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Who has the best Special Forces ?

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by dh

As for childhood traumatisation - only those from a generically hate-filled family could want to pick up a gun and go and kill another human being without knowing why
If the threat is immediate and on your doorstep, that's different
It might well involve an officer and a Fed or two
Not that I would for a minute advocate that - we want peace in the world
The Special Forces are merely the wedge that promotes chaos
Whatever their special abilities, we've nothing to thank them for
[edit on 28-10-2004 by dh]

really they dont know why huh? so the fact they get breifed on why the mission is needed is besides the point is it? they kill because they have to its their job. if killing is what is needed then yes it must be used but if not then it shoudlnt.
no no there are no exceptions you cannot have one law for one and another law for another that is just like saying i can arrest any man with 2 points or above on his license but cant arrest anyone under it.
te wedge that promotes chaos , jeez so thats why they save all those hostages and civies ahh i see its all falling into place.
so i take it the hostages of Lufthansa 737 have nothing to thank GS9 for i take it?


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by dh
Yup - these guys are trained for combat, but they do not understand which master or plan they serve
But they have no self-determination - they are pure automatons at the service of agendas
Most of them have chosen their course through some kind of childhood traumatisation, and their adult training renders them expert in subterfuge and killing
There is nothing worthy in surrendering your humanity for a robotoid existence
You are being made a jerk of by those in control
You are being used for their unworthy ends

they are trained to fight a dirty war because no one else can or will.
they serve the military, the military serve the head of state and the YOU elect the head of state. enough said.
no self determination? are you kidding me?
yomp 30 miles in 8 hours with full kit needs self determination and THAT isnt even the real SF course.
really? so every one of them has had a bad childhood eh? doubt it. they come from all walks. rich ,poor, middle class and working.
they are not robots they have feelings,emotions , memories. hell the ex-SF guys in africa chased rapers and pillagers and murders all across the country, although only paid to destroy the enemy. the corp SF teams hunted down the bad guys and made them pay, they vowed never to let any scenes like the ones they seen go unavenged.....
i am being used , but i can make a diffrence so can you and anyone. tis better to make a diffrence and be a pawn than to be a knight and not make a diffrence.
i am being made a jerk .....exsplain?

Yep surely they are pawns in this game
There is nothing that absolves from this role
They are merely controlled pawns
Which makes thems jerks absolutely
They are jerk-offs for the regime - their political masters are their political masters
There is no redeeming code

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:48 PM
Hey, you guys should relax and not take this Dh guy so seriously. Its obvious hes just someone who read one too many conspiracy books and will end up being those crazy old guys who hide in their rooms for the rest of their lives, too afraid to go outside. Anyways, it seems hes talking about the illumanatti. For those who dont know who the illumanatti is, i suggest you pick up and read the book "Behold a Pale Horse." The illumanatti are supposedly a secret powerful group that control and puppeteer the world towards the ultimate goal of an announced new world order. Anyways when i was young i too read several sources about conspiracy and heck i even listened to a lot of punk rock and anti-establishment music. Anyways after growing up and thinking about the whole thing, iv made my stance. And thats what guys like Dh dont seem to get, unless hes just someone whos doing this as a joke and wants to see a reaction on the boards. Everyone in this world is used, it doesnt matter who you are or even if there is or isnt a secret group controlling the world or a governing establishment, you still are going to be used by others and society no matter what. You can realize that there are those controlling you but even if you declare yourself against it theres nothing different your doing then if you where one who didnt know about about "those in control." Anyways the way you truly fight that is by looking for something to believe in, your own personal beliefs, declare youll never wrong your beliefs and live your life to your upmost without letting those contolling you drag you down. Realize that there are people controlling you but dont let it drag down your entire life and make your personallity bitter forever, much in the way when your a child and living under your parents roof they tell you to do chores and such but you dont have much say about it but theres no sense in getting all worked up about it; what good will that produce? I personally believe that no one has the right to judge a soldier, civilian, terroist, and protesters, for the simple fact that everyone is a hypocrite. Heh, its funny how i said not to take this guy so seriously and then i go off making a long post about him.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:03 AM
My father has told me countless stories about the ROK (Republic of Korea)
soldiers in Vietnam, the stories are pretty clear as to how bad these guys were, while everyone else was running through the jungle in companies or battalions or even platoons fully armed, the ROK soldiers were in five man teams with only one of them armed with a pistol they did most of there killing guerilla style with knifes and hand to hand combat.
but times change and though I don't personally know any of them personally I am sure that the US Special Forces are a serious force to be dealt with and I am pretty sure that they have the coolest newest toys to play with and that helps alot when you are trying to figure who is best.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 07:12 AM
the military are not jerks....try meeting some and find out they are just like everyone else.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 07:22 AM
The Marines are the biggest specialty force in the U.S. military. As a specialty force, they are well trained to do their job.

[edit on 10/29/2004 by bodebliss]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 07:26 AM
It's me... end of topic.

Sorry to kill it off like that chaps but a title like that IS going to get what it deserves.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Corinthas
It's me... end of topic.

Sorry to kill it off like that chaps but a title like that IS going to get what it deserves.

I dont think you have the power to do that.

yeah the marine's in all country's seem to be well trained.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Corinthas
It's me... end of topic.

Sorry to kill it off like that chaps but a title like that IS going to get what it deserves.

and how exactly are you going to do that ?

Hey if you don't like it, don't read it, it's very simple.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Yep surely they are pawns in this game
There is nothing that absolves from this role
They are merely controlled pawns
Which makes thems jerks absolutely
They are jerk-offs for the regime - their political masters are their political masters
There is no redeeming code

So in your view of the world who is going to fight the people who control us.YOU
Or your Boyfriend.Pink hand bags at the ready

Don`t you love the full moon.

[edit on 29-10-2004 by weirdo]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:30 PM
I don't see this has anything to do with gay people.
I am bisexual, does it really matter? For all you know he could be gay.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by TheRussianPoljak
I don't see this has anything to do with gay people.
I am bisexual, does it really matter? For all you know he could be gay.

I don`t see the words gay anywhere.The person l was refering to could be either male or female.Sorry if affending you but l don`t believe gay people are well sorry to put it this way(tact or spelling never my strong point) normal.But that is my opinion and belief and not relevant to this thread really apart from my insult at that person cos they just tic me off but my views are mine and thats all l have to say as l am not hear to get involved in peoples sexuality.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Marines might have been somekind of SF. But rightnow they are just regular infantry. They have 3 months training and they are off to battle. They get plain weapons training and phyical training.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by Russian
Marines might have been somekind of SF. But rightnow they are just regular infantry. They have 3 months training and they are off to battle. They get plain weapons training and phyical training.


To which country of Marines are you refering to or are you generalising.If you meanin general you are incorrect in your statement.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:44 PM
American Marines. I have a friend in it that I talk to sometimes. He is in Iraq rightnow.



posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by weirdo

Yep surely they are pawns in this game
There is nothing that absolves from this role
They are merely controlled pawns
Which makes thems jerks absolutely
They are jerk-offs for the regime - their political masters are their political masters
There is no redeeming code

So in your view of the world who is going to fight the people who control us.YOU
Or your Boyfriend.Pink hand bags at the ready

Don`t you love the full moon.

[edit on 29-10-2004 by weirdo]

By the light of the silvery moon, if I had a pink handbag or a boyfriend at the ready, I'd evaluate their use as a weapon against the controlling bastards(doubtful)
Lack of fear is better, which is why I chose to post on a thread of 'fighting heros'- loving masturbators - it helps dispel some
you people need to get the truth about what your government does for you and against you
I could accuse you all of being a bunch of tattooed crypto-pansies who indulge in sick fantasies of arms-length sado-warriorship
But I won't
Aging-adolescent conspiratorial semi-rebel against the world?
Sure, I'll admit to that - it's a better way of seeing things as they are
For Christ's sake get real, and bring those over-trained superhunks fighting against foreign phantoms back home to lead the struggle against the genocidal killers in our own governmental military and industrial headquarters
Then we could name them as heroes

[edit on 29-10-2004 by dh]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:01 PM

By the light of the silvery moon, if I had a pink handbag or a boyfriend at the ready, I'd evaluate their use as a weapon against the controlling bastards(doubtful)
Lack of fear is better, which is why I chose to post on a thread of 'fighting heros' loving masturbators - it helps dispel some
you people need to get the truth about what your government does for you and against you
I could accuse you all of being a bunch of tattooed crypto-pansies who indulge in sick fantasies of arms-length sado-warriorship
But I won't
Aging-adolescent conspiratorial semi-rebel against the world?
Sure, I'll admit to that - it's a better way of seeing things as they are
For Christ's sake get real, and bring those over-trained superhunks fighting against foreign phantoms back home to lead the struggle against the genocidal killers in our own governmental military and industrial headquarters
Then we could name them as heroes

So come on back up your comments with some proof (oh no now i`ve said it without rembering you can`t provide proof on the net nobody believes it Duh) crap that just means that your comments are your opinion.Fine go away now cos your not adding anything to this post.

Just cos you jealous you don`t have bulging muscles tattoos and can`t kill without remorse


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by weirdo

By the light of the silvery moon, if I had a pink handbag or a boyfriend at the ready, I'd evaluate their use as a weapon against the controlling bastards(doubtful)
Lack of fear is better, which is why I chose to post on a thread of 'fighting heros' loving masturbators - it helps dispel some
you people need to get the truth about what your government does for you and against you
I could accuse you all of being a bunch of tattooed crypto-pansies who indulge in sick fantasies of arms-length sado-warriorship
But I won't
Aging-adolescent conspiratorial semi-rebel against the world?
Sure, I'll admit to that - it's a better way of seeing things as they are
For Christ's sake get real, and bring those over-trained superhunks fighting against foreign phantoms back home to lead the struggle against the genocidal killers in our own governmental military and industrial headquarters
Then we could name them as heroes

So come on back up your comments with some proof (oh no now i`ve said it without rembering you can`t provide proof on the net nobody believes it Duh) crap that just means that your comments are your opinion.Fine go away now cos your not adding anything to this post.

Just cos you jealous you don`t have bulging muscles tattoos and can`t kill without remorse

Well should I start at the beginning with the very loud and always bulging Alex Jones of

and this little video

I don't personally agree with Alex's perspective totally but I can see him as a more and more brave man whose own self -belief and rectitude is protecting him from the #ting little cowards who direct the activities of the special forces
This is now becoming a psychic struggle

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:28 PM

Well should I start at the beginning with the very loud and always bulging Alex Jones of

and this little video

I don't personally agree with Alex's perspective totally but I can see him as a more and more brave man whose own self -belief and rectitude is protecting him from the #ting little cowards who direct the activities of the special forces
This is now becoming a psychic struggle

Don`t you realise that if you believe the govt is capable of doing these types of things then it is plausable that Alex Jones and Infowars is a lie to trick you into pulling down your (if you American) govt ready to put in a govt that is capable of NWO.If forces so evil are at work you might just be supporting the wrong people.
Like religion if the devil excisted and his soul purpose was to take all our souls to hell the best way evil to get support is to look like the good guys.
maybe the govt wasn`t involved in 9/11 the real purpotraitors want you to believe the govt was involved.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:39 PM
Look, the US government and the UK government and the others of the coalition are a bunch of proven liars and tricksters and war criminals
I don't need no otherwise evidence
Just viewing the demolition of the WTC on the day it happened was sufficient proof for me
So I will not view the action of these dumbed down special forces as anything other than frontrunners for an evil empire. They are special - special dupes

Originally posted by weirdo

Well should I start at the beginning with the very loud and always bulging Alex Jones of

and this little video

I don't personally agree with Alex's perspective totally but I can see him as a more and more brave man whose own self -belief and rectitude is protecting him from the #ting little cowards who direct the activities of the special forces
This is now becoming a psychic struggle

Don`t you realise that if you believe the govt is capable of doing these types of things then it is plausable that Alex Jones and Infowars is a lie to trick you into pulling down your (if you American) govt ready to put in a govt that is capable of NWO.If forces so evil are at work you might just be supporting the wrong people.
Like religion if the devil excisted and his soul purpose was to take all our souls to hell the best way evil to get support is to look like the good guys.
maybe the govt wasn`t involved in 9/11 the real purpotraitors want you to believe the govt was involved.

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