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Who has the best Special Forces ?

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posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by innkue
i've heard delta force train under SAS...

also, i've heard SBS are better than SAS.

also i think this thread is a little rediculous, heh.

Wrong on all 3 counts.

Post something useful in the future and don't just waste space.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 03:01 PM
Spetsnaz is a very general group. Within Spetsnaz there are what you call the real Specail Forces. Spetsnaz is good at what they do and the Russian government didnt cash strap them. But its very hard to go higher then the general Spetsnaz. You have to be very good and dedicated. I know for experiance and alot of my friends try and only one got in. I cant seem to see him around anymore though.

Also to get into the plain general Spetsnaz you need to be in the Russian military for 4 years minimum. After that you can sign up for it but you will only get in if you pass the tests and you are recommended by some high people.


[edit on 25-10-2004 by Russian]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 03:27 PM
I believe, there isn't the best per se, each group has their specialty(s) and not one group is specialised in every aspect of covert or unconventional warfare.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 03:56 PM
Top SF groups? Hmm.. that depends on the mission and the group's specialties.
Overall, because of their versitility,I would nominate SAS(UK), 1st SFOD-D aka "Delta Force", ASAS(Australia).

Maritime operations- DEVGROUP aka "SEAL Team SIX"(USA), SBS(UK), S.E.A.Ls(USA)
Hostage Rescue- GSG-9(Germany), SAS(UK), 1st SFOD-D(USA), Israeli units
Urban combat- 1st SFOD-D(US), SAS(UK), GSG-9(Germany), various Israeli units.
Rural/jungle warfare- SAS(UK), Marine Force Recon(USA)
Indiginous force training- Special Forces(USA), SAS(UK)
Intelligence- various Israeli units,SAS(UK), 1st SFOD-D(USA)
Combat Rescue- Airforce Pararescue aka "PJs"(USA)

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Russian
Spetsnaz is a very general group. Within Spetsnaz there are what you call the real Specail Forces. Spetsnaz is good at what they do and the Russian government didnt cash strap them. But its very hard to go higher then the general Spetsnaz. You have to be very good and dedicated. I know for experiance and alot of my friends try and only one got in. I cant seem to see him around anymore though.

Also to get into the plain general Spetsnaz you need to be in the Russian military for 4 years minimum. After that you can sign up for it but you will only get in if you pass the tests and you are recommended by some high people.


[edit on 25-10-2004 by Russian]

spetnaz isnt just good thier CRAZY. who else starts jumping over pits with metal spikes in it for FUN. hell anyone in spetnaz sure knows their stuff.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 03:59 PM
twelve limey brits in baghdad proves nothing except they are in search of a dentist.

The French and Canadians don't have armies for reasons of cowardice. Neither do the Germans or the Japanese - TRUE!

America is the best

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by mad scientist

Originally posted by innkue
i've heard delta force train under SAS...

also, i've heard SBS are better than SAS.

also i think this thread is a little rediculous, heh.

Wrong on all 3 counts.

Post something useful in the future and don't just waste space.

well all three cross train well except SBS and delta , no point in delta learning to raid a ship is there. to get in the SBS you need to be in the SAS.
i wouldnt call the SBS better overall just in some areas, and in some areas the SAS are well ahead.
i mean the SAS are good at reacon behind enemy lines but thier boat troop is no where near as good as the SBS M squadron.
but then again the SAS are better at air and land insertions but the SBS will no doubt be better by sea.
they all have thier strengths.
the SAS and delta do cross train though.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
spetnaz isnt just good thier CRAZY. who else starts jumping over pits with metal spikes in it for FUN. hell anyone in spetnaz sure knows their stuff.

Spetsnaz are not crazy. They are just kept between hell and suicde. War is heaven for them. I can argue that Spetsnaz can out perform alot of others including USA.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by crossfire
twelve limey brits in baghdad proves nothing except they are in search of a dentist.

The French and Canadians don't have armies for reasons of cowardice. Neither do the Germans or the Japanese - TRUE!

America is the best

really , before any other person get this i wanna say something.
the black watch in bagdad are doing a job so YOUR guys can fight more bad guys hell we are saveing you bringing more troops in.
french and germans dont have an army eh? so i take it the HK models that every country buys are what? secret REALLLLY USA made guns?
no offence to the USA but they have done as bad a job and as good a job as the rest of the world.
hell bet you didnt know that the SAS went in and saved 2 CIA lads in afghanistan from the enemy ?

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Russian

Spetsnaz are not crazy.

not crayz in the bad sense but in the sense that they seem to laugh at danger and spit in its face

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:12 PM
Sure 'preciate the Brits looking after the voting booths.

Lets the Americans get on with the job of getting rid of the terrorists.

Hey listen English dont get me wrong - you are our friends - more than can be said for the French doncha think?

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:03 PM
The UK guys are right up there with ours.

If there are differences it comes down to the skills of the individual men and the particular emphasis that their unit has put on training.

Like I said before, if you have some underwater demolition or need to take a port from the sea - my money is on the SEALs.

If you want to take out some terrorists, I'd go with Delta or SAS.

If you want to slaughter people and scare a rogue warlord/drug lord into submission, the the Spetznaz are your best bet.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by crossfire
Sure 'preciate the Brits looking after the voting booths.

Lets the Americans get on with the job of getting rid of the terrorists.

Hey listen English dont get me wrong - you are our friends - more than can be said for the French doncha think?

ok ill exsplain this as calmly as possible........breathe............firstly the black watch are doing a bit more than look after the voteing booth they are under US command and are just as good as any ranger.
secondly dont you EVER insult the black watch ever again they've been around in service longer than your entire military forces and most of the military forces of the world!
thirdly "let you get on with dealing with terrorists" what you suddenly think you dont need our help? think you can go solo.
think it was only america that got hurt on 9/11?
think oh thier just getting involved with the war on terror because we are allies?
well i'll let you answer these questions.
i have respect for the french, they are not bad troops not bad at all.
and they know their aircraft.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

If you want to slaughter people and scare a rogue warlord/drug lord into submission, the the Spetznaz are your best bet.

oh yeah nothing beats the fear into a criminal than a scary, slightly crazy , highly trained ,heavily armed and all togehter bad ass russian.

[edit on 25-10-2004 by devilwasp]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 07:24 PM
The Canadians, the Mounties can destroy anybody and everybody hands down.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp

Originally posted by American Mad Man

If you want to slaughter people and scare a rogue warlord/drug lord into submission, the the Spetznaz are your best bet.

oh yeah nothing beats the fear into a criminal than a scary, slightly crazy , highly trained ,heavily armed and all togehter bad ass russian.

[edit on 25-10-2004 by devilwasp]

Exactly - I wouldn't want them storming a theater if I were being held hostage there, but I think I would take that rather then have those dudes hunting me down!

I remember watching some training film of them, and their drill sargents would literally just beat them. Those are some tough tough men.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:13 AM
Not living in the UK, security ain't the same here. Before you get your funky dagger badge etc you're a real soldier first, that ain't classified.

One fact militates against US earning the "best" title. Blue-on-blue #-ups.

Who said pilots should be considered the best special forces? US pilots are the worst, ask the Royal Fusiliers how much they like American pilots. Canadians aren't too hot on American targeting either.

In Grenada the SEALs drowned and in Panama Delta got hammered in a firefight. Not good when you tell yourselves you're the best.

The Para Jumpers are seriously hot, though. What's their new name? But that's down to mission, saving, not taking lives. They think differently.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
It all comes down to the mission.

If it involves water, the SEALs are the best.

If it is counter terrorism, I'd say that Delta and SAS are probably the best.

When it comes to water SBS have been at it for 60 years. Also COMSUBIN are a useful bunch, got some interesting home-made toys.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:29 AM
I got censored - Blue-on-blue "errors"

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:54 AM
I'd go with:

German GSG-9 for counter-terrorism

Russian Spetsnaz for operations against organized crime and druglords

UN Seekers for infiltration and information removal

USN Seals for marine operations

GB SAS for artic operations

Chinese Urban Operational Force for urban unconventional warfare

It's a toss up between the US Delta Force and the GB SAS for surgical strike


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