

Sorry but Popualr Mechanics had been debunked many times and long ago.

Also Poular Mechanics is not a legal or legit investigating agency for 9/11.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

All I really see here is people looking for extraordinary explanations for extraordinary events. The public story is not always a lie. Popular Mechanics consulted experts who were able to explain everything that the conspiracy theorists claim.

As for the rest of you, why should they not explain the pod? If some people are claiming such a falsity it needs to be debunked, like the rest of the falsities.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by jmt18325
All I really see here is people looking for extraordinary explanations for extraordinary events. The public story is not always a lie. Popular Mechanics consulted experts who were able to explain everything that the conspiracy theorists claim.

No, there are a lot of reports that show the official story to be missing or left out a lot of information.

If Popualr Mechanics has experts to explain everything, please show me an actual vidoe or photos of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon.

If Popular Mechanics has experts to explain everything, show me a official report that matches the parts found to the 9/11 planes.

Also in case you did not know the FBI and NTSB are the main investigators for 9/11, not Popular Mechanics.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 02:27 PM

havent you repeatedly posted that the official reports have not been released to the public?

How can anyone post the official reports when they are not completed/released?

Also, weren't parts matching the planes used in the Moussaaoui trial? Perhaps you should direct your request to the courts... keeping with the theme of this thread, I'm assuming your answer to the OP's question would be this:

- Complete video of each plane impacting the buildings (WTC, Pentagon)
- Complete video of plane going down in PA
- Parts / serial numbers / etc matching the planes...but done prior to removal
- testing of all evidence for explosives/chemicals/radiation/etc
- Complete documentation of where each piece of DNA was taken from.

Am I missing anything?

[edit on 13-3-2008 by Disclosed]

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 03:01 PM
I'll believe it wasn't a conspiracy when the following are explained.

1. Why neither Andrew Card, George Bush, nor the Secret Service thought it necessary to evactuate the school and get the President of the United States of America to a safe location, after Andrew Card comes in and reports to George Bush that "AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK!."

2. Why WTC 7 collapsed when it had not been impacted by a plane.

3. Why Dick Cheney ordered NORAD to "stand down"

4. Why the official 9/11 commission hasn't been revised, when it is known to include half-truthes, lies, and omissions.

5. Why George Bush, Alberto Gonzalez, and others within the White House tried to prevent an investigation into 9/11.

6. Why we have yet to see the official flight manifest(s) for the four flights that crashed on September 11th.

7. Why Osama Bin Laden was accused of the attack before he had even made a statement. Why Osama denied orchestrating the attacks on September 16th 2001, but then three years later admitted to them, in a video widely considered "fake." Why would a terrorist deny the attack he "allegedley" committed? Isn't the point of a terrorist attack to instil fear into your victim? Why would you not want your victim to know it was you?

8. Why some people claimed to have seen a missile strike United Airlines Flight 93. I thought the plane was taken over by the passengers, and then crashed into the ground?

9. Why many firefighters had claimed to hear explosions right before the collapse.

10. Why Osama Bin Laden has yet to be placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list for the attacks on 9/11. Why George Bush stated that OBL was no longer a priority.

11. Explain the insider trading right before the attacks. Explain the mysterious warnings to important people not to fly on 9/11.

12. Why the government had documents that stated we were going to be attacked, yet they did nothing to prevent the attacks, nor did they do anything to take control of the situation when it was announced we were under attack.

13. Why three seperate buildings collapsed demolition style, when never before have buildings collapsed like that from fire.

There are many other things I could mention, but these are just the ones off the top of my head.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Disclosed
havent you repeatedly posted that the official reports have not been released to the public?

Yes, still trying to prove the point that you and others who believe the official story believe in something without real facts and evidence to support it.

People that beleive the official story keep stating they have evidence of what happened that day when in reallity they do not.

Whats it going to take for people to wake up from the fantasy world of the official story and face reallity ?

Also, weren't parts matching the planes used in the Moussaaoui trial? Perhaps you should direct your request to the courts...

NO, there were only photos of parts shown, no reports matching them to
any of the 9/11 planes.

[edit on 13-3-2008 by ULTIMA1]

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