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Forbidden Egyptology

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posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:11 AM
The cosmic science-fiction opera is actually laid down the cleanest and most undistorted in the ancient indian vedas.

Thats where we learn of wars between gods and gods, gods and men, men and men, the involvement of several planets and finally a commitment to give earth a fresh start and remove all the technology.

Its really no more complicated than that.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Being a Douglas Adams fan you`ll at least be able to consider the possibility of a vast billion year-spanning earth history mixed with conspiracies to hide that history, etc.

Space Opera fan as well - love Iain M Banks - but I'm aware that it's fiction.

In Iain M Banks The Algebraist he cheekily puts in a bit about how pissed off everyone was when humans finally made it outside the solar system to find the galaxy teeming with life and all the best real-estate already gone

Not only that but that some Egyptians had already been taken off into space by aliens and already had a thriving civilisation themselves separate from the rest of humanity. Banks is a cracking sci-fi author with a wicked sense of humour.

The precision drilling is first and foremost evidence of craftsmanship not done by simple-minded hunter-gatherers.

Hunter-gatherers were just as intelligent as us - so I don't see what you are getting at?

For me there´s no difference between the two anyway, so the often heard argument "you think humans are too stupid to..." doesnt count for me.

There is no difference between humans and aliens? Sorry, again I don't see what you're getting at.

Edit to add:

I like the William Blake quote in your sig - I'm a big fan - been to a couple of exhibitions.

[edit on 20/4/08 by FatherLukeDuke]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

Alright. I thought hunter-gatherers were portrayed as simple-minded.

In any case, I object to the idea of ancient simple-mindedness. Period.

Ive only read one Ian Banks up to now..."The Game" or "Game of Life" or something it was called. More to follow.

What it all boils down to is that I dont view science-fiction as fiction but as channeling memories from experiences beyond our current isolationist amnesia.

So yes, Im a fringe nut-job. But my reasoning is, within this CONTEXT completely logical.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

The Giza pryamid stands alone ,,and unique,, it has a 52 o angle to its slope. No other structure exists,,(or has been build) before or after,, to match this type of geometry,, my knowledge,, I havent seen anything posted.

There is a repeating theme as this thread goes alone,, about cultures and their technology (our seemly out of place accomplishments). To my knowledge before large communities,, i.e. Nimrod and his Babel, life was hard for human kind ,, and most time and energy was dedicated to activites associated with survival.
As pointed out by Hanslume the Ubaidians did have a civiliation that included temples prior to the Sumerians despite not having any recorded writing or formal language. Now this site in Turkey crops up standing stones to rival Stonehenge only older.

This tends to lead me to the "Occam Razor's" solution.. if the evidence (what little we have) supports a reasonable conculsion then thats the most probable answer.

To me its reasonable that if the culture attributed to these unique edifaces seem to be beyond their culture's ,,, technology (no science, no math, no records of how it was done,, then it probably wasnt their achievement,,
Which leaves the answer... some else ,,came built them and left,,, and the remaining humans worshiped them as "Gods" and named the temples after them,,,The Sumerians clearly attributed their sciences to the "Annanuki" a superior life form of some type most common believed to resemble reptoids,,

I dont see why this is such a "jump in faith or reasoning".

The reason its important to me,, is my belief that time is running out for the human race,, regardless of the numerous senario's posed ..I'm convienced that bad times are a coming,,
I would just like to know more,, and I dont need a lot of links,, I'm kinda "linked our" after al of Undo and Mike S, links..

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke

Originally posted by C.C.Benjamin

"We lived in caves - we were barbarians - Europe figured things out like "morality" and "civilization" - we became modern man". It paints a nice easy picture where a race of men did not dominate all others under the guise of religion, where they did not begin terrible and destructive wars, and did not eradicate themselves through hubris, leaving their poor slaves to try and pick up the pieces.

Ridiculous strawman. What version of history have you been looking at exactly? One that doesn't include destructive wars??!!??

"Ridiculous strawman" is interesting, because I don't think I have particularly falsified your position. You don't think that at any point in human history, humans have achieved a technological status equal to that of the present day, correct? And this means that to draw these conclusions, the historic evidence must reflect as such, am I again correct?

Perhaps I was being a bit lyrical when I said "terrible and destructive" when I should have written "genocidal and cataclysmic". I realise that every war is terrible to a degree, and destruction is the nature of war, but I am referring to the Soddom and Gomorrah-esque destruction of cities, cumulating in the Atlantis-esque annihilation of a nation and it's people. Most wars don't go this far.

So saying "what version of history are you looking at?" is a strange thing to say, as I am not talking about recorded history. I am talking about pre-history. The two concepts are therefore not comparable, as they don't deal with the same subjects.

I was suggesting warfare of the same level as modern nuclear warfare, far beyond the capabilities of the poor blokes with spears who came afterwards.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by FatherLukeDuke

Just the one question. Does Yaweh saying "Thou shall not make pictures of me" sound like he`s eager leaving a trail of evidence?

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

"While I can't speak for [your interpretation of the AA theory, I can certainly know what VonDaniken and Sitchen say about it, and both of those guys point out things from the past that those "poor primitives couldn't possibly have done wiothout ET's help."


"No...I agree thats what they say...Sitchin even more so."

Still reading, taken ages, so many pages and links to read but I had to mention this, in no way does sitchen say the Ancients were stupid, he has stated that there law systems, agriculture, entertainment, medical treatment, fashion (many different styles and dyes), trade etc was just as diverse as ours. Most be hold the preconception that they lived in mud brick houses and didn't do anything apart from build, eat and sleep or anything related.

They (Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians) had a highly diverse culture, they kept trade tablets, passed laws and changed laws, hell, I wouldn't be surprised that they had public service anouncements. Fair enough he attributes this to knowledge handed down from 'gods', but my interpretation anyway, was that he was using this as an example of how advanced as a culture they are and how little credit they are given in this right, this by no way reflects there technological base, which in some cases so far couldn't have produced the accuracy shown here, but this is my opinion and one of the main arguments that been shown here for the Egyptians not being the builders.

This is not saying that they couldn't do it, but because none of these 'techniques' shown to be used in constructions before and for a good deal of time after (suggesting they had to further perfect the technique AFTER the construction of the Giza Pyramids, to get it right).

Photon effect presented these back on page 7, although not the pyramids themselves, the valley temple shows some incredible architecture aswell:

(links wont work when I tried to link them, so there about 1/4 way down page)

thats all I have at the moment, still reading through.

thanks. EMM

p.s. Can anyone post a picture of the actual 'builders marks' above the King's chamber, Sitchin claimed that these were Heiroglyphs not used until a later dynasty and claimed fraud. I maybe wrong, but I'd like to see it shown as this is a serious counter argument for the 'mainstream'.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by jbmitch
The reason its important to me,, is my belief that time is running out for the human race,, regardless of the numerous senario's posed ..I'm convienced that bad times are a coming,,
I would just like to know more,, and I dont need a lot of links,, I'm kinda "linked our" after al of Undo and Mike S, links..

Relax. Everythings gonna be just fine.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

"So you think the ancients were stupid" is an old cliche used by the debunker-squads of the theory. I never gave it any credence because I dont think they were stupid. I dont see how thats the first thought or care someone has when reading AAT Literature...

...unless he has an inferiority complex.

Apart from all these deflections by pseudoskeptics, what we are trying to establish is the case that history was much more RICH and INTERESTING and so much OLDER than we are taught.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I've been following the 2021 deal for a long time.. long before it became a popular notion,,,to many cultures seperated by time and topography point to the same direction.
I'm ready for change ,, and dont mind some of the "new age" concepts,,I just hate to a large portion of the population and of earth distroyed before it 2012 gets here. And I'm absoluted sure that man is incapable of saving himself or this earth,, not many solutions left,,,,

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by jbmitch

I could present an alternative argument to your doomsday conviction...but that would lead off-topic. May time tell.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Wouldnt hurt my feelings,, a new thread,,? An Alternative to the 2012 domesday?
Although I have read that in many of the versions,, its and end of an "age" way of life,, for us,,,that could mean a lots of things.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Alright. I thought hunter-gatherers were portrayed as simple-minded.

Perhaps they have been in the past - especially Victorians who saw Roman and Hellenic civilisations as the peak of human achievement and anything else as a poor shadow. They certainly wouldn't credit neolithic farmers with having the same brain capacity as a Virgil or Caesar - but of course recently gained knowledge shows that this is exactly the case and hunter-gatherers would have had their own, unrecorded, geniuses who may have invented a fantastic poem or new type of fishing net. They had just the same capacity for intelligence as us, if not always the ways to utilise it.

In any case, I object to the idea of ancient simple-mindedness. Period.

We are agreed in that then.

Ive only read one Ian Banks up to now..."The Game" or "Game of Life" or something it was called. More to follow.

If you want to get into the aliens as gods thing try Ilium by Dan Simmons - this is the story of Troy but the Hellenic gods are actually super advanced humans from some point in the future. It's a bit of a mess of a book in some ways - but pretty good, intelligent, fun. Not often you can see Homer re-told as hardcore sci-fi.

So yes, Im a fringe nut-job. But my reasoning is, within this CONTEXT completely logical.

You're not a nut-job and I've enjoyed this debate - quite a good way to waste a few minutes on a grey sunday afternoon - I'm off to cook my sunday dinner now though

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

The cosmic science-fiction opera is actually laid down the cleanest and most undistorted in the ancient indian vedas.

Thats where we learn of wars between gods and gods, gods and men, men and men, the involvement of several planets and finally a commitment to give earth a fresh start and remove all the technology.

Its really no more complicated than that. "

We are all on a quest, some new, some old, but the thing we have in common is a desire to understand our true beginnings and these stories do capture ones imagination.

From what I can tell, it is just more spin introduced into truth. The truth being the oldest war we know about. The one between God and satan.

I also agree with an earlier poster , that Hawass was not trustworthy. I'll add that he is just another good story teller, for those who wish to shove the one world leader down our throats in the future. This stuff is just the setup. I also know all about Zechariah Sitchin and the Anunakki but Sitchin does the same thing, takes the truth, and adds spin to it, to give the impression that we are children of space travelers/gods.

Have you ever heard of being a "STAR CHILD"? It was another variation of the same type of story that I heard of back in the 80's. I was going to go to a seminar about it, but my father talked me out of it. I had my heart set on it too. Needless to say, I wasn't too happy about not going and it took me a very long time to figure out it was a well contrived story, nothing more..

Find a copy of the book of Enoch, and give yourself a treat to an incredble story, by the original 7th son! It may not dawn on you while you read it, but it may have to percolate in your mind a while. Who knows, maybe you won't believe that, anymore than I believe hawass, but at least you'll have read some text that is extremely old that many people find most helpful in a deeper understanding of the war that existed long before we were a twinkle in our parents eyes..

Good luck on your quest.


posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by toasted

I posted the three Enoch books earlier in the thread, but thanks.

As for your God vs. Satan scenario: Thats just another story, mind you...and not nearly as old or as detailed as the vedas.

Good luck in your quest, nevertheless.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:00 PM
Oooo, God vs Satan is one I enjoy.

I like how you can kind of map the "snake good/bad" schism to geographical location. In the East, the snake is the bad betrayer of the "kind", and only, God, whereas in the West the snake is a boon to mankind, the one who helped us out (Quetzacoatl, caduceus et all...apologies for the awful spelling).

I would postulate it basically stems from some original "war of the gods" type deal, where the high god decides everyone else is his bitch, and everyone else decides that they aren't. Cue war, and the survivors on either side are left with the good or bad outlook.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by C.C.Benjamin

There does seem to be some kind of war/competition going on with the snake being the "good guy" for some and the "bad guy" for others.

Thats one thing thats apparent. But I wont take sides without seeing the big picture.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Oh well, that's what happens when you get to a thread this big and wanna make a comment but don't have the time to read it all.

Since you read Enoch, have you also read on the jinn? I found similarities between the two, and think that they are the same things, but with different names.

And as for the Vedas being older, we'll just have to disagree. According to all that I've read, they were created by the preists of Babylon, who escaped with their lives after Noahs son Shem killed Nimrod and hacked him into pieces. The priests and Nimrods wife went underground and eventually spread the myths and mystery religions around the world by the Phonecians formerly known as the Canaanites.

Satan wasted no time in setting up idol worship after the flood and Nimrod was "the man"back in the day.

I found most of this info in a book called, "the curse of canaan"by Eustace Mullins. It is not fiction, like "Nimrod rising" is, and I found the author to be quite credible and loved the book.

Since you hunger for an explanation reading this may help curb your appetite!

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by toasted

Parts of the Vedas have been dated to be up to 8000 years old.

Eustace Mullins super-biased anti-jewish propaganda books are no older than 40 years.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
The cosmic science-fiction opera is actually laid down the cleanest and most undistorted in the ancient indian vedas.

Thats where we learn of wars between gods and gods, gods and men, men and men, the involvement of several planets and finally a commitment to give earth a fresh start and remove all the technology.

Its really no more complicated than that.

The science of the vedas

The Vedas state that the moon is 800,000 miles farther from the earth than the sun.

The tuft of hair on the crown of the head, a religious mark of devout hindu possesses electromagnetic power.

The 'Satyanarayan Vrat' a vow observed during full moon day, has the power to reduce the gravitational force between the sun and the moon.

The illumination by oil lamps in the Diwali night helps to burnaway a poisunous gas which is emmited on that particular evening.

According to Vedas, the earth is static and this statement is repeated several times.

As the Veds Claim that the earth is static and so they tried to prove that the sun moves around the earth.

Innumerable passages from the 'Rig Ved' can be quoted to show how poor knowledge of science the Veds had.

The explanation of a lunar eclipse is given as a demon Rahu apturing the moon. About the solar eclipse, it is said that the demon named Swarbhanu stops the sun in his round. It was released by Attri, a rishi and his son, who rescued the sun from the demon.

Yes the Vedas are a good source of information on aliens! LOL Skyfloating are you using the real vedas or the faked ones that Bryd pointed out to you before?

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