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Israeli Daniel Lewin - Murdered While Battling Hijackers on Flight 11 on September 11th?

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by thedman

What you summarize is not what happened, it is what the government SAYS happened, and much proof says that they are lying. There was no mace, or guns, orf knives, it was all the GAMES. How can you explain the fact that the FBI told Daniel Lewins family that he was shot in the head, while the calls from the plane by the stew said that he was stabbed to death?

In this scam, there are ten tales for every event so no one knows which is true. It was all about the games. Had the games not been going, the whole thing would have been impossible.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by OrionStars

You seen to be fixated on that the hijackers used some kind of "utility"
knife cum boxcutter despite evidence that hijackers possesed straight
bladed knives capable of inflicting severe stab type wounds

Could it be because the media and WH fixated on box cutters for days on and after 9/11/2001? That is all I heard and read for days starting on 9/11/2001. Then the stories started to change of a shooting having been done on 9/11/2001 on alleged Flight 11. It was like any other fish story. The alleged fish just keeps growing bigger every time the tale is told. Yet, the actual fish remained 4" long no matter how the tale of it grew.

Seven falsely accused people called hijackers were found alive after 9/11/2001.

An alleged plane was shot down but was not shot down on 9/11/2001.

George W. Bush saying he saw, on the morning of 9/11/2001, the first alleged plane hit WTC 1, and could not possibily have done that. Not until 9/12/2001 when the TV networks got access to the privately owned video.

All of that farce and more originated with the WH and passed through the media. You never bothered to question any of the severe discrepancies? Yet, you have the audacity to criticize those of us who do. That takes so much chutzpah, on your part, to critcize our legitimate questions.

If all the badgering and personal attacks, made against us, have only increased the number of people questioning as we did long ago, what makes you think you are going to deter the strongest of us, from continuing on the same as we have been doing for years? Our resolution to continue, particularly with all that badgering to back off, has only made our resolve that much stronger. Amazing that people doing that to us have not realized that almost 7 years later.

The more we questioned, the more legitimate, personal questions we found rising up to be asked. It is amazing what we have been able to legitimately uncover in 7 years time. That must be quite unnerving to those in the Bush administration and their handlers. JFK's murder may have gotten by too many, of us, until it became too late to demand a full independent hearing. HSCA hearing was as much of a farce as the Warren Commission.

That is why many of never forgot time is of essence in every criminal investigation. 9/11/2001 did not get by us, until it was too late and too many cover-ups became successful. Not this time.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:06 AM

January 22, 2005
PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR - Part I
Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:42 am
PROMIS Connections to Cheney Control of 9/11 Attacks Confirmed

by Jamey Hecht

With research assistance by Michael Kane

and editorial comment by Michael C. Ruppert

FTW: You said at the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings, you mentioned - it’s on page 139 of transcript - that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.

Indira Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that.
Read more

So it would be fair to say that PROMISE and Ptech are linked to Daniel Lewin's Akamai.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

Ivan, I agree one could easily agree with you on collusion, if not outright corporate direct affliation between the two:

It is times like this I wish I could afford a membership to Standard and Poor online.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:49 PM

FTW readers are aware that on the morning of 9/11 NORAD was engaged in multiple war games which drew fighter jets away from the doomed airliners, and polluted air traffic control screens with false information from the exercises. One of those injected blips was the so-called “phantom Flight 11,” which appeared and persisted on control screens after the war games had been aborted.1 That would require exactly the kind of technology that Ptech (with whom Singh did business) and its partner Mitre had been providing to each of the three agencies involved: the FAA, NORAD, and - most significantly for Dick Cheney that morning - the Secret Service. In other words, one of the most central arguments in the Rubicon’s case has just been independently validated. (See Part II)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
reply to post by thedman

What you summarize is not what happened, it is what the government SAYS happened, and much proof says that they are lying. There was no mace, or guns, orf knives, it was all the GAMES. How can you explain the fact that the FBI told Daniel Lewins family that he was shot in the head, while the calls from the plane by the stew said that he was stabbed to death?

In this scam, there are ten tales for every event so no one knows which is true. It was all about the games. Had the games not been going, the whole thing would have been impossible.

Makes me wonder, did they plan on making 911 full of holes or did they get ahead of themsleves?

posted on Mar, 3 2008 @ 10:37 AM
One big mistake people make is associating Judaism with Israel.

When the Israeli government orders the deaths of people it is not the jewish people ordering this. The jewish people or any person of faith attempts to live his life rightous. It is the governments that kill people in the name of religion that should be hung.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:52 AM

"She also reported that the passenger in 9B had had his throat slit by the hijacker sitting behind him and appeared to be dead"..So Lewin was slashed and NOT SHOT?? The story changes every time a new liar speaks in the govt. "

"Have any weapons been recovered from any of the four downed planes? If not, why should the panel assume they were "less-than-four-inch knives," the description repeatedly used in the commissions hearing on aviation security? Remember the airlines' first reports, that the whole job was pulled off with box cutters? In fact, investigators for the commission found that box cutters were reported on only one plane. In any case, box cutters were considered straight razors and were always illegal. Thus the airlines switched their story and produced a snap-open knife of less than four inches at the hearing. This weapon falls conveniently within the aviation-security guidelines pre-9/11.

But bombs? Mace or pepper spray? Gas masks? The F.B.I. dropped the clue that the hijackers had "masks" in a meeting with the Four Moms from New Jersey, the 9/11 widows who rallied for this independent commission.

The Moms want to know if investigators have looked into how the pilots were actually disabled. To think that eight pilots -- four of whom were formerly in the military, some with combat experience in Vietnam, and all of whom were in superb physical shape -- could have been subdued without a fight or so much as a sound stretches the imagination. Even giving the terrorists credit for a militarily disciplined act of war, it is rare for everything to go right in four separate battles. "

And: Get a load of this: Amy Sweeny was MORE upset about missing a call to her kid than when the highjacking was happening. She showed ' no emotion ' during any of the phony highjackers calls, but was more upset about not getting her kid to a bus...right. From the same link:

"My wife’s call was the first specific information the airline and the government got that day," said Mike Sweeney, the widowed husband of Amy Sweeney, who went face to face with the hijackers on Flight 11. She gave seat locations and physical descriptions of the hijackers, which allowed officials to identify them as Middle Eastern men—by name—even before the first crash. She gave officials key clues to the fact that this was not a traditional hijacking. And she gave the first and only eyewitness account of a bomb on board.

"How do you know it’s a bomb?" asked her phone contact.

"Because the hijackers showed me a bomb," Sweeney said, describing its yellow and red wires.

Sweeney’s first call from the plane was at 7:11 a.m. on Sept. 11—the only call in which she displayed emotional upset. Flight 11 was delayed, and she seized the few moments to call home in hopes of talking to her 5-year-old daughter, Anna, to say how sorry she was not to be there to put her on the bus to kindergarten."

So, Amy saw men killed and throats slashed, ( or shot depending on which loie is being told ), yet the highjackers were nice enough to ' show me a bomb!!' !! Imagine that!! Amy was so nice that the killers decided not to kill HER!! of course..they killed the " #1" , the Purser, and Lewin was killed, and gas and mace and knives and yet they are nice enough to allow Amy not only to live but showed her a bomb!! Can you believe this?

How many lies can thery get caught in before people get the picture?

Here is another factoid:

The phone call between Sweeney and Woodward lasted about 12 minutes (8:32­8:44)
and was not taped. See AAL email,Woodward to Schmidt,"Flight 11 Account of events," Sept. 19, 2001."

NOT TAPED? Then HOW do we know what was really said? There was NO report of any guns on any flights; the only reference to a gun is the one made because LEWIN was allegedly shot in the head..recall that the Stew's said that he was stabbed or slashed to death as well as the purser, not shot.

The more I read this stuff the more insane the official story becomes. Totally different facts end up coming out of previous lies..the official story is a bad joke.

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 09:52 AM

"She also reported that the passenger in 9B had had his throat slit by the hijacker sitting behind him and appeared to be dead"..So Lewin was slashed and NOT SHOT?? The story changes every time a new liar speaks in the govt. "

"Have any weapons been recovered from any of the four downed planes? If not, why should the panel assume they were "less-than-four-inch knives," the description repeatedly used in the commissions hearing on aviation security? Remember the airlines' first reports, that the whole job was pulled off with box cutters? In fact, investigators for the commission found that box cutters were reported on only one plane. In any case, box cutters were considered straight razors and were always illegal. Thus the airlines switched their story and produced a snap-open knife of less than four inches at the hearing. This weapon falls conveniently within the aviation-security guidelines pre-9/11.

But bombs? Mace or pepper spray? Gas masks? The F.B.I. dropped the clue that the hijackers had "masks" in a meeting with the Four Moms from New Jersey, the 9/11 widows who rallied for this independent commission.

The Moms want to know if investigators have looked into how the pilots were actually disabled. To think that eight pilots -- four of whom were formerly in the military, some with combat experience in Vietnam, and all of whom were in superb physical shape -- could have been subdued without a fight or so much as a sound stretches the imagination. Even giving the terrorists credit for a militarily disciplined act of war, it is rare for everything to go right in four separate battles. "

And: Get a load of this: Amy Sweeny was MORE upset about missing a call to her kid than when the highjacking was happening. She showed ' no emotion ' during any of the phony highjackers calls, but was more upset about not getting her kid to a bus...right. From the same link:

"My wife’s call was the first specific information the airline and the government got that day," said Mike Sweeney, the widowed husband of Amy Sweeney, who went face to face with the hijackers on Flight 11. She gave seat locations and physical descriptions of the hijackers, which allowed officials to identify them as Middle Eastern men—by name—even before the first crash. She gave officials key clues to the fact that this was not a traditional hijacking. And she gave the first and only eyewitness account of a bomb on board.

"How do you know it’s a bomb?" asked her phone contact.

"Because the hijackers showed me a bomb," Sweeney said, describing its yellow and red wires.

Sweeney’s first call from the plane was at 7:11 a.m. on Sept. 11—the only call in which she displayed emotional upset. Flight 11 was delayed, and she seized the few moments to call home in hopes of talking to her 5-year-old daughter, Anna, to say how sorry she was not to be there to put her on the bus to kindergarten."

So, Amy saw men killed and throats slashed, ( or shot depending on which loie is being told ), yet the highjackers were nice enough to ' show me a bomb!!' !! Imagine that!! Amy was so nice that the killers decided not to kill HER!! of course..they killed the " #1" , the Purser, and Lewin was killed, and gas and mace and knives and yet they are nice enough to allow Amy not only to live but showed her a bomb!! Can you believe this?

How many lies can thery get caught in before people get the picture?

Here is another factoid:

The phone call between Sweeney and Woodward lasted about 12 minutes (8:32­8:44)
and was not taped. See AAL email,Woodward to Schmidt,"Flight 11 Account of events," Sept. 19, 2001."

NOT TAPED? Then HOW do we know what was really said? There was NO report of any guns on any flights; the only reference to a gun is the one made because LEWIN was allegedly shot in the head..recall that the Stew's said that he was stabbed or slashed to death as well as the purser, not shot.

The more I read this stuff the more insane the official story becomes. Totally different facts end up coming out of previous lies..the official story is a bad joke.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Funny how no one ever manages to refute this kind of hard core proof, eh?No telling. If anyone believes the tortured logic that demands trust as its basis that the perps use to fool the uneducated among us, then no wonder this nation is on the skids. Unreal.

No one with any sense could believe that Lewin was slashed AND shot...and Amy's stories and the bomb...unreal..just unreal. HOW on earth could anyone at all still believe the official lie? how? Denial is the only answer..or agreement with the goals of the perps.

Since common people like us can figure out all this, we know damned well that there are many military and high level people that know it all as well. cowards and fools all, they hide and support the lies and alow the Cheny gang to escape..sick. America is gone: without a coup by the military to restore this nation, we are gone.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Some people wish that topics like this would dissapear.

The new tactics of these low intelligence debunkers is to call all this

A sure sign that their day are short numbered.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by IvanZana

Good find

I think this Lewin guy might've been mossad agent. And somehow he might also be related to the hijack other ways than by just being a passenger sitting 'accidentally' next to the alleged hijackers. I find it odd.

There were earlier on this thread couple good posts which I starred, basically saying the same that I've concluded so far. Yeah, what if he was the hijacker and the story that he fought and got killed against the real hijacker is false?

I remember the story of dancing israeli's. There is definitely something fishy in this whole story.

Interesting point. Thank you for contributing

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
reply to post by thedman

In this scam, there are ten tales for every event so no one knows which is true. It was all about the games. Had the games not been going, the whole thing would have been impossible.

Bang on, the drills of 911 were used as a cover, and if the drills failed, it would of not look so suspicious. The perps used the airforce and wargames as cover to kill innocent people.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 10:29 PM
So was he shot or stabbed.

Can you say 911 WarGames / Drills / Exercises

posted on May, 26 2008 @ 12:42 AM
Excellent points '86 and Ivan. Some things to keep in mind about about 9/11 was that the "voices" may have been pre-recorded for critical points including Daniel L.'s.

Consider the extensive use of computer technology by Talpiot on the ground and Sayeret Matkal in the air to help pull this off.

Another layer unravels:

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:15 AM
dbke post

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by IvanZana

Israelis were behind 9-11 !!

The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards

When a van fitting that exact description was stopped just before crossing into New York, the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine the surprise of the police officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Excellent points '86 and Ivan. Some things to keep in mind about about 9/11 was that the "voices" may have been pre-recorded for critical points including Daniel L.'s.

Consider the extensive use of computer technology by Talpiot on the ground and Sayeret Matkal in the air to help pull this off.

Another layer unravels:

Thank you very much for you contribution. The truth is coming out in an alarming rate.

Poor debunkers... the years they spent behind their computer screens, getting fat, old, losing friends and family, and health, obsefucating the truth was all for NOTHING.......BAHAHAHAH

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

[edit on 28-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by 123space

I agree. Mabey the people on the planes believed they were just part of the mock hijacking that was scheaduled for september 11th, 2001.

No one has been able to prove that the hijack planes were not part of the war game exercises taking place on 911.

I think one of the names of the exercise was Amalgam Virgo.

posted on Jul, 1 2008 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by 123space

I agree. Mabey the people on the planes believed they were just part of the mock hijacking that was scheaduled for september 11th, 2001.

No one has been able to prove that the hijack planes were not part of the war game exercises taking place on 911.

I think one of the names of the exercise was Amalgam Virgo.

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