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Life on the other side of the fence

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posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 11:24 AM
Hey drakiir can you tell me how to initiate one of those time gap events they sound really good. I was in a car once when the roof came off the one in front. Everything slowed right down it was wierd. The roof went flying through the air but really really slow, since witnessing this I know time is an illusion and in times of danger we do seem to be able to slow it or alter its speed. The roof eventually came down and missed me which was great but as soon as it smashed onto the floor time was normal again. Oh and the sound altered too when everything was slow.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by atlasastro

Umm so the whole point of me telling you this was so I could try and convince you?

I can try all I want, but if you told me you never had an alien experience in the first place I wouldn't have had to re write all this stuff and you would of easily found it within the some 33 pages of text. And to prove you didn't read through all of it is shown by the fact that you completely missed the post on when I went to college, I was tired and so what if I made mistakes in spelling.

I think you fail to give people credit, people aren't just their job, cars etc......I think people are genuinely curious about life, life outside of our own existence be that alien or spiritual and that people have been curious for thousands of years, just look at civilisation past. And take this site for example.

Oh man have you even looked around, out world is based on consumerism and marketing look at all those flashy new cars that people want, mp3 players, new appliances. I have news for you, all this stuff is been fed to people who demand, we want more of all those things. There are people who want to take a genuine life jouney and thats great but man, some people would be more interested in the next episode of home and away, or what paris hilton has been uo to. Most of us are so far removed from reality we dont even know it. Its just you dont wish to see it.

Its a harsh reality but most of the a people are pulled along by the strings, people just don't want to look up to realize they aren't in as much control as they thought the were. Others like me want to escape the monotony of life and go to a higher level. All of what I said about the rain and events can be achieved if you focus hard enough. So maybe I haven't got the grand delusion that you think I have.

Oh by the way insulting me and than saying good luck is a contradiction, Im not a perfect speller but I know what manners are. And when you actually have an alien experience you will understand everything Im saying, see thats the difference we want to a higher level, but you want to stay in the giant mental illusion of freedom.

You see people walking in the streets, I see people trapped in a cage they dont even know they are in, its called the great deception, and sadly you dont even see the global picture.

As for the proof you wouldn't need it if you have had an alien experience that is what this thread is all about. Look through the post and read, look at the level we are connecting at its global and note anonymous, and yet we seem to have the same thing in common.......thats not delusion thats reality buddy.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Drakiir

Drakkir, I like what you are saying a lot, even if it can't be proven scientifically on this forum. I feel you are very sincere and heartfelt, and would enjoy reading further what you have to say.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Yes we have nothing to prove this thread has helped me and it has give me the nudge I needed. I know what I have experianced and I myself have nothing to prove. This is about learning for us who have been through similar experiences and it's helping us understand even more.

It's right people are to stubern and ignore anything out of there normal life. There happy to sit there and watch the world go by wishing everyday that some kind of Doomsday Event will happen.

There is many things I don't believe that you may believe but who am I to judge what you.. I am ME I am my own person and I do not need to lie or make up stories to waste both my and sombody elses time. What would I gain by this I do not have time to throw away mate, I am not after any sort of attention. Just glad I can talk about this been it's bottled up inside me for years.

Answer me one question.

Is it through Fact or Thought that you do not believe that this can happen to a person.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:38 PM
Its great this thread is still going, but I have to go to college so Ill be back tonight around 7pm. So I will see you all when I get back, just quickly

Mr Green: I think you can activate one but I think its known as a forced event, those beings I talked about in my time gap post can come through if you force one. I felt those specific ones were looking for me.

AGENT: Thanks for the support, its people like the previous poster who just get me annoyed, all they have to do is read through the thread and see for themselves but apparently Im supposed to retype it all.

Previous poster: Hers the facts buddy. You are in the delusion, you are not in a free world, every part of your life is controlled, everything you "consume" is a distraction, and the only reality your going to get is when you open your eyes. Until you can see what's truly around you then call me any name you want. You want proof its on this site in these pages, if you cant see it than look deeper.

And this is a US site so the spelling will be different, if thats what your referring to.

Got to go be back later.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Drakiir]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:55 PM
Drakiir thanks I have learned a lot from this thread. We know we have nothing to prove if people don't want to step outside there normal reality then I can not blame them it's there space and time and it's up to them what path they want to take.

I can feel that I am waking to the BS I have been fed all my life. A new door has opened for me and I feel a much better person than I was before, I am a much nicer person now. The worry of weather the world is going to end tomorrow or not has gone.

I would follow things like 9/11, 7/7 the TU24 2007 End of the world, 2008 End of the world. Isn't that any more stranger that what is going on in this topic becasue half the stuff never happened.

I have lost total intrest in all that now becasue there is no end to it, I have totaly let my mind go and I now feel free from the trap and I am starting to see another meaning. There is more to life than people think technology is brainwashing everybody so they forget about who they really are and what they can really do.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 04:07 PM
Hey just a though as I keep getting visions about the shamans, They said they were going to show there knowledge to the west, Maybe this is it.

Im sure I read it on these forums somewhere. Also that there is some drug they take (Some plant) and it can take them to Alien and Spirit worlds.

Didn't scientist do experiments with them drugs on several people and they all had the same experiance even though they were all asked what they saw individually.

They all said they saw Aliens. Same room, Same place, Same Aliens

Sorry to steer off topic just though there may be some connection.

[edit on 20-2-2008 by psycho81]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by psycho81

Im sure I read it on these forums somewhere. Also that there is some drug they take (Some plant) and it can take them to Alien and Spirit worlds.

They all said they saw Aliens. Same room, Same place, Same Aliens

That would probably be ayahuasca.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Hi again,

Regarding time gaps, every one of them I have experienced has been by force. This works by altering the frequency to such a point that it is "detected" and beings are sent to investigate. I have had the beings sent to me when Im with one person or whether Im with many people so I dont think there is any condition for it to happen under.

I do know that I dont have the guts to do it anymore. If they want to see me that they decide when to do as you know. Plus these particular beings are split into sects good and bad essentially, and heres the confusing bit I don't know which ones are bad or good, unless I approach them. I don't know if they are looking for me or hunting me. so I strongly suggest not to force one.

All I can say for certain is that if you do want to force one make sure and absolutely sure its with a grey. You don't want 7 foot armour plated mercenaries on your tail hunting you down in a vacant building with the power out, nooooooooo way. Even the good ones that I have some sort of connection to I am wary of.

You have more guts than me even considering it, you brave to say the least man.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Mmmm maybe not then!!
Im just fascinated by the whole time thing not so much going back in time but into different dimensions which exist at the same time as us (like your metal clad visitors!)

Drakiir there is another thread regarding chem trail grids being used to project holograms on like say a UFO. This is probably to trick the public into thinking we are actually been invaded or something like that, cause panic so have yet more ways of controlling the masses. Well Ive told you about the anubis my partner saw which was as I said a hologram. Do you think it was projected at him to try and scare him.

Last summer my whole exstended family saw a large mechanical bird in the sky holding 20 plus baloons!! I did not see this but they all said it was so strange it was almost unreal so now Im thinking was that a hologram???

Do you think we will soon be seeing things that arn t real in the skys? Do you know of any programmes regarding holograms? As I say Im interested due to the Anubis.

Oh and I also really like reading what you have to say so keep it up and Im glad you got through all those doubters.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by psycho81

I just wanted to say your account of your abduction is fascinating and you seemed to have remembered quite a bit. I wanted you to know that I totally believe everything you have wrote and I wish you the best of luck in working out what has happenned to you. You seem to be going about it brilliantly.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Drakiir there is another thread regarding chem trail grids being used to project holograms on like say a UFO. This is probably to trick the public into thinking we are actually been invaded or something like that, cause panic so have yet more ways of controlling the masses.

Your onto it man and getting closer so good for you

Yes thats right. Remember in the previous post when I said that the "pretty lights" in the sky, were the distraction. Everyone thinks the answers are up there but there not they are down hear on earth, under the earth maybe in underground tunnels which I have been reading about. Also on another plane of existence, maybe just maybe, the aliens on the higher plane are the good guys and the ones here on earth in cooperation with the government are the bad. Now we are starting to see devisions between both types of grays, where once everyone thought they were all one group.

See thats the grand plan. To steer the people away from the real answers and make them look up instead of in-front. Remember when I said people create demand. The public are creating the demand for more sightings so the government in giving them more of what they want, they could even be telling the aliens to create distractions with real UFOs. The people wont know they are too far away, all they see is bright lights, they may as well put on a fireworks show it would get the same reaction.

Heres the difference when people see a UFO they post it here in ATS and other sites for scrutiny and validity, but there is no real proof of what it is. When we experience contact and abduction no one tells for fear of ridicule, which Im glad to say on this thread at least is dissolving. So in-fact the reverse is happening the people who have personal experiences like yourself me and others don't say anything. The "lightshows" are the distraction for the people who haven't had a personal experience and serve as a quick fix solution to any questions regarding alien life which comes with a quick fix answer.

Guess who gets the more attention...... you guessed it the "lightshow" experiences and because we don't speak out to many people, the real story doesn't get heard. That my friend is the great deception, magnify that and you could potentially shut 1 million people up by sending out a huge UFO for all to see.........demand was created and it was met and thats 1 million questions as to alien life existing off your back. All you have to do as a president is deny everything keep the fire of deception burning and when demand increases send out another UFO, rinse and repeat for millennium to come.

My brain has never flowed like this before we must have a connection, a strong one at that. Im streaming this from the Stream itself and you must be enhancing it somehow as we both have similar experiences.........

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:26 AM
some friends and i were outside last night and i suppose there was a generator inside a building or so, im not sure. suddenly it started to give really weird humming noises. it sounded like they were induced through something else, like a vibration or resonance, sounded like high frequency. the sounds appeared very unsteady. everytime they appeared i feeled weird / warm inside, sometimes it also appeared as if i could control the intensity, end and beginning of them.

do ufos make any sounds? like a humming, a really strange humming.

something else i really want to mention...
wouldnt an extra-terrestrial threat be the perfect smoke screen for a (nuclear / global) war ( / attack)?

i believe the shooting of the satelite is just one of many steps to come, to prepare for (sub) orbital threats.

[edit on 22/2/08 by cometa]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by cometa

the sounds appeared very unsteady. everytime they appeared i feeled weird / warm inside, sometimes it also appeared as if i could control the intensity, end and beginning of them.

Yeah you can feel it on the inside of you and depending on the intensity it can overcome you if its hits a certain tone. But its cool to know you could control how intense it was I usually cant, it overwhelmes me.

.......wish I could do what you could do not fair

do ufos make any sounds? like a humming, a really strange humming.

The ship I was in at first was whisper quite, you could barely hear it. The other ship or portal that was over my house sounded like a giant vacuum cleaner on reverse. It was deffening and produced vibrations which sent my pencil holder jumping across the desk.

something else i really want to mention...
wouldnt an extra-terrestrial threat be the perfect smoke screen for a (nuclear / global) war ( / attack)?

You know the governments these days, anything to test out their new war toys, even if that means a smokescreen. So yeah its entirely possible since I know that the grays I know represent peace and guidance so Im pretty sure that done want a nuclear war. Thats said its safe to say that it be pure government fabrication.

i believe the shooting of the satelite is just one of many steps to come, to prepare for (sub) orbital threats.

Yeah me too I beleive its a show of muscle under the guise of self defense. By the way do you know where the satellite landed, I barely watch the news at all and it would be good to find out.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:43 AM
thanks for answering. no, i dont know where it or parts of it have landed... drakiir, i share your attitude towards everyday life. its really weird. the more i think about the stranger it becomes. once you start thinking about it, you´ve passed the point of no return and there will be no way back to lie as much to yourself as you did before in order to "live a normal life". i just dont know, why i was born, why i am here. yeah, every person asks this questions from time to time, but it depends on how you really feel about it. (i quite know some people, who feel kind of the same, but i NEVER meet anyone in my life who "is like me"... say, i HAVE a life. say, i have two of them, the ordinary and the not so ordinary. for the sceptics, dont think i WANT this stuff to happen, it just happens and most of the time i try to ignore and defend it, because its like a curse and it makes you feel haunted!)

one time i just sat there and stared at a wall, then i started to see from inside my eyes. i mean, it looked as i was inside my eyes and was looking out through my pupils, really weird. sometimes i feel like im just a body and my soul lies somewhere else. when you start to feel your body as a skeleton with flesh, a heart beating all the time, lungs that have to breath all the time and you just wonder about why your heart keeps on beating all the time and that this is no matter of course, then you really start asking yourself a lot of questions about existence.

i told this before, but as i was gazing at a tree one time, a word (from a foreign language) came into my mind, that i did not know before. the words meaning was: "healing".

yeah, i live a secluded live, because of the way people look (at me) and i cant stand their scared and uncomprehending looks. so i avoid looking people in the eyes sometimes. its like i can see to their inside. i cant stand to see them in this state of mind. i dont see individuals, i see controlled masses, copies of advertising characters, VIPs or characters of a tv series, hilarious! peoples behaviour is being pre-conditioned through TV. they are told under what circumstances to laugh or to cry and so on. and they look at me saying: freak, paranoid or shizo, try hard or whatever. but nearly for 10 years (im nearly 24 now) i keep on having very strange experiences and im not making it up, i had a normal life, i was like most of you, but then i started thinking, too and i still cant realize whats going on. like you said, drakiir, we are just at the beginning.

when i was in the army, i gave meditation a try and it worked. i was very exhausted and i layed in bed, then i keeped on repeating a word, it was "chi" and i said it all the time until it became meaningless. then my body fell asleep, i could not control it anymore, as if i was sleeping, but my mind was awake. then i heard a female voice, it originated directly from in front of me. the voice said two sentences, the first i cant remember, but the second was: "they are all here.". and that really freaked me out, #! i thought to myself in this moment: ok, man, now you´re done, you´re insane now, you hear voices! but i know i could have talked to the voice, i know it, i know it would have answered me all of my questions, if i only had asked.

im handsome, im smart, i have lots of talents (musically, artistically, mathematically), but its all a waste in this society and my gifts wont do anything good to the world. so i dont care and im doing nothing, but to wonder about whats going on here, about these circles everyone is running in until the day they die - what a wasted live! i´d rather kill myself, than live on this # planet, really, a # planet, but i know i cant do it, i need to see more. i hate the governments for lying to us, that they lead war, that they control the people, its unbelievable. we are REALLY slaves, wake up!

what else can i say...! its insane.

ps: one time i sat in my room and i typed a message into notepad like "hello alien being in my room. who are you, where are you from? etc.". after that i had really strange and intense activity in my room.

pss: strange, too. seems like these ghost like appearances are favoured by tv-radiation, either by the e-field of the electricity or by the refresh rate of the montior (60 to ~ 120 hz / imagine it like strobe light, very fast), so i wondered when i saw a episode of the "beaver brothers" sitting in the dark with the tv on, playing cards with ghosts...

the post is long enough now... yuck.

[edit on 22/2/08 by cometa]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by cometa

You have woken up my freind and realised the real world that your in, its not the best one I admit that but we can still make a change individually. You have friends here to help you out and make you feel welcome, Im here as well. You have to open your life up and its a hard thing to do I know, but it has to be done. All these new experiences and frequencies you are experiencing, you can use these to connect with people like you never could before. Your family especially, this effects them to as Im sure you are aware and when you open up to them you will have feelings and understanding like you never felt possible.

As seeing people being led around like sheep and programmed/told where to go, thats because they wont let go. No one can force them to let go its up to them in the end, its unfortunate but it is. However you can improve your personal life by focusing on you, and the ones close to you, your own life can change for the better when you really focus on it. I realized one thing by doing this thread and that was not to give speeches to people to come on in and join but to let them come in whenever they want have a look and contribute to the conversation. No more speeches we all understand the message here and we have to let people be and focus on ourselves its the only way for self improvement.

You need your family around you man, they will be there and support you Im sure of it. Sometimes its the best place to go when you want support, my releatives are the only people I talk to about these topics on her because they understand the bond that I have with them. Understanding and love is what you need right now and I think the people who are closest to you would understand that when you are genuine with your feelings as Im sure you always are.

Youve got to readjust and it can take time and be gradual, it will happen so just hang in there. You know where to come when you need help so u2u me or post it whichever one makes you feel comfortable.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Thanks alot and its also due to everyone being supportive and sharing their stories here which is the best part.

"Where once we were divided, we are now united" Arless Loveless - Wild Wild West

Thats the shortest post I ever wrote

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by cometa

cometa said:-
when i was in the army, i gave meditation a try and it worked. i was very exhausted and i layed in bed, then i keeped on repeating a word, it was "chi" and i said it all the time until it became meaningless. then my body fell asleep, i could not control it anymore, as if i was sleeping, but my mind was awake. then i heard a female voice, it originated directly from in front of me. the voice said two sentences, the first i cant remember, but the second was: "they are all here.". and that really freaked me out, #! i thought to myself in this moment: ok, man, now you´re done, you´re insane now, you hear voices! but i know i could have talked to the voice, i know it, i know it would have answered me all of my questions, if i only had asked.

Cometa I too have heard this female voice. It was years ago and I woke up with a jolt to see this white tower of light going up into a hazzy cloud of more white light. I was startled and then it said telepathically "Everything is alright" I then fell immediatly to sleep. I was aware that there were two of them but only one spoke. I don t know if I woke up too soon and saw these lights Im not sure but the tower was been absorbed into the mass of white above me as I woke. They were almost angelic the way they looked and spoke. It was not my voice and this is the one time only I think Ive heard voices. This is the first time I have spoke about this.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Mr Green]

[edit on 22-2-2008 by Mr Green]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Drakiir

My brain has never flowed like this before we must have a connection, a strong one at that. Im streaming this from the Stream itself and you must be enhancing it somehow as we both have similar experiences......... COOL!!!

My name is Drakiir, Contactee

Yes you are right Drakiir we are connected but I have yet to work out how and why this is

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Mr Green

Maybe because we have knowledge of the anubis figure you were talking about. I know my description didn't match exactly but they are the only beings I know of with what seems to be armor plating. There is a connection here somewhere but where to find it hmmmmm

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