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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 05:53 PM
Michael Jackson, for all his faults and weirdness, made more sense than RW. RW's recent post has this to say.

"The government and economy of the United States is very near the point of a vacuum collapse where the entire system is going to crush in on itself. All efforts to shore up imploding corporations through government intervention or positive talk on Wall Street are not only going to fail, but these are going to fuel the final catastrophic events that lead to the downfall of the U.S. as a world power. Nations are scurrying to find other means for survival rather than depending on the stability of the U.S. or its currency as they have in the past. China is rapidly and wisely (from their vantage point) dumping U.S. dollars for raw materials all over the world. They no longer want U.S. dollars because they see “the handwriting on the wall.”

Now he might be right, the US might collapse, but it's not now. Notice how RW doesn't give any dates anymore, no mention of months, just is 'very near the point'. If it took 10 years RW would say Gods timing is different to ours. China has not abandoned the US$. All my trading with the corporations I use will 'only' use the US$ and there is 'no' other option offerred.
I agree that the US will semi collapse one day, I also agree that China will eventually move from the US$ but that does not make me a prophet. I believe meteorites will hit the earth within 15 years, but that still does not make me a prophet and more than saying someone will die in my city from a murder today - they will but that does not make me a prophet. If everything I predict (obvious to the thinker) comes to pass that does not make me a prophet.

Give us something concrete Ron, are you the man of God or not? Anything...just something specifically accurate... just a wee glimer of accuracy... anything that my 13 year old couldn't already predict with accuracy (he's prophetic in nature anyway)... just one date...just one date that actually produces something you say. A prophet actually produces prophecies not 'vague predictions' just as a boat builder actually builds boats not drawings of what he says he can build.
A prophet is judged by his accuracy of something to come to pass that no one far everyhting he's predicted eberyone believes will happen one day anyway, so there's nothing new here. Let us judge you on your accuracy Ron...give us something accurate, just one...!


(Can Doctorex resist?)

[edit on 7-7-2009 by daggyz]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by daggyz

A prophet is judged by his accuracy of something to come to pass that no one far everyhting he's predicted eberyone believes will happen one day anyway, so there's nothing new here. Let us judge you on your accuracy Ron...give us something accurate, just one...!


(Can Doctorex resist?)

[edit on 7-7-2009 by daggyz]

When reviewing Moses' prophecies of the plagues he pronounced on Egypt...I found some very interesting facts (not that I didn't know them, I just didn't look at them this way before).

All were :
1) Exact and precise in timing (it was announced it would come that day or the next day)
2) Exact and precise as to what the plague was.
3) Exact and precise as to where it would occur.
4) Exact and precise as to whom it would fall on.
Out of all 10 plagues all 10 fulfilled all 5 points exactly.

Moses was the model prophet! To bad RW isn't worthy to hold his water.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

To be fair, we can't just look at one prophet. They were recognised as prophets due to accuracy but some things took time. Samuel for example. Gad, in Davids time just suggested he move location, thats good advise from one you respect becasue of previous accuracy. Gad also advised david to build an alter after the plague stopped. These things are words of God from someone 'known' as a prophet.
Donald Trump has more accuracy of events than Ron Weinland and DT aint going to heaven.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:45 AM
We just had a large earthquake down south rated at 7.8? maybe it's one RW predicted to shake our nation.
Hang on, how many people live anywhere near the epicentre?.... ahhhhh how about none!
Come on Ron where are you at lately. Coming out with anything tangible or are you going to hide away in your hidaway's till there's nowhere else to hide?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:02 PM
But wait....!!!

There's earthquakes and floods and more happening right now so maybe he's right and of course he'll have predicted it wouldn't he? Quick check to his website....

... No nothing....!!!

Oh he does mention the pandemic in that it 'may' get serious. Of course h can't really know that because he's not a real prophet but... it's a flu Ron, more people die of the common cold than this bug!

Still, there's two years yet for Ron to actually predict something of note that will actually happen that no one else could reasonably predict (eg another earthquake somewere). But I wont hold my breath as I want to live.

Good to see DoctorX has given up. maybe he's given up on Ron?

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:26 PM
RW's veiled threat to Moses (of ideaCity)

And Moses' response .

Since I have no idea about your beliefs, I do want to say that the Eternal God, the God of Abraham, who I spoke about in my presentation, does not take this event lightly. This is not a small thing that such mocking of His Son was given audience at ideaCity and that you personally sponsored this. It is my hope that you come to see the magnitude of the severity of your decision for what occurred and that you will pursue God's mercy in this matter because of what it will mean to you personally if you fail to do so.

Most sincerely,
Ronald Weinland

Dear Mr. Weinland,

Thank you for your note of August 1st, 2009. It's only just come to my attention, which is why I'm a little late with a reply.

Needless to say, what I was attempting at this year's ideaCity was to reflect a range of opinion on modern day religion; a spectrum that runs all the way from those who believe intensely, as you do, to those who think that religion is the most destructive force on our planet today. Indeed, I heard from other devout Christians who felt that it was you who was blaspheming, as they considered the fact that you declared yourself Prophet, to be an act of extreme arrogance. Still others urged upon me the argument that a pretension to know the mind of God, let alone to speak for Him, is in fact prima fascia evidence of a kind of insanity.

Nonetheless, they stayed for the length of the Conference, because they were eager to engage in discussion and debate. I regret that you did not, in particular as I had no time with you one-on-one, and was fully intending to do so as the Conference wore on.

Still in all, I'm glad you at least got a bit of a value out of the experience. Please keep my email address in your system, the better to keep me abreast of developments in your understanding of the history to come. It won't actually be that long before we can test the accuracy of your prophecy.

Best regards,


It is a wonder, that any of his followers continue stay with him.

It is so sad. I realize that they will stay the course, until Christ does not return at RW's appointed time, by then it will be too late, their faith will be so shattered that they may never recover, even when the true Two Witnesses come.

It has been about 8 months. Nothing remotely matching the plain statements in Revelation regarding the Two has occurred in RW or his wife.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by daggyz

Good to see DoctorX has given up. maybe he's given up on Ron?

ah, no.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

Actually God never has referred to himself as "Eternal God, the God of Abraham".
Does RW forget God is a generational God and refers to himself as a generational God. I think the statement in RW's letter is prophetic because if it ended with Abraham that would be because his faith was not true (!!!).
A well worded and very revealing letter Mr Weinland.

...Oh, the recession is about to end RW, just thought I'd point that out because you'll need to revise your statements on God's 'new' thoughts again shortly...

Hey, welcome back DoctorX, I knew you'd take the bait.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by daggyz]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 10:54 PM
How could i resist coming back to see that Ron is STILL eating away at you all, just as he prophesied, and trust me, that eating away is only going to get worse, until you are celebrating his death, presuming you are still alive to see it. It amazes me the amount of blogs and forums out there concentrated on Ron, when they are supposedly convinced that he's irrelevant. That's really got to suck though, fulfilling the prophecy of someone you are out to prove a false prophet. Still, it was the supposed learned and righteous of the time that murdered the messiah, fulfilling the very prophesies concerning him who they considered a false prophet you're not alone there.

[edit on 25/8/09 by doctorex]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:57 PM
That's a stupid statement Doctorex. No one celebrates someone elses death. What's eating you?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by daggyz
That's a stupid statement Doctorex. No one celebrates someone elses death. What's eating you?

Sadly daggyz...Doctorex is back to the same tired, repetitive schtick, attack the poster, call the poster a heretic. Don't actually provide concrete evidence, of any kind.

Ronald Weinland, has invalidated himself in so many ways it is comic.

Ronald Weinland (as well as Doctorex) simple does not understand WHY Two Witnesses are required to begin with. Two witnesses were required in the OT to testify in areas where a DEATH PENALTY was to be incurred. This is why Two Witnesses are required (God does follow His own rules He wrote after all) at the End Time. Because they will be enacting those penalties in a very real physical way. You CAN NOT have a single witness and another witness witnessing the first witness (such nonsense) and have that BINDING in God's court when a death penalty is involved.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:17 PM
You say he is already discredited, yet here you both are, still talking about him, fulfilling one of his prophecies, and I guess you will both continue to talk about him for as long as you are able, unless you repent.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:32 PM
I'm still waiting the "early" deaths of a bunch of splinter Church of God leaders...
did he spiritualize that way?

still waiting for these (not to mention a host of others)
False prophet - to call down fire from you have photos?
Great Tribulation - where is it?
Increase of deaths of notable people (you know...he picked that one himself)
I could list a full page of this stuff.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:00 PM
Seeing as DX is back lets ask the question so he can help us out.

Please list the things RW acurately predicted that have come true to the letter.... or even remotely predicted and that might be interpreted as coming true (if the first ones too hard).

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:36 PM
You know what really irks me? The fact that we all know the US is going for a dive, I mean we could see that in 2004, the signs are everywhere.
When it trips us, maybe in January maybe next July, RW will claim it as proof of his words.
Therefore DX, please list 10 specific things that will happen acording to RW. 10 things that must specifically happen by a set time frame. I ask this to save new lookers researchign as you'll know what he said better than anyone.
Who knows you might get some believers yet.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:41 AM
I cannot believe this thread is still going. I agree, where are all the deaths of the leaders of the COG splinter groups (which I'm part of). I think RW mentioned Roderick Meredith in his list of those who will kick the bucket and he's the leader of my church.. the Living Church of God. Roderick Meredith is also the only living evangelist ordained by God through Herbert W. Armstrong. All other leaders of the WCG splinter groups are just people who didn't like the firm rules and biblical binding of Armstrong's ways. the Living Church of God still follows these teachings. I don't understand RW. He made predictions that didn't come true and then says that he misinterpreted God's words or something? Never, in the history of prophets has this happened. Isaiah never gave a false prophecy and then go back to say "I just had the date wrong but God misinformed me for a reason..." Makes no sense. In the words of Bill Engvall, "Here's your sign"....

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
Seeing as DX is back lets ask the question so he can help us out.

Please list the things RW acurately predicted that have come true to the letter.... or even remotely predicted and that might be interpreted as coming true (if the first ones too hard).

It's impossible. The list does not exist.

As to people berating Ronald Weinland (the insane prophet, from his own lips)..for failed prophecies...what does Dr X expect??? We should praise him for FAILED prophecies??? And these are failed prophecies that RW ADMITS TO! What kind of insanity is that??

And then RW putting the blame on God for that....such blasphemy. Under OT rules, RW should see what kind of "leeway" God allowed such men. And he should fear it.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:56 AM
As to whether God sends lying words to a prophet's lips :
Does God ever do this?


But He only does this with FALSE PROPHETS. Never with his true prophets.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:15 PM
Ron posted on his site a week ago the thunders were about to intensify. Seems he was right. He also said the crash was very near. Keep safe guys.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:17 PM

These truths will become manifest over the next two years. Through this process of time, only those who repent will come to clearly “see” this plan of God unfolding for this end-time.

The time for the intensifying of “thunders” and fulfillment of the “prophetic” First Trumpet is now arriving. “He who testifies [warns and affirms] of these things says, ‘Surely I come quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).

Laughable if it weren't for the fact that people have swallowed his past failed prophecies already.

On what basis would anybody support this claim?

On what basis is his claim supportable? On his say so? LOL!

He has yet to provide any proof (any specific and/or fulfilled prophecy that has any proving power). And most of this is by his own admission.

Do pay that thief your tithes and offerings.

Tragically it will take the full 3 1/2 years to prove to some skeptics he is false.


Something with
1) Specific dates (not this generality nonsense)
(note Moses specified THE EXACT DAYS for all the plagues he pronounced)
2) specific plagues he actually pronounced. (FOR THOSE EXACT DATES)
3) specific people / places he pronounced it upon


[edit on 30-9-2009 by SirPaulMuaddib]

[edit on 30-9-2009 by SirPaulMuaddib]

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