Originally posted by Blaine91555
There is no Grand Conspiracy.
It would be interesting to revisit this in a couple of years when none of the predictions come true to see the response then.
I disagree that there is no grand conspiracy, but I agree that it will be interesting to revisit this in a couple of years when we have a North
American Union, an Amero, and encroaching world government. For those of you just finding out about 9/11, it's deeper than Osama, and it's part of
an agenda towards world government (under the UN), world military (UN/NATO), and world banking/currency (IMF/WorldBank).
“The New World Order is not a 'conspiracy' in the strictest sense of the term - it is an agenda. The agenda is orchestrated by a power elite that
thinks it has the divine right to commandeer total control of your life. But who are 'they'? Who are the 'power elite'? The UN, the EU, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the Club of Rome. The list goes on and there have been many books written that cover the history of these groups and how they connect to each
other … The agenda is a worldwide consolidation and centralization of power into the hands of an all-encompassing World Government. This system will
evolve from the European Union, (already in place) the American Union, (derived from NAFTA) and the Asian Union. When these three models are in
existence, they will be merged together to create the One World Government.” -Paul Joseph Watson, Order Out of Chaos (8-9)
“I would emphasise that I am exposing an Agenda, not a conspiracy as such. The conspiracy comes in manipulating people and events to ensure the
Agenda is introduced. These conspiracies take three main forms: conspiring to remove people and organisations that are a threat to the Agenda (the
assassination of Diana, Princess of Wales); conspiring to put people into positions of power who will make the Agenda happen (George Bush, Henry
Kissinger, Tony Blair, etc.); and conspiring to create events which will make the public demand the Agenda is introduced through
problem-reaction-solution (wars, terrorist bombs, economic collapses). In this way all these apparently unconnected events and manipulations become
aspects of the same conspiracy to introduce the same Agenda.” -David Icke, “The Biggest Secret” (13)
When confronted with a conspiracy of this magnitude, many say it is impossible because someone would have spilled the beans. If there was a huge
global conspiracy for world government, someone would come out and say something. The fact is that Congressmen, Senators, secret society members, and
Illuminists themselves have publicly stated and written entire books about what they are doing! When asked how the American people would respond to
the inconsistencies of the JFK assassination/Warren Commission report, CIA director Allen Dulles simply said, “The American people don’t read.”
The conspirators know the general public doesn’t read and the books they write don’t attract popular readership.
“The past record of man is burdened with accounts of assassinations, secret combines, palace plots and betrayals in war. But in spite of this clear
record, an amazing number of people have begun to scoff at the possibility of conspiracy at work today. They dismiss such an idea merely as a
Conspiratorial View.” -Political Commentator G. Edward Griffin
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” -FBI Director J. Edgar
The New World Order is already nearly complete with the United Nations increasingly assuming the role of world government; the world court already
exists in the Netherlands; NATO is in place to expand into the world army; World Bank/IMF are centralizing banking; and Union currencies like the Euro
and the coming Amero are consolidating world currency. The European Union has centralized Europe, The North American Union (SPP) is now underway, and
so is the Asian Union (APEC). The end result and stated mission is global government under the unelected communist-based United Nations. They want
to have one all-powerful world King/President with a world army at his disposal. They want a top-down system of global governance that dictates world
law from a centralized body and complete interdependence of all nations, economically, politically, and militarily.
“The New World Order system of world conquest has always been visible, but it is so hulking and massive that it has remained hidden in plain sight.
One of the most common pre-conditioned responses I hear from the average compartmentalized individual is that there couldn’t be a society of people
working for world government. Those in denial proclaim, ‘It’s too big… it would unravel… they couldn’t keep it hidden…’ The average
person judges the world according to their moral compass. Because most individuals are not ruthless, sociopathic control-freaks, they cannot even
begin to fathom the dark gulfs that are the souls of the servants of the global elite. The New World Order is a synthesis of the survivors of
empires, of super-merchant families, of barbarian kings, of banking families established in the middle-ages, and of the royal families of Europe. Over
time, they have learned that if they can simply conceal the true magnitude of their power and install puppet rulers from the cultures they dominate,
the people will accept greater forms of tyranny. In the late 20th Century, as the formation of a true world government entered its final stages, the
globalists began to do what was unthinkable just a few years before. They began to admit that there really was a move towards a New World Order,
complete with a World Court, World Taxes and a World Army to enforce its despotic laws. Just a few years ago, the average man on the street refused
to even admit the possibility of a world government. Now that same individual will bellow, ‘Yes, there’s a world government – and we need it to
protect ourselves from terrorism!’ The globalists’ plan is so far along that now they must admit that world government is a reality. Their
propagandists are hailing the New World Order as the only system that will keep us safe and secure. In reality, it is the world government itself
which is conducting the terrorist acts.” -Alex Jones