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The "Anonymous" Scientology Protest is an NSA/FBI Fishing Expedition

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posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:17 AM
[Mod Edit: Off topic content removed. Please see Terms And Conditions Of Use section 1f. If you feel you have nothing relevent to add please feel free to move on and let those who wish to discuss this topic do so. Thank you - Jak]

[edit on 26/2/08 by JAK]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:23 AM
Let me reinforce a message again.

No one has been kicked off ATS for expressing their ideas or opinions.

No ones ideas or opinions have been censored.

People have been removed and/or warned because they acted in a manner which violates our Terms and Conditions of membership.

Once again, here are our Terms and Conditions of Use.

There are no "martyrs" here, only people who cannot comply with the basic standards the T&C requires

As SO said in his post above, continually repeating the word "SPAM" over and over again filling up the screen in countless posts IS going to get you removed from ATS, and thats what has happened.

The moderators here have no beef with Anonymous, or the CoS - as has been said repeatedly we are neutral on the matter, and the forum is open for reasoned discussion and debate

I assume that both sides of the debate are intelligent capable thinkers, so lets have a continued decent discussion.

Once again, thank you for reading this post

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by neformore

I would contest that as 1 post of mine was removed that didn't fit your points.

sorry 2

[edit on 26-2-2008 by confederacyforever]

[edit on 26-2-2008 by confederacyforever]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by neformore

Who watches anonymous?
anyone who wants to, but mainly people who have a problem with us, like that racist SOB Hal Turner.

If you are "anonymous", why would you admit it? (doesn't the "Fight Club" rule apply? - way to go in not being anonymous if you think about it)

Rules 1 and 2 (don't mention /b/, and ebaums did it, no exceptions) are only for protests on or offline, because that's when we get the most attention. We don't want a bunch of 12 year old script kiddie wannabees trying to make Anonymous the new cool thing. So, we say we're ebaums, and let all the failure pile there. And, from the state ebaums has been in for a good long time, it's working.

The gamespeak and leet reminds me of Warcraft guilds and gamers... Oddly though, that links into this...S. Spies Want to Find Terrorists in World of Warcraft .
alot of that is because of a few things:
1: we're gamers.
2: some catch phrases and memes came from us (chargin mah lazor, shoop da whoop, shot web, ect ect)
....Spies, in my WoW?

Who's next? When does the ideology of anonymous suddenly become wanton splintered DOS attacks by people with a particular beef against an organisation that isn't scientology?
My guess is either "Fetch", the youtube troll who threatened Anonymous, or "The Regime", the skiddies who keylogged 711chan, would be next.

Just how many "anons" are wannabees who picked up on a bit of info and want to look to be something they aren't?
less than 15%. Anonymous began to get a flood of what are now called "newfags" on may 5th, 2007, in responce to an online protest against Subeta's corrupt founder, Keith Kurson, who had participated in child porn, tax/pay evasion, and frequently abuses his site's donation button, having bought in one month well over $9000 worth of items using the account tied to it, for personal use. Long story short, the subeta users found out from their moderators who quit and aired the dirty laundry who the bad guy realy was, and they all jumped ship to our sites.
So, Anonymous is now home to ex-users of a neopets ripoff.

More importantly the cloak and dagger stuff and to the topic at hand, how many anons are scientologists who only claim to have left the church, and how much disinfo is there beong put about by both groups?
We verify our info throughly. the nice thing about being anonymous, we can be anyone and everyone. We're already in the church.

It may not be an NSA/FBI sting, but I bet some of it is - as they say -CIA all the way - its in the interests of the federal authorities to let both sides kick the crap out of each other, and no one stirs the pot better than the spooks.
I know the feds know of the BBS sites, and I have had my chain yanked by one of them may be, but there;s no way to tell. being anonymous is a double edged sword, you never know who is behind that Guy Fawkes mask.

Most think we're evil psychopaths.
We're just people who don't want to sit and wait for something to happen.
We get up and do it ourselves.
When you boil it down, we're the internet, uncensored, relentless, ruthless, but never heartless. We fight for what is morally right using the tools of the corrupt who have fallen. For each of us who falls, hundreds more will hear his final cry and join the good fight.
Our methods are questionable but our battle is just.
We will stand and fight to protect those who need protection
And we will win.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
Expect us.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by nincompoop

Thanks for the reasoned and thought out reply

I do think that your organisation now has more than its fair share of wanabees and hangers on.

I also wonder about your anonimity. You must have heard of Echelon. What happens if the authorities decide to reach out and "touch" a few of you?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:38 AM
I for one would welcome them....

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by neformore

jeese, I had tried to push that out of my mind...I don't like knowing that anyone with a big enough badge can see anything and everything.

from what I understand, most users use TOR and other measures to make themselves anonymous. I myself do not, because I have nothing left to loose. Freaking exes....

Most Anon use good security measures. The Newfag part probably does not though.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by neformore
Let me reinforce a message again.

No one has been kicked off ATS for expressing their ideas or opinions.

No ones ideas or opinions have been censored.

People have been removed and/or warned because they acted in a manner which violates our Terms and Conditions of membership.

Once again, here are our Terms and Conditions of Use.

There are no "martyrs" here, only people who cannot comply with the basic standards the T&C requires

As SO said in his post above, continually repeating the word "SPAM" over and over again filling up the screen in countless posts IS going to get you removed from ATS, and thats what has happened.

The moderators here have no beef with Anonymous, or the CoS - as has been said repeatedly we are neutral on the matter, and the forum is open for reasoned discussion and debate

I assume that both sides of the debate are intelligent capable thinkers, so lets have a continued decent discussion.

Once again, thank you for reading this post

So you are saying that we need rules in order to make sure there is peace and calm amongst a community and any conspiracy against that is unfounded and possibly an over reaction?

I see your point.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by neformore
I do think that your organisation now has more than its fair share of wanabees and hangers on.

Based on what, exactly? Is this forum, ATS, an 'organization'? Does it have 'wannabes' and 'hangers-on'? Anonymous are a bunch of message board participants. Have you read the 2channel article yet? (below)

I also wonder about your anonimity. You must have heard of Echelon. What happens if the authorities decide to reach out and "touch" a few of you?

What about your anonymity? How does anything you're saying apply to anonymous posters to any greater or lesser degree than it would apply to you?

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:23 AM
I never really thought of myself as a victim. by Anonymous Coward

Your linked-to video voiceless surprised me. I didn't expect to cry.

Years and years ago, I was heavily involved with the Co$. I bought it hook, line, and sinker. I thought I had the ultimate answer to everything and I was willing to fight for that with my life.

I endured grueling 12+ hour workdays and virtually no pay for a chance to save the world. I practiced how to lie effectively (they call them TRs) and due to my "get it done" attitude, shortly had an office in the International Administration Headquarters in Hollywood, the Flag Command Bureau, as a member of the Sea Org. I had a nice office with a window seat overlooking downtown Hollywood, and I wore a uniform that looked sharp and military, with epaulets on my shoulder!

Continued at source...

[Mod Edit: External quote tags added, external source link provided, quote trimmed. Please see New Site Tag For Quoting External Sources and Posting work written by others. Thank you - Jak]

[edit on 26/2/08 by JAK]

[edit on 26/2/08 by JAK]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:37 AM
Things you won't see on FOX News (why you be watching that anyway....?)

Please have a break. Watch these vidoes and join your own dots. If you want more go to or put in ex scientologist into youtube...


posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:40 AM

[Mod Edit: External quote tags added, external source link provided, quote trimmed. Please see New Site Tag For Quoting External Sources and Posting work written by others. Thank you - Jak]

Thanking you...

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Waylon

Yes I am well aware of the concept, and the popularity of the idea amongst the powerful. Most of them believe their own intentions are good, seeing it as cooperation, unity, a government for the good of all mankind (that's why that guy said he was guilty as charged).

I know it has been established that the plans for war in Iraq were made and decided upon before the 'public' decision to declare war, and this disturbed me greatly. And there was a lack of logic in the justification for it that certainly suggests an underlying motive.

However, my interpretation is perhaps colored by the fact that I am not an American. You seem to see the NWO as something seeking to control America. What I see is America's attempt to spread its influence by gaining Afghanistan and Iraq as outposts of the 'empire.' The neocons no doubt feel this is justified to maintain America's security into the future.
I see the US attempting to subvert and derail attempts at global consensus and cooperation. Do you really think the NWO is a threat to the US? America has always protected its own interests, as is its right as a sovereign nation. Do you see America bowing down to the UN or signing the Kyoto Protocol, or treating China as a partner instead of a competitor? I don't think so.

America's power allows it to dictate the global agenda.
I share your discomfort that there may well be a New World Order coming, but I bet it will be dominated by American interests.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by Waylon]

Yeah, I agree with you on most of that. David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and all those top players think they are doing good. Hitler though he was doing good when he called for a New World Order in the 30s, saying "National Socialism (Nazism) will use its revolution to fashion a New World Order." But they're not doing good and people need to learn about how the UN, the EU and the coming NAU are stripping nations of their soverignty. Anyway, I've made my point. Let the disinformation campaign continue! Tell me more about those dispicable Scientologists and their trickyness.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 06:30 AM

Yeah, I agree with you on most of that. David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and all those top players think they are doing good. Hitler though he was doing good when he called for a New World Order in the 30s, saying "National Socialism (Nazism) will use its revolution to fashion a New World Order." But they're not doing good and people need to learn about how the UN, the EU and the coming NAU are stripping nations of their soverignty. Anyway, I've made my point. Let the disinformation campaign continue! Tell me more about those dispicable Scientologists and their trickyness.

Hitler was open about his plans for world domination for most of his political career. He used fear and power to gain it. Mostly he got his power by stating a world wide conspiracy against international jewish bankers that planned to take over the world. People bought it because it was easy to buy. And millions of jews and half of Europe and millions of people died as a result.

It is obvious that the next person who takes over the world will use this same tactic as has been shown throught human history.

The church of scientology also has stated its claims to take over the world.

From the horses mouth

Their doctrine like Mien Kampt has set the plan to make every one in the world go through scientology brainwashing practices. "Clearing the planet" every person will go through scientology processes up to clear according to them. 2% of the worlds population according to them are SP's (such as anon members and anyone who leaves the church) These 2% are to be exterminated. These 2% will be anyone who criticises them (like hitler did)

Hubbard tried to buy Nigeria in the 50s or 60's He wanted a scientology planet. No conspiracy, no hidden societies just plain old planning and making intentions open, like Hitler.

Anon on the other hand is more like the french resistence. A cordinated effort of individuals without true leadership, just concerned individuals who know whats right from wrong without needing to have Fox News tell them
what the truth is.

Anon have come to your boards. They have explained their truth without fanfare and with great passion. Does the FBI do that? Does the church of scientology do that?

It is very ironic that Hitler started WW2 with a conspiracy of jewish bankers in order to gain world control. Who knows. Perhaps the next power driven person who wants to take the world as his (or hers) is lurking on these boards as we type...

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous13
Based on what, exactly? Is this forum, ATS, an 'organization'? Does it have 'wannabes' and 'hangers-on'? Anonymous are a bunch of message board participants. Have you read the 2channel article yet? (below)

Yes I read it

My observations are just that - observations. But if you want to know where I'm coming from well...its like this - I see certain posts and I mark them down mentally as serious anons and I see other posts that strike me as wannabees. There is a marked difference, and I may be wrong, but to give you an idea of figures I reckon about 30% of whats posted in this whole thread is genuine, and the rest I look at with a pinch of salt. But thats just me and I'm a cynical bugger at times
Believe me, I'm not meaning to offend anyone, its just as I see it

What about your anonymity? How does anything you're saying apply to anonymous posters to any greater or lesser degree than it would apply to you?

The difference being is that I'm only an active participant in a musing war about whether or not certain subjects are possible, have or have not occurred or are likely to occur, whereas anons who have been involved in direct actions may have done something that the authorities would take an active interest in.

But between you and I and the rest of the world, I know full well I've been background checked on at least one occasion, and there is a specific reason why I was checked. Once you are in the system they don't stop looking at you.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by confederacyforever
So you are saying that we need rules in order to make sure there is peace and calm amongst a community and any conspiracy against that is unfounded and possibly an over reaction?
I see your point.

What I'm saying is that, in order for all sides to have their say in an open environment, there needs to be some decorum, because otherwise it becomes a slanging match and no-one learns anything, or gets their point across properly

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:18 AM

What I'm saying is that, in order for all sides to have their say in an open environment, there needs to be some decorum, because otherwise it becomes a slanging match and no-one learns anything, or gets their point across properly

Yes i see thats your point of view and i think its great but don't you think it's hypocitical considering the thread was started on slander and continued throughout and you have never once in your own mind seen that as a possibility?

To you that's ok for discusion... but as soon as the tables are turned.. Like for instance i think you are an FBI agent...

Then threads get deleated.

So a slanging match starts when someone slangs not?

So why not delete the post that states Anoony are terrorists?

Is that not slander of the most vile type in this day and age? I'm sure you and your members are well aware of implications of such slander.

We can accept the CO$ will say lies like that because thats what CO$ does (operation freekout) but that people watch Fox News and because the Fox news reader is related to a scientologist and spreads their vile crap that almost no respectible news agency would even consider, does not mean people can just start crap threads.

i don't want a slinging match either but start putting some people in line so it doesn't happen.

For the most part anon users have left many resources that have backed up refrences. They have been exceptionaly nice considering the treatment and they face hypocricy.

I bid you all a good night fellows.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:27 AM
and to ad, the majority of your people have been very interesting to talk too. some seem very intelligent and its a shame we couldn't have a good dicussion. It was a real shame that no one quoted the sources in some of the arguments. But over the whole nice bunch of people.

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 07:28 AM
Hey actually I don't think the thread was started on a slander, the OP was more saying Anons are being manipulated without necessarily knowing it. Which might be true.

[edit on 26-2-2008 by Waylon]

[edit on 26-2-2008 by Waylon]

posted on Feb, 26 2008 @ 08:09 AM
Originally posted by confederacyforever

What you are saying here is in disrespect of the thousands of ex members who say they have been abused in this destructive cult and conned into the religion. Refferences have been given on this site. You have to understand the term "Love bombing" to really get it. Google will help you.

The same could be said about Catholics. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic school. Children were abused by nuns and priests. Real physical abuse leaving bruises and mental scars. Are Catholics your next target? Catholics are not supposed to divorce, and are told what to eat certain days of the week, and how to behave socially. How is CoS different? People who do not adhere to Catholoscism are ex-communicated for things like divorce even if they want to remain members.

It is the same argument that Heavens Gate, David Koresh, Aum ,Jim Jones and many other destructive cults that hide benieth the misrepresentation of the first admendment. In the case of Jonestown, 200 babies were killed by their own mothers under the ideals of "free choice".

I don't know how you can support that?

Scientology is not a cult in my opinion. So your list of examples has no meaning for me in reguards to your argument.

With scientology there are thousands of ex members saying some terrible things happened to them and that they were conned. They say they were told that it was their free choice when it wasn't. They say that if anyone asked them they would say it what their free choice.

The same could be said of anyone who leaves any religion. I'm sure most people who leave any religion will have a lot of reasons why it didn't fulfill their needs.

No other religion has this, I can't find any examples on the internet anywhere.

I just gave you an example of how I was abused being raised a Catholic.

All we are saying is let those people come forward and tell their stories without fear of retribution. And in order for something like that to happen the church needs to stop it's aggressive practices. But beleifs? Who cares about them. Beleive what ever you want as long as you don't hurt someone.

I have known people who were members that left and had no problems.

Well i can afford those services and i wouldn't use them if you payed me $10000

And that would be your descision.

Good call. We agree. Where is the FBI when you need them?

I don't know. Why don't you call them personally and file a complaint with all the specific evidence you have. Then come back and tell us all what they say.

People are currently being falsly imprisoned in every capital city in America today. They are living in third world conditions. Some of them are children and all you can give us is the PR line from the church of scientology.... What would even make you say such a thing.


It's like saying the same thing about a football match or festival

Yes, I agree. Anonymous seems to be treating this like a sport or a witch hunt. That is why I don't agree with you. Why aren't you using proper legal channels if you have proof or evidence to back up your claims of specific abuses? That is what the legal system is for.

Anonymous had world wide protests with 10000 strong and the only thing i remember is one anonymouse ketting kicked by a scieno. Where do you guys get your information? I don't mean to be rude but this is the only forum i have come accross with this and your meant to be conspiracists. Its so ironic, i would beleive this board was actually run by the FBI if i had lots of coffee in my system.

Exactly. I said I see the potential for something negative to happen with this in future. From my observation, basically from this thread, this whole scenario with Anonymous is like a head on train wreck waiting to happen because they are refusing to oppose Scientology using the proper channels of the legal system.

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