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How many you believe that 9/11 was an inside job?of

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
]Originally posted by freight tomsen

There were no planes on 9-11. And the cabal behind the event will defend the story — that there were (planes) — tooth and nail. Why? Because EVERYTHING about the ‘War On Terror’ hinges on it.

Hey, how come you got so many stars, freight tomsen?

The Wizard In The Woods

Well then if there were no planes, then what did everyone see hitting the buildings? All those pictures, videos CCTV, etc. All faked?

Oh and since we know that holograms could not have been used, what did everyone see and take pictures, videos etc.. of?

[edit on 26-2-2008 by jfj123]

[edit on 26-2-2008 by jfj123]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by rolotommasi
Possible Suggestions:
1) Elect a new president who is willing to re open the investigation into 911. Perhaps Obama will be open to the idea but probably not. I know Dennis Kucinich is willing to do it but it's unforunate he dropped out.
2) Make sure that the new 911 commision is made up of scientists and experts, not corporate hogs representing their own greedy interests.
3) Make sure that new 911 committee has NO Interests that would create the appearance of impropriety. What ever happened to conflict of interest in washington?
4) Fourth and most important, The TRUTH. We all deserve to know what happened.

I mean no disrespect by what I am about to type.

Do you really think we will ever really know what happened with:
Pearl Harbor
Shuttle disasters
Moon bases
Mars rovers
Alien encounters?

Do you think the government will allow someone to get elected that would rock the boat?

Do you think the government will allow someone to get elected that would upset the status quoe?

Do you think the government will allow a commission to be assembled that will be anything but biased?

It doesn't matter if it McCain - Clinton - Obama - they will all carry the elite torch or either not get elected or meet a tragic end. BOTTOM LINE.

I am not saying I fully believe the government had direct involvment with the events listed above, but I do believe we will never know the full truth behind any of this - no matter who is running the show.

Dorian Soran

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:02 AM
I believe it was an inside job.

Because someone had to rig the buildings from the inside. The evidence for thermite is overwhelming.

I think there was advance notice and it was "helped" to make it an even bigger event. Neo cons - not sure which ones...

My guess is a few CIA people, off the clock, something like Watergate

Do I think the reptilians did it so they can corral us into ranches and make us into hamburgers?

No... the jury still out on that

[edit on 2/26/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
The evidence for thermite is overwhelming.

Are you saying this because you did the research yourself and you know what thermite is or because you saw it on a youtube video?

That is a serious question...
If people actually knew what thermite was and how it reacts, I seriously doubt anyone would be saying that.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

Nothing wrong with videos but...

I went to engineering school. So I studied chemistry and have done the thermite reaction in a lab. I know how it works etc. I know how the analysis works and how to read it.

I believe Dr Stephen Jones is telling the truth. He has collected dust from the WTC.

He has published his results in peer reviewed journals. I have seen the charts.

I can read a spectrographic analysis, it's a conclusive match.

I've read criticisms of Dr Jones. Sorry, they do not explain the molten metal or chemical signatures away.

From another physicist Jerry Lobdill,

The evidence is overwhelming that thermite or a thermite-like mixture was used in the WTC 2 tower very shortly before the building fell. What was the purpose of this? Thermite has been used to weld railroad rail sections together and also to cut structural steel. It has also been used
for military purposes such as destroying guns and other weapons, disabling engines, and to rapidly destroy cryptographic machines. It appears that in the WTC it was used to cut structural steel in an early phase of controlled demolition.This use implies that whatever the task, it had to be completed


edit to add Peer reviewed paper by Dr jones

Power Point (pdf)

video red chips in dust analysis

[edit on 2/26/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods

Originally posted by Attari
There was planes...with exception to the pentagon. ...spend more time looking at the evidence with an open mind...

Attari, Attari — what makes you say that? Why do you STILL think there were planes on 9-11?
After your five years of research you ought to know better… Just as you suggested, look at the evidence (there is none) with an open mind!

The Wizard In The Woods

It's very difficult for most, if not all, people to grasp the "no-plane" theory for 9/11. If anyone has watched "September Clues" or the other various videos on YouTube made by Killtown, BSRegistration, WebFairy and a few others, the research is very interesting. All the videos I mentioned analyze the "live" footage from that day that was played on CNN, Fox, Good Day NY and other channels. There are many contradictions and impossible plane paths that do not match each other in the videos. Go to Google video and look for this video research, its all there. Also, you can find the "live" footage from that day in the archives of the news agencies, some of which have been altered.
Another thing, the great John Lear is also a "No-Planer", tin-foil hat wearer
, I think he'll like that one!! Anyway, he thinks there were no planes as is an interview that he gave for
PART 1 -
We have all heard about John's phenominal flight records so I would believe him before the LooseChange guys or whoever else, just my opinion!


Like I said Wizard, people can't really handle this kinda stuff, just too much for them I guess. Cheers!!

PS - If there were planes at the Pentagon and Shanksville....WHERE IS THE DEBRIS?? Where is the video from the Pentagon??


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
I went to engineering school. So I studied chemistry and have done the thermite reaction in a lab. I know how it works etc. I know how the analysis works and how to read it.

I believe Dr Stephen Jones is telling the truth. He has collected dust from the WTC.

He has published his results in peer reviewed journals. I have seen the charts.

I can read a spectrographic analysis, it's a conclusive match.

Peer reviewed paper by Dr jones

there's nothing wrong with a video --then here

It is so far from conclusive it's not even funny. If incredibly slanted flawed unoriginal work is enough to make you come to that conclusion then I really don't know what to say....
Going over it obviously wouldn't change your mind as you (along with others claiming to be searching for the "truth") have already made up your mind.

Peer reviewed?? LOL
Sure, but it would have been helpful and more legit if it had been peer reviewed in an area like ENGINEERING!

(It was not published in any peer reviewed journal btw for obvious reasons)

I don't know. Maybe thermite can work in ways never seen before prior to or after 9/11, but I seriously doubt it.....

[edit on 26-2-2008 by ThatsJustWeird]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by csulli456
reply to post by CaptnCrunch

The costs are paid by the taxpayers who afford such wars.
The bankers make their trillions in loans and interest that are paid back by taxpayers, the uninformed citizens who blindly accept.

It doesn`t cost them anything for these actions to take place. They have a few key people that they use to make things happen. Bush doesnt fund the war in Iraq, the bankers don`t buy bombs to drop in Afghanistan. The taxpayers of the governments conducting these activities incur all the debt and thus are the ones who will pay for all of this. The bankers only need money for their underground cities. Then when the population is substantially reduced they will have all the power in the world because of their trillions. A one world government will take place and the few people left will be very easily controlled and will never have a chance at being rich.

Okay, I'm not quite sure if you know how government works. If the taxpayers are paying for the wars, then Bush is paying for the wars. For a government, tax is their income. Therefore Bush is making the decision to use his income (taxpayer money) for the war(s). There is not an unlimited supply of money. For every dollar put into a war (or creating a 9-11), another dollar has to be taken from something else. You could presumably raise taxes and fund things that way, but raise taxes enough and people get angry. It would make infinitely more sense if you replaced an expensive elaborate plot like 9-11 with something very cheap like a nuclear bomb threat. You still don't seem to address this point. Since nothing is free, and everything must be paid for, why draw suspicion with an expensive plan when it's so much easier to use a cheap plan? I mean these are supposedly really smart people we're dealing with, right? So if they are indeed smart, wouldn't you think they'd use something that cost less and would draw less suspicion?

Also, if it is so easy for these "secret people" to circumvent the U.S. government and take its taxpayer money to fund things like 9-11, why do they need to create a 9-11 in the first place? They can just steal the U.S.'s money! They seem to have direct access to all the banks and nobody questions when they take money out. Well that seems like a pretty good plan to me. Much less hassle too. They don't have to organize 4 planes being hijacked and taking down billion dollar buildings. They just steal money.

My mind is very open. I happen to believe we've been visited by aliens (that's where I spend most of my time on ATS - go see for yourself) - which isn't a popular view in the mind of the government/media. So to say that my mind isn't open just because I don't believe in some secret society that lives underground like in the movie The Island is plain silly. I love a good conspiracy that has legs. But this has no foundation whatsoever besides somebody's wild imagination. I mean it makes nooooo sense whatsoever when you study the details of what you're saying.

And whoever called me a disinformation agent because my name, Captain Crunch, has two C's in it - that right there should show you what kind of minds you're dealing with. I know homeless people who can come up with a more convincing scenario than this.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by CaptnCrunch]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by ThatsJustWeird

It's commonly used to cut and weld steel...

The evidence is overwhelming that thermite or a thermite-like mixture was used in the WTC 2 tower very shortly before the building fell. What was the purpose of this? Thermite has been used to weld railroad rail sections together and also to cut structural steel. It has also been used for military purposes such as destroying guns and other weapons, disabling engines, and to rapidly destroy cryptographic machines. It appears that in the WTC it was used to cut structural steel in an early phase of controlled demolition. This use implies that whatever the task, it had to be completed in the last minute or so before the building began to fall. Any chemical process that continued after the primary task was completed is simply an unavoidable sequela of the primary purpose. An excellent article on thermite is posted in wikipedia at

source: JLobdillThermiteChemistryWTC.pdf

It's not the topic of the thread so I quit OK - you're still wrong though

[edit on 2/26/2008 by Bigwhammy]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by CaptnCrunch
My mind is very open. I happen to believe we've been visited by aliens

And whoever called me a disinformation agent because my name, Captain Crunch, has two C's in it - that right there should show you what kind of minds you're dealing with. I know homeless people who can come up with a more convincing scenario than this.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by CaptnCrunch]

So notice that the Mason tries to say he's "open-minded" because he believes in the Masonic "alien" psy-op. Note how Crop Circles, CC=33, just like Captn Crunches CC. For those of you who have bought the alien hoax, read on. The Roswell crash took place at 33.33 degrees latitude, the Masonic number. Every movie/show you've ever seen about an alien came from a Freemasonic director: ET, Taken, Alien 1-4, Independence Day, 2001, Star Wars, Star Trek, War of the Worlds, the X-Files, these are all Masonic creations. Speilburg was found to have made the alien autopsy video. Von Daniken who wrote about ancient astronauts and had fraudulent artifacts was funded by Rockefeller, and why do you think that is? Remember the poster for ET that replaced the finger of God in Michaelangelo's painting with the finger of an alien? This is the Psy-Op.

Generation X plays their X-Box game called X-Men about people mutating due to X-Ray radiation. Meanwhile Fox’s X-Files, Sitchin’s Planet X, and Project Camelot’s Proffesor X are telling us the aliens are coming. Brand-X is generic and expendable. An Ex-husband or wife has been crossed-(Xed)-out. There was no Generation W or Y, why are we Generation X? X marks the spot. We're marked for the Masons/Illuminati's New World Order which may play the fake alien invasion card in 2012.

So folks, take note when you see Captn Crunch, or Kosher Krackers, or Desert Dawg, or Wizard in the Woods, CC, KK, DD, WW and other double letter Masonic names. Watch out for their symbols like rocks, hammers, keys, stars, hand sings, mountains, eagles, sun, moon, pillars/towers, pyramids. Watch out for their numbers: 13, 33, 77

Do you see the kind of "open-mindedness" Captn Crunch has? He's open to aliens from outer space, but notice how "open" he is concerning the facts surrounding 9/11 and the NWO. It's as if he hasn't read all the information posted by myself and others in this thread, which is more than enough to sway any skeptic... except for an agent

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:12 PM
I can't believe there are people who believe 9-11 was staged. As my 5 year old says

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Termite explosion were not use. The explosion would have brought the towers down right then and now. What cause the tower to come down. Is they became unstable. And the floors themself were knock out of alinement when the planes crash into towers. They were knock lose from outer walls. Hanging by treads. More so below the damage area then the ground floor. No fire and no explosion brought the towers down.

This is what happen. Plane hit builting.Putting a large hole into the builting, causing the part above the damage area to balance on it. It began to slide slowly over. Until it got to were the damage area couldn't hold it up anymore. Then it came down. Causing the rest of the tower to fall.The floors falling faster then the outer walls were falling.

The explosion that were seen. Were support breaking way below the collapsing floors. When tower 2 had collaps. It cause tower one to become more unstable. Then what the plane that hit it cause.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by freight tomsen

Originally posted by CaptnCrunch
My mind is very open. I happen to believe we've been visited by aliens

And whoever called me a disinformation agent because my name, Captain Crunch, has two C's in it - that right there should show you what kind of minds you're dealing with. I know homeless people who can come up with a more convincing scenario than this.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by CaptnCrunch]

So notice that the Mason tries to say he's "open-minded" because he believes in the Masonic "alien" psy-op. Note how Crop Circles, CC=33, just like Captn Crunches CC. For those of you who have bought the alien hoax, read on. The Roswell crash took place at 33.33 degrees latitude, the Masonic number. Every movie/show you've ever seen about an alien came from a Freemasonic director: ET, Taken, Alien 1-4, Independence Day, 2001, Star Wars, Star Trek, War of the Worlds, the X-Files, these are all Masonic creations. Speilburg was found to have made the alien autopsy video. Von Daniken who wrote about ancient astronauts and had fraudulent artifacts was funded by Rockefeller, and why do you think that is? Remember the poster for ET that replaced the finger of God in Michaelangelo's painting with the finger of an alien? This is the Psy-Op.

Generation X plays their X-Box game called X-Men about people mutating due to X-Ray radiation. Meanwhile Fox’s X-Files, Sitchin’s Planet X, and Project Camelot’s Proffesor X are telling us the aliens are coming. Brand-X is generic and expendable. An Ex-husband or wife has been crossed-(Xed)-out. There was no Generation W or Y, why are we Generation X? X marks the spot. We're marked for the Masons/Illuminati's New World Order which may play the fake alien invasion card in 2012.

So folks, take note when you see Captn Crunch, or Kosher Krackers, or Desert Dawg, or Wizard in the Woods, CC, KK, DD, WW and other double letter Masonic names. Watch out for their symbols like rocks, hammers, keys, stars, hand sings, mountains, eagles, sun, moon, pillars/towers, pyramids. Watch out for their numbers: 13, 33, 77

Do you see the kind of "open-mindedness" Captn Crunch has? He's open to aliens from outer space, but notice how "open" he is concerning the facts surrounding 9/11 and the NWO. It's as if he hasn't read all the information posted by myself and others in this thread, which is more than enough to sway any skeptic... except for an agent

Okay, seriously, is everybody who believes in this 9-11 conspiracy stuff like this? Please tell me that some of you are normal. Because I am completely out of my element if there are people here who actually read that "X" paragraph and went, "yeah!" ("And he's exxxxxtra intense. And he watches XXX movies. And he thinks he's exxxxellent.")

If I really were a disinformation "agent" or whatever I supposedly am, would I not have known that by saying I believe in aliens, I discredit myself to those who believe in a Mason/9-11 conspiracy? You make it sound like it's so obvious. Well then I wouldn't have been stupid enough to say it! Could it be that, oh I don't know, the reason I'm attacking your theory is because it has no merit whatsoever?? Hmm, maybe.

What I think is funny is that the people who believe in this stuff tell others to "open their minds" and "question" everything. Yet when anybody "questions" their side, it means they're simple-minded and not open enough. Doesn't that go against everything you stand for?

But for the people who actually believe this stuff and put up a halfway intelligent argument for it, please tell me this guy is a kook and I'm not crazy.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:31 PM
I still remember how mad I was at the "terrorists" who attacked the US on 9/11. I saw those towers come down and felt that those responsible deserved what they were going to get--even if that mean a full invasion of Afghanistan. When the truth came out about the WMD lies leading up to the invasion of Iraq, I understood that the US Government was using 9/11 as an excuse to get at Middle Eastern oil. Then, a couple of years ago, I watched Loose Change and felt a sinking feeling.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by Silenceisall]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Silenceisall
I still remember how mad I was at the "terrorists" who attacked the US on 9/11. I saw those towers come down and felt that those responsible deserved what they were going to get--even if that mean a full invasion of Afghanistan. When the truth came out about the WMD lies leading up to the invasion of Iraq, I understood that the US Government was using 9/11 as an excuse to get at Middle Eastern oil. Then, a couple of years ago, I watched Loose Change and felt a sinking feeling.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by Silenceisall]

Was that feeling that the makers of that film were caught in about 20 times as many lies as the U.S. government?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 12:51 PM
I think it was inside job to some extent. To what? I'm not sure. I think it is quite safe to say that CIA (US gov.) helped Al-Qaida to grow during Soviet - Afghan war, and therefore were crucial ingredient creating the threat that has now fallen (or brought) upon the US.

I think it is also quite safe to say that there were plenty of warnings that were ignored regarding the attack of 9/11. Isn't it funny how Gondi said something about that nobody couldn't imagine terrorist using hijacked planes as missiles?

And I guess it is safe to say story of WTC7 is more than suspicous, because it was reinforced building, said to be able to withstand years of storms. It is hard to believe that it was brought down by fire.

I don't know if I agree with most common WTC theories - most certainly I have hardest time trying to agree with the official NIST 'theory' either. As Lee Hamilton himself said: "We were set to fail.".

If it wasn't inside job, it was 'subcontracted'.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:01 PM
I think we all know that 9/11 was the "plan" or "inside job" of a government or somebody in higher power, but what really will this arguing get us? Probably nothing, and the only way we can ever find out who or what caused 9/11 is to join together not divide ouselves over things that we disagree on, we should reasearch what the other person has to say, not dismiss it as nonsense. If we dismiss anything as nonsense we are only getting ourselves farther from the truth, anything is a possibility. When we turn on each other we are playing right into the hands of the people who try to control us.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by CaptnCrunch


Have you ever ready Sleeper's thread here on ATS???? I believe in life all over the universe and since you feel the same, you should DEFINITELY check out his thread and read his Blog as well. After you finish reading it, your perspective on life changes, and in my case, it was for the BETTER!! The thread is called, "I'm coming clean on Extra-Terrestrials". I suggest you read it...he talks about 9/11 to, among other things. I think you'll like reading his blog also...When you read the thread, watch how much criticism he takes about his EXPERIENCES, then you'll know.

As far as conspiracy people are concerned, if they smear you and put you down, etc, etc.....then that is their problem. We can't make people believe what we want them to, just can't happen. They have to learn for themselves and sometimes the shock is TOO great for them which is why they criticize you or bury their head in the sand! Take me, for instance...I'm a NO-PLANER when it comes to 9/11 which is pretty much the toughest thing for some to handle since it casts too much doubt into their minds. But when you have highly credible pilots who believe the same thing, there's no choice but to look into it.
Anyway, have fun with Sleeper's thread, it's a great read!!!


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 02:24 PM
I believe 9/11 was an inside job
*Both my hands up and i am also jumping as high as possible*

First of all 9/11 wasn't a movie clip from an action movie.It was real and in reality an attack coordinated at this level is imposibble espicially in a country like US.

Caveman couldn't have done it with a Band of poorly equiped,uneducated/brainwashed fools who don't even know how to use a PC properly in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan.They dont have wireless broadband in Tora Bora or Spin Boldak.The are only good with their old rusty AKs and RPGs which don't even shoot properly.

The potential 'whistleblowers' were also executed before they blew their whistles in case they felt like a traitor and wanted to spew the Truth out.

We will only get the truth in about 50-100 years time when it won't matter anymore and will be only looked as 'The History's Greatest Cospiracy' by future historians and conspiracists.
(Well atleast future kids will learn something new apart from Holocaust in their history lessons :lol

9/11 is a Conspiracy Within Conspiracy

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I think the hole 9.11 thing is strange..
How could a so big opperation take place? Without anyone knows about it...

With a opperation like that with about 3men in eatch of the plains.. and we are talking about 50menn planing the attack...
It must taken like 10years to make it possible...

at leest!!

So C.I.A sed that, they have been tappin Osama's phone for some few years know, even before the attack... Its not possible to not knowing somthing was going on!!
COME ON! They are pissing in the wind if they can think that!

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