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Americans need to go on strike!

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:40 PM
"I was just reading a post about how Americans need another civil war. This got me to thinking about there being a better way. American's need to go on strike. Quit your jobs. The corporations and governement make money from us working. They depend on it. If we are slaves like some have said then just stop. Stop working, stop consuming. Just stop. Of course it won't work if just a handful participate."

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by MuseInPink

the trick here is to get EVERYONE to participate and in a society full of people who really dont care about anyone but sadly will not work.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten
I was just reading a post about how Americans need another civil war. This got me to thinking about there being a better way. American's need to go on strike. Quit your jobs. The corporations and governement make money from us working. They depend on it. If we are slaves like some have said then just stop. Stop working, stop consuming. Just stop. Of course it won't work if just a handful participate..."

Originally posted by MuseInPink

the trick here is to get EVERYONE to participate and in a society full of people who really dont care about anyone but sadly will not work.

The reality of this idea relies upon social cooperation which, unfortunately, is nigh impossible. But the idea of unifying the masses to realize their inherent control is plausible and necessary for mass change to take place. The power does reside in the people ultimately if it can be unified. Quitting working is too drastic an idea for reasons stated in other threads while less severe but still effective and doable ideas could actually work to gain ground over the corporate and social controllers.

Consumerism is the idea I'm talking about. We are first and foremost consumers throughout our entire lives. Consumer behavior affects the social and economic fabric of our lives. I dare say that Consumerism is the ultimate and only shared religion used by all Americans. That being said, it is through buying and boycotting of products and services that the worker can gain a foothold over what transpires at the highest levels of government and corporations. It seems to me that it would be far easier to sway masses of people to buy or not buy a product or service than to ask them all to boycott work. If people tomorrow united toward this idea, regardless of the good or service, change would indeed take place quickly.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:43 AM
I was in a hurry when I posted this morning, Sorry If I broke the rules. Im not trying to make a specific threat. Im just referencing the movie 'Fight Club' and how they dealt with the system.

Tyler Durden: Think of everything we've accomplished, man. Out these windows, we will view the collapse of financial history. One step closer to economic equilibrium.

I'm a lil Bi-polar and when I get manic and pissed off I tend to say alot of stuff that can get me in trouble. like stuff about C4 lol. Or how great it would be if certain political figures would just get shot in the face. In fact Im rooting for a global disaster, an extinction level event, the apocalypse, what have you..

Taxi Driver: Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

Sure I could be thrown in prison for saying a bunch of stuff. I guess the reasoning is that its like yelling fire in a theater, you cant go around suggesting to blow things up. Im just overly fed up and frustrated by the system. They have designed it to where no progress or change can be made. Progress and change reduce government power and control. I feel powerless to do anything within the system and so most of my ideas for change are brutal and violent and work outside the system. You can't take the government to court and have it tried and judged, you will never win, no matter whether you are right or wrong, your still wrong because they say so. So what do you do when the system is rigged to make you lose? We'll I'll tell you this. Back in the caves in ancient times when Caveman A takes all of caveman B's food and leaves him starving, Caveman B caves in his head with a rock while he is sleeping and eats his fill.

Anyway I have the benefit of not giving a &*%$ about myself. They can't take anything from me because I have nothing, and If they take my freedom, I'll just kill myself. Who cares. Most people won't do anything because they have so much to lose, a family, a house. People have a lot to lose. Not me. In fact Im already doing what we're talking about in this thread, I gave up my car, my insurance, all my worldly crap, Im starting a farm in my backyard to grow all my own vegetables. We just need to spread the good word and get more people to grow their own, stop buying garbage you don't need, live closer to where you work, stop driving and start riding a bike. Use these new LED lights that are coming out to minimize electricity use, Get solar paneling, get a generator that can take biodiesel ya know. theres lots of things you can do. Order hemp clothing that will last you years instead of buying trendy clothes that disintegrate after 3 washes. NEVER BUY A CAR AGAIN, gasoline is out. its over, its done, finito, no future. Plant a TREE! do something. Not only will you do some good to nature but you'll be hitting the Fascist Nazi's in our government where it hurts. Right in the wallet.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by guyopitz

For the benefit of a doubt, I will take your word that your violent thought came from a movie called "Fight Club," which I have never seen. Not everyone has, you know.

You other ideas are good, in regards to riding a bike, gardening and such. Those ideas will take some time to have an impact, but increasingly, people will have to use those ideas out of necessity and not just to "stick it to the man."

Also, hopefully we have evolved from the scenario you described using cave men. But if things get much worse, I can see the animal side coming out in all of us. Let's hope the side of our brains that incorporate logic will rule, so we can work together!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:10 AM
I've had my heart heavy with these ideas for a long time now, but I haven't really heard my take expressed anywhere else, which surprises me. So I guess I finally have to come out of lurker mode and say something

I believe the fundamental flaw in todays culture, is a gross lack of community. It sounds lame, 'cause we hear the word community alot, but odds are if you're living in an area that contains more than two McDonalds within a 5 mile radius, you don't know 1/3 of the population within 500' of where you sleep at night.

Not only do you not know these people, but you might attest to not wanting to know some of them. Further from reality, is asking them for help, or offering your services to them in exchange or something, like a piece of wild boar. Because you get your food from the market.

Which you probably drive to, because your neighbors don't have eggs, meat, or produce to trade with you. You also cannot get light, heat, clothes, or building materials without traveling beyond a 1 hour walk (4 miles), or paying a third party (postal, internet). Because your neighbors are doing the same thing.

Because some large impersonal entity is trying to provide 10,000 candles (light) and light 10,000 fires (heat), and 10,000 pairs of pants. Because you, and your neighbor can't.
Because you and your neighbor don't offer any services to eachother. Nobody knows how to produce anything their neighbor wants, because if they are winners, they went to college and got an engineering degree so they could oversee the lighting of 10,000 candles and fires, instead of producing oil/lumber/textiles for their close community.

Now we're slaves to some mega non-community benefiting those who claim to represent the largest number of people, while in fact draining them of their souls. The CEOs, the mega-investors, the elite, who own the power plant 30 miles out of town. Whom faceless numbers of this non-community have to burn two $3.00 gallons of gas to commute to.

And now we're sick cause our food sucks, because some scientist helped some elitist make a death-product, instead of planting a crop for his community.
And now we're pissed because some A-hole cut us off on our way to work.
And now we're tired because our alarm woke us up and not the sun or our children, 3 hours too early because of a late dinner and the 11 o'clock news.
And we forgot who god was because, who has the time.

But this is getting long, so, we get the picture. These massive quasi-communitys of people, exist in a non-human cultural clusterF of decadence and stress.

We seriously just need to bring it down a notch or 10.
(un?)Fortunately I think it will be a massive cultural meltdown which will force this upon people.... soon. Whether it be economic, pandemic, spiritual, or even extraterrestrial. I look forward to it...

Ron Paul was before his time....
I need to end this post

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:16 AM
Oh yeah,
IF we're not forced to change, I DO think some of these ideas can start on smaller levels, like trying to create solid communities. But buying from local growers, candle-makers, and seamstresses, will and should just support the transformation into these trades being more demanded. But there will be the majority who probably just wont, cause it's more expensive, or inconvienient, and so will still try to work for a bank instead of a trade, so he can have it easy....

Oh well, we'll see

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by guyopitz
You must be doing pretty well. What are you a banker?

If your going to tell him "What gives you a right to anyone else's money, or the fruit of their labors?" then why can't we all collectively say the same to the government? When the system stops having my best interests in mind, I stop having the best interest of the system in mind.

Your post just makes me angry. Im keeping it civil for the forum, but I'm furious by your ignorance. You strike me as a disinfo agent or someone tightly woven into the system. Im sure your taken care of pretty well to so spitefully oppose this idea.

I'm an editor. And yes, I do pretty well for myself, because I work hard. I don't sit on my behind and blame a facless system for any short-comings or set-backs I have. I take responsibility for myself and my actions; unlike most of the posters here, I do not make excuses. Nor do I, like you or the original poster, think I have a right to someone else's money, simply because they dare to work, dare to struggle, dare to actually take responsibility for themselves.

You don't take responsibility for yourself. You want to blame the system, instead of actually working for what you want. You just want it handed to you. Because you are lazy, because you are spoiled, you think when things get hard that the system is against you.

You ignore the question. You think you have a right to someone else's money, that you can just go on welfare, and be supported by your hated "scabs," simply because you whine that the "government is taking our money!" So, somehow, that gives you the right to live off the fruits of someone else? Because you are capable of working, you would in effect be stealing from those that do work, that do pay in.

Oh yes, the old "you don't agree with me! You're a disinfo agent!" I know this is hard to get your little brains around, but I can disagree with you, think this is an extremely bad idea, I can not buy into Communism, and not be working for some nefarious government. Grow up! Are you so arrogant that you seriously believe that people cannot have an honest disgareement with you? People can disagree with you without there being some ulterior motive behind it.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten

Actually I was referring to an apprenticeship in the monetary free system we are dreaming up.

I'm curious as to how old you are as well.

I'm 30...and that is beside the point. My age doesn't matter, unless you are just trying to distract and change the subject.

Even in your world free of money, you would still have to pay back your teacher. You would have to work for him, give a certain percentage of what you produce to him, in order to pay back the debt of your education. But knowing you, you would whine and complain about that, because it wasn't handed to you for free, and probably demand he give you a percentage of what he earns, because he dares to work (You know, like you said, he would be a "scab.")

[edit on 14-2-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

They would not need to be 'paid back'. Why can't you grasp the concept of people helping people just because they care... not because they are expecting something in return. If our neighbor comes over tonight and asks us to teach him how to grow a garden, we will teach him and expect NOTHING back. We would do this because we are 'good' people who help people in need. If someone wants to come over and learn ANY skill that we have then we would teach them.

The reason I ask your age is because your way of thinking reminds me of my grandfathers... he is always trying to make a buck off of someone.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten
They would not need to be 'paid back'. Why can't you grasp the concept of people helping people just because they care... not because they are expecting something in return.

See, this is exactly what I am talking about. You just expect people to give things to you. You expect, and demand, people give their time and resources to you, for nothing. Even in your communist, violent, oppressive "utopia," where everything would work on the barter system, you believe people will just give things to you, for expect to benefit from people devoting their time and talent to you, for nothing.

It is greed, it is laziness, it is selfishness.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:57 AM
you can twist and manipulate the words of others all you like, but the sad fact of it is, that we live in a world of Greed, Laziness, and Selfishness. We all owe the credit to people like you.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Did you even read my post? What I posted is far from greed, laziness and selfishness.

Maybe you should take a trip to and look up the definitions to those words.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:24 PM
It does not matter what you say to him. He has his mind set. He did the exact same thing to my thread.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by darcon]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
Did you even read my post? What I posted is far from greed, laziness and selfishness.
Maybe you should take a trip to and look up the definitions to those words.

Let's go to the dictionary!

greed -- noun -- 1. excessive desire to acquire or possess more (especially more material wealth) than one needs or deserves

You believe everything should just be given to you, without contributing or giving anything in return. Thus, greed.

la·zy -- verb -- 1. averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.

You do not believe you should work for what you need, everything should just be given to you. Thus, laziness.

self·ish -- adjective -- 1. devoted to or caring only for oneself; concerned primarily with one's own interests, benefits, welfare, etc., regardless of others.

You believe everything should just be given to you, you deserve for no other reason than the fact you exist. You believe people should give you their limited resources, and believe you should give nothing in return. That is a hording of resources, and thus, selfish.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:54 PM
Alright, the personal posts will end NOW!

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:06 PM
Thank you Mod for ending this on going Feud. BACK TO THE TOPIC at hand, If America goes on strike, what do you think the government would do to respond to that? would they invoke the patriot act, or would they give in to the people.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by darcon
Thank you Mod for ending this on going Feud. BACK TO THE TOPIC at hand, If America goes on strike, what do you think the government would do to respond to that? would they invoke the patriot act, or would they give in to the people.

Who do you think makes up the government? Do you think they are fellow Americans, or robots?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:32 PM
They are not fellow Americans, they are 13 rich families that run the Western hemisphere including canada. Some people call them the elites, others like me Call them the NWO. New World Order. Ever heard of the Buildeberg Conferences?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by darcon
They are not fellow Americans, they are 13 rich families that run the Western hemisphere including canada. Some people call them the elites, others like me Call them the NWO. New World Order. Ever heard of the Buildeberg Conferences?

So, anyone working for the government is not a "fellow American." Interesting, and very telling.

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