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Who has the best Special Forces ?

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posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by weirdo

Well should I start at the beginning with the very loud and always bulging Alex Jones of

and this little video

I don't personally agree with Alex's perspective totally but I can see him as a more and more brave man whose own self -belief and rectitude is protecting him from the #ting little cowards who direct the activities of the special forces
This is now becoming a psychic struggle

Don`t you realise that if you believe the govt is capable of doing these types of things then it is plausable that Alex Jones and Infowars is a lie to trick you into pulling down your (if you American) govt ready to put in a govt that is capable of NWO.If forces so evil are at work you might just be supporting the wrong people.
Like religion if the devil excisted and his soul purpose was to take all our souls to hell the best way evil to get support is to look like the good guys.
maybe the govt wasn`t involved in 9/11 the real purpotraitors want you to believe the govt was involved.


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 06:52 PM
Yep and shouldn't I always realise there are agency implants on these lines and how to recognise them

quote]Originally posted by weirdo

Well should I start at the beginning with the very loud and always bulging Alex Jones of

and this little video

I don't personally agree with Alex's perspective totally but I can see him as a more and more brave man whose own self -belief and rectitude is protecting him from the #ting little cowards who direct the activities of the special forces
This is now becoming a psychic struggle

Don`t you realise that if you believe the govt is capable of doing these types of things then it is plausable that Alex Jones and Infowars is a lie to trick you into pulling down your (if you American) govt ready to put in a govt that is capable of NWO.If forces so evil are at work you might just be supporting the wrong people.
Like religion if the devil excisted and his soul purpose was to take all our souls to hell the best way evil to get support is to look like the good guys.
maybe the govt wasn`t involved in 9/11 the real purpotraitors want you to believe the govt was involved.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 05:05 AM
Israeli Sayeret Matkal is the best special force in the world, leaving SAS and Delta Force way behind. The fact you hear very little about them, is due to their top secret missions and secret existment, but the fact is that State of Israel doesnt get bombed by terrorists every day, is also due the work of Syeret Matkal.
Also Shayetet-13 is way more better than the SEALS, and it's work is secret too. Same goes for Duvdevan and Shaldag special forces. Israeli pilots are also considered as special forces, only the best can become pilots in IAF. They are the best in their job, you wont find any better trained pilots than the Israelis. They get way more flight hours than any other country, and always trained to be the best.
Israel also have the largest amount of special forces in an army, amoung the world's aremd forces.

So the best special force in the world, is Sayeret Matkal.

In resent years, IDF published some of the Sayeret Matkal's missions, methods, and organization as the top special force in IDF. If you want to read about it, repply here, and I'll post it.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 05:54 AM
The only special force on earth that can be compared to Israeli Sayeret Matkal is the British SAS.

The fact is that American and British special forces like Delta Force, SAS, as also US pilots and RAF pilots, learn the methods of Israeli special forces like Sayeret Matkal, Duvdevan and IAF pilots, and sometimes being trained by them.

Israel is the only free democratic state on earth that is under threats since the day it was formed (1948), and the fact that State of Israel is still exist today is mostly because the work of the Israeli special forces in the Israeli-Arab wars (1948 war of independence, 1956 the battle over the Suez channel, 1967 Six Days war, 1973 Yom Kipur war) and the later war against terrorism that Israel is expiriencing since 1976, including the war in Lebanon of 1982.

Thats why the American, British, Australian, German, Swedish and other special forces are learning from Israeli special forces.
Yon wont find any other country, any other special forces, with that much of expirience with wars and terrorism.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:45 AM
geeez please im on the floor having a heart attack.

No.1 If you knew anything about the british army period, you would know uptill very recently there was no relations with the isreali forces( can you say king david hotel+the little incident in the mid 80`s in london and also isrealis trying supply argentina with exocet missiles during the falklands war)
The british army has a long memory and remembers all the isrealis dirty tricks, frankly they dont trust them and i doubt they ever will(this is where you scream anti semtic now. the word has no meaning over here, ill accept anti septic though)

You ever wonder why during this gulf war, The SAS was kept away from there normal area, afterall they have the most exprience there, Well it cos the Isrealis was operating in the western dessert .

So how can the isrealis train the british? We invented counter terrorism teams.
Personelly i would say your snipers need retraining. Whats the count so far 80 children under 10 years olds all head shots?

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by yeehaa
Personelly i would say your snipers need retraining. Whats the count so far 80 children under 10 years olds all head shots?

Yeah, that what happens when you fight gunman who hide behind children and people who are brainwashed at schools to murder you, something britain knows nothing about.

And yes, perhaps the SAS doesn't have joint training with Israeli SF (Though I know the US SF do), but Israel is probably the leading country is Counter Terrorism, and Brtitish experts DO come to learn from Israel, as almost every other country does.

As for experience - some Israeli units have about 5 operations per week, sometimes even more, 99% percent of them are classified and succesfull. I think thats about 5 times more (per week) than any SAS team, or any other SF unit in the world (well, perhaps except russia)

[edit on 30/10/04 by Transc3ndent]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 07:25 AM

where do you get all your facts and figures from?
do you fancy sharing the link?

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:07 AM
There are many things that they dont tell you.
Doesnt mean it's aint true.

British special forces do learn from Israeli special forces, and train together in training in USA. Israeli elite units teach Biritih and American elite units in training over USA land, if you like it or not.

Also they learn from Israeli special units by learning their military actions, with or without Israeli involvment in their training.

There are no better trained and expirienced special forces than the Israeli Sayeret Matkal, IAF pilots, and other IDF's elite units. Deal with it.

P.S I am going to post here some facts that IDF has released recently about Sayeret Matkal. Israeli special forces are top secret, some are unknown for the public, and Sayeret Matkal's missions and methods were released to the media in 1% of their full info. It's still 99% secret.

Oh and some of IDF's special forces have training 6 times a week, like the IAF pilots for example.

Those guys know how to fly as they know how to walk.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

where do you get all your facts and figures from?
do you fancy sharing the link?

I don't have any links, since those facts and figures were published in the Israeli media. The 5 operations per week was a figure given by a YAMAM op, for example.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by IAFthunderpilot
There are many things that they dont tell you.
Doesnt mean it's aint true.

British special forces do learn from Israeli special forces, and train together in training in USA. Israeli elite units teach Biritih and American elite units in training over USA land, if you like it or not.

Some joint training with US and Germany is also done in Israel, not only in the US. I know Marines Recon come here for joint training.

[edit on 30/10/04 by Transc3ndent]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:42 AM
I know that.
I talked about the British lol

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:50 AM
the British SAS are the best of the known special forces by far. i mean they taught most other pec forces how to fight at some point.

as for the less well known units, 14 Commando has to be the best.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by Andrey Mikhailovich
the British SAS are the best of the known special forces by far. i mean they taught most other pec forces how to fight at some point.

Thats like saying tennis coaches are the best tennis players simply because they teach others.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:14 AM
For me, Sayeret Matkal is the best. Not only that american, german, australian and british special forces learn their methods, but also they have the most amount of training and combat expirience due to the situation here.

After them the best are IAF pilots, simply because of the same things that I have said about Sayeret Matkal- usa, uk, germany and autsraliaa air forces having a close learning from IAF pilots once a year, and as I said IAF pilots are most expirienced and trained.

It's all refer back to the situation which Israel is in it since 1948, and eaven I would go far as 1929, when arab terror attacks actually started back then, and the "Nodedet" special unit was formed in summer 1936 by the Hagana and was mainly Israel's first special unit.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 09:59 AM
Confirmed and confessed, B. Michael
Yediot Aharonot
October, 2004

Between Sept 29 and Oct 15, fifteen days in all, I killed thirty children. Two children per day.

Two dead children per day is more or less four bereaved parents per day. Why more or less? Because some of them were brothers. So, two dead children for one pair of bereaved parents. Perhaps that's better, because these parents are bereaved anyway, so they are just bereaved twice, and another pair of parents is released from being bereaved. But perhaps it is less good, because to be bereaved is worse than being dead, and being twice bereaved is twice worse than being dead. So I don't really know what to decide.

All these children I killed in the Gaza Strip, and all of them I killed by mistake. That is, I knew that there were children there, and I knew I would kill some of them, but since I knew it would be by mistake I did not feel so pressured about it. Because everybody makes mistakes. Only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes. Mistakes happen, we are all human beings. That is what I think is so nice about my mistakes, they make me so human and fallible, is it not so?

The 30 children I killed by all kind of mistakes. Each child with his special mistake. There was one about whom I thought by mistake that he was not a child. And there was one which I hit because he insisted on standing exactly on the spot at which I decided to shoot. And there was one who threw stones and did not at all look six years old. And there was one who from the air looked like a wanted terrorist. Or like a Qassam rocket. Or like a terrorist holding a Qassam rocket. And there were some children who by mistake got into their heads some of the shrapnel from the shell I shot into their house. And there was one who by mistake hid under her bed exactly when I blew up the bed in order to expel the terrorist squad which was hiding there. But this does not count, it was her mistake, not mine.

I remember it was the most hard with my first mistake. I shot and shot and shot, then they told me I had killed a child. I became pale, and my mouth was dry, and my knees were shaking, and in general I did not sleep very well that night. But with the passing of time, and of mistakes, it became much easier. Now I make mistakes with hardly any side-effects. It was very helpful that my friends, my environment, everybody, did not make so much fuss over every small mistake.

Here, just last week, when I killed by mistake one girl, I shot two more mistakes into her head, just to make sure that I was making a mistake. And then the rest of my magazine, full of mistakes. Once, I would not have been able to do that.

True, some people tell me that I am making a mistake in making this confession. They tell I have not been in Gaza at all, and did not shoot any bullet, and did not bomb, and did not shell, and did not snipe. That's true, I did not. But who paid for the bullets? Me. And who bought the gun? And financed the shell? And the missile? Me. Me. Me. Also me.

And also, who is not growing pale any more with every new mistake? Whose mouth is not getting dry when one more child is laid in the earth? Whose knees do not grow weak when another nameless baby lies dead in a bloody cradle? Who goes on sleeping soundly even when the number of mistakes reaches thirty in two weeks? Me. Also me. So, don't tell me I didn't kill.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:12 AM
Yeah sure.

We also make matsot for passover from their blood. You forgot mentioning that.

And pleace, if there is one creepy soldier, that doesnt show the rest of teh army. What abaout the british bombing over berlin? And how about the iraqis that are killed by USA and british forces every day?
When terrorists hide behind civilians, thats what happens.

Sorry for not being sad about it. Yeah it shouldnt happen, however when the terrorists hide behind children, they actually bring it on themselvs.

And pleace, you eaven dont know from which unit was the soldier and what happened. You are a total idiot.

Give me the link to this article!

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:24 AM
By the way, most of those teenagers are shooting at IDF soldiers, and trying to harm them, while Hamas vanaging it, and gives suicide missions for children, knowing that they will be killed and IDF will be blamed. Often the hamas militants take the weaopns from those "children" who were shot, and then they cry that IDF sniper shot a child who went to school.
Yeah sure they are just innocent poeple, going out of their home during a fight betwin IDF and Hamas, just for fun.

The minor part of them is being killed by mistake. Ask Hamas to stop hiding behind children and shooting IDF soldiers behind those children and from civilians houses and this wont happen.

And for IDF soldiers that kill innocent children deliberately, those are being jailed, and luckily they are 0.00001% of IDF soldiers.
Not mentioning eaven that IDF special units dont make such mistakes.

You are a total freak.

There are two sides for such stories.
You choose who you stand for, however you should check who you stand for by looking at the other side before you decide.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:27 AM
Show me the link to this article of Yedion Ahronot.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:41 AM
By the way those day to day conflicts with terrorism, are THE reason that american, british, german, australian and other special forces are learning from IDF special forces. The expirience.

The second reason is the training, IDF elite forces simply have more training hours and real combat expirience that any other special forces around the world. There is always a conflict, most are unknown to the public.
Not eaven mentioning the Israeli-Arab wars, which all major air forces around the world today and tank crews around the world today and special units are learning from the Israeli methods in those wars.
Same goes for IDF actions against terrorism- USA, UK and others learn from IDF's elite forces.
And that doesnt always mean a join training, it could be just learning from the events.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:46 AM
American and British actions against terrorism in Iraq today, are taken from the IDF's expirience in gaza, wesk bank, Lebanon, etc.

It's clear like the sun when you look the methods they are using in Iraq.

So do not tell me that they have better special forces....

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