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Israeli Daniel Lewin - Murdered While Battling Hijackers on Flight 11 on September 11th?

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by eyewitness86

browneyewitness ~

It's a conspiracy site. I agree. What I don't agree with is trying to disgrace a man the way you and others are. It's one thing to claim planes were remote controlled, thermite in the towers, 93 was shot down.... etc...
But speaking ill of a man who more than likely IS a hero is sickening to me. IF you are going to slander a dead man, you should at least have some evidence to back it up.

Considering Daniel Lewin's Mossad ties, that is a moot point in the case of 9/11/2001. Stop trying to put people on a guilt trip. It is not going to work with any correct criminial investigation, particularly one as massive as 9/11/2001.

When people play with fire in the spook world, they take high risk they are going to get burned, and any loved ones stand to be burned as well, even if the relatives knew nothing about the highly dangerous secret life of their loved one. The people who need to think about the emotions and safety, of their loved ones, are the ones causing the highly potential burning of their loved ones.

Aren't Mr. Lewin's direct ties with MIT are quite interesting?

MIT beginnings
Lewin founded Akamai in September 1998, with Tom Leighton, the company's chief scientist, and a leading group of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers and business professionals. The company's base is in Cambridge, Massachusetts, very near Boston.

Who made up the "official" report for the Bush administration? Would that be Thomas Eagar of MIT? I am very certain it was, because he put his name on it when was published in "Popular Mechanics".

I still remember people seriously speculating, that Jonathan Pollard was either a patsy, or set-up to take a fall for something he did not do. No different than Lee Harvey Oswald.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

Ok, answer this: WHY is it ' more likley ' that he is a hero in this case and not a part of the program? What leads yoiu to dismiss all of the ' anomalies ' about the man and his prescence on the plane? WHY do you think it likley that he is a hero? On what do you base that?

Is it the habit of MOSSAD commando's to be in seated surrounded by Arab highjackers on a flight to be highjacked and shot in the head by a gun that is never recovered and never proven to exist? All we have is the WORD of the government, and is absolutely useless when the government, or at least parts, are part of the crimes.

Lewin MAY have been a hero: BUT no evidence proves this. Lewin MAY have been involved in the whole affair or a part; but in any event his presense on the plane and his background mean that coincidence is gone: The odds are too far out.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

Capt. obvious,

If you find our personal slander against some guy disgusting, go elsewhere. Hey we can talk about him all we like. If you have nothing more to say than that, please keep it to yourself and don't try to derail the topic constantly. And if you want to take part in conversation, instead of charging others to show proof, why don't you show proof to us that he indeed wasn't a mossad agent and a hijacker? Thank you.

Instead that you would speak out your own opinions in conversation, you constantly keep criticizing and questioning other people's views.

Hey, maybe I start my next thread about you

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:20 AM
I find the following somewhat amuzing:
Levin was in Special Forces, then Mossad, and yet when he boards plane nor those who are behind this operation (which must be complex and cunning) nor he himself think of changing his name to Ali/Mohammad/George....
No, he flies with his passport. If Mossad/CIA/NWO are that stupid - no reason to worry about their success.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

I disagree. An old addage is "If you want to keep a secret, tell everybody. Just make sure nobody believes you, and discredit those that do". This applies very well to the Con Job pulled on Black Tuesday, concerning not just this, but every facet of the absued lies sold to the public by our government.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I thought that goes "if you want to make a good lie, add a little truth".
Persons ID, which ,as is claimed, can blow the cover- this is ... well...
unheard of, this is a HUGE "truth".
If this person did play some part in that tragedy (i obviously think that he didn't) then doing it WITH his passport makes no sence.
BTW, if anothe Israeli was on another one of crashed planes, wouldn't this automaticaly make him in your eyes a Moassad agent?
Because some of us DO fly to US, in US and from US, and i'm not aware that there is a list of who is/isn't in secret Israeli agency.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
The FACT that the 5 LIVE videos shown during the attacks directly contradict eachother and therefore some or all of them are FAKE is enough evidence to rule out the official conspiracy theory.

That is a rather strong statement that draws a conclusion unrelated to the topic of this thread. Perhaps it might be well-advised for you to begin another thread that details how you've arrived at such an astounding proclamation.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge

If this person did play some part in that tragedy (i obviously think that he didn't) then doing it WITH his passport makes no sence.

Could you please cite something that says Mr. Lewin was carrying a passport? Thank you in advance for the information.

The reason I ask is because I do not recall anything being stated about Mr. Lewin carrying any passport. Was his passport located at WTC site? If so, exactly where was it located?

I do not understand why people would be carrying any passports on domestic flights, as purported by the "official" reports. What would be the purpose on domestic flights? The only time I ever had to carry a passport was when I was travelling abroad. I did not have to have a passport when travelling by air, in the US, in 2003.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by

There are about 20 threads on this subject and this conclusion was reached years ago on them.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by OrionStars

Well, since i live in Israel, not a lot to fly to with domestic flights

So with my poor flying experience , i assumed that anyone anyware
needs passport or other ID to get aboard.
Might be wrong assumption.
However this passenger WAS somehow by someone identified, otherwise this discussion would not have started.
I hope you are not accusing Al Qaeda operatives in claiming that they are Israelis from Mossad who served in Special Forces and want to take over the world?
Some ID must have been used if a person is identified. And for any operative , or even a criminal, to take HIS before commiting a crime (and what a crime) is ....

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Daniel Lewin May 14, 1970 – September 11, 2001

Daniel was a mathematician and entrepreneur, best known for co-founding internet company Akamai Technologies. Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem, where he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces. He was an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive intelligence unit.He attended the Technion university in Haifa, Israel while simultaneously working at IBM's research laboratory in Haifa. While at IBM, he was responsible for developing the Genesys system, a processor verification tool that is used widely within IBM and in other companies such as AMD and SGS Thompson.

Here is what he was thought of at MIT:

"It's not hard to make a huge laundry list of Danny's achievements, but I think what sets him apart is that he managed to combine high achievement with rock-solid personal qualities," said Eric Lehman of the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) , one of his closest friends at MIT

"Danny had a remarkable combination of creative insight, practical skill, and personal motivation," said Professor Stephen A. Ward, one of Lewin's graduate advisors. "His considerable impact on his field foreshadowed unimaginable future contributions, had his extraordinary career not been senselessly terminated. It is a great loss to his community, to his field and to the world."
Lewin published and presented several breakthrough papers at top computer science conferences and received several awards, including the 1998 Morris Joseph Lewin Award for Best Masterworks Thesis Presentation at MIT. He was recently named one of the 25 most influential CTOs by, and ranked seventh in the Power 100 list of the Enterprise Systems Journal.

Here are a couple links to some of his work:

He is survived by his wife Anne and two boys Eitan and Itamar who still ilve in Massachusetts. And if your wondering if they could have been "paid off".... Money was and is not a problem for them as they own 10% of the company he co-founded.

If you folks would like to:

Contributions in his memory may be made to a fund to provide scholarships to students pursuing careers in science: the Daniel Lewin Science Scholarship Fund, c/o Hale and Dorr Capital Management LLC, 60 State St., Boston, MA 02019.

Daniel was an exceptional human being that was on an airplane that was highjacked. Why was he in business class? Heck he should have been in 1st class. He was pretty much a billionare. He lived in Boston which would explain WHY he was on a flight from Logan Airport.

If anyone is interested, I will be more than happy to show what Mr. Lewin was doing. The reports that he was shot was a very preliminary report and later changed to him being stabbed. All evidence shows that he was quite possibly the first death on 911

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
reply to post by OrionStars

Well, since i live in Israel, not a lot to fly to with domestic flights

So with my poor flying experience , i assumed that anyone anyware
needs passport or other ID to get aboard.
Might be wrong assumption.
However this passenger WAS somehow by someone identified, otherwise this discussion would not have started.

That is understandable. Thank you for explaining.

In the US, we do not need passports to travel domestically by air or land. I never had to have it for travel back and forth into Canada by water either through 2003.

As for ID, that was instigated by the Bush administration and has never by validated by them.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by ItsHumanNature
There are about 20 threads on this subject and this conclusion was reached years ago on them.

If you so please, could you direct me to what you consider to be the best of those threads so that we might take this discussion there?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Daniel was a mathematician and entrepreneur, best known for co-founding internet company Akamai Technologies. Lewin was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Jerusalem, where he served for four years in the Israel Defence Forces. He was an officer in Sayeret Matkal, an elite and secretive intelligence unit

Sayeret Matkal agent :"The units main job is to penetrate deep within enemy territory and to gather realiable,quality intelligence in real-time"

"The preperation for each mission lasts for many months and includes many SIMULATIONS with models...."

-2:04 " In not too rare occasions we are accused that as a unit... we execute "Missions like from the movies", so i tell everyone, the movies are still way far from the opertaions this unit preforms and Spielberg has alot more to learn...."

Here is the video again.....

[edit on 9-2-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 9-2-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

YEs IVAN... this was your OP... we ALL saw it already. WHy oh WHY do you do the SAME thing in all your threads????

Please provide some evidence as to why this dead man should be looked into.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by IvanZana

YEs IVAN... this was your OP... we ALL saw it already. WHy oh WHY do you do the SAME thing in all your threads????

Please provide some evidence as to why this dead man should be looked into.

Captain Obvious, did you obviously miss what at least two of us did present for evidence, of the many questionable activities on the part of Mr. Daniel Lewin?

Or did you not understand the direct obvious ties, to obvious questionable activities against we, the people, the legitimate government of the US, as bestowed upon posterity by the US Constitution?

I realize George W. Bush thinks of the US Constitution as nothing but a gd piece of worthless paper. Unfortunately and very obviously, there are many of us government employers who do not agree with our employee on that pertinent matter to 9/11/2001.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

I guess it must be my twisted world view, but your post actually supports my suspicious about him.. Why indeed he travels in business class while he could've traveled in 1st class? And why next to terrorists. I'm sure this wasn't your purpose tho

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by OrionStars


I have had you on ignore for a couple weeks now. I just took you off to see if you are adding anything to the conversations. Shame on me.

As usual you appeal to emotion and stick to your neo-con bashing. I am a registered Democrat in the state of Massachusetts. Yes the same state the Mr. Lewin resided in with his family and where he was employed.

YOU or Ivan or ANYONE have to submit evidence backing up the slanderous statements that are being made about this man. Being part of an elite forces group in Israel for 4 years does not make you a member of the Mossad.

Read up on his life (as short as it was) and see what he accomplished in the 31 years he lived. Please explain how he had the time to be involved with the planning of the attacks on 911 and go to school, raise a family, run a business.... etc etc...

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Have you looked at the manifest for flight 11? There was only 1 seat in first class available. Is is possible that the flight may have been sold out at the time he booked his flight? Is it possible that he enjoyed business class when he is traveling on business trips?

Instead of cherry picking like you and the other truthers in here do. Why not read about the man and what he accomplished as a father, husband, and what he did for the internet industry.

He didn't make a billion dollars planning on crashing airplanes.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by OrionStars


I have had you on ignore for a couple weeks now. I just took you off to see if you are adding anything to the conversations. Shame on me.

You once again displayed your preference for red herring (tangent) and ad hominem (personal attack) to derail. Exactly what argument do you have with what I presented? What answers can you supply while remaining on topic? I am not the topic of the discussion. The points and questions asked and remaining on topic are.

Emotion had nothing to do with the hard cold questions I asked or factual comments I made pertaining to topic.

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