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Israeli Daniel Lewin - Murdered While Battling Hijackers on Flight 11 on September 11th?

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Wizard_In_The_Woods

Apparently you have never flown - when you check in the gate agent
assigns you your seat when they issue the boarding pass. Information
came from the FBI who interviewed the gate agents and from the flight
manifest of who was on the plane and where. Also flight attendents
Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney relayed what the first class cabin crew told
them of who was sitting in what seats. The Globe took that information
to compile their map.

Lewin was sandwiched between two hijackers - one in front and one in
back. Apparently tried to intervene when hijackers attacked flight
attendents and was stabbed from behind by Satam al Suqami

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:38 PM
Considering two alleged hijackers falsely accused of being seated on alleged Flight 11 were never there, that presents a real dillemma for the FBI's "seating chart". Those two are proved to still be alive after 9/11/2001.

Then there is this:

And this:

Original Hijacker
Mohamed Atta
Adnan Bukhari
Amer Bukhari
Abdul Alomari
Amer Kamfar

Becomes New Hijacker
Mohamed Atta
Waleed Alshehri
Wail Alshehri
Abdulaziz Alomari
Satam Al Suqami

Isn't it a little convenient that Satam Al Suqami's passport was found intact a few blocks away from the World Trade Centre?

An employee of the FAA called James Hopkins decided to do his little bit to help out by searching an FAA database for the names Adnan Bukhari and Mohamed Atta. It showed that a man called Bukhari was trained in Aviation Security at the FAA Academy (Oklahoma) in 1991 and 1998. When he tried to report this to his superiors he ended up getting sacked. Thankfully he got his job back, but it just goes to show you what a sensitive issue these Bukharis can be...



(202) 653-7984

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC) today announced that the Merit Systems Protection Board (Board or MSPB) granted OSC’s petition to put Mr. James P. Hopkins back to work as an International Aviation Operations Specialist with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in Washington, DC. OSC requested the stay after a preliminary investigation of Mr. Hopkins’ whistleblower retaliation complaint. According to OSC’s petition, that investigation provided reasonable grounds to conclude that Mr. Hopkins was fired because he alerted his supervisors and the FBI to what he reasonably believed might be a link between one of the hijackers involved in the September 11th terrorist attacks and an individual who had received Aviation Security training at the FAA Academy.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:58 AM
For me his "simple" death throws in to doubt much of that day. These guys are so good that reg IDF looks like chumps. And reg IDF is awesome. It would be like a kid with MS killing a NAVY SEAL. No joke. Something is weird about it.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by Wizard_In_The_Woods

Apparently you have never flown... Information
came from the FBI who interviewed the gate agents...


You probably are right, the Boston Globe got the ‘passenger’ seating arrangements directly from the FBI. Certainly not from the airlines. Because their corporate lawyers would have never allowed it.

The FBI on the other hand is naturally an important part of the 9-11 cabal. They were ‘everywhere’ on that day. So you're spot on about where the passenger lists originated from – the FBI. They darned sure didn’t come from United or AA, because those planes never boarded or took off.

The Wizard In The Woods

[edit on 2/9/2008 by Wizard_In_The_Woods]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

Good find

I think this Lewin guy might've been mossad agent. And somehow he might also be related to the hijack other ways than by just being a passenger sitting 'accidentally' next to the alleged hijackers. I find it odd.

There were earlier on this thread couple good posts which I starred, basically saying the same that I've concluded so far. Yeah, what if he was the hijacker and the story that he fought and got killed against the real hijacker is false?

I remember the story of dancing israeli's. There is definitely something fishy in this whole story.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:15 AM
It’s safe to say that Daniel Lewin is alive and well. Living the ‘high life’ somewhere. Supported with loads of cash he would have received for his willingness to go ‘underground’.

His wife is surely happy too – because undoubtedly she is being ‘taken care of’ also, financially that is. Perhaps the two wanted to separate anyways. Or even if not, with enough money most people wouldn’t mind being inconvenienced a little by having to live a more secretive life.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_WoodsHis wife is surely happy too – because undoubtedly she is being ‘taken care of’ also, financially that is. Perhaps the two wanted to separate anyways. Or even if not, with enough money most people wouldn’t mind being inconvenienced a little by having to live a more secretive life.

Pure disgust! Why don't you come to Boston (Charlestown)to meet his widowed wife and fatherless children. I can assure you that although financially they are fine. ( he was a VERY smart man and made good money) They would live in a cardboard box if it meant their dad were alive today.

This entire thread is the reason the 911 Truthers have such a bad reputation.

Now, step up truthers and present ONE piece of evidence to back up ONE accusation that has been thrown around.

I doubt I will get one response.....

[edit on 9-2-2008 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:42 AM
Jews always scream and cry when anyone has anything to say about someone who happens to be an Israeli. I have been to Israel six (6) times!! And I can tell you that MOST Israeli's are NOT religious people. Jews are primarily a Semitic race not distinguished from the Arabs except by chosen lineal identification. Zionism is a POLITICAL apparatus that has elements of Judaiism at it's core but can be adhered to by anyone.

There are so many Jewish sects that it is hard to keep track of them all; Ultra Orthodox, reformed, secular, it goes on forever. The ISSUE is that the MOSSAD is more than willing to use murder and deception as tools to advance the cause of their beloved Israel, whether it be for religious or secular purposes.

It is NOT right or fair to claim that people who raise questions about the actions of Zionist operatives be tarred as rascits or bigots. We are NOT!! We simply do not discount any possibility when examining evidence, naturally. Lewin , like most dual citizens and MOSSAD agents, is a LIFETIME member of the agency and they will always be on the payroll and active no matter whether or not they are on active duty with the agency.

Lewin WAS a part of this in some way or other: It CANNOT be coincidence that he was there on 9-11 on a plane allegedly highjacked by the same people that the MOSSAD had been carefully coaxing along for several years. Here is what I think: The chief Zionist Neocons in the US government conspired with the MOSSAD to pull off the attacks. The plan was implemented using USA military resources( recall them training at ' secure US military facilities?) and all under the radar posing as a team of protectors.

No one on earth could pull off a 9-11 except a governmental entity; we all know that. The stand down, the dustification, the toasted cars, the hundreds of other screaming anomalies, all point to a massive and well coordinated action that only the MOSSAD would pull off for their long term goals to be advanced. We would NEVER have invaded Iraq and all the others if 9-11 had not happened. It HAD to happen, to advance the Zionist/Neocon goals of territorial conquest and oil resource theft.

If a plan helps Israel, you can bet it will cost someone else a fortune, and usually it ends up being US, the US taxpayer, that foots the bill to prop up the Zionist cabal that controls Israel right now. The MOSSAD would kill a million, or millions, of us goyim if it meant their future security.

I have NO hatred for anyone, but confusing a Jew with a Zionist is like confusing a Quaker with an anti war anarchist; they may have some similar beliefs, but the differ totally in the basic beliefs. jews and Zionists are NOT untouchables and exempt from scrutiny just because they have a long history of persecution in Europe. No one gets a pass when investigating.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86

Omg... what a rant!

Jews always scream and cry when anyone has anything to say about someone who happens to be an Israeli.

Yeah..thats nice eyewitness.

Lewin WAS a part of this in some way or other: It CANNOT be coincidence that he was there on 9-11 on a plane allegedly highjacked by the same people that the MOSSAD had been carefully coaxing along for several years.

PROVE IT !!!!! You CAN NOT. Supply one shred of WILL not.

Then theres this:

No one gets a pass when investigating. gave 19 arabs a free pass....what investigation have you done into them?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by CaptainObvious

I can produce hundreds of examples of Zionists whining about the mean old people who hold others accountable regardless of their race or rewligious views. NO ONE gets a pass. The 19 SAUDI's were FALL GUYS and if you cannot see that, then no wonder..

There were NO highjacking on 9-11 by Muslim fanatics: There is more than enough proof that the official story is impossible. It was and is a Neocon/ MOSSAD operation to advance the goals of the Zionists and the Neocons. Not too complicated when all the facts are examined. Lewin may well have been the brains behind the entire thing, and had to go. He may well have been executed by the perps themselves to silence him.

Perhaps he had the entire thing planned out and was the computer systems man that oversaw the operation: He may well have been too important a witness to allopw to live. In any case, I think we ALL know that many Jewish Zionist supporters will scream ' anti- Semitism ' every time someone dares to raise the possibility that they may be dirty deals going on with them. It is a defensive mechanism that allows for much less scrutiny and for keeping critics at bay.

Qui bono? WHO benefitted from 9-11? The Iraqui's? The Afghanis? The US taxpayer? NO. The people who benefitted are the ones who did it; that is nature. That is common sense. The military/industrial/inteligence/petrochemical cabal profited incredibly, and so did Israel from the attacks. Why was Able Danger shoved under the rug? Why was HUNDREDS of examples of ' inexplicable anomalies ' ignored and hidden?

Only a person truly commited to denial of reality could ignore the obvious evidence: MOSSAD/Neocon. Thats the answer.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
PROVE IT !!!!! You CAN NOT. Supply one shred of WILL not.

I cannot exactly prove that Daniel Lewin was the hijacker of flight 11, but there' evidence that some Israeli were having fishy operations going on 9/11. Howcome there were 5 israelis 'documenting' the events of that day? Do you believe they knew nothing, and were there accidentally? If you exclude out the possibility that they're mossad, then at least there are Israeli criminals loose that try to arrange false flag terrorist operation inside United States, and blame it to the Palestinians.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
reply to post by CaptainObvious

I can produce hundreds of examples of Zionists whining about the mean old people who hold others accountable regardless of their race or rewligious views. NO ONE gets a pass. The 19 SAUDI's were FALL GUYS and if you cannot see that, then no wonder..

I want proof that Daniel Lewin was "in on it". Thats what this thread is about. THEN please provide the evidence that the 19 Highjackers were "in on it". You can post all you want based on assumptions and theories....but please back them up.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by v01i0

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
PROVE IT !!!!! You CAN NOT. Supply one shred of WILL not.

I cannot exactly prove that Daniel Lewin was the hijacker of flight 11, but there' evidence that some Israeli were having fishy operations going on 9/11.

You can not "exactly" prove? You can't prove at ALL. So please stop the accusations.

If you want to discuss your Dancing Israeli's stuff, perhaps you can start a thread.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
There were NO highjacking on 9-11 by Muslim fanatics: There is more than enough proof that the official story is impossible.

With all due respect, you're mixing generalizations for apparently intentional deceptive effect.

It is plausible that a skeptical person may discount the "official story" yet still be convinced "Muslim fanatics" were primarily responsible for the hijacking of (at least) four commercial aircraft on the morning of 9-11-2001.

In fact, I would suggest to you that, given the available material upon which those with reason may rely, it is highly probable that the hijacking by "Muslim fanatics" is the method by which the aircraft were flown into the vicinity of the targets. However, that same person may reasonably come to the conclusion that events of the day were aided or manipulated to the benefit of select government groups with clandestine agendas -- hence, a conspiracy would still exist.

It was and is a Neocon/ MOSSAD operation to advance the goals of the Zionists and the Neocons.

Again, you're using an off-handed deceptive tactic that, when examined closely, makes no sense. Critical thinkers who are more familiar with the history and origins of "New Conservatives" (or neocons) and the Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD), and the associated plausible conspiracy-related research, will form the conclusion that the two "groups" do not share many, if any, compatible objectives. The "zionist" broad-stroke has evolved into a low-brow scare tactic parrot-phase of various factions of the "truth movement".

Only a person truly commited to denial of reality could ignore the obvious evidence: MOSSAD/Neocon. Thats the answer.

I would be very much interested in seeing the supporting research, not conjecture, that you've discovered that provides the connectivity required for this statement.

Using pure speculation, inspired by clearly observable current events, one could easily formulate a plausible counter to your statement: Given the tremendous increase in intense regional tension as a result of escalating western military involvement in Arab countries, and the predictability of the degree of extraordinary tension, it is remarkably improbably that MOSSAD would have initiate events that would result in such an outcome. That statement is based in perhaps many more quantifiable facts than yours, and is completely contradictory to your proposition.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by

The FACT that the 5 LIVE videos shown during the attacks directly contradict eachother and therefore some or all of them are FAKE is enough evidence to rule out the official conspiracy theory.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:34 AM
It would be interesting to know if Daniel is related to Nathan. Do people remember the Jonathan Pollard case?

Since the Jewish community, in general, still tends to remain very closed colony when it comes exchanging DNA, it would not be unususal for Daniel Lewin to be very closely DNA related to Nathan Lewin. It is not simply a case of sharing the same last name in the Jewish community, as it would be in the Gentile community, and never has been.

1978, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, is overheard in a DC hotel offering confidential documents to top Israeli military officials. Bryen obtains a lawyer, Nathan Lewin, and the case heads for the grand jury, but is mysteriously dropped. Bryen later goes to work for Richard Perle.

2004 Two Israelis try to enter Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, home to eight Trident submarines. The truck tests positive for explosives.

This brings us to the present scandal. Two years into an investigation of AIPAC’s possible role as a spy front for Israel, Larry Franklin, a mid-level Pentagon Analyst is observed by the FBI giving classified information to two officials of AIPAC suspected of being Israeli spies. AIPAC hires lawyer Nathan Lewin to handle their legal defense, the same lawyer who defended suspected Israeli spy Stephen Bryen in 1978.

Could the company Daniel Lewin founded be a Mossad front company?

(8:20 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Israeli Special-Ops Passenger Shot or Stabbed by Hijackers?

Daniel Lewin. [Source: Akamai Technologies]An FAA memo written on the evening of 9/11, and later leaked, suggests that a man on Flight 11 was shot and killed by a gun before the plane crashed into the WTC. The “Executive Summary,” based on information relayed by a flight attendant to the American Airlines Operation Center, stated “that a passenger located in seat 10B [Satam Al Suqami] shot and killed a passenger in seat 9B [Daniel Lewin] at 9:20 am.” (Note that since Flight 11 crashed at 8:46, the time must be a typo, probably meaning 8:20). A report in Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz on September 17 identifies Lewin as a former member of the Israel Defense Force Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s most successful special-operations unit. [United Press International, 3/6/2002] Sayeret Matkal is a deep-penetration unit that has been involved in assassinations, the theft of foreign signals-intelligence materials, and the theft and destruction of foreign nuclear weaponry. Sayeret Matkal is best known for the 1976 rescue of 106 passengers at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. [New Yorker, 10/29/2001] Lewin founded Akamai, a successful computer company, and his connections to Sayeret Matkal remained hidden until the gun story became known. [Guardian, 9/15/2001] FAA and American Airline officials later deny the gun story and suggest that Lewin was probably stabbed to death instead. [Washington Post, 3/2/2002; United Press International, 3/6/2002] Officials assert that the leaked document was a “first draft,” and subsequently corrected, but declines to release the final draft, calling it “protected information.” However, an FAA official present when the memo was drafted will dispute the FAA’s claim, asserting that “[t]he document was reviewed for accuracy by a number of people in the room, including myself and a couple of managers of the operations center.” [WorldNetDaily, 3/7/2002]
Entity Tags: Sayeret Matkal, American Airlines, Daniel Lewin, Satam Al Suqami, Federal Aviation Administration
Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline
Category Tags: Israel, All Day of 9/11 Events, Flight AA 11

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:36 AM
Hey Capt. Oblivious:

This is a conspiracy site, for Pete's sake; we do NOT have to present hard and cold proof to make an allegation or assumption or even a guess as to what happened. NO ONE has formed any hard and fast theories as far as I have read: this is all about threshing thru the info and arriving at a logical conclusion. Many times factors are discussed and discarded while this process of vetting occurs, and that is natural.

Maybe Lewin WAS a hero and was armed on that flight and tried to stop the ' hgihjackers '. It is possible. but is it likley? No. The coincidence factor gets too silly after a while, doesn't it? Lewin just HAPPENS to be surrounded by highjackers on a flight that gets crashed, right? Ok, right there the odds climb very high. Then, we have the fact that Lewin is a MOSSAD trained specialized anti'highjacking agent from Israel. The odds just shot thru the roof. Now, we have him getting shot in the head, among all passengers. The odds have now reached Pluto.

Then, we have the fact that no gun was ever recovered from the scenes of the alleged ' crashes '. No confirmation of any evidence, just a statement released to the family. Odds are now past the moon. Then, we have the DOZENS if ' inexpliacable anomalies ' that are part of the flights, including but NOT limited to:

1. Taking four cockpits within minutes of takeoff with NO crew member seeing any takings whatsoever. Not ONE pilot was able to yell an alert as the cpockpits were ' stormed ' by the silent and invisible ' Arabs'. Now the odds are beyond the stars. Yet we go on: The ONLY ' proof ' that all this took place was ONE alleged call from Sweeney, who was doing nothing but relaying info that was passed to her from the first class cabin, which she passed to Betty in the rear. If you listen and read the transcripts of the supposed ' calls ' you will see immediately that there is NO way thqat the official story could be true.

Are we to believe that Sweeny was unable to take a look into first class but had all the info to pass along? Amy was telling Betty and Betty was telling the ground; no witnesses to anything, just words. There was NO SOUNDS at all during the long call from Betty and the call from Amy that would indicate any tension or problems on the flight.

Do you really believe that a plane with as many passengers as were supposedly on those flights would have silence when people are shot and gas is used and lives are at stake? there would be crying and kids wailing and people shouting: Ever heard a recording of the sounds that people make when they think their plane is going down? It is a cross between a pentacostal church service and a horror movie. But it is NOT silent.

There are TOO MANY telling signs and facts that scream out the truth: Only a controlled media and a population used to trusting those in power can explain why this has not been solved and the perps arrested. It is all too clear what happened, we just have to tie up the loose ends.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by eyewitness86

browneyewitness ~

It's a conspiracy site. I agree. What I don't agree with is trying to disgrace a man the way you and others are. It's one thing to claim planes were remote controlled, thermite in the towers, 93 was shot down.... etc...
But speaking ill of a man who more than likely IS a hero is sickening to me. IF you are going to slander a dead man, you should at least have some evidence to back it up.

You can specualte all you want about what happened in the cabin and what happened in the cockpit. None of us were there. What you HAVE to do is keep your thinking PRE- 911. Think of the last time a plane was highjacked in the United States. Was the cockpit door locked? I don't know for sure. Neither do you.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by

One only has to see the numerous connections between the AIPAC crowd and the Neocon crowd to see the big picture. WHO are the Neocons? Mostly Jewish, with some dual citizens from Israel, who formulated the policies we see unfolding around us. Do the names Pearle and Feith and on and on have any meaning? The Neocons are primarily jewish oriented and supportive of Israel to the most slavish degrees. Loom at fools like John Hagee, the minister so beloved by all Israeli politicians for total support of Israel no matter WHAT they do in the world.

Neocons and Israeli's have the same basic goals: Subduing and conquering all Arab nations and taking their oil wealth and land to ' protect Israel' and enrich the big shot corporate mobsters behind them all. Also, the Neocons want to dominate the world and bring all other nation to their knees in support of the NWO, whose headquarters have already been planned for Jerusalem.

The MOSSAD may not have been the actual agency; no doubt Israel has many different agencies to cover all sorts of things, from ceasuing terror to covering up their involvement if world wide schemes to enrich themselves and isolate and diminish their ' neighbors ', whom they kill and kidnap and torture at will. Israel has NUKES, and is NOT a part of the worlds reglatory agencies, like Iran is, and like Most are. Israel alone demands total secrecy and the right to do anything it wants as long as it calims that it ' advances Israel's interests '.

I am NOT going to spend hours digging thru documents to prove what you can read with a google search: Just type in: Israel-9-11- zionists-mossad and read for a few hours. The ' 5 dancing Israeli's went home and on TV ADMITTED that Israel had foreknowledge by sending them there to ' document the event '. How could Israel send them to ' document the event ' and HOW could ODIGO messaging service have announced hours beforehand what was going to happen unless they had foreknowledge? Impossible. traces of explosives all over the Israeli's every time they were stopped in those vans: Recall the Dominic Sluder escape right after he closed up shop and fled after 9-11 when his ' boys ' were caught? I do.

there is a close nexxus between the Neocons and the Israeli's : they share the same hopes: A secure and dominant Israel in a land where the Arabs are subdued and compliant, and disarmed, and the advancement of the money interests around the world to steal oil wealth and take land that is not ours. We will NEVER leave Iraq, we have built dozens of huge bases and we will be there forever, ruling from afar, until Russia or China gets sicj and tired and launches on us to steele things and even things up. China could lose a 20 million people and still be the most poipulated and strong army on earth, and they look at the BIG picture for the future, and I will not be suprised if we are attcked in a major way iof the Neosons continue their march of death.

How can YOU explain the HUNDREDS of anomalies that cannot and have not been answered intelligently since 9-11? How can you explain the cover ups and secrecy and lies? How can you believe a fairy tale like the 9-11 events? how can you explain the toasted cars and dustification? you cannot, and so you blame Arabs that ' hate freedom ' instead. Unreal.

You write is a very intelligent and formal way; I respect you for that. You remind me of a person that has more than a passing interest in supporting the official story, I may be wrong. But you still miss the point: Since the official story is OBVIOUSLY a phony, how do YOU explin away all the facts that point to an inside job and Israeli/Neocon involement?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
PROVE IT !!!!! is a discussion venue originally created to support speculative examination of conspiracy theories and other "alternative" topics. While we support and strongly desire a balanced debate with the objective of discovering the truth, participants must be aware of our roots as a "conspiracy theory" website.

With that in mind, antagonistic contributions such as that quoted above are not in the spirit of ATS. There are other sites devoted to derision of conspiracy speculation that embraces such antagonism, but not

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