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Americans need to go on strike!

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by darcon

We are forced to...that is why. WE need computers to communicate but we cant base our human necessities off of wanting computers and keeping them. That is the whole point about the material world....get that down before you start arguing because people are going to automatically say you are a hypocrite because you are using a computer and watching tv. Its the OBSESSION with material things and the faith our society puts in them that is the problem, not the fact that they exist. You got it darcon....keep reading and do not create divisions. Peace my man, im signing off.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

Really, I was not trying to be insulting, just thinking of a few reasons why this could be a problem.

Also, if everyone quit their jobs, after a month, what would they do then? Do you think that their jobs would still be waiting for them after they abandoned them? I don't know if you have noticed, but millions of people are living paycheck to paycheck, so, if they took a month off, they would be in complete ruin.

It sounds as if you are doing well for yourself, or your family at least, being land barons, but this is just not the case for at least half the rest of the population.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

That is why I want to see a difference. I want to see things changed. I hate sitting here doing nothing. There are quite a few people that feel the way I do and I wish we could get together and make a difference.

I want people to wake up and realize that it doesn't have to be this way. Not just people on this board but people that I'm very close to. Ugh... it's all very frustrating.

oh, btw, I don't mind a difference of opinion at all... however; I'm a little on the defensive because of previous posts by another member. I really need to walk away for a bit.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

Taking all your money out of the banks would be impractical, if not impossible. First, you have a problem with all of the money that is in IRA's, SEP's, 401K's, 403B's, etc. The government would immediately take out a 10% penalty, etc. Then there is the problem of security. I don't think people want to be walking around with stacks of cash, or certified cashiers checks.
There are 4 bigger problems:
1.) Such a massive action might spark the government to use the Ricco Act against everyone, calling it a conspiracy to destroy the banking system, and/or the government.

2.) If the Fed ran out of money, they'd just print more, making the dollars that you withdrew worth about 50% less than they were, the day before you started this action.

3.) Assuming that they didn't invoke the Ricco Act, they could very easily invoke the Patriot Act, saying that you are a threat to the United States economy, and are trying to destroy it.

4.) Since the corporations are thrilled with any excuse to offshore outsource both products and services, they would just use this action as an excuse to outsource everything that hasn't already been outsourced. And for those jobs that have to be performed here, there are those 20 million illegal aliens that would be happy to take over your jobs.

All in all, I don't think it's a very good idea. I do sympathize with your plight, however.

So what I am saying? Unfortunately, that the establishment has us all by the short hairs.

What do we do?

Some people have tried to do it, but there weren't enough. Both parties had candidates that REALLY would have made things much better- Dennis Kucinich on the Democrat side, and Ron Paul on the Republican side. But there weren't enough people that voted for them. But it was a start. Start thinking about 2012- it's not too early. Rather than trying to organize a strike, organize a support group for Dennis and Ron, there is plenty of time before 2012. I would, by the way, also skip the armbands. Some German fanatic tried that in the 1930's, and ended up in a bunker in Berlin, blowing his own brains out, after poisoning himself. (BTW, he also devalued his currency to the point of worthlessness, by printed too much.)

Unfortunately, Clinton, Obama, McCain and Huckabee are really all the same- their differences are surface differences, not substantial differences.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

This is silly, and infuriating.

You claim we are slaves to the government and corporations, so to remedy this, you propose we should all become dependent on the government (which exactly what welfare is). Then you dare turn around and call those very people who will be paying for your dependence "scabs." Yes, how dare they pay for your welfare! How dare they work to essentially take care of you! The nerve!

Who is going to work to create your electricity? Oh sure, like you say, you can buy generators, but you must think that generators grow on trees -- people have to work to make them. How are you going to get the gas for the generators, if there is no one working the pumps, or bringing the gasoline to the gas-stations. What about your food? Oh yes, you say we can grow crops and you and your husband can get wild-boar. Fantastic! But we all don't have the means to grow crops; but you'll feed us all, right? Then again, how are you going to get it to us when there's no gasoline? We can keep going on with this, but we already know the answer.

The answer...who is going to do all this, to make sure society is running, who are you going to be dependent on to make sure you still have your basic services? That's right, "the scabs!" Those horrible, evil people you are dependent on for your gas, your electricity, your heating, and who will bringing your lazy behind your welfare check! The very people you will be taking money from (you yourself said you would be taking money from them). You whine that you are a slave, and that the evil government and corporations are stealing your money, yet for some reason you think you have a right to the "scabs" money. What gives you a right to anyone else's money, or the fruit of their labors?

How would any of this beat them at "their own game?" How is making yourself dependent on other people somehow freeing you from your "slavery." If anything, it further moves you down the path to slavery.

I was wrong...this isn't just silly, it's the height of stupidity. You should be ashamed of yourself.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by SaviorComplex]

You must be doing pretty well. What are you a banker?

When I read his post, I interpreted his wellfare statement as a way for the average Joe to get some of the wages stolen from him back. OF course since you fully support our banking system of endless debt slavery you pick on his ideas while ignoring the intent.

If your going to tell him "What gives you a right to anyone else's money, or the fruit of their labors?" then why can't we all collectively say the same to the government? When the system stops having my best interests in mind, I stop having the best interest of the system in mind.

You keep saying whose going to maintain the infrastructure because you just don't get it. We're talking about creating our own infrastructure to spite the system of control. We organize, we cooperate, we return to sustainable endeavors like farming, hunting etc.

Your post just makes me angry. Im keeping it civil for the forum, but I'm furious by your ignorance. You strike me as a disinfo agent or someone tightly woven into the system. Im sure your taken care of pretty well to so spitefully oppose this idea. The system keeps going because enough peoples pockets are lined to do the real work of keeping the system grinding away at the rest of us. The few benefit while the masses suffer under the yoke of tyranny.

I can't believe you don't see the shackles of slavery we're all wearing. In 1950 one man could work a 40 hour a week job and cover all the expenses of his family. House payment, car payment, insurance, medical, food gas etc etc. One salary. OF course he didnt have hyperinflation, a weakened dollar (the FED's fault printing money with no backing) he didnt have ridiculous expenses at the pump, overpriced unhealthy foods, etc.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by guyopitz

Finally someone with some sense, listen to this guy he knows what he is talking about. Been on this thread trying to defend they O.P., yet there seems to be a ton of people out there that support today's Society.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:15 PM
Everyone I know is working 2 or 3 jobs and lives at home with mama, even if they are like 35 years old. I see like 12 homeless guys on a daily basis while WALKING to work because I cant afford a car/gas/insurance and even with my lower expenses even the cost of food is rising so fast that im cutting corners.

I work very very hard, I get little sleep, little food and is my political opinion even worth a damn? Im a Ron Paul supporter and look how they gave him a mass media blackout or public ridicule. Im not bieng represented. Im sure as hell bieng taxed to death without representation. I say its time for project mayhem. *****SNIPPED CONTENT****** Extreme, sure. Effective, Very.

Maybe your concience will get the better of you when they start putting US citizens into forced labor concentration camps for going against our ridiculous fascist system. Its the protesters like us who will have our constitutional rights taken first. You think your safe but how long before they come for you too? History repeats itself and your just helping the Nazi's get away with everything through your ignorance.

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[edit on 13-2-2008 by Crakeur]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

Hi Stellawayten,
Your idea sounds good basically, but I would think, very difficult to co-ordinate for maximum effect.
How about those interested in making a stand, taking part in a practice run, by foregoing their annual holidays, and planning to stay home instead, during which time, try out managing without as many products/facilities as possible?
Maybe have picnics in local parks, organise games for kids,[do it during normal school holiday period] walk as much as possible, explore your locality and discover how much fun you can have for free.
I know it's not a complete answer, but you have to start somewhere, and build on what works without risking losing your job, if you are lucky enough to have one.

We all need to simplify our lives,
Good luck to all,

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by guyopitz

You are making threats there, that I hope are taken very seriously. Blowing things up is not going to solve anything.

Statements like that can earn you some jail time, so I suggest you be careful what you say.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

THAT was an excellent post. I was in the process of typing up a lengthly response to the basic premise of this thread, but you covered many of the same points I was going to make. One quick note though, its R.I.C.O., not ricco. It stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations.

I'm glad that the OP wants to make a difference, but this ain't it. She wants to live like a lion and not as a lamb, but this idea would get too many people turned into tasty chops and then smothered in mint jelly.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Reality Hurts]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 04:56 PM
I don't think he means it literally, but i mean it is no worse then there Doing the middle class man, and worse the poor that eat dirt on a daily basis, while the rich Live a snug and Warm life in their Mansions. I am not saying some of the rich people did not earn there money, i am saying society needs to change. This society is eating away at the Middle class man, the middle Barely Exists any more. It is usually a Struggle all of your life, or a rich and Extravagant life. I am not saying the middle class has disapeared completely, but it is well on it's way.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I won`t go on with endless ranting and raving explaining why I am afraid of positive change. I won`t bow to your materialistic level either nor will I seek to use the reverse psychology as you do in your attempt to hide your very own extreme laziness. I seek not to be a product of my environment as you would rather yourself but instead seek to produce a better environment in which all could live. Persons such as yourself would actually need to contribute in a positive way and would never be allowed any hand outs or easy jobs in which you knew some influential person to place you there.

It is obvious to see while reading through this thread that all of your attempts to twist and manipulate the words of others, who only want to bring about a positive change in which all are treated equally and people behold the power to govern, is in itself a prime example of how people have been fooled into positively contributing to their own demise and the future of their children.

I applaud the author of this thread, as they have opened up a discussion for those who want to contribute and seek a real way to bring about positive change, to which all of those who believe in what is right can benefit by finally finding a way to put an end to the silent tyranny that has enveloped America since the institution of the Federal Reserve (aka the international bankers, aka the Rothschilds, aka the root of all evil`s production company).

To have an open mind is for those who are serious about thinking. I see all of the OP`s ideas and understand completely how each idea takes us to another level of thinking, as we must throw away every aspect we know, of how society is presently run. The overall goal is for a truly free society in which there is no room for deception by those who get rich off the backs and labor of those who struggle to survive.

We need to start somewhere, and we need to keep the ideas flowing. Don`t allow yourself to be held back by those who are afraid of change, by those who will warp your words in an attempt to discredit you.

I have never met a more intelligent group of people in one place as I constantly see here on ATS. But there will always be those who hate, usually out of ignorance and sometimes out of their own selfish desires.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Reality Hurts

You're right, of course. I had one too many "C"s. The government has been using the RICO act for all sorts of reasons, many of them political.
Anyway, I agree that the OP's way is not the approach that will work. I understand the frustration though, but we have to find legal, logical ways to beat them at their own game. My concern is that we (and I mean most of the people on ATS) are in a small minority. Most Americans complain, but then sit back on their couches, and watch TV all night. But then again, I don't think it's limited to the US. Maybe some of you from outside the US can comment on this.
Certainly, most Germans during the 1930's sat by while old Adolph led them down the path of destruction. I believe that's what the politcians count on. You know, with the Internet, and with proper protocols and protections, we could have a true democracy, where EVERYONE votes (once of course), at least on issues of importance. That would also eliminate "earmarks" or as we used to call them "pork". Since we are ultimately the people paying for such earmarks, we would hopefully be much more frugal in our spending.
Anyway, good sentiments, and best to you.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by csulli456

*CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP* I applaud you my friend, finally the open minded people have show up, to help me defend the O.P.'s ideas, I even gave you a star my friend. We need more people on this thread like you. This society has to Change, or else we will be led to utter Destruction of this world.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by darcon
reply to post by csulli456

*CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP* I applaud you my friend, finally the open minded people have show up, to help me defend the O.P.'s ideas, I even gave you a star my friend. We need more people on this thread like you. This society has to Change, or else we will be led to utter Destruction of this world.

Thanks for the applause and the star.
Also thanks for reminding me, I must give the OP a star for starting this thread.
I agree with you 100%, we need change, very desperately so.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:57 PM
Yes something has to happen or history is doomed to repeat itself. How do you think Rome Fell.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:16 PM
by all means its a great idea as long as it is PEACEFUL!!!!

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:02 PM
How about a 1 day strike. Again, some folks wouldn't be included (cops, hospital workers, etc). One day where the country dosen't goto work, school, watch TV, spend money, travel, use electricity, etc.
I'm not sure what this would accomplish, but I'd be in.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by corusso

Interesting theory, i would be in. I wonder what would happen.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by corusso
How about a 1 day strike. Again, some folks wouldn't be included (cops, hospital workers, etc). One day where the country dosen't goto work, school, watch TV, spend money, travel, use electricity, etc.
I'm not sure what this would accomplish, but I'd be in.

I think there is suppose to be one on Friday. Watch the youtube vid that I posted on the first page.

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