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Americans need to go on strike!

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:03 AM
I think almost all of you are either missing a marble or something else is blocking your wide view of things.

First and foremost, one of the silliest comments ever is right here from the OP:

Stop working, stop consuming. Just stop. Of course it won't work if just a handful participate. We have to beat them at their own game. In fact, lets ALL go on welfare. Let's take money from them. .

If we all quit our jobs and went on welfare, the government would not have any money to function, thus you wouldn’t' get your welfare check. and people who rely on those checks would STARVE.

Are you going to House them? Feed them? If not you.. who? So millions should die to further your strike?
This is a poorly thought out idea and those who jump on the bandwagon and even worse by perpetuating this bunk.

In any case, a "strike" wouldn't be against the government, the government could survive, they would just spend less on domestic programs, so a strike would be against corporations and those same corporations are the entities that put food on your table, clothes on your back and provide the other essentials you need to live. The "strike" wouldn't do a damn thing to the government. I can't believe how ignorant you all are to the consequences of something like this (which could NEVER. actually happen). You are all ridiculously self centered, I'd bet many of you post a reply to me that starts with "well.. I"

The OP responded to someone who asked him about the loss of electricity during this "stike" and said "we'll get generators" ... LOL well, Mr. Smartie pants.. you need GAS for generators, so you'd have to purchase it before hand wouldn't you?
Then you would be contributing to the system, exactly the opposite of the strike goals. The same with the guys who say they'd grow their own food or hoard it ahead of time.

How exactly would that hurt anyone?

That’s like the "gas out" day people planned.. Let’s all not buy gas on Wednesday.. so what happened?
People filled up on Tuesday.. yea that really sent a message.

Do you know who suffers when a corporation does not reach it's goals or match it's projections..? NO, it's not the rich guy. It's US (but mostly the poor). WE pay higher prices from loss of competition; we lose our jobs to store closings and layoffs. Those EVIL and GREEDY Corporations who FEED off of the IGNORANT masses? Without them, we wouldn't have 300 million Americans.
We cannot feed; we cannot take care of 300 Million people without automation. Automation is controlled by companies, when they get big they become corporations.

Walmart is an EVIL and GREEDY Corporation right? Yet it is the largest employer in the US and it's average wage is still 11 times the average wage in China. In fact, you'll make more (generally speaking) at Walmart than you will at an average mall job or McDonalds. It's prices are low and people get to put clothes on their backs, air conditioners in their windows and even FOOD on the table (Walmart is the US's biggest Grocer as well)

So when you decide to go on your strike, make sure you hoard enough food for all the POOR people who rely on those EVIL and GREDY corporations. I am sure there'll be right there with you lock and step for change. I mean, who needs to eat? You'll have pre-purchased gas for your generator and pre-purchased hoarded food for you.. so you'll be ok right?

And those EVIL and GREEDY Corporations will take a hit and start to change their ways right?

Listen.. You may not agree with the government, but "striking" is a colossally stupid way to get something done.
It may be good if you want ONE Corporation to give you more benefits as a worker, but it does nothing against a government.

So put your effort that you would put into organizing a strike and organize a VOTE.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by lostshepherd
reply to post by stellawayten

Dont spend money on corporate stuff, pay off debt, and move out to the country, live on the land as much as you can. Owe nothing to no one, work hard, pay taxes if you have to. I read the post thank you. Its just why do taxpayers have to pay for all the dead beats out there.

I totally agree with you except for the fact of working hard. I believe in working hard, just not FOR a corporation. Work hard on your land or in your own 'business'. Keep in mind that the only reason I brought up going on welfare was to try to break the gov't on our strike. The strike idea was not meant to be a permanent solution but a beginning.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by GUICE2
Those ditches have been filled because people like you didnt want to accept what would have to be accepted in order to have peace and harmony right?

So, all those people who perished during the Great Leap Forward, famines and pogroms, in Choeung Ek, have only themselves to blame? If they only they had accepted what was necessary for peace and harmony, they wouldn't have died, right?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Sorry man, I had to go pay a bill. You don't mind if the staff have lives do you? Look again. We're serious, we just can't be on every post as it's posted.

No need to be sensitive, I wasn't directing my comments towards you, but people who weren't listening to you.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by stellawayten
Keep in mind that the only reason I brought up going on welfare was to try to break the gov't on our strike.

So what exactly is it you want the government to be doing for you?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:39 AM
Lets be clear about this.
As long as people buy into the fact that Obama is 'change' - they will take that route as their protest.

He is no more change than Hillary, George, etc.
All of it is surface level. Didnt someone point out here that one of his financial advisors is a skull and bones man?

See the point? He speaks of change and getting new blood in the white house yet operates with the same people that have the power of there.

yes, I do think that for true change it starts within. And something like a one day protest would go a lot further than voting anyone as president...period. This will make more real change then politicians who only make surface adjustments and continue to lead the sheep down the less resistant path.

People are to afraid. But everyone gets one sick day a year, a vacation day. Why not use it all on the same day. I like the part about taking the money out of the bank. I bet you they would close it down if there was a rush the day or two before to do this. You reckon this would wake people up when they see they cant withdraw their money?

Of course it wouldnt. There would be some news story saying why they did teh right thing to make sure america didnt hurt itself by a rash decision.

Well it does boil down to a couple of things. Primarily the mass consciousness of a group. I will say that your half way there...You have about 5% waking up and thats it.
Get it to 10% and you will break the threshold folks...there is hope.

Like the oracle said to Neo in the first Matrix movie: "You have the gift kid, but it looks like your waiting for something." Neo says, "what"...and oracle replies, "next life maybe, I dont know..."

This is the state of the population of the world. Next "remake" of earth perhaps...who knows. "There is a difference of knowing the path and walking it". (also from the matrix.)

Main thing you could take from what the oracle said to Neo: "Know theyself".
MOst people only know that which is expected of them...from parents, school, religion, friends, etc. They are to afraid to know themselves...they are afraid that perhaps they are 'bad'.

Remember: "Fear not". And "Seek with ALL your heart and you will find". - Jesus & Paul

Peace Folks


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

We want the government to stop manipulating us. Plain and simple. But you will probably come up with some other way to twist my words and say i am greedy right?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by darcon
We want the government to stop manipulating us. Plain and simple. But you will probably come up with some other way to twist my words and say i am greedy right?

Once again, thought the personal attacks were supposed to stop. Jeez, I guess some people think the rules only apply to others.

You want the government to stop manipulating you? Great, fantastic! You are only manipulated if you allow yourself to be manipulated. But you aren't talking about yourself. You're talking about all the other poor saps, who are too dumb to realize any difference, right? Well, good thing we have folks like you, who know what's best for everyone.

And here I thought it was because the government was stealing from us, and we wanted to break the government (all the while mooching off the scabs).

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:23 AM
"But you aren't talking about yourself. You're talking about all the other poor saps, who are too dumb to realize any difference, right"
Well since you think i was making personal attack, i guess you could consider that a personal attack out there for all those people who support this thread. Like the mod said we are just going back and forth.
Well, good thing we have folks like you trying to bring negativity to the masses. Especially since you believe what ever the government tells you.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by darcon
Well, good thing we have folks like you trying to bring negativity to the masses. Especially since you believe what ever the government tells you.

And what makes you believe that? Because I don't agree with you? That is a high form of arrogance, my friend. "you don't believe the way I do, so you're a brainwashed idiot."

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex

Originally posted by stellawayten
Keep in mind that the only reason I brought up going on welfare was to try to break the gov't on our strike.

So what exactly is it you want the government to be doing for you?

Actually, I want there to be less government. I DO NOT want to make this post/thread about Ron Paul but I really like his ideas about abolishing the IRS, etc. Also many more of his ideas.

I want the power to be taken out of the corporations/lobbyists hands and given back to the public.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by stellawayten
Actually, I want there to be less government.

I want the power to be taken out of the corporations/lobbyists hands and given back to the public.

Okay, you want there to be less government, fine. But what exactly do you mean by less government?

What do you think lobbyists do? Are you against all lobbyists, or just certain lobbyists?

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

Ok, I have stayed out of this one for a while, but after reading some comments, especially yours, I have a few questions for you.

Are you happy with the way everything is running in this country?

I am just curious because I think the OP was looking for suggestions here. I have pointed out a few reasons of my own why I think some of the ideas suggested here might not work, in the hopes there might be additional ideas added to make some of them possibly work.

I would be interested in finding out your opinions on what the best way would be to resolve some of the enourmous issues that we as Americans are now facing.

Have you got any?

Could you please be more specific than to say by voting in the next election? I only ask this of you because for me, that is not an option considering what we have left in the way of candidates to make a selection out of.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:30 PM
I think the Government would probably Start martial law if something like this was to happen. It would be a difficult time for Americans, but no more difficult than in today''s society, where the Fear is pumped into the public daily. The people for sure outnumber the Government so we would have that to our advantage. If americans were to just, quit their jobs and hit the streets, that would be very interesting to see what the American Government would do.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:36 PM
I wouldn't go the route of striking, but one idea always interested me. What if things just happened to be... free? What if people just decided to start giving away the basic necessities of life away for free?

McDonald's cashier rings up an order, hands the food to the customer... but doesn't take his cash.

Homeowners stop paying mortgages. Tenants stop paying rent.

Nobody gets evicted or arrested because the police decide they shouldn't infringe on these people's basic rights to have food and shelter.

One of the first steps to stop this would be to fire employee's who participate in this. So, they all get fired... but if they are replaced with like minded people, the same results occur.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by ThePiemaker

Actually, as of late with the housing situation, I also have been wondering what impact it would have if say ALL mortgage borrowers refused to make a mortgage payment for a month or more.

Lenders can't foreclose on all of them. I would tend to think doing something like that would possibly put property immediately to what it's value should be, and put an end to the almost loans shark type practices of lenders.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by SaviorComplex

I think the OP was looking for suggestions here.

Have you got any?

Exactly!!! I know my idea isn't the end all be all of the situation and I know it isn't perfect but it's a start. I LOVE when yall post your ideas. I think brainstorming is a wonderful tool.

on another note... I really wish that before members post their critique that they would read the ENTIRE post or thread. You really miss the point/mark when you don't.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by ThePiemaker

Actually, as of late with the housing situation, I also have been wondering what impact it would have if say ALL mortgage borrowers refused to make a mortgage payment for a month or more.

Lenders can't foreclose on all of them. I would tend to think doing something like that would possibly put property immediately to what it's value should be, and put an end to the almost loans shark type practices of lenders.

Interesting idea. When I read this I thought, people won't do that because of fear of ruining their credit. But actually, fear is what the whole thing boils down to isn't it. We live in a fear based society. We are scared to quit our jobs because we fear we won't survive. We are scared to not make a payment because we fear our credit score will go down and thus not be able to make that big purchase. I'm sure we could all add many more examples but you get my point.

So, I guess the answer is, we have to teach ourselves to not be scared. That is the only way things will change. With me, fear was drilled into me since I was a child. You must go to college or you won't have a good job. You must pay your bills on time or you will have bad credit. You must have a job or people will think you are lazy and worthless. You must fix your hair and apply makeup or people will not find you attractive. You must eat from the four food groups (i know its a pyramid now) or you will not be healthy. I have a ton more but I think I'm starting to bore you.


posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by ThePiemaker

I like your idea but I'm afraid that it would cause I lot of people to be jailed considering it is stealing. It's hard to come up with something that would make a difference that isn't breaking the law. I have been thinking long and hard about it.

I just don't think voting and sit ins work. I think we need something more drastic. Keeping coming with the ideas though!

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by GUICE2
You see someone who needs heat? Stop asking how to PAY for it and make them a fire.

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
I could build them a fire, but I can't just give away my's a limited resource. What if I don't have enough, or what if they cannot give me anything in return (I'm assuming you couldn't, since you refuse to work). Why should I give you part of my limited resource when you either cannot help me in return or refuse to? Why should I hurt myself?

"Its always more fun to share with everyone." Jack Johnson

You need to go camping.

...have to run, home-grown collard greens are burning out on my salvaged-cinder-block woodstove, and I promised my roomate lunch...

Sri Oracle

[edit on 15-2-2008 by Sri Oracle]

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